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Questions tagged [email]

Use this tag for questions involving code to send or receive email messages. Posting to ask why the emails you send are marked as spam is off-topic for Stack Overflow. Questions about configuration of mail servers belong on Server Fault.

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Image CID not displaying correctly in HTML email with Mailjet

Hello Stack Overflow community, I'm encountering an issue with embedding an image using CID (Content-ID) in an HTML email sent through Mailjet. Despite following the correct setup, the image does not ...
Teckel Cruel's user avatar
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ACM email forwarding is slow? [closed]

I take advantage of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) email forwarding. I notice that the time it takes for incoming email messages to appear on the server for download seems to be ...
fred's user avatar
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Preventing Emails When a Duplicate Contact Form 7 Submission is Detected

Introduction: I'm developing a WordPress plugin that manages submissions from Contact Form 7. I need to prevent the form from sending emails if a duplicate submission is detected based on the form's ...
Vlado Pranjic's user avatar
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PHPMailer Intermittent SMTP Error (OVH Server)

I've been having this problem for a while now. I am intermittently getting an error when using PHPMailer to send mail from my OVH hosted email address using SMTP. I have now setup a test file with ...
BogusFeet's user avatar
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How to sync smtp mailbox to local inbox

I am creating an email campaign system with several connected accounts. I periodically fetch emails from SMTP through IMAP and store them locally in my inbox. How can I sync inbox with the SMTP server,...
Ittefaq Technologies's user avatar
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Recreating multipart/signed E-Mails with Python

I'm using the Microsoft Graph API to retrieve all my emails with attachments and then recreate them using the Python email module. Everything worked fine until I received a signed email. When I try to ...
Primo's user avatar
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How to get attachment's headers from eml file?

Suppose I have a eml file with the following structure (got with print(_structure(parsed_email))): multipart/mixed multipart/alternative text/plain text/html message/rfc822 ...
giacom0c's user avatar
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How can I adding a Hyperlink to my Mailadr

I have created a script to create an email signature via Word, the problem is that I would like to provide the mail address with a hyperlink with "mailto:$email", but I don't know how to do ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Logic Apps: How to save file from email onto sharepoint

In the below workflow, when an email arrives I want it to save the contents into a SharePoint folder. The workflow is successful, however the file becomes broken/ does not work because attachments ...
HarriS's user avatar
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CSS style min-height is compatible with Email clients and browsers?

We are creating the email to send to users. We need to add a vertical spacer in a HTML table. We have this: <td height="15px" style="height:.985em; line-height:.985em">&...
Alex 75's user avatar
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Use variable in Keycloak email subject

My current setup Keycloak v24.0.5 installed from Bitnami Kubernetes v1.30.0 Things that work I needed to include Keycloak username in email body. For that I created my custom theme and added it to /...
Michał Lewndowski's user avatar
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Genuine email to be relayed via a mail sender host [closed]

We have a business app used by our customers. We are building a feature to capture user feedbacks inside the app and email it to our inbox integrated with a ticketing portal. In other words, the users ...
MTHEX's user avatar
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Correct way to implement an email verification

In simple steps, I assume the steps to implement an email verification is as: user enters details -> signup server sends email with a token with metadata + expiration set user clicks on the link ...
BumbleBee's user avatar
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Could I be throwing away Potential Customers by doing a MX Record Lookup?

If I do email_verification using MX record, it is problematic? I'm marking just the False Return cases in the DB. Not the None Return cases (None returned for Ambiguous Verification). Using python ...
Devansh Garg's user avatar
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How to track emails statuses

I am creating an SAAS email marketing system where users can create a company and run campaigns. Each campaign will have its own connected accounts (SMTP). Each user receives emails, which I send ...
Ittefaq Technologies's user avatar
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HTML images showing up as [obj] (with a dotted box) when using an <img> tag for an email's html body

Currently, I am trying to open an email draft using react-native-mail to send some information and a file for an app I am building. Currently I am including steps on how to use the file correctly but ...
Koen Schoffner's user avatar
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HTML Email Button issue only in Outlook 365 for Mac

In an html email I used a "faux absolute" to create a background image with rounded corners for content modules. The html uses a max-height="0" for the contents container with the ...
Isaac's user avatar
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How to Directly Set SMTP Credentials in Laravel Mailer Without Using Config Values?

I'm working on a Laravel project where I need to send emails with different SMTP credentials for each email. Instead of setting these credentials in the configuration files, I want to directly pass ...
Jebin Joseph's user avatar
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Unable to send email using SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.(CI version 4.5.3)

I am getting an error when I try to send mail using the codeigniter email service(using CI version 4.5.3). I have used the same email configuration for successfully sending emails with previous ...
DXB-DEV's user avatar
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Google service account OAUTH2 SMTP "555-5.5.2 Syntax error"

I have a simple Java sample to test the connectivity to a Gmail service account. Issue is when i try to connect it says "555-5.5.2 Syntax error, goodbye. For more information, go to 555-5.5.2 ...
Luka S.'s user avatar
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I wanted to fetch the valid email addresses from a table in bigquery with rules given below

Let's consider 2 cases with examples If the email looks like below, [email protected] Then, I wanted the query to fetch this email id as there are exactly 3 characters followed by a dot. If it looks like,...
sai's user avatar
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Email to SMS - multiple recipients "group" or "thread"

I'm trying to send an sms via email using verizon's sms gateway. It works if I send to one phone number, but if I put two, then I get nothing. How do you send an SMS via email to multiple ...
richard's user avatar
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Changing name servers DNS - Will this retain full functionality of website + mail? [closed]

a client of mine has external DNS servers - the domain registrar is one and the name servers another - the latter located on Cloudflare. The problem is I don't have access to the name servers and ...
Alex Lejd's user avatar
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Error: wrong version number when using Nodemailer with SMTP server

I'm trying to set up Nodemailer to send emails through the SMTP server, but I'm encountering the following error: Error: AC650000:error:0A00010B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version ...
Aqu1tain's user avatar
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How do I submit a get request through a non-navigating link?

I'm creating a site that I would like to be as simple as possible. What I would like to do is have a user enter their email address, then an email would be sent with a link containing a token. Here is ...
Anthony Mallgren's user avatar
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Python sending email with embedded html images taking super long

newbie to python. what I want is to go into a folder, grab the images and embed them in my email. But when I run the program wouldnt complete after 5 minutes even though i had limited to only 1 image ...
chris nguyen's user avatar
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Azure Web App doesn't send email using Azure Communication Email

I have a .net backend with react on frontend, when i click on a button from client side it should trigger an api that will put data in the db and then send an email. On local host everything works ...
NerdyStudent's user avatar
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Google script not sending email

I have a google script to use a form submission to fill out a document, then convert it to a PDF and save the PDF, then email it out to 2 emails. One is to the respondent whos email is on the google ...
Hareborn's user avatar
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Java Mail Mailgun GUI project attaching images and not embedding them

This is the first time I've written something in Java so I'm leaning slowly but I am hard stuck on how to fix this issue. I'm having an issue getting the images that a user inserts into my JEditorPane ...
SUCRAM's user avatar
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Angular How to open Email as Draft (preferrably in Outlook)

We have here a frontend implemented with Angular. Now a new requirement arisen: the frontend application should generate an Email based on HTML Templates, fill it with some data from database, add an ...
DigitalMachine's user avatar
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Email Send using AWS SES in Laravel

I tried to send email using AWS SES SMTP and this is how I did. .env MAIL_MAILER=smtp MAIL_HOST=email-smtp.{AWS_REGION} MAIL_PORT=587 MAIL_USERNAME="${AWS_SES_USER_NAME}" ...
pig0809's user avatar
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Send an email via PHP using third part services mailjet

I want to send an email via my localhost PHP after a specific action is completed. In the given code, I am testing emails statically to check if it works. I tried this code: <?php require_once &...
Sally Zoughaib's user avatar
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Need to send emails programmatically using Gmail API

I have configured my Gmail client to use my official company domain using Google's SMTP to send emails manually. This works like a charm and have been using this for more than 1 year. Now I need to ...
Devansh Garg's user avatar
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Flutter cant open default mail app in android

I'm using flutter_email_sender and it's not finding my mail app. PlatformException(not_available, No email clients found!, null, null). This is my code: static Future<void> ...
Rami Dhouib's user avatar
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Django is unable to send email out even though conf is correct

Django is unable to send email out. But was able to send a test email with same exact settings, user, pass. What do I need do more in django to send email out? ## #...
Majoris's user avatar
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Getting Error 2771 on a Web Browser Object in MS Access

I'm trying to create and run the Google OAuth2 from an MS-Access 2016 Application. I realize this is old code but it's the most readable OAuth2 VBA code to get an authorization code that I've found in ...
Mary P's user avatar
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Use flutter share_plus to open share sheet and prefill email

I want to be able to open share sheet (with all share options) and when I click email. it is email should be prefilled. static Future<void> exportFile({ required ...
Rami Dhouib's user avatar
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Mac mail app not showing unsubscribe button once unsubscribed

I am using an SMTP app server to send bulk emails by following guidelines and providing an unsubscribe feature by setting the List-Unsubscribe-Post and List-Unsubscribe headers. In the emails I ...
VJ ashok's user avatar
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form submitted but not getting email in php [duplicate]

What is the problem in coding. When I click on form submit button, it redirects to successful submission.html page, but actually I cannot receive any email from server. I am fed up and I don't have ...
Umair Ahsan's user avatar
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Sending Google Sheet with Forms update

I'm using Forms to get requests from employees. I know how to get the Form by email, but I would like to get the Google Sheets or a PDF with the answers calculated and put in the right format. ...
VeganGeek's user avatar
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How to send interleaved replies using git send-email?

I am trying to understand how to use git send-email to send interleaved replies. As an example, suppose there is Alice, who would like to send a patch to Bob, with the patch being: From ...
pikafan_8080's user avatar
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Embedding image attachments in HTML emails from android

I'm trying to send an email from Android with HTML content and image attachments. I also want to embed the images inside the HTML body. The following works correctly: ArrayList<Uri> ...
winter's user avatar
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How to upload multiple file attach in laravel email

My listing page each record has checkbox now i choose one or more record to click send email db to featch records filename to pass email?is it possible? i need to select record files attach email ...
Raj Kumar's user avatar
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Sending mail fails with no exception

I use the following code to send email: public static void SendMail(string emailAddresses, string subject, string body, bool isHtml) { var currentSecurityProtocol = ServicePointManager....
Paulo Santos's user avatar
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How to Integrate Tailwind CSS into Laravel Email Templates

I tried adding Tailwind CSS to my Laravel email template, but it didn't work when I sent an email. I prefer Tailwind CSS because it's easier to create responsive layouts than with regular CSS. I ...
Leslie Joe's user avatar
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Sending email from Visualforce apex controller

I'm having trouble trying to send out an email from a visualforce page controller. Not exposed through a site but rather in the UI. Here's some sample code: Contact contact = [SELECT Id, Email FROM ...
GCL's user avatar
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local postfix server outcoming mail should be tls enable without reply on other smtp server

I can sent out the mail from to gmail from my localhost by reply on gmail smtp server. How should I send out the mail to other domain(like using my local postfix server without ...
user6903099's user avatar
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Mail sending functionality through third party "MailTrap" works on local machine but not working on Azure

I'm new in development and this is basically my first project. So I created a simple web page with a form on it that sends an email to the owner. When I enter the data and click Send button, you can ...
Ivan Ivanov's user avatar
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TimeoutError: [WinError 10060] when sending Email from Gmail to myself

I am currently following tutorials to try to send emails from Gmail using smtplib. I keep getting the error: TimeoutError: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did ...
Tom Osborne's user avatar
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SMTP server sends 250 but then not responding [duplicate]

I'm currently learning how SMTP works and want to connect to an SMTP server on using OpenSSL. I connected to the server like this: openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect
blueSheesh's user avatar

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