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148 votes
7 answers

Cannot add task 'wrapper' as a task with that name already exists

When installing 'react-native init AwesomeProject' I get this error when I run react-native run-android: Could not determine java version from '11.0.1'. A quick google suggests I need to update the ...
Ben Kemp's user avatar
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107 votes
16 answers

React Native iOS and Android folders not present

I'm new to react native, and I've been having some trouble understanding the folder structure of the app which should supposedly be present in the project folder on creation. Basically, when creating ...
Simon Eliasson's user avatar
50 votes
9 answers

expo + react-native: There was a problem sending log messages

I am building a react-native app that I recently moved to expo. The app seems to display the expected screen, but before it completes, I am receiving the following error message: console.error: "...
user1790300's user avatar
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41 votes
7 answers

How to reduce Android APK size in react-native?

I am working on react native project , but whenever i am building an Apk file , it give me Apk of 47MB. I tried every documentation which i found useful on google but nothing works for me, Is there ...
Parshant Dutta's user avatar
36 votes
13 answers

Android Material and appcompat Manifest merger failed in react-native or ExpoKit

I updated '' to 28.0.0. But it brought an error from the build. Attribute application@appComponentFactory value=( from [com....
hong developer's user avatar
36 votes
5 answers

RTL is forced in RTL devices

The new version of React Native has issued support for RTL devices: However, it seems that in ...
atlanteh's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Camera Preview in Expo is Distorted

I'm using Camera that comes from expo package and I'm having trouble with camera preview distortion. The preview makes images appear wider in landscape view and thinner in portrait view. Most of the ...
Blak's user avatar
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32 votes
4 answers

How to build expo apk using eas build

After updating expo it no longer supports building apk files using expo build:android -t apk and instead advices to using eas builds using the command eas build -p android --profile preview but it ...
coolDog's user avatar
  • 556
32 votes
6 answers

How to build Expo APK local

Is it possible to build the APK of an expo app locally? The doc says: If you haven’t used exp before, the first thing you’ll need to do is login with your Expo account using exp login. I tried ...
Piu130's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Expo run on android emulator using windows 10

Can I run android emulator without an android phone? I have installed android studio and I've already installed android virtual device. However, when I try to run it, it gives an error like this : ...
Faris Dewantoro's user avatar
28 votes
6 answers

Expo get unique device id without ejecting

This library allows you to get unique device id / Mac address of Android devices, which doesn't change after reinstallation. Expo.Constants.deviceId changes after every reinstallation (even if the ...
Avery235's user avatar
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25 votes
12 answers

Expo React-Native Android build not updating Version Code for Google Play

I built a React-Native android app and uploaded to Google Play, which worked fine. Now I have a new build I am trying to upload (had no issues uploading to itunes Connect), and Google Play is giving ...
JackBurton's user avatar
22 votes
15 answers

How to fix jlink does not exist?

i am working with react native and am trying to use expo in a bare project but whenever i try to run the app with the command npm run android, i get this error : Execution failed for task ':expo-...
dukizwe's user avatar
  • 412
22 votes
3 answers

How do I force an expo app to update

I have an app written in expo, and can't figure out how to push a new build. On the expo site if I run the app from the QR code the app is correct, but the native app from the app store doesn't update....
Joel Jackson's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers
7k views error while submitting my app to Google Play Console

I am trying to submit my React Native EXPO app to Google Play Store for approval, but I am getting this error: SDK Segment Analytics Android (, 4.9.4 collects ...
Robyn's user avatar
  • 231
21 votes
4 answers

react-native swipeable gesture not working on android?

I am doing a react native course with Mosh ( I am using expo. I am very new to react native and don't really know what I am doing, but I know my code should work. I double-...
Kris_Stoltz's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Setting up Detox with Expo on Android

I'm trying to set up Detox with Expo on Android emulator (Genymotion) but I have an error that I can't go through.... I've installed the necessary packages : Detox detox-expo-helpers expo-detox-...
Toto NaBendo's user avatar
20 votes
21 answers

Could not load exp:// Something went wrong

I have created a project using Expo XDE. I checked this Can't load expo app: Something went wrong but I have already enabled "Draw over other apps". It works ...
N Sharma's user avatar
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20 votes
20 answers

Can't connect my Android Phone in Expo React Native Project

I'm using Expo App in my Android Device to connect into the my Laptop's Expo (Signed in both my same Expo's Account)I am also connected in the same network. Then I scanned my code then after that it ...
Liza Catherine Ombyaw's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

How do I create a diagonal border in React Native?

I'm working on building a React Native app based on designs from our designer. The design has several places where there are buttons or shapes with one diagonal line (see the following example). I'...
user2719094's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Your app currently targets API level 30 and must target at least API level 31 to ensure it is built on the latest APIs

I was just trying to deploy an app on google play store and got this error. How do I change my target api to 31. I am aware it needs to be changed in build.gradle file under android/ This is mine: ext ...
Alexander Obidiegwu's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

React Native Expo StackNavigator overlaps Notification bar

I am trying to implement navigation bar for my React Native Expo app. Here is a problem: "dependencies": { "expo": "^18.0.3", "react": "16.0.0-alpha.12", "react-native": "^0.45.1", "...
Andrei's user avatar
  • 43.9k
18 votes
1 answer

How to get sha256_cert_fingerprints for assetlinks.json for Expo?

Instructions for android universal deep links requires you to upload .well-known/assetlinks.json for verification. Expo deep linking documentation points you to format the file per official android ...
codewizard's user avatar
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18 votes
9 answers

31.0.0 is not a valid SDK Version. Option are 26.0.0 Unversioned

I can no longer run my app after updating expo version to 31.0.0. I needed this upgrade to do due iOS version 12 support. Thou after trying to build the Android app it is no longer working. my ...
Mizlul's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

How to Build 64-bit native code for android using Expo CLI

I am using react-native and EXPO CLI to build the android apk file. But i cant upload to Play store. I get a warning message Warning This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit ...
Boopathi kumar's user avatar
17 votes
8 answers

Error running adb: Error running app. Error: Activity not started, unable to resolve Intent

Hi I am trying to run 'yarn android' on my react-native project. And am running into the following error: yarn android v0.27.5 $ react-native-scripts android 10:37:45 AM: Starting packager... 10:39:...
narahan's user avatar
  • 401
16 votes
2 answers

how to use expo eas build offline --no Internet required

Is there any way I can use expo eas build fully offline without requiring an Internet connection. Maybe an offline package or ...
Icekid's user avatar
  • 485
16 votes
5 answers

Expo: don't show notification if app is open in foreground

I am developing a react-native messaging app with Expo. Every time a user receives a new message, I send a notification from my server. Is there any way to not display the notification if the app is ...
Ryan Pergent's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

React Native in Expo: Asyncstorage gets cleared when app refreshes

This is going to be a dumb question cause I couldn't show any code as I don't what happened or where this is possible happening. I have been developing a react native app for months now and from the ...
Jed's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Cannot open phone call with Linking.openURL

Description Cannot open phone call with Linking.openURL('tel:+123456789') Environment Environment: OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 Node: 8.5.0 Yarn: Not Found npm: 5.8.0 Watchman: Not ...
user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Dark Mode: useColorScheme() always returns light on Android

I am trying to get Dark Mode to work and it doesn't work on Android. It always returns "light". On iOS it works fine. import React from 'react'; import { useColorScheme } from "react-...
André's user avatar
  • 1,218
15 votes
1 answer

Delay on the capture of an image - React Native Camera / Expo Camera

I am trying to realize the same functionnality as in Facebook or Instagram: Preview the image taken by the camera instantly At this point, my taken is correctly taken when this function is called : ...
Jaro's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

Admob : Ad serving is limited - The number of ads you can show has been limited. For details, go to the Policy center

I'm new to admob. I published my first android app (written in expo react-native). I followed the instructions on including admob ads in my app. But ...
Sandeep Amarnath's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

How do I use react-native-google-mobile-ads with Expo and Expo Go?

How do I use react-native-google-mobile-ads with Expo and Expo Go? (e.g. Banner Ads) A minimal example within the context of Expo would be very much appreciated. All the online google documentation as ...
Crazy Chenz's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

class was expected (declaration of '') in react native

This was working fine earlier. Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0): Error: Encountered an exception while calling native method: Exception occurred while executing exported method ...
Gourav Mishra's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Expo cannot open development build on android emulator

I'm trying to run my Expo managed project on Android simulator with npx expo run:android. I have expo-dev-client installed. When I run npx expo run:android, it fails with the message: CommandError: ...
hayata_suenaga's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

React native Expo Version code 1 has already been used. Try another version code

After updating my app I am trying to upload my expo app to the playstore but getting error again and again. I changed the version in app.json version": "2.0.0" and also try this version&...
Bilal Yaqoob's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Why React-Native Couldn't start project on Android connection with Expo?

Couldn't start project on Android. Error : No Android connected device found, and no emulators could be started automatically. Please connect a device or create an emulator (
Mohsen Bakhtiyar's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Load custom native component in react native using expo kit

Im trying to load a custom Android WebView to be able to upload files using html file inputs (by default Android webview wont work with input file). Im using this code, the only difference is that im ...
Renato Probst's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

Execution failed for task ':expo-permissions:compileDebugKotlin'

I am working on a React Native app where I included some expo libraries (bare workflow). I had successfully used expo-location, but now after I installed also expo-camera, the app won't build anymore ...
chris chris's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Expo audio recording webm

I am using expo and I am trying to record on android by using the webm output format ( Expo.Audio.RECORDING_OPTION_ANDROID_OUTPUT_FORMAT_WEBM ). My issue is that I have tried all the different ...
Stavros Zavrakas's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How to handle a share intent(sending an image) in the expo app?

Is there any way to handle sharing files to expo app? According to the documentation of app.json it's possible to provide intentFilters, but I can't find anything regarding handling them afterwards. ...
Phil Rukin's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

How to forbid Tablet usage in expo / react-native?

I have developed an app with Expo and react-native for Smartphones - now I am trying to upload the ".aab" file to the Google Play Store - however it seems like it will be available for tablet and ...
Kev1n91's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Expo - Network Response Time Out Error (create-react-native-app) (Windows 10)

I have the exact same problem as here: Network Response Time Out Error (create-react-native-app) (expo). Every time I try to scan the QR code from my phone on LAN, I get the network response timeout ...
Adam.V's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How to use Google Play pre-launch report with expo / react-native

Google has a built in app crawler for the app store called the pre-launch report. It will crawl your app on a bunch of different devices and give you some basic feedback assuming you: provide ...
MattPark's user avatar
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11 votes
8 answers

Value for title can not be cast from ReadablenativeMap to string

Consider: InsertDataToServer = () => { const { pinValue1 } = this.state; const { pinValue2 } = this.state; const { pinValue3 } = this.state; const { pinValue4 } = this.state; var String_3 ...
Atul Tiwari's user avatar
11 votes
10 answers

ERROR TypeError: _RNGestureHandlerModule.default.flushOperations is not a function (it is undefined), js engine: hermes

I create the React Native Expo Mobile app. I got this error in android ERROR TypeError: _RNGestureHandlerModule.default.flushOperations is not a function (it is undefined), js engine: hermes.But,Not ...
Surendhar S's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to add network_security_config.xml to manifest in expo app without ejecting

I'm building an app with expo. Using Axios to handle the requests. The API has a self-signed certificates. Requests fail on android 7 (they work on android 9) I read online that I need to add a ...
Antoine S's user avatar
  • 121
11 votes
3 answers

How to change api level 29 to 30 in expo react native App

This Message was appear when i upload my app bundle to play store Your app currently targets API level 29 and must target at least API level 30 to ensure it is built on the latest APIs optimized for ...
Muditha's user avatar
  • 183
11 votes
7 answers

Expo React Native App crashing on android

Ever since I started programming in React Native with Expo, I have been using an ios physical device together with Expo app. I never had any major issues. Now i wanted to start fixing any bugs on ...
Mireia's user avatar
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