I am trying to upgrade my azure function project from .net 6 to .net 8 isolated and it seems there is something wrong with my local because I get the same error in the projects that I developed myself and deployed to production. Here is the full log of what I get: I have also attached an image of the console output.

Starting worker process with FileName:

C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe WorkingDirectory:C:\Users\LCK3SNS\source\repos\gcs-gcs-app\Hive.Azure.Functions\bin\Debug\net8.0 Arguments: "C:\Users\LCK3SNS\source\repos\gcs-gcs-app\Hive.Azure.Functions\bin\Debug\net8.0\Hive.Azure.Functions.dll" --host --port 50616 --workerId acfc8109-5970-40a0-9703-c1ccd5d49630 --requestId 67f55fc8-9726-4c85-9322-fb7670094c46 --grpcMaxMessageLength 2147483647 --functions-uri --functions-worker-id acfc8109-5970-40a0-9703-c1ccd5d49630 --functions-request-id 67f55fc8-9726-4c85-9322-fb7670094c46 --functions-grpc-max-message-length 2147483647
[2024-07-14T01:53:56.732Z] C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe process with Id=29220 started
[2024-07-14T01:53:56.973Z] Process 29220 has exited with code -2147450730.
[2024-07-14T01:53:56.980Z] Language Worker Process exited. Pid=29220.
[2024-07-14T01:53:56.983Z] C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe exited with code -2147450730 (0x80008096). https://aka.ms/dotnet/app-launch-failed.
[2024-07-14T01:53:56.991Z] Handling WorkerErrorEvent for runtime:dotnet-isolated, workerId:dotnet-isolated. Failed with: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.Workers.WorkerProcessExitException: C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe exited with code -2147450730 (0x80008096)
[2024-07-14T01:53:56.995Z]  ---> System.Exception: https://aka.ms/dotnet/app-launch-failed
[2024-07-14T01:53:56.997Z]    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
[2024-07-14T01:53:57.003Z] Attempting to dispose webhost or jobhost channel for workerId: 'acfc8109-5970-40a0-9703-c1ccd5d49630', runtime: 'dotnet-isolated'
[2024-07-14T01:53:57.020Z] No initialized worker channels for runtime 'dotnet-isolated'. Delaying future invocations
[2024-07-14T01:53:57.024Z] Restarting worker channel for runtime: 'dotnet-isolated'
[2024-07-14T01:53:57.030Z] Exceeded language worker restart retry count for runtime:dotnet-isolated. Shutting down and proactively recycling the Functions Host to recover

I get the same exact error even when I create a test azure function project in .net 8 isolated. And as I said it also happens to the project which I could run fine earlier (which I developed and deployed to production) but not now. Is it because I have some open connections somewhere which the workers don't like? Or any application installed which is exhausting the processes? I have connections to postgresql databases locally.

I uninstalled azure function core tools and downloaded the zip from the official site and added its extracted path to my environment variables, I cleared my visual studio cache and rebuild the project, I restarted my PC too. Nothing just works, am hopeless now

enter image description here

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