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Questions tagged [dictionary]

A dictionary maps keys to values allowing efficient retrieval of values by keys. Use the [map-function] tag for mapping functions; use the [maps] tag for geography.

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2 answers

What is wrong in my solution for Leetcode's RansomNote

I am working on the Leetcode problem 383. Ransom Note: Given two strings ransomNote and magazine, return true if ransomNote can be constructed by using the letters from magazine and false otherwise. ...
Icy's user avatar
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1 answer

Best way to build a multilevel dict of dicts [duplicate]

I'm adding entries into a multi-level dict like this... d = {} level1 = "some level1 value" level2 = "some level2 value" level3 = "some level3 value" data = "some ...
Glenn's user avatar
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2 answers

A list of tuples from dictionary where values are lists

I need to convert a dictionary in a form {1: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2: ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h']} to a list of tuples in a form [(1, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), (2, 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h')]. When I try that: ...
Zelimir_Horvat_CRO's user avatar
-3 votes
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How can I select these houses on an interactive and dynamic map element? [closed]

I try to get the housing units per Address in the area as it's good exercise. But I don't know how I can cycle through the addresses by clicking the individual houses with a script. I can't find the ...
SailingHobo's user avatar
-1 votes
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C++ removing LAST object from map causes program to terminate [duplicate]

I'm new to C++ and I'm working with some old C++ code. Below is a basic example of the code that is failing? There are some comments in the example code explaining the error. Basically when removing ...
user1337497's user avatar
-3 votes
4 answers

How to create a dictionary with a key and a list of values from multiple folders and files [closed]

I have a three folders in GCS and I want to create a dictionary that has the folder name as the key and its contents as the values with without the file_type as the values. How do I do this? For a bit ...
BloodKid01's user avatar
-3 votes
0 answers

Use string as part of a variable name in Python [duplicate]

I would like to use a string to create a variable name. For example, let's say I have a list of strings: caseName = ["A", "B", "C"] I want to create different variables ...
jeirual's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Why KeyError in python dict but Key exists? [closed]

code: for targetMetric in targetMetricArr: print(targetMetric) print(valueDict[curEndPoint].keys()) try: print(len(valueDict[curEndpoint][targetMetric])) except: print('...
Frontier_Setter's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How can I rename a column in a list of data frames and the name of the column depends on the position of the data frame?

I have a list of three data frames (df1, df2, and df3) each with three columns (x, y, and z). I would like to rename a column (z) for all data frames, but the new name of the column depends on the ...
Clarkie's user avatar
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-2 votes
0 answers

Better way of mapping nested arrays in javascript? [closed]

I have an object const resp = [ { "projectId":"26549b0e-bf31-db41-f2c0-734be4220846", "projectName":"Project 1", "jobs":[ { ...
dariusz's user avatar
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1 answer

Use of defalut dict such that the default is a dict with an empty list [duplicate]

The main object is a dictionary whose keys are strings, values a 2nd dictionary. The 2nd dictionary has string keys, and list values. I want to append a new value to the empty list created using ...
Mikef's user avatar
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Function can't return dictionary in VBA

I'm working on an EXCEL Macro (Microsoft office 365 for entreprise - can't find the version number). I'm struggling with a small problem, I would appreciate some help. In my code (below), I work with ...
Brocas Sylvain's user avatar
-1 votes
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Hover the mouse over the location to see the details. I want to click again like Google map [closed]

I have an SVG of maps, whose path value comes from the back end and prints properly. Now when I hover my mouse cursor over a location, it pops up like a google map with the details of that location, ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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1 answer

How to create extended dict Class requiring key/values on get()

I'm trying to build a custom class that will require keys and/or values when getting them from a dict. This is a simple version of what I have written, getRequired and is only checking for keys. class ...
mountainmantra's user avatar
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How to decode a JSON API (php) call and then display it as text in a ScrollView - SWIFTUI

I have been trying to decode a JSON from a PHP that I have and then displaying the results as Text. I am getting either one of two errors with everything I have tried. The first issue would be "...
HKelz's user avatar
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1 answer

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.FailedPreconditionError: C:\Users\Ata Onur Özdemir\PycharmProjects\Emotion_Detection\output is not a directory

This is a sample Sentimental Analysis code for hotel reviews like positive or negative. I use pandas, transformers, datasets, turkish_lm_tuner libraries. Firstly, I think Path name (C:\Users\Ata Onur ...
Ata Onur Özdemir's user avatar
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how to view FlutterMap?

I used this flutter code to view map but the error "The named parameter 'children' is required, but there's no corresponding argument. (Documentation)" in body: FlutterMap import 'package:...
Fatma Achour's user avatar
3 votes
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Collect values as dictionary in parent column using Pyspark

I have code and data like below: df_renamed = df.withColumnRenamed("id","").withColumnRenamed("status_1","steps.status").withColumnRenamed("...
RushHour's user avatar
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Plotting def function from research paper leads to errors

I am trying to plot this complex def function from a research paper that I read for a project and I keep getting that the map function is not iterable. When I run the code by itself, it's fine, but ...
Joshua Mallay's user avatar
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Replace subtrings in a list of strings using dictionary in python

I have a list of substrings: ls = ['BLAH a b c A B C D 12 34 56', 'BLAH d A B 12 45 78', 'BLAH a/b A B C 12 45 78', 'BLAH a/ b A 12 45 78', 'BLAH a b c A B C D 12 34 99'] I want to ...
frank's user avatar
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access target value by providing key Map<>

class CurrencyExchange { Map<String, double> exchangeRates = { 'USD': 1.0, 'EUR': 0.85, 'JPY': 110.15, 'GBP': 0.72, 'AUD': 1.39, 'CAD': 1.25, 'CHF': 0.92, 'CNY':...
Emran's user avatar
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-4 votes
0 answers

How to Add values to Generic type Maps [closed]

I am trying to add some values to the Generic type MAP. Map<T, T> Generics = new HashMap<T,T>(); How to put values to Generics, This Cannot be done in STS IDE, Whatever value type i added ...
kalees waran's user avatar
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1 answer

Reading output of tokens_compound into a dictionary

I want to use tokens_compound to examine the frequency of phrases in the documents of a corpus. I used the corpus data_corpus_inaugural for illustrative purposes and selected some ngrams to search for....
bgreen's user avatar
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1 answer

Use Map<String, SomeClass> in RealmSwift?

Code example: @objcMembers class Obj1: Object { dynamic var obj2: Obj2? } @objcMembers class Obj2: Object { dynamic var obj3: Obj3? } @objcMembers class Obj3: Object { dynamic var val: ...
Gargo's user avatar
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Populate the dictionary [DateComponents: EventType], How to add dates to a date dictionary

I would like to get this result: var eventDate: [DateComponents: EventType] = [ DateComponents(calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian), year: 2024, month: 7, day: 04): .busy, ...
user26220380's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Can I reference key name in dict value definition?

Is there a way to reference name of key at definition time of the value of the key? For example: cmds = {"DO1": get_data(key), "DO2": get_data(key), ...} If it is available each ...
simryang's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to check if a KeyValuePair<string, int> contains a specific Key in a Dictionary in one line?

In my code I have a Dictionary, which at first was just <string, int>. However, I needed a way for two things with the same string to be separate elements in the Dictionary, so I made the Key ...
polelord's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Split "Path Variable" string in a Dictionary in c#

I want to break the string: value1/672/value2/32/value3/21413 In a Dictionary<string, string> How can I do this without the use for a for loop?
Ulisses Farias's user avatar
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Map values set inside of a function not availabe in a different function

My NextJS server executes a function called "loadAllUserPools" during start up. Here's what the [abbreviated] file with this function looks like: let userPoolMap = new Map(); export async ...
Gus's user avatar
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Covariance for value in Dictionary

I'm trying to add a more derived type as value to a dictionary<..., base> but i get the following error: Cannot convert from HandleIntegrationEvent<TR> to HandleIntegrationEvent<...
Paul Dreyer's user avatar
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ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required While trying to get command line args in jinja2

I am trying to run this code : import sys from jinja2 import Template vars = sys.argv print(vars) myTech = { "mad 1": 'backend', "mad 2": 'frontend' } temp = Template(&...
Mindjacker_101's user avatar
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Markov Chain Text Generator with CSV Input and Random Seeding [closed]

The program must only run on a Linux-Based machine and can only accept libraries of the C standard. This program aims to generate text based on a Markov chain model using input from a CSV file. The ...
iPc's user avatar
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Reviewing nested dictionaries in Python

I have a nested dictionary inside another dictionary with a key value of a date. The value of the dictionary (inside the dictionary) is a list of 6 numbers. How do I access the individual numbers of ...
NetGary0430's user avatar
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Seaborn Code for Plotting Multiple Line Plots

I used read the json file (16_results.json) to read data, I want to creates multiple line plots using the Seaborn and Matplotlib libraries to visualize data for four different values (fed_acc, fed_pre,...
Man.utd's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get a formatted line from a dictionary var?

I'm pretty new to Ansible and I'm not sure how to get it right. To start with, I have implemented this dictionary var for an exemple. There is 2 values but it could be a greater number: tf_ETCD: 1: ...
brett's user avatar
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Convert string into list of dictionaries in python [duplicate]

Used this site a bunch, but this is my first post. Thanks, in advance, to anyone who might be able to offer advice! I'm using Python3 to read an excel file. I have a bunch of cells that contain data ...
Ray Rosene's user avatar
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How to perform a similar action on multiple cells with a varying parameter

I was asked, after providing this answer, how to make the following code work in the case where you have multiple cells (ie. TARGET_CELL_ADDRESS should take multiple values) and each cell has their ...
DecimalTurn's user avatar
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Is there a way to place a dictionary value into a variable defined by the users' input()?

Can someone please help me with the following solution? I’m relatively new to programming and I don’t seem to get what I’m doing wrong. I have found too many dictionary functions and I am really ...
Zimmie's user avatar
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Why does converting a nested python dictionary into a pandas dataframe result in "has no attribute 'items' error?

I have a nested dictionary stored in the variable nested_dict_variable. The dictionary is retrieved by using SPSS valueLabels Property (Python) type(nested_dict_variable) results in dict. print(...
xChillout's user avatar
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How does global variable gets updated here?

This question is not seeking a solution. But an explanation for the working solution. The problem I had was to create a nested JSON where I get the hierarchy in a dot(.) separated formate. example ...
rv7284's user avatar
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Function that returns tuples composed of a Python dictionary

I'm trying to create a function that takes a list of tokenized words for a review, and a label and returns a list of tuples composed of a Python dictionary and the label associated. You can see what I ...
Kevin Veeder's user avatar
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3 answers

Creating a dictionary from a subset of a list

Suppose I have python list like this: master_list = ['a_1', 'b_4', 'd_2', 'c_3', 'a_2', 'c_1', 'd_4', 'b_3', 'd_3', 'c_2', 'a_4', 'b_1', 'c_4', 'a_3', 'b_1'...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Converting between two sets of constants [duplicate]

I have two enums NAME and ALIAS which are guaranteed to have the same number of constants, and I need a way to convert each constant from NAME to its corresponding one from ALIAS, and vice-versa. For ...
Martin's user avatar
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Trying to get dict[k] from a dict in a list of dicts for k in list or string

I have a couple dictionaries with differing values for the same keys. I have a list of these dicts and I want to return the values from only 1 of the dicts based on the matched keys inside a different ...
AquaBearing's user avatar
4 votes
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How to restructure instance segmentation predictions into a custom dictionary format in Python?

I'm performing instance segmentation using a model trained in RoboFlow, for the prediction result I'm getting: [InstanceSegmentationInferenceResponse(visualization=None, frame_id=None, time=None, ...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Creating a column based on column values and dictionaries using vectorization in pandas

I have three columns in a pandas dataframe A, B, and C. I also have 3 dictionaries, dict_A, dict_B, dict_C that have all values of A, B, and C as keys in each respective dataframe. I am trying to ...
nickbagley's user avatar
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Value of nested dict remains unchanged in loop [duplicate]

Consider the following: template = {"first": "John", "last": "Doe", "numbers": {"age": 30}} people = [] for age in range(30, 41): ...
mrgou's user avatar
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change value in inner map with stream

I have this kind of map Map<String, Object> , As you can see there is a inner map "token" and inside this map, there is inner map "tokeninfo": { "id": "...
orly.sharon's user avatar
2 votes
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Cartesian product of dict of lists in Python [duplicate]

I would like to have a Python function cartesian_product which takes a dictionary of lists as input and returns as output a list containing as elements all possible dictionary which can be formed by ...
Smiley1000's user avatar
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Is there any benefit of using a dictionary comprehension if an equivalent dict(zip(a, b)) is possible?

Recently I have been working with dictionaries and I was to told to make dictionaries out of two lists like this: zipped = {key: value for key, value in zip(drinks, caffeine)} Later I forgot how to ...
Rougejupiter 's user avatar

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