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Questions tagged [dotnet-isolated]

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2 answers

Difference .net 6 and .net 6 isolated for Azure Function Apps

With Azure functions what is the difference of using .net 6 and .net 6 isolated?
Mark Homer's user avatar
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Configuring NET 6 Azure Function App Healthchecks

I'm struggling to find any up to date documentation on how to setup healthchecks in Azure for a .NET 6 Core function app. The app is running in DOTNET-ISOLATED, within an app service plan (not ...
Phil S's user avatar
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Azure function dotnet-isolated v4

I have recently started my C# journey so bare with me... so my issue is that after installing azure-functions-core-toolsv4 (mac using brew) I was finally able to see why Rider (which use the same as a ...
Arleth's user avatar
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5 answers

WorkerConfig for runtime: dotnet-isolated not found

Created a .NET 6.0 Isolated Function (with HTTP Trigger) in Visual Studio 2022. But when running/debug this function locally, get following error: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script: WorkerConfig for ...
sulmanm's user avatar
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1 answer

Timeout attribute in azure function isolated 6.0

Recently I have moved my azure function from 3.0 to 6.0 Isolated, Everything works well only Timeout attribute which we are using right now Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.TimeoutAttribute My code is looks ...
Gautam Parmar's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there any way to know target method in a middleware of azure function isolated app

I have a .NET 6.0 isolated azure function app. I want to implement custom JWT token validation. I am following this blog and created Authentication middleware for validating tokens. However there is a ...
aksvinu's user avatar
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How do you abandon a message in a dotnet isolated Servicebus triggered function?

Is there a best way to abandon a message in an Azure dotnet isolated function app? I'm currently throwing an exception to force the function to complete unsuccessfully as there is no way to access a ...
AJames's user avatar
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1 answer

Unit Testing Isolated Model Azure Durable Function Orchestrator in .Net 8

The documentation for Durable Function Testing only talks about the in-proc model - I have a timer-...
Kruti Joshi's user avatar
2 votes
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Containerised Azure function (v4, dotnet-isolated) breaks when trying to use environment variables as config source

This follows on from a previous question. I'm trying to build an Azure function to run as a Linux container image in an isolated process using .NET 6 and v4 of the functions runtime. I have followed ...
Tom Troughton's user avatar
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.NET 8 ISOLATED Azure Function - Binding attributes not working

I am porting an old .NET 6 in-process Azure Function app, to .NET 8 isolated worker model. I have an issue where it seems like the app configuration expression resolution for our Azure Function ...
kdeez's user avatar
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Service bus-triggered Azure function failing with System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException

We have a very simple .NET isolated v4 Azure function app running .NET7 that has three functions all using the ServiceBusTrigger. We've found a small proportion of executions are failing with the ...
Tom Troughton's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Output Multiple Objects to CosmosDB with Azure Function (Isolated Process)

I cannot seem to find any documentation on how to output multiple documents to Azure CosmosDB from an Azure Function isolated process. I understand "Because .NET isolated projects run in a ...
user1477388's user avatar
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Rewind capability of Durable functions using isolated worker

I know there's a rewind (in preview) capability for durable functions in-proc (available via the IDurableOrchestrationClient interface), but I can't find a similar option available on the ...
CraigM's user avatar
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Azure function queue trigger distributed tracing

I have a .NET isolated function with a queue trigger. When triggering that queue from the storage explorer or from another function using a QueueServiceClient, a new operationId is made up. Thus I ...
XWIKO's user avatar
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4 answers

Failed to start a new language worker for runtime: dotnet-isolated - latest version of C# .Net 7

I have an Isolated Azure Function. Now I am getting this famous error: Failed to start a new language worker for runtime: dotnet-isolated I have searched and done all possible solutions in Stack ...
Sharif Yazdian's user avatar
1 vote
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Azure Function: Did not find functions with language [dotnet-isolated]

I cannot succed in starting my Azure Function. I got the following error: [2024-04-25T09:22:29.421Z] Found C:\Users\gdifronzo\source_C#\AE.Resp.Device.Sync\ AE.Resp.Device.Sync\AE.Resp.Device.Sync\...
GIovanni's user avatar
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How to debug net7 signalr azure functions worker service?

I am using dotnet 7 isolated functions I installed package Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.SignalRService While developing locally, the negiotate function seems to be called. However, I ...
hannes neukermans's user avatar
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.Net 7 Azure function for isolated process compile error with ServiceBusTrigger

I'm adding a new azure function (isolated process) to a running .net 7 project, but got the compile error "The attribute 'ServiceBusTrigger' is a WebJobs attribute and not supported in the .NET ...
Dan Van's user avatar
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Azure functions - SignalR output binding failure: ServiceEndpoints is empty. ConnectionString is null, empty, or consists only of white-space

I'm trying to run an Azure function using SignalR output binding in dotnet-isolated process, but I always have this error "Executed 'Functions.SendToGroup' (Failed,..) System.Private.CoreLib: ...
ValeriaN's user avatar
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2 answers

Azure Function V4 Dotnet Isolated unable to connect to cosmos db

I am following some tutorial to connect Azure Function to Cosmosdb like this (the tutorial is for a V3 in-process azure function) [CosmosDBTrigger(databaseName: "Test", ...
Robert Dinaro's user avatar
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Azure Durable Functions (dotnet-isolated): Implement retry logic based on exception type

I have a durable functions application with retry logic, that depends on raised exception. For example, if this is a transient exception (like service unavailability or so), the retry should be ...
Alex's user avatar
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4 answers

Azure function not visible in azure portal after upgrading to .net 8 Isolated process model

We have recently upgraded our function projects in .net core api app to .net 8 Isolated model. A new timer trigger function has been added in one of the function projects which runs perfectly fine ...
rumi's user avatar
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Azure Durable Functions: Calling an activity function that has no input parameters in a dotnet-isolated Durable Function

I have an orchestration where the first step is an activity that consumes a feed. This activity does not require any input since the feed url is read from an environment variable. The line of code of ...
paddingtonMike's user avatar
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2 answers

accessing azure app configuration service values during dependency injection in a Function App

as per the code below, I am connecting to an azure app configuration service in program.cs. This is tested and I can use the config settings in the function app. But I'd also like to configure other ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Azure function does not scale

Today we met a problem with our azure function after redeploy a new version. We use Azure Function v4, .NET 6 and isolated process. Function is on consumption plan. Function includes about 150 http-...
Veranika's user avatar
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Schedule a queue triggered azure function in Azure Function 4

In Azure functions 4 Isolated Process, I'm using queue triggered functions and multi-output bindings in my workflow. Everything works great until I try to figure out how to delay one of the work items ...
Angelo's user avatar
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Running Azure Function Net5 (dotnet-isolated) in Linux Container generate error - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: /home\site\wwwroot/

I have a Azure Function App running in a Linux Container with the following Specs <TargetFramework>net5.0</TargetFramework> <AzureFunctionsVersion>v3</AzureFunctionsVersion> &...
O'Neil Tomlinson's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to using strings in blob triggers over isolated Azure Functions

I'm using an Azure Function v4 (isolated process) and I have a Blob Trigger Function that receives "string", instead a "Stream" because currently are not supported. How can I ...
Sergio's user avatar
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2 answers

SignalR client is not able to get Negotiate API response in "isolated worker model"

I have created a project where I implemented the "Negotiate" API to create the SignalR connection. My client is in JavaScript having reference of "@microsoft/[email protected]". On the ...
Hardik Patel's user avatar
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Running dotnet isolated in debug mode

I have created an Azure function V4 on .NET6 running in dotnet-isolated mode. When i start the function using the regular run configuration it starts up fine. When i then attach the debugger manually ...
Tristan Boland's user avatar
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Isolated Azure Function missing authentication header?

I have created a new .NET 6 Isolated Azure Function followed by this great article: If I'm debugging it ...
jack.pop's user avatar
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Azure function worker isolated process .NET 6 - work with servicebus and servicebus trigger

I'm working with Azure Function isolated process .net 6. I have an issue to work with the service bus and service bus trigger. If in-process I will declare like this public async Task<ActionResult&...
jack.pop's user avatar
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Adding a KafkaTrigger function crashes at startup with Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'provider') error

I added this one single, specific reference: <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Kafka" Version="3.3.2" /> I'm able to add this one ...'s user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Azure Function Isolated Worker: Is it possible to write the host logs to the console provider?

For a .net 6 isolated worker app these are the logs of an initial run and in here we can see that there are no console provider entries for the 'Executing' and 'Executed' messages, they don't have the ...
mathro's user avatar
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Azure Durable functions: How to use ManagedIdentity connection in ServiceBusTrigger

I have a .Net8 dotnet-isolated Azure Durable Functions project. I'm using a ServiceBusTrigger to get the messages from a service bus queue: [Function(nameof(Function1))] public async Task Run( ...
Alex's user avatar
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Azure Functions isolated worker model - no information logging when executed from Azure

I have several Azure Functions which I recently migrated from in-process model .NET 6 to isolated worker model .NET 8. Everything seems to be working just fine, except I'm not seeing information logs ...
Hugo Sousa's user avatar
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Isolated Azure functions failed to access Azure Service Bus

My Isolated Azure funtion is accessing Azure Service Bus. The Function App is working locally. [Function("Function1")] public async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("email", Connection =...
beewest's user avatar
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What is the purpose of IJobHostContextFactory/JobHostContextFactory?

We are in the process of migrating Azure Functions to isolated in our project. During this process I came across an implementation of Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host.Executors.IJobHostContextFactory. But ...
Caveman74's user avatar
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Azure function dotnet isolated process (DotnetWorker) Got strange exception

I got the below exception when implementing the POST method [2022-06-17T07:14:41.723Z] Executed 'Functions.AuthenticateHttpTrigger' (Failed, Id=12bb7c91-4030-4090-a2fe-ec205702c662, Duration=424954ms) ...
jack.pop's user avatar
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Azure Function HttpClient doesn't give any response and keeps retrying

I have a Function App running in Azure. It is a HttpTrigger, and it is triggered by a Stream Analytics, with a Retry Policy set to Drop. It is coded in C#, and deployed from DevOps through CI/CD. Here ...
mathkid91's user avatar
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Exceeded language worker restart retry count for runtime:dotnet-isolated error happening locally upgrading to .net 8 isolated

I am trying to upgrade my azure function project from .net 6 to .net 8 isolated and it seems there is something wrong with my local because I get the same error in the projects that I developed myself ...
Ronak Panchal's user avatar
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.NET 8 upgrade issue for functions using Durable functions and Orchestrator

I have upgraded function which uses Orchestrator and Durable functions from .Net 6 to .Net 8 (isolated model) and after upgrade when I am trying to run the function, I am getting the error ...
Vivek Nirale's user avatar
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Durable Azure Function - .NET 8 isolated - Unit Testing and mocking 'EntityMetadata'

I have a Durable Azure Function I just moved over to .NET 8 isolated worker model, from .NET 6 in-proc. I am struggling with unit testing/mocking return data of type EntityMetadata for ...
kdeez's user avatar
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Azure Functions error after upgrading to "isolated" instead of "in process": Error building configuration in an external startup class

I ran into this error when upgrading from an older version of .NET Core where functions ran "in process" to .NET 8 "isolated" instead of in-process. The details of this error were: ...
Kevat Shah's user avatar
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CosmosDb trigger send events in isolated process by migrating to .net 8 isolated using C#

I tried to convert this by changing the FunctionName to Function and EventGrid to EventGridOutput. I'm doing something wrong. public class AbcCosmosDbTrigger { [FunctionName("...
Chilty's user avatar
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Invalid async invocation in dotnet-isolated Azure Function project when calling a sub orchestrator

This is a .net8, Azure Functions v4, dotnet-isolated project. I'm getting the following exception: System.InvalidOperationException: 'An invalid asynchronous invocation was detected. This can be ...
Chris Rockwell's user avatar
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Isolated Worker Azure Function - Function Input Bindings error on startup

I am porting a .NET 6 in-process Azure Function app, to .NET 8 with dotnet-isolated. We do not store our secrets in source control/locally. So for local development, previously, we used placeholder ...
kdeez's user avatar
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Issue during Upgrade of Azure functions to .NET 8 and isolated workers

Hi I upgrading my workers to dotnet 8 and isolated worker. I have removed the Microsoft.Azure.Webjobs.Extensions.ServiceBus dependency as suggested in document
Ayush Mishra's user avatar
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Azure ServiceBusTopicTrigger - Isolated Function - Managed Identity

I have got Azure Service bus topic trigger created. Not sure why it is not pulling messages off a subscription from a topic. I do have my user role setup in as reader/write in Azure using Visual ...
Richard's user avatar
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Azure Function app .NET 7 isolated mode unhandled exception

Updated with another example. I have an Azure Function app running on .NET 7 in isolated mode on a Linux app service plan. I'm experiencing some issues related to a orchestration function is not ...
Frode's user avatar
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