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Questions tagged [easy-install]

EasyInstall is a package manager that provides a standard format to distribute Python programs and libraries. Part of the `setuptools` module.

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977 votes
9 answers

Why use pip over easy_install?

A tweet reads: Don't use easy_install, unless you like stabbing yourself in the face. Use pip. Why use pip over easy_install? Doesn't the fault lie with PyPI and package authors mostly? If an ...
Sridhar Ratnakumar's user avatar
717 votes
13 answers

How do I remove packages installed with Python's easy_install?

Python's easy_install makes installing new packages extremely convenient. However, as far as I can tell, it doesn't implement the other common features of a dependency manager - listing and removing ...
ire_and_curses's user avatar
455 votes
12 answers

How to install lxml on Ubuntu

I'm having difficulty installing lxml with easy_install on Ubuntu 11. When I type $ easy_install lxml I get: Searching for lxml Reading Reading http://codespeak....
Eric Wilson's user avatar
  • 58.9k
426 votes
19 answers

Find all packages installed with easy_install/pip?

Is there a way to find all Python PyPI packages that were installed with easy_install or pip? I mean, excluding everything that was/is installed with the distributions tools (in this case apt-get on ...
Jürgen A. Erhard's user avatar
381 votes
31 answers

ImportError: No module named PIL

I use this command in the shell to install PIL: easy_install PIL then I run python and type this: import PIL. But I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<console>", line ...
Asma Gheisari's user avatar
326 votes
14 answers

How to install packages offline?

What's the best way to download a python package and its dependencies from pypi for offline installation on another machine? Is there any easy way to do this with pip or easy_install? I'm trying to ...
Chris Drantz's user avatar
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316 votes
3 answers

What's the difference between dist-packages and site-packages?

I'm a bit miffed by the python package installation process. Specifically, what's the difference between packages installed in the dist-packages directory and the site-packages directory?
maxm's user avatar
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202 votes
35 answers

ImportError: No module named Crypto.Cipher

When I try to run (Python 3.3, PyCrypto 2.6) my virtualenv keeps returning the error listed above. My import statement is just from Crypto.Cipher import AES. I looked for duplicates and you ...
Graham Smith's user avatar
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178 votes
7 answers

Bypass confirmation prompt for pip uninstall

I'm trying to uninstall all django packages in my superuser environment to ensure that all my webapp dependencies are installed to my virtualenv. sudo su sudo pip freeze | grep -E '^django-' | xargs ...
hobs's user avatar
  • 19k
162 votes
3 answers

Can I use `pip` instead of `easy_install` for `python install` dependency resolution?

python install will automatically install packages listed in requires=[] using easy_install. How do I get it to use pip instead?
joeforker's user avatar
  • 41.3k
140 votes
29 answers

pip issue installing almost any library

I have a difficult time using pip to install almost anything. I'm new to coding, so I thought maybe this is something I've been doing wrong and have opted out to easy_install to get most of what I ...
contentclown's user avatar
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140 votes
14 answers

How to pip or easy_install tkinter on Windows [duplicate]

IDLE is throwing errors that and says tkinter can't be imported. Is there a simple way to install tkinter via pip or easy_install? There seem to be a lot of package names flying around for this... ...
Dirk Calloway's user avatar
133 votes
11 answers

Installing SetupTools on 64-bit Windows

I'm running Python 2.7 on Windows 7 64-bit, and when I run the installer for setuptools it tells me that Python 2.7 is not installed. The specific error message is: `Python Version 2.7 required ...
quanticle's user avatar
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92 votes
16 answers

What is the official "preferred" way to install pip and virtualenv systemwide?

Is it this, which people seem to recommend most often: $ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools $ sudo easy_install pip $ sudo pip install virtualenv Or this, which I got from http://www.pip-...
coffee-grinder's user avatar
87 votes
3 answers

Install particular version with easy_install

I'm trying to install lxml. I've had a look at the website, and version 2.2.8 looked reasonable to me but when I did easy_install lxml, it installed version 2.3.beta1 which is not really what I want I ...
dr jerry's user avatar
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81 votes
6 answers

pip ignores dependency_links in

I have dependency_links in my ... dependency_links = [''], ... But it doesn't work. However install_requires ...
syabro's user avatar
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73 votes
2 answers

stopping from installing as egg

How do I stop from installing a package as an egg? Or even better, how do I easy_install from installing a package as an egg? sudo python install The reason being that PyDev is ...
jldupont's user avatar
  • 95.9k
71 votes
4 answers

The problem with installing PIL using virtualenv or buildout

When I install PIL using easy_install or buildout it installs in such way, that I must do 'import Image', not 'from PIL import Image'. However, if I do "apt-get install python-imaging" or use "pip -E ...
Alexander Artemenko's user avatar
70 votes
15 answers

Adding a module (Specifically pymorph) to Spyder (Python IDE)

I have managed to get spyder installed and functioning on my mac but I want to add in a few modules that it doesn't include by default (mahotas and pymorph). I installed both via easy_install in ...
Daniel's user avatar
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69 votes
4 answers

virtualenv, mysql-python, pip: anyone know how? [duplicate]

I'm trying to install the mysql bindings in a virtualenv. I'd prefer to use pip or easy_install. pip gives me the following error: File "", line 24, in mysql_config raise ...
rz.'s user avatar
  • 20k
66 votes
3 answers

Why can't easy_install find MySQLdb?

This is what I tried: $ easy_install-2.6 -d /home/user/lib/python2.6 MySQLdb Searching for MySQLdb Reading Couldn't find index page for 'MySQLdb' (maybe ...
BryanWheelock's user avatar
64 votes
5 answers

How to use Python's "easy_install" on Windows ... it's not so easy

After installing Python 2.7 on Windows XP, then manually setting the %PATH% to python.exe (why won't the python installer do this?), then installing setuptools 0.6c11 (why doesn't the python installer ...
Nick's user avatar
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60 votes
7 answers

Why is Python easy_install not working on my Mac?

I have a Mac running Python 2.6. When I try to use easy_install I get this message: /usr/bin/easy_install-2.6:7: UserWarning: Module pkg_resources was already imported from /System/Library/Frameworks/...
Etan's user avatar
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56 votes
4 answers

Determining version of easy_install/setuptools

I'm trying to install couchapp, which uses easy_install - and is quite explicit in stating a particular version of easy_install/setuptools is needed: 0.6c6. I seem to have easy_install already on my ...
pat's user avatar
  • 16.2k
55 votes
4 answers

How can I install various Python libraries in Jython?

I know that I can install Jython with Java and that I can use Jython where I use Python. The Jython shell is working fine. In Jython, how can I install libraries like lxml, Scrappy and BeautifulSoup ...
Mirage's user avatar
  • 31.3k
53 votes
12 answers

Can pip (or setuptools, distribute etc...) list the license used by each installed package?

I'm trying to audit a Python project with a large number of dependencies and while I can manually look up each project's homepage/license terms, it seems like most OSS packages should already contain ...
Jacob Rigby's user avatar
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48 votes
2 answers

Given the name of a Python package, what is the name of the module to import? [duplicate]

Does somebody know the logic behind Python modules names vs the name of the actual package used in easy_install? A few (amongst others) example that seem a bit unlogical to me: We do easy_install ...
Gerard Yin's user avatar
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46 votes
2 answers

How do I point easy_install to vcvarsall.bat?

I already have MSVC++ 2010 Express installed, and my vcvarsall.bat file is at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC, which is in my system PATH. When I run easy_install, it can't find ...
Mike M. Lin's user avatar
42 votes
4 answers

pip install test dependencies for tox from

I made my project with setuptools and I want to test it with tox. I listed dependencies in a variable and added to setup() parameter (tests_require and extras_require). My project needs to install ...
item4's user avatar
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39 votes
11 answers

How to fix Python Numpy/Pandas installation?

I would like to install Python Pandas library (0.8.1) on Mac OS X 10.6.8. This library needs Numpy>=1.6. I tried this $ sudo easy_install pandas Searching for pandas Reading
scls's user avatar
  • 17.3k
37 votes
3 answers
11k views restrict the allowable version of the python interpreter

I have a Python library. Unfortunately I have not updated it to work with Python 3 yet. In its, I added install_requires=['python<3'], My intent was to not allow this package to be ...
gfxmonk's user avatar
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34 votes
12 answers

How to install virtualenv without using sudo?

I have easy_install and pip. I had many errors on my Linux Mint 12, I just re-installed it and I want to install everything from scratch again. This is one of the errors that I had. I received an ...
Lynob's user avatar
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34 votes
1 answer

What keyword arguments does setuptools.setup() accept?

What is the full list of keyword arguments that the setuptools.setup() function accepts? (Please include a description of what each argument means, if possible.) I have looked all over the web and I ...
cowlinator's user avatar
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33 votes
8 answers

How to prepend a path to sys.path in Python?

Problem description: Using pip, I upgraded to the latest version of requests (version 2.7.0, with pip show requests giving the location /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages). When I import requests ...
max's user avatar
  • 439
32 votes
2 answers

pip broken after upgrading

I did pip install -U easyinstall, and then pip install -U pip to upgrade my pip. However, I get this error now when trying to use pip: root@d8fb98fc3a66:/# which pip /usr/local/bin/pip root@...
dl8's user avatar
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32 votes
3 answers

pyzmq missing when running ipython notebook

I can run iPython, but when I try to initiate a notebook I get the following error: ~ ipython notebook Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/ipython", line 8, ...
utdiscant's user avatar
  • 11.4k
30 votes
7 answers

How to install easy_install in Python 2.7.1 on Windows 7

I have installed Python 2.7.1 on Windows 7, but I am unable to install easy_install. Please help me.
prabhat's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

how to run easy_install using a particular python version

I have 3 python versions, I want to easy_install Orange using the second version. How can I do this? Unnecessary info: 2.1 in /usr/bin/python 2.6 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/...
Lavanya's user avatar
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28 votes
14 answers

pip/easy_install failure: failed to create process

After following this article: How do I install pip on Windows? on my Windows system using Enthought Canopy 64 Bit system, I cannot get pip or easy_install to work due to error: pip install requests ...
Matt's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

How do I uninstall a Python module (“egg”) that I installed with easy_install?

I’ve installed a couple of Python modules using easy_install. How do I uninstall them? I couldn’t see an uninstall option listed in easy_install --help.
Paul D. Waite's user avatar
28 votes
6 answers

Installing pip using easy_install

I don't have root access and i want to install python from scratch. So I downloaded the python source code and compiled it. Next I wanted to install pip. But when I ran python I got this ...
Jack Twain's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

easy_install : ImportError: Entry point ('console_scripts', 'easy_install') not found

I used easy_install to install pip, pip to install django, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper. I have just returned to it a few weeks later and django does not seem to work anymore, but more ...
xragon's user avatar
  • 381
26 votes
2 answers

How can I make setuptools install a package from another source that's also available on pypi with the same version number?

It's a similar question to How can I make setuptools install a package that's not on PyPI? but not the same. As I would like to use the forked version of some package, setuptools ignore the ...
roberkules's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

Installing psycopg2 (postgresql) in virtualenv on windows

I installed psycopg2 in virtualenv using easy_install psycopg2. I did not see any errors and looks like installation went fine.. there is an egg file created in the site-packages dir for psycopg2.. ...
StackUnderflow's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

How to install pip for python 2.6?

I tried following the instructions from this answer but easy_install-2.6 could not find pip: >sudo easy_install-2.6 pip Processing pip error: Not a recognized archive type: pip How do I install ...
amphibient's user avatar
  • 30.7k
25 votes
5 answers

easy_install lxml on Python 2.7 on Windows

I'm using python 2.7 on Windows. How come the following error occurs when I try to install [lxml][1] using [setuptools][2]'s easy_install? C:\>easy_install lxml Searching for lxml Reading http://...
Jonathan Livni's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

Is there a pip / easy_install for Scala? [closed]

I want to organize my Scala packages and love how Python solves this issue with pip. Can you recommend a similar tool for the management of Scala packages? EDIT: I am looking for an easy ...
Jon's user avatar
  • 12.5k
24 votes
5 answers

State of Python Packaging: Buildout, Distribute, Distutils, EasyInstall, etc

The last time I had to worry about installing Python packages was two years ago working with Enthought, NumPy and MayaVi2. That experience gave me lingering nightmares related to quirky behavior ...
Pete's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

How can I install Python modules programmatically / through a Python script without using pip, for platforms that lack it?

Can I download and install Python modules from PyPi strictly inside a script, without using a shell at all? I use a non-standard Python environment, Autodesk Maya 2012's Python interpreter. This does ...
DoctorPangloss's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

Installing easy_install... to get to installing lxml

I've come to grips with the fact that ElementTree isn't going to do what I want it to do. I've checked out the documentation for lxml, and it appears that it will serve my purposes. To get lxml, I ...
Alex's user avatar
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