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Questions tagged [display]

Display refers to a style property in CSS. Common values include - but are not limited to - block, inline-block, inline, table, flex, none.

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VBA - Search & Display : result doesn't take comment/URL into account

I've been working on a dynamic search bar in Excel, following this video, and it works fine. =IF(I3="","No match",FILTER(Table1,ISNUMBER(SEARCH(I3,Table1[Sujet])),"No match&...
Florent's user avatar
-1 votes
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Desktop edges exceeding monitor display

So this seemingly happened overnight. Maybe my kids messed with it. My desktop is no longer "fitting" within the edges of my monitor. I have tried unpowering it, and tinkering with windows ...
Anthony Harris's user avatar
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MatPlotLib Graph in a tkinter frame stays completly white

The graph supossed to be displayed in the canvas does not appear import tkinter as tk import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTk import numpy as np ...
Bast38's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing CSS display property with JS EventListener

I am trying to add functionality to a button on a project I'm working on...when the button is pressed I want an element to no longer show on the page. However, I can't get this process to work. Here ...
R Todd M's user avatar
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Adding style property to individual class elements on click, IF their data is modified

I'm trying to make a browser dress up game with separate tabs for draggable items (so tops, bottoms, etc). This is the JavaScript code for how the tabs function. function openTab(event, Category) { ...
frozen dwarf's user avatar
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Title: How to Display PC Content on an Android Device Using HDMI Input?

I have an Android device powered by a Qualcomm chip, and I would like to use it as a display for my computer through an HDMI connection. In other words, my computer will be the input source, and my ...
关翔宇's user avatar
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Firefox in 2 different displays on startup?

How do I configure firefox to display 2 different full screen windows in 2 different applicaions on startup. HP T430 Thin clients. Thanks. We have written code to set the title to each screen but that ...
1gr8Pony's user avatar
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Does Windows OS 'display layout scale' matter while desigining websites?

I was designing a website in Figma and after fializing the looks I copied all the CSS settings (using VS Code extension) and opened the locally hosted webpage in my browser. What I noticed was that ...
MaT4X's user avatar
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Ion FAB button issue after build

[this image shows a screenshot with the correct FAB button in local modethe second image shows the same FAB button not showing correctly in production modeI'm developing a PWA displaying a MapBox map ...
Charles Hergott's user avatar
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Problems with special characters using lv_textarea_add_text(ta, "á")

The function lv_textarea_add_text(ta, "á") doesn't display special characters in the text area. What could be the issue? I tried using the function lv_textarea_add_text(ta, "á") to ...
Guilherme H Marins's user avatar
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options loading lag when hiding and showing options in a select

first click on select displays bad second click on select displays good $(document).on("click", "#edit_afpDetalle_mes", function () { actualizarSelectsMes('#...
Jorge Mantilla's user avatar
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how to display a page based on a token

I have generated a new token : $token = uniqid(); $url = "http://koto/resetPassword?token=$token"; I received an email in my mailbox : $message = "Hello, here is your new password : $...
raybone's user avatar
2 votes
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Windows Display Scaling affecting a JFrame

My Java application takes a screenshot of the screen and then displays it. Normally this would be a funny prank where a user would click around and there would be no response as they're trying to ...
Benjamin Ing's user avatar
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3 answers

CSS Display None or Visibility Isn't Working

I have a list of links that are horizontal on the homepage of my site. However, while making the site responsive once the screen gets too small, like for mobile devices I want to change it to where ...
Aishah91's user avatar
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Python (Jupyter) Notebook in browser: no horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of a cell?

I use python notebook (browser) often. There's a vertical scrollbar on a cell, but no horizontal scrollbar to allow me to access columns on the right side of a cell: The only way I found to see ...
Xhattam's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I put images inline?

im trying to put pictures "cabinet", "wishlist" and "cart" like on picture.enter image description here the text has to be under the picture and the pictures should be ...
user25079416's user avatar
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Displaying MangoDB data on the Streamlit Webpage

I’m currently developing a web application for a recommendation system that operates locally and retrieves data from MongoDB. The application workflow begins with a student logging in using their ...
Mrmrvaa's user avatar
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Can a data type of Date display as DD-MON-YYYY without having to change it to a Character data type?

When I view a data frame's column that is of type "Date", it displays as YYYY-MM-DD. Is there a way to have data frames' date columns display as DD-MON-YYYY while still being of data type ...
Bill Knowlton's user avatar
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Display flex but it always rows display, not column

test my code hai, i just jump to studying front-end recently. in this test, i wrote this code for landing page. unfortunally, my code doesn't seems work properly. i expect to my code run with column ...
Nanda Ramon's user avatar
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TypeError: function missing 1 required positional arguments

I keep on getting an error about missing required arguments for line 12 (oled =...)in my code for a Raspberry Pi Pico H running Micropython from machine import Pin, UART, I2C import utime, time #\___\...
Miguel Montes TCGboss's user avatar
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Scrolldown and visibility

public static boolean scrollUntilVisible(WebDriver driver, WebElement element, int maxScrollAttempts) { int scrollAttempts = 0; int scrollIncrement = 100; // Her kaydırma işlemi için ...
Reyhan Yıldız's user avatar
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Failure to display information in the Access database in DataGridView

I created a connection with the Access database through an automatic call in DataGridView. I did this because I needed to create a raw record in the datagridview by pressing a button and enter the ...
Mehran Physics's user avatar
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Plotly display points on yaxis2 but do not on the yaxis1

I'm facing magic and I haven't found any counter-spells on the internet. The famous AIs didn't help me either. When i display datas on the axis two it display but not on the axos one If i change and ...
Vénon's user avatar
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Programmatically how to differentiate between 2 monitors {laptop integrated monitor, and external monitor connected via port}

I wanted to programmatically differentiate between two monitors using some parameters which says: monitor is 'integrated monitor' of the laptop OR, monitor is 'external monitor' and connected via ...
DieWithYourBootsON's user avatar
-1 votes
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Flex elements do not take all the available space before breaking into a new line

I'm trying to achieve the next design, where the elements take all the available space before breaking into a new line and also keeping the text centered: Right now I'm using these styles in the ...
Alf23's user avatar
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How to show hidden divs when hovering over different parts of a paragraph without using JS?

I am trying to show a hidden div when hovering over part of a paragraph. There are two parts of paragraph that need a hover-effect with each its own div to show when hovered over. However, I am unable ...
dinogril's user avatar
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When I change the height of my browser window, my container stays in a static position. I want it to move with everything else

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereI have a video that shows what is happening, although it doesn't appear that I am able ...
Charles Duncan's user avatar
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JLabel Updating with the Contents of another Control

This should be ridiculously simple. My code runs through a folder listing and counting files. When I update the file count label, the contents of my files list populates the display of the label. Yet ...
VermontCoder's user avatar
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How can an overly large font display within figures be fixed to have a normal size?

After installing Matlab on my new work pc, fonts within figures (axes, labels, texts) appear much larger in comparison to that of the editor and task bars, even if the font size value properties have ...
JJM Driessen's user avatar
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Wierd color issue in browser, color-picker indicates different color then assigned in HTML

In my CSS code I have defined a background-color for a piece of text as the snippet below. Now when I use the color picker of PowerToys or just take a screenshot and use the color picker of paint or ...
WG-'s user avatar
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Javascript scroll bars on Legends that are too large

// The MIT License (MIT) // Copyright (c) 2017 Zalando SE // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the &...
lysdexic's user avatar
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How can I add a toggle to switch on and off the display of my class?

I have problems integrating a .toggle to switch on and off my display for my class. Is it maybe something else ? I tried to include .toggle in my line, but it doesnt seem to work, and mdn does not ...
Raphaël GENONI's user avatar
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Remove black dot when show display:'none' in view style in react native

I wrote a app with react native in one my page I used a View with this style display: IsShow ? "flex" : "none" when IsShow value is false then display:'none' actived , a black dot(....
Samira Gheibipour's user avatar
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.NET WinForms: How to get kind of a screenshot from what's "behind" a form?

Let rect be the left, top, width, height of a form that is being displayed at the current screen. Now, I want to take a "screenshot" of what's displayed "behind" on the desktop. ...
CarstenP's user avatar
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2 answers

How to format HTML text so it wraps around keywords

So I have this code with a paragraph with keywords and text. I need to make the format so that the keywords appear next to other, the text starts where the keywords end and then the text also wraps ...
Chris Costa's user avatar
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Is there a way to start a windows gui application on an EC2 instance without a gui environment (no remote desktop connection, etc.)?

I can't start a windows GUI application on an EC2 instance without a GUI environment (no remote desktop connection, etc.). Is there any solution? Thing I want to do I want to start an EC2 instance ...
Hiroaki-K4's user avatar
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How To Get Linked PDFs To Open At Less Than 100%

I have a website with linked PDFs. I want them to display at 84% so that they fit one page at a time on my computer screen. The PDFs all fit when I view them in my PDF app, but when I upload them to ...
Peter D'Luhosch's user avatar
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export DISPLAY value problems

A technician who was at my job before me used to write export DISPLAY ip:x.y before me to launch an X application. I saw him doing it, but x.y was not 0.0 not 1.0, not 10.0. Unfortunately I dont ...
Tibor's user avatar
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App Data set to Persisted don't display in Test Mode in Flutterflow

I am using Flutterflow, and trying to implement a ListView of Search History terms in the SearchPage. The problem is that when the History App Data (a list of strings) is set to Persisted, the whole ...
William Chen's user avatar
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Message gets displayed as '?' in VS code

VS code does not displays my messages in Tamil, Russian etc. other languages, How can I make it to support all the languages I wish to display? Suppose I want to display Press 2 for Hindi. How can I ...
Shruti Sharma's user avatar
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I can't make the last line spread across in my display

I have the following code to print a schedule from inputs but can't make the last line spread under the like the header does. My showRecord code is as follows... Class Appointment: def __str__(...
IvyDreamer's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 display property on mobile devices

I have two cols with classes <div class="col-2 d-none d-md-block"> and top bar with class <div class="d-md-none"> It works on desktop, but on mobile devices doesn't ...
Justin's user avatar
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Access Table ,setting in design ,column 'Catagory' as Combobox in lookup with list "Action";"War";"Drama". in DGV and Detail how to multiselct

Acces table column name CATAGORY. In design view lookup i set combobox with list Action,Drama,War. Now when I run this in to display as DGV and Detail of Database is good.Each movie can be ...
Kami Fazal's user avatar
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Delayed Display of an Updated Element

I'm adding a spinner to a button when it is clicked in order to indicate to the user that some lengthy processing is occurring. The problem is that the spinner does not get displayed until after the ...
snixdad's user avatar
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Is windows OS in raspberry pi 5 can be controlled by using android mobile as display?

I am currently working on a project on raspberry pi 5. I am using windows OS in Pi since some python applications are made to work only in windows. So for using windows in raspberry pi 5, Do I needed ...
Rahul krishnan's user avatar
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How do I make a Hamburger menu cover the whole viewport when open

I have a working hamburger menu using CSS only. My issue is that I'd like the menu to fill the whole screen when it's open. At the moment when it's open everything on my page gets shown below the menu ...
Anirog's user avatar
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Why the "[email protected]" goes to the next line? Even though i only display:block the span?

HTML <div class="contact_info"> <ul> <li><h2>Call Us: </h2><span><a href="tel:12345678"><mark>1-234-5678</mark></a>&...
ch1drik's user avatar
1 vote
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CSS: Display block, first item is not aligned correctly

Im trying to vertically center/align items within a div using display: block. But somehow, i still don't know why, the first item of that div isn't centered properly, it's like it got indented a bit ...
Last Clean Shirt's user avatar
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Is there a way to unhide or edit the footer in Squarespace when the "hide footer" code was (accidentally) put into the footer?

It had been a while since I built a new site in Squarespace, and I accidentally pasted the following code INTO the footer of my site on Squarespace using a code block (instead of the code injection ...
Mathew Patalano's user avatar
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Databricks not displaying correct output

In Azure databricks I am applying a filter to show the data where Region column has value 'weu'. display(df.where(col("Region") == 'weu')) But the output dataframe I am getting has Region ...
MUHAMMAD UMER's user avatar

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