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Questions tagged [django]

Django is an open-source server-side web application framework written in Python. It is designed to reduce the effort required to create complex data-driven websites and web applications, with a special focus on less code, no-redundancy and being more explicit than implicit.

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Dependency Error in Railway even though the dependency is actually not listed

enter image description here I'm getting this error even though there is no "zee5" dependency in my django app. I checked this through How should I fix this issue? pip list I checked the ...
Esther Park's user avatar
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Getting 401 Unauthorized Error on Login in React Web App

Whenever I click the login button of my web page built with vite-react(frontend:5173), express(server 5000, to handle cookies httpOnly) and Django(backend:8080). the console logs an error of (GET http:...
winterchillz's user avatar
1 vote
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Error 404 redirect not working in Django and static files not showing in edge

I am developing a single page webapp where I am trying to configure the error page if page not found so I have added proper settings but still my redirect not working on error page. Here is my ...
Chauhan Mukesh's user avatar
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Djoser permissions

How can I configure Djoser so that it does not attempt to provide profile data for anonymous users? My settings: DJOSER = { "LOGIN_FIELD": "email", "HIDE_USERS": ...
Victor Willhard's user avatar
-1 votes
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Django Website not accessible on some browsers

I have a web app built with django that is hosted online on a subdomain. It was working fine until a few days ago when certain users started getting errors trying to access it where it would say ...
William Jorgensen's user avatar
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Understanding sync_to_async method in Django?

I have never worked with asyncio and/or asynchronous methods with django and am having a little difficulty understanding. I am trying to convert a synchronous utility function (create_email_record) ...
master_j02's user avatar
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Django - select onchange event not working anymore if using jquery-editable-select

I'm using a select item from a django model with a onchange event to trig a JS script : class forms_bdc(forms.ModelForm): [...] bdc_description_1 = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=...
Nico44044's user avatar
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Python Django Web App Returning 404 Error for the GET request

I have created a basic web app using Python Django. Currently only one API is implemented i.e. User/GetUserName.aspx which return as simple "Hello" message. The web service is running on ...
simplyvish's user avatar
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Django hosted on Render - Media Files/template vars

I've got a Django app that stores its static and media files in an AWS S3 bucket. Retrieval, usage and storage of these files work fine locally. The issue is, when accessing through the live site ...
Kiana's user avatar
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Unable to enter json in django admin

In my model I have the following field - data_fields = ArrayField(models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True), blank=True, null=True) In order to test this out, I entered the following in the data_field ...
U. Watt's user avatar
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Managing Inconsistent Model Attribute State on WebSocket Reconnect (Django Channels)

import json, jwt, uuid, random from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncWebsocketConsumer from django.conf import settings from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async from .models import GameRoom class ...
Sostanco's user avatar
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Django sessionid cookies disappearing upon refresh

I am using a Django DRF backend with SessionAuthentication and a NextJS frontend. They are hosted on different ports. I am trying to use the django login function to automatically log the user in when ...
24Chromosones's user avatar
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Error While Running dajngo project server through WSL

I am using Postgres as my db for this project. My project directory is in my windows system. Virtual environment was created in both windows and wsl (ubuntu) with all the dependencies. Postgres-16 and ...
HARSH PRANJAL's user avatar
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403 error in django and enginx static files [closed]

I run the Django app with gunicorn and nginx on a virtual server. But it gives a 403 error for loading static files this is nginx config: enter image description here this is nginx sites-evailabel: ...
jabar majidi's user avatar
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InvalidCursorName in Django project [closed]

This is my file: class TaskDetails(models.Model): TASK_CHOICES = [ ('ploughing', 'Ploughing'), ('sowing', 'Sowing'), ('watering', 'Watering'), ('...
Dhruva_Teja D R's user avatar
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how to autogenerate context for APIView methods

I need to write my own APIView class which overrides drf's APIView and it will have autogenerated self.context which I can pass into serializer. For example class SomeView(APIView): def post(self, ...
kwutzee's user avatar
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Python Django : ssl.SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2427)

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\wsgiref\", line 138, in run self.finish_response() File "C:\Users\ADMİN\AppData\Roaming\Python\...
Asrin Global's user avatar
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Reverse for 'post_detail' with arguments ... not found

i'm having NoReverseMatch error message. already spend hours everything looks ok to me but couldn't figure it out. I would appreciate any help. thanks from django.http import Http404 from ...
y g's user avatar
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Django form.cleaned_data switches values between Form class choice fields

I am trying to filter a model's objects dynamically depending on what the user selects in a form. The form allows selecting from two dropdown lists. Selecting from either dropdown is optional. If the ...
Angel L's user avatar
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I want to configure my django admin as subdomain on nginx

I've configured Nginx to proxy requests for to my Django application running on port 8000. However, when accessing, it redirects to ...
Ahamet Elh Rabe's user avatar
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django DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS not working after upgrading to django 5.0

I just upgraded to django 5.0, and the DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS is no longer working in the file. It is not accepting DOY (%j) dates like it did before. I have looked at similar questions on ...
Emma Birath's user avatar
-1 votes
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why can not post this data in rest_framework django? [closed]

I'm encountering an error when testing this code with Postman. Can you help me identify the cause? "AssertionError at /POST_Create_NewInvoiceBuy/ ("Creating a ModelSerializer without either ...
Mohamad Karimi's user avatar
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Manager isn't available; 'auth.User' has been swapped for 'main.User'

I had to recreate User model. I have added custom phone and zip_code fields to the model. But I am encountering Manager isn't available; 'auth.User' has been swapped for 'main.User' error. This is my ...
Shomalik Davlatov's user avatar
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Use raw sql in django model default

I'm trying to set the default of a model column to the postgres function currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('public.user','id')) like recommended in a posgres related stackoverflow answer. I tried from ...
luckydonald's user avatar
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2 answers

Can a Django management command tell when the server is running?

I have a management command that does some manipulation of the database so I don't want it running while the server is up. Is there a way to tell if the server is running from a management command
Peter Kronenberg's user avatar
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Authenticating user on React frontend, against Django backend user groups using JWT

Having issues authenticating a user from React frontend, to Django backend using JWT Tokens. I have a Django instance with check_auth view in @csrf_exempt @login_required def check_auth(...
George's user avatar
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Django - Filtering on annotated count field returns unexpected values

I have a function that filters a Django queryset on the number of linked objects. Used inside a graphene-django project, it allows me to dynamically create filter fields for a bunch of objects without ...
Chris Hacker's user avatar
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How do I configure label-studio to use a different root URL?

I want to serve labelstudio under a different path in stead of the root URL. I am using an AWS Load Balancer that has several other services and want to use /labelstudio/ as the root for label studio. ...
Thon Deboer's user avatar
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Django - Admin – Inline. Add a default value

There is a structure class StatPersonalForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = StatPersonal fields = "__all__" pass class StatPersonalInline(admin.TabularInline): ...
Ksoer KL Ksoero's user avatar
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Spotify API - I am getting 403 (Forbidden) when pausing a track

I am working on Spotify API integration using Django + React stack. When pausing a track, I am getting this error: "PUT /spotify/pause-song HTTP/1.1" 403 2 Fetching track information is ...
INiTECHLECT's user avatar
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How to sync smtp mailbox to local inbox

I am creating an email campaign system with several connected accounts. I periodically fetch emails from SMTP through IMAP and store them locally in my inbox. How can I sync inbox with the SMTP server,...
Ittefaq Technologies's user avatar
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AWS Gunicorn configuration Amazon Linux Work not properly

enter image description here This image is show problem. When i run gunicorn service with this configuration. GNU nano 5.8 pair....
Momin Ali's user avatar
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Django ORM model 'save' method and race condition / ACID Isolation

if we examine the following code: class SomeModel(models.Model): ... def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.validate_unique() super().save() def validate_unique(self, *args,...
LiorA's user avatar
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How do i enable user to login with new password after reseting it

I am trying to create a password reset system in django. So the issue is that I'm trying to login my user after resetting the password but the system throws an Invalid credentials error. I used a ...
Sir Keith's user avatar
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HTML coun'd locate my image when I put the folder into my django app [duplicate]

Before I put the html file inside the template folder follow along with my dijango project, it work perfectly. However, when I build a template folder, and put my CSS and HTML file in, the images are ...
Tony leung 's user avatar
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How to protect a top secret python script? [duplicate]

I'm developing a project in a client-server architecture. The client is a python 3.12 script that will run on customers desktops and the server is a Django 5.0.x application. I will distribute the ...
Fellipe Theophilo Barata's user avatar
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How do I set up a domain name stator page for a Django web server?

Right now my server runs the Django page like this: And I need to run it from the browser like this in the browser: It all works on a cloud server timeweb....
Dato's user avatar
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Interact with inbuilt django DB in python files [closed]

I have a form that needs to interact with the DB inbuilt into django. How would I do that in my file. Do I just use the default sqlite3 built into python or does django have a different way ...
Pratyush bindal's user avatar
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Playing an audio file on server from Django

I have a Raspberry Pi that I have hooked up to a door chime sensor, so it plays different sounds as people enter the building. Right now, I just made a short script to play those sounds from whatever ...
PoDuck's user avatar
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dj-rest-auth and django allauth email addresses model

When I try to delete a user already registered from the db i get this : update or delete on table "users_user" violates foreign key constraint "...
Firas Ben said's user avatar
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My django form keeps giving me the error message even though i still get the data i'm trying to send in the database, what could be wrong? th

I'm trying to add a staff with django everything seems to be working fine i even see the entry in the database but once i click the submit button instead message.success i get message.error i cant ...
Okereke Chima Emmanuel's user avatar
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Django FOREIGN KEY constraint failed when registering new users

I'm encountering a "FOREIGN KEY constraint failed" error while trying to register new users in my Django application. Here's the relevant code from my,, and ...
user25780500's user avatar
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Docker-compose is able to compile program but is unable to open link to Local host

I have a basic Django project that I have put into a docker container. Currently I have it running on https locally just for the development phase because it is a requirement. When I run my program ...
user124e's user avatar
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Django query for a select item return '---------'

I'm trying to populate a select item with a django queryset. It's working fine but at the begining of the list of the dropdown menu on the select item I always have a '---------' as first option. ...
Nico44044's user avatar
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NOT NULL constraint failed on PUT request in Django [duplicate]

I'm new to Django and I'm having trouble handling form-data and raw data in PUT requests. I need to update records of a Person model via a PUT request. The Person model has several fields including ...
Fenil Trivedi's user avatar
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using nginx host multiple django apps/docker in one server. return to root path not the apps' path

I have a django app. The code snippet for the function load_form(request) in def load_form(request): if request.method == 'POST': newQAForm = QAForm(request.POST) if ...
Ag Long's user avatar
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Best approach to object creation in the background without using a task queue system?

I have been thinking of the best approach to a record creation in the background without using django signals, or celery, etc. I do not want to use signals due to the fact that the sender Model would ...
master_j02's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a run configuration for a command in Pycharm [duplicate]

I want to be able to run a management command via a Pycharm run configuration. Is there a way to do this?
Peter Kronenberg's user avatar
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htmx insert multiple table rows

I'm using Django, if that makes any difference. Anyway, I have this tbody element in my template: <tbody id="log-stream-table-body" hx-get="{...
michjnich's user avatar
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How to access a translation defined in the base model from views and the admin panel of a child model

In a project I have inherited I have a few polymorphic models based on a common model. Something like: from django.db import models from polymorphic.models import PolymorphicManager, PolymorphicModel ...
kaan_atakan's user avatar
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