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31 discussion posts
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Best Cloud Platform (AWS, GCP, Azure) for Deploying E-commerce Startup Application: EKS vs. GKE vs. AKS?

I'm in the process of deploying my e-commerce startup application to the cloud and I'm seeking advice on choosing the best cloud platform among AWS, GCP, and Azure, as well as the optimal managed ...

Shaista Aman's user avatar
2 votes
14 replies

Is C# .net For Client Applications Dead?

Since Xamarin is officially out of support, and MAUI is a complete disaster (and considering nobody, even microsoft doesn't use it...for anything), is it safe to say that C#, or .net in general for ...

Gimby's user avatar
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Does any Azure B2C application required subscription access?

I'm not very clear on B2C. I'm expecting some help when migrating applications from another cloud to AzureB2B. Does any B2C application required subscription access? if yes, why? if no why not? Any ...

Daniel Krzyczkowski's user avatar
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Migrating from Azure App Service with ACR to AWS

I have deployed a NestJS application on Azure App Service using Azure Container Registry (ACR). I am now planning to migrate this application to AWS without any manual intervention. Are there any ...

Jenish MS's user avatar
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Need Recommendations for Fine-Tuning LLMs on Azure ML: Best Practices

I need recommendations for each of the following questions: Choice of Models Should I use Hugging Face models or models available in the cloud via an API (e.g., models from Replicate or Azure ML)? ...

M--'s user avatar
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Is it possilbe to host mult-stack applications on an app service?

Hello everyone, Sorry if this is a duplicate, but I've been trying to find an answer for a couple of days but couldn't. We have an application that was based on a headless PHP cms. We built our ...

Theo's user avatar
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Performance impact of SQL assessment on Azure VM where SQL Server is hosted

We have an SQL Server hosted in an Azure VM (Source VM). Now we are planning to migrate it into Azure SQL Managed Instance. While running the assessment and capturing the data for recommendation, will ...

Seema Habib's user avatar
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Renew Azure DevOps PAT non-interactively

I'm able to manage the Azure DevOps Personal Access Tokens through the REST API if the interactive logon is enabled for the account. However, my scope is to disable the interactive logon. I've tried ...

aguerooo_9320's user avatar
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Can't get Azure Firewall rules to match with Peered Vnet

I want to create a spoked architecture, where all my vnets route to a centralized azure firewall in order to block all traffic except what we allow. I can see the requests being forwarded to the azure ...

KrisSodroski's user avatar
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How to logging in application insights using managed identity?

How to logging logs in application insights using managed identity in .net core . According Microsoft azure document based am doing below way First create managed identity and that client id configure ...

KrisSodroski's user avatar
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When Azure Marketplace will support Bicep or Terraform?

The Azure Marketplace appears to struggle with integration across Microsoft's broader technology ecosystem. Its omission of support for key infrastructure-as-code tools like Bicep and Terraform ...

Koder101's user avatar
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Using Azure AI for building a startup idea

I have just started using Azure AI and find it useful. How should I begin using it to put my idea to action? The idea revolves around using AI in fashion where I could figure out multiple use cases of ...

richerd's user avatar
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Host verification failed after SFTP to azure container blob

I have a blob container in Azure (cloud) where I store video files. These video files are sent from multiple linux machines that creates them on events and sends them every night to the blob using a ...

vegiv's user avatar
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Can we have huge number of endpoints in same azure function or aws lambda?

In my organization I am noticing that people are keep on adding different endpoints in same function.cs file provided by azure. I am wondering is this correct approach for exponentially growing code? ...

Chris Schaller's user avatar
11 votes
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My notes on various annoyances and surprises with Azure AppServices - what are yours?

As a preface, I'd like to clearly state that I understand and appreciate the benefits of website (AppService) "isolation": ensuring that services do not have dependencies (intentional or ...

user71030's user avatar
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