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How do you deal with analysis paralysis?
It's a tale as old as time. You want to start a new software development project and you have a good general idea of what the end product should do. Between then, you research your way around how to ...
How does AWS Lambda find and execute the specified handler in a function?
I'm trying to understand how AWS Lambda can find and execute the specified handler in a Lambda function. Specifically, I would like to know: Handler Resolution Process: How does AWS Lambda use the ...
Need Recommendations for Fine-Tuning LLMs on Azure ML: Best Practices
I need recommendations for each of the following questions: Choice of Models Should I use Hugging Face models or models available in the cloud via an API (e.g., models from Replicate or Azure ML)? ...
I seek some help understanding this nested query.
This is a continuation of a question I asked and gained many working solutions for. There is one solution I have hard time conceptualizing how exactly works, and am hoping people would be willing to ...
failed to attach to the console of the process being terminated: The parameter is incorrect.
Hi, In my gitlab CI setup, we are running the maven test cases using selenium. I am using windows server as a self managed server to run the pipeline. After mvn test command, pipeline is in running ...
At what point as a developer do you say that you "Know Enough"?
Does "Knowing Enough" mean you can get a job anywhere, in any field in software development? Or does "Knowing Enough" just mean that you can do your current job, or the next couple ...
Does Googles 20 testers app requirement also apply for business/organization accounts?
In November 2023 Google updated their requirements for publishing new apps on Google Play but they specifically only mention newly-created personal accounts so I wonder if this rule also apply to new ...
Raise Awareness About Reserved Class Names like Con, Aux, Com1, PRN in java
Hello Java community, I recently encountered an issue where I named my Java class as Con, it took me a whole day to find out that there was no problem in my code but the name CON is forbidden to ...
Is R efficient for sentiment analysis?
I would like to explore more about sentiment analysis but I cannot decide if I should start a project in python or R. What would you suggest?
AWS Fargate pricing calculator
The AWS pricing calculator for Fargate has an input field named "average duration"s - is that the average duration per task? There is another input field named "Number of tasks or pods&...
How *NOT* to make C into a different language.
In a comment by a member, it is mentioned: ... You are also basically inventing your own preprocessor-based syntax, which no tools are prepared to understand. C is at it's best when it is written as ...
Which R is the "best": base, Tidyverse or data.table?
As the R ecosystem continues to evolve, a question that keeps being asked is "Should I use base R, Tidyverse, or data.table?" There may be some aspects in which one approach may be ...
How can I stay motivated?
I have started coding in Python as my first coding language recently and I am starting to have trouble with motivation (I was told by a friend that this is common at first). But he didn’t really give ...
Can you give some advice to the noob
For a student who has just learned c++ and ffmpeg for a year and a half, looking for audio and video development work that can be written on the resume, do you have any good project recommendations?
Why do people hate CMake, and why hasn't a "better CMake" taken its place?
I have heard a lot of people expressing dissatisfaction with CMake (on various subreddits, here on Stack Overflow, in YouTube videos)- often being with its syntax and learning curve (difficulty in ...