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Questions tagged [entity-framework-4.3]

Questions specific to version 4.3 of the ADO.NET Entity Framework, a feature of the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and higher.

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350 votes
6 answers

What difference does .AsNoTracking() make?

I have a question regarding the .AsNoTracking() extension, as this is all quite new and quite confusing. I'm using a per-request context for a website. A lot of my entities don't change so don't ...
dotnetnoob's user avatar
  • 11.2k
281 votes
11 answers

Entity Framework: One Database, Multiple DbContexts. Is this a bad idea? [closed]

My impression to date has been that a DbContext is meant to represent your database, and thus, if your application uses one database, you'd want only one DbContext. However, some colleagues want to ...
Josh Schultz's user avatar
  • 8,130
174 votes
6 answers

Entity Framework - Start Over - Undo/Rollback All Migrations

For some reason, my migrations appear to have been jumbled/corrupted/whatever. I'm at the point where I just want to start over, so is there a way to completely undo all migrations, erase the history,...
drzaus's user avatar
  • 24.7k
149 votes
6 answers

Entity Framework code first unique column

I am using Entity Framework 4.3 and using Code Fist. I have a class public class User { public int UserId{get;set;} public string UserName{get;set;} } How do I tell Entity Framework that ...
cpoDesign's user avatar
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106 votes
2 answers

How to seed data with AddOrUpdate with a complex key in EF 4.3

I am trying to seed a development database with some test data. I have used context.People.AddOrUpdate(p => p.Id, people)); with much success. I have another table that I need to seed, in which I ...
Keith Sirmons's user avatar
86 votes
5 answers

Entity Framework - Is there a way to automatically eager-load child entities without Include()?

Is there a way to decorate your POCO classes to automatically eager-load child entities without having to use Include() every time you load them? Say I have a Class Car, with Complex-typed ...
Nathan Geffers's user avatar
69 votes
9 answers

How to manage Migrations in a project with multiple branches?

I have an ASP.NET MVC3 project that uses Entity Framework 4.3 with the code-first approach. I use Migrations to keep the database up-to-date. The project is under source-control and I have a number ...
Christofer Eliasson's user avatar
53 votes
10 answers

No connection string named 'MyApplicationEntities' could be found in the application config file

I just install EF 4.3 and trying to upgrade my project with migration. however I am getting issues with trying to execute add-migration initial to my project via Package Manager console. It is ...
Sanj's user avatar
  • 3,830
50 votes
4 answers

EntityFramework Code First - Check if Entity is attached

I am trying to update an entity with a FK relationship in EntityFramework 4.3 Code First. I try to attach to the related entites by calling: Entry(item).State = EntityState.Unchanged I get the ...
Radu Negrila's user avatar
46 votes
3 answers

Mapping a foreign key with a custom column name

I'm using Entity Framework 4.3 code-first with Oracle. I'm getting the following error: System.InvalidOperationException : The ForeignKeyAttribute on property 'WidgetSequence' on type '...
Byron Sommardahl's user avatar
44 votes
5 answers

Code first DbMigrator causes error when building from different machines

We have a project under SCM. When I build it from my machine and publish to a remote server via msdeploy, everything works fine. When my colleague tries the same thing with the same project, freshly ...
spender's user avatar
  • 119k
43 votes
3 answers

Confusion over EF Auto Migrations and seeding - seeding every program start

I recently changed an application from using the following for dev: DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<Context> To using: public class MyDbMigrationsConfiguration: DbMigrationsConfiguration<...
shox's user avatar
  • 676
41 votes
2 answers

Best way to incrementally seed data in Entity Framework 4.3

I have been using Entity Framework 4.3 on an existing database and I have a couple of scenarios that I am trying to cater for. Firstly, if I delete my database I would like to EF to recreate if from ...
Jim Culverwell's user avatar
40 votes
2 answers

How can I disable model compatibility checking in Entity Framework 4.3?

I'm working with EF 4.3 and have a context which needs to talk to a database which was generated by another library using EF Code First 4.3. The context is throwing an exception stating The model ...
STW's user avatar
  • 46k
39 votes
3 answers

How to disable migration in Entity Framework 4.3.1?

Is there any way to disable migration in Entity Framework 4.3.1? I removed the migrations folder from the project and the generated tables in my database, but it doesn't work! How can you remove the ...
amiry jd's user avatar
  • 27.4k
37 votes
3 answers

Entity Framework initialization is SLOW -- what can I do to bootstrap it faster?

My EF 4.3.1 model has 200-odd tables. Initial startup is horrible, several minutes. A DotTrace-captured profile implies some terrible algorithm/scalability choices deep in the framework, as ...
Scott Stafford's user avatar
36 votes
3 answers

How to fix: The number of properties in the Dependent and Principal Roles in a relationship constraint must be identical?

I am using Entity Framework 4.3.1 against a SQL Server 2012 database and I am using the POCO approach. I am getting the following error and I am wondering if anyone can explain how to fix it: ...
kmp's user avatar
  • 10.8k
35 votes
5 answers

Linq when using GroupBy, Include is not working

include matchparticipants is not working. It always says Null when I debug. But when I put the GroupBy in comment it works fine. I am using Entity framework 4.3.1 with code-first. Entities: public ...
Bart's user avatar
  • 373
34 votes
3 answers

Entity framework 4.3 run migrations at application start

What is the best way to execute all required db migrations at application start with EF 4.3?
Sly's user avatar
  • 15.2k
33 votes
3 answers

Set Command Timeout in entity framework 4.3

I cannot find the a way to set the command timeout of a linq query using entity framework 4.3 and its' DbContext. How do I increase Commandtimeout in entity framework? EDIT I am actually looking for ...
Saher Ahwal's user avatar
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33 votes
1 answer

Entity Framework 4.3 code first multiple many to many using the same tables

I have a model like public class User { [Key] public long UserId { get; set; } [Required] public String Nickname { get; set; } public virtual ICollection<Town> Residencies ...
Sean's user avatar
  • 375
30 votes
4 answers

Can anyone spot why I keep getting this error testing the EF 5 beta

Installed visual studio 11 beta as wanted to test EF 5 beta but keep hitting this an error. Method not found: 'Void System.Data.Objects.ObjectContextOptions.set_UseConsistentNullReferenceBehavior(...
Drauka's user avatar
  • 1,217
29 votes
6 answers

How to add description to columns in Entity Framework 4.3 code first using migrations?

I'm using Entity Framework 4.3.1 code first with explicit migrations. How do I add descriptions for columns either in the entity configuration classes or the migrations, so that it ends up as the ...
Mihkel's user avatar
  • 679
28 votes
3 answers

How to create database using code first migrations?

I'm having ASP.NET MVC 3 project that uses Entity Framwork 4.3 and its migrations. Now I want Entity Framework to create a database for me using migrations that I have already. When I trying to run ...
sigurd's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

Why does Entity Framework's EF Migrations Add-Migration step require a database connection string?

I am trying to use and understand EF Migrations (using EF 4.3.1, Code First). In order to scaffold a new change, I have to use a command like this: Add-Migration MyMigration -ConnectionString "...
Scott Stafford's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

Converting a LEFT OUTER JOIN to Entity Framework

Here is a SQL Query I want to convert to EF4.3 command = database.GetSqlStringCommand(@" select H.AUTHENTICATION_ID, ...
DoomerDGR8's user avatar
  • 5,020
19 votes
4 answers

Keyword not supported: 'metadata'.? with Sql Connection in Entityt Framework with MVC3

I am using Entity Framework 4 with my Asp.Net MVC3 application. My problem is that I am using Entity Framework to perform action with my database , That is working fine. For ...
Kaps Hasija's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Entity Framework enumerating SqlQuery result

I have strange error while I am trying to view results of SqlQuery: var sql = "SELECT @someParam"; var someParamSqlParameter = new SqlParameter("someParam", "Some Value"); var result = _dbContext....
Vladimirs's user avatar
  • 8,457
19 votes
2 answers

EF4.3.1 on .NET 4 - The mapping of CLR type to EDM type is ambiguous because multiple CLR types match the EDM type

Update: Subject updated - this is now reproducible on EF 4.3.1 under .NET 4 running with VS2012 installed under Windows 8. Any ideas why this would start happening now? The subject says it all really....
Dean Ward's user avatar
  • 4,793
19 votes
2 answers

Running update-database from Team City

I have created a new application using Entity Framework 4.3 database migrations. The migrations work great from the package manager console using the "update-database" command. Now I want to run the ...
moonpatrol's user avatar
  • 1,202
17 votes
4 answers

Dynamic Include statements for eager loading in a query - EF 4.3.1

I have this method: public CampaignCreative GetCampaignCreativeById(int id) { using (var db = GetContext()) { return db.CampaignCreatives ...
LeoD's user avatar
  • 2,052
16 votes
3 answers

conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type error with EF Code first?

I'm using EF Code first with my mvc application. here is my code: Request.RequestDate = DateTime.Now; the type of RequestDate is datetime in my database. and this is error that occurred when ...
Mohammad Zare's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Entity Framework Data Annotations equivalent of .WillCascadeOnDelete(false);

I'm currently using EF Code First 4.3 with migrations enabled, but automatic migrations disabled. My question is simple, is there a data annotations equivalent of the model configuration ....
Jim Wolff's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

EF 4.3 Migration - how to produce a downgrade script?

I have an issue which I could not find answer for across the web. I am using CodeFirst EF 4.3.1 Migrations with MsSQL. I have added several migrations and now I want to produce a script for upgrade/...
mayash's user avatar
  • 231
14 votes
4 answers

How to create initializer to create and migrate mysql database?

I have been learning how to use EF for a week or so now and am stuck on the issue of creating/updating my database. I am able to create an initializer to create the database if it is not there: ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 1,348
14 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio 2012 testing with csla and entity framework

In VS2010 my MSTest test run just fine. When running in VS2012 I am getting an error. The test sets the Csla.ApplicationContext.User with a Custom Business Principal. When the EntityFramework is ...
Jamie Altizer's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Entity Framework (4.3) looking for singular name instead of plural (when entity name ends with "s")

Here's my situation: I have been working on an ASP.NET MVC 3 application for a while. It has a database (built out of a db project; I'm going db-first) for which I have an edmx model and then a set of ...
Dmitry Selitskiy's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Assembly Binding Old Reference Exception

I have been trying to solve an assembly binding issue for the last 12 hours, with not much luck. Last week, I had upgraded all of the projects in a solution from EF to EF I added ...
Andrew Wolske's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Entity Framework Code First : How to map flat table to class with nested objects

I have the scenario where the data from a single table must be in 2 objects. [Table] -Field1 -Field2 -Field3 -Field4 And the class look like this: [Class1] -Field1 -Field2 -Class2 object here [...
Patrick Desjardins's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Mixing Fluent API and DataAnnotations in EF code first

While we mostly use fluent configuration for our code-first POCOs, we have found it useful to use data annotations for things like the table name, PKs, etc. since it makes it easier for non-EF ...
ChaseMedallion's user avatar
12 votes
8 answers

Entity splitting when key column has different names?

I'm using Entity Framework 4.3.1 Code-First and I need to split an entity between two tables. The tables have a primary key shared, and it is 1-to-1, but the columns are not named the same on each ...
Josh's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How can I unit test Entity Framework Code First Mappings?

I'm using Code First to map classes to an existing database. I need a way to unit test these mappings, which are a mix of convention-based, attribute-based, and fluent-api. To unit test, I need to ...
STW's user avatar
  • 46k
11 votes
2 answers

Generated Identifier Too Long For Constraint Name

I am just getting started with Entity Framework (4.3.1) and am making a code-first model with TPT inheritance using the MySQL EF provider (6.5.4). When attempting to create the database structure, I ...
Dark Falcon's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How can I disable the use of the __MigrationHistory table in Entity Framework 4.3 Code First?

I'm using Entity Framework 4.3 Code First with a custom database initializer like this: public class MyContext : DbContext { public MyContext() { Database.SetInitializer(new ...
Kristof Claes's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How do OnModelCreating and non automatic Migrations relate?

When I add a new table that has some relations to my database and then run Add-Migration I see that code is generated in the Up method to add the table and its relations. However, I prefer to define ...
Dabblernl's user avatar
  • 16k
10 votes
1 answer

Is it always better to use 'DbContext' instead of 'ObjectContext'?

I just downloaded EntityFramework.dll v4.3. I've found a number of questions that compare DbContext vs. ObjectContext. But most of these are from 2010, or early 2011. I'd like to read more on the ...
bevacqua's user avatar
  • 48.2k
10 votes
1 answer

1-to-1 relationship causing exception: AssociationSet is in the 'Deleted' state. Given multiplicity constraints

I have set up a 1-to-1 relationship using EF code first following the method prescribed here: Unidirectional One-To-One relationship in Entity Framework My mapping looks like this ... protected ...
wgpubs's user avatar
  • 8,211
10 votes
1 answer

How to affect the column order with Entity Framework Code First Migrations

I'm using Entity Framework 4.3 Code First and trying out the Migrations feature. If I add a new property to my class and then run Add-Migration from the package manager console window I get something ...
SteveB's user avatar
  • 2,311
10 votes
2 answers

code first auto gen proxy class navigation and collection properties are null

For all of my POCOs, the navigation and collection properties are all null. Let me provide some background. I have a complex code first project using EF 4.3.1. Proxy generation was disabled. ...
Paul Fleming's user avatar
  • 24.4k
9 votes
2 answers

EF Code First cascade delete and update?

My entities are these: public class Customer { public Customer() { Invoices = new List<Invoice>(); Payments = new List<Payment>(); } public int ID { get; ...
Mohammad Zare's user avatar

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