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714 Discussions
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Registration Form

What are the best ways to create interactive Registration form using Python?

Ryan M's user avatar
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Big Query Project Ideas

Hey everyone, I am new to Big Query. I need to know about BigQuery in detail. I checked various videos on YouTube but got nothing useful. Can anyone suggest me ideas for creating big query projects ...

user20085's user avatar
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5 votes
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PDF merging - what is the current accepted solution for later versions of PHP (8 and above)

What is the current accepted solution for merging PDF's into single documents? There seem to be a host of older libraries on GitHub that support up to version PHP8 but they are all massively out of ...

Spencer's user avatar
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How can the Flask framework be used to build an application which maintains large quantities of state?

I am trying to write a http/rest-api wrapper around some internal process state and ran into a problem when I realized I have only used Flask to write stateless web applications before and currently I ...

FreelanceConsultant's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a free alternative to Postman?

Testfully used to be an alternative to Postman but recently they have discontinued the free version, and the desktop app now requires a $200/yr license. Is there a free alternative to Postman/...

Reuben Wisdom 's user avatar
4 votes
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"Exploring GitHub's Best Practices for Collaboration: Tips and Tricks"

Hello everyone, I'm reaching out to gather insights and personal experiences related to best practices for using GitHub, particularly in the context of collaborative projects. GitHub offers a wide ...

Mohamed Abdullah's user avatar
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It's 2024, can you still get a job if you only know jsp and servlet as well as html and jquery ......

I'd love to know what people think of these "outdated" technologies nowadays. Or will there still be a large number of companies using these technologies for production now?

Kevin Krumwiede's user avatar
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Securely Accessing Authentication API in Tauri/Next.js without Exposing .env Secrets

I'm building a desktop application with Next.js and Tauri and need to securely authenticate users without storing API keys directly in a .env file, as this seems particularly risky in a bundled Tauri ...

abuzain's user avatar
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Are there any benchmarks or performance comparisons between Python with the new JIT enabled and Python without the JIT?

Python 3.13 brings a new experimental JIT. I would have assumed this feature would have triggered a rush of interest in performance comparisons and benchmarks, however I have not been able to find any ...

FreelanceConsultant's user avatar
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Pros and cons of creating desktop apps in Rust

I come from a background in Web Development, so I gravitated towards Tauri; however, I have also been looking at something like too. Currently I am creating some example apps in Tauri, and I ...

BritishWerewolf's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possilbe to host mult-stack applications on an app service?

Hello everyone, Sorry if this is a duplicate, but I've been trying to find an answer for a couple of days but couldn't. We have an application that was based on a headless PHP cms. We built our ...

Theo's user avatar
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Doubt about using of Split view.

Is it right way to use splitview for landscape and normal view for portrait orientation for a same state of an app. and show in different way when the ipad rotate? Eg. for Mail app, in land scape ...

Kaushik Ravaliya's user avatar
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Securely Accessing Authentication API in Tauri/Next.js without Exposing .env Secrets

I'm building a desktop application with Next.js and Tauri and need to securely authenticate users without storing API keys directly in a .env file, as this seems particularly risky in a bundled Tauri ...

zhuxs's user avatar
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A new model to create neural networks?

I apologize for the poor English at the beginning. Context I believe most neural networks out there are static i.e they stay how they initially were. There are no dynamic neural networks that I have ...

MegrajChauhan's user avatar
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Type Safe Navigation with TabRow or Floating Action Button

I recently saw this video discussing a type safe method of navigation in jetpack compose using the Serializable decorator. This allows you to more easily pass arguments when navigating between pages ...

RamboPenguin's user avatar
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