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11 votes
4 answers

IOS Expo Push Notifications when app is in foreground

reading from the expo docs: For iOS, you would be wise to handle push notifications that are received while the app is foregrounded, because otherwise the user will never see them. ...
superuser123's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Expo Push Notifications not popping in Android phones (Floating Notifications)

EDIT: I discovered these are known as FLOATING NOTIFICATIONS. Anyone knows how to enable them by default from the app (through a permission etc) on an Android device? I am currently testing push ...
James's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Expo android app, PushNotifications doesn't work in standalone apk?

I am facing a problem, when I am running an app through expo client app, PushNotifications works. But if I am building a standalone .apk, I need to install expo client, in order to get pushtoken. And, ...
LuckyLuke's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Local Schedule Notification react native

I am new to React Native i'm trying to implement a functionality where the app sends to user everyday at a certain period of dates and times a notifications to remind users to take pills ( times and ...
Ahmed Essaadi's user avatar
8 votes
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React native + expo + Notifications = You must provide `notification.vapidPublicKey` in `app.json` to use push notifications on web

I've been building an app on RN and static stuff are working as intended. Now I'm trying to add Push Notifications and all tries lead me to this error: You must provide 'notification.vapidPublicKey' ...
William's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Permissions.askAsync not working as expected

I am having an issue with Permissions.askAsync for notifications. const status = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS) When notification status is "undetermined" using Permissions....
Nikasv's user avatar
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Expo `Notifications.requestPermissionsAsync()` always return status denied

I’ve built a React native Expo internal android application in the apk format. I’ve setup the app and firebase for push notification correctly. But when I install the apk on an Android phone I always ...
Julien Bachmann's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between expo prebuild and expo eject?

I am in need of a more sophisticated notifications api/server. My app depends heavily on notifications and expo doesn't have much notification feature except the basic ones. I want to use an open ...
Alexander Obidiegwu's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

ExpoPushTicket does not contain the corresponding PushToken in case of error, how to know which pushToken is causing error to remove it from database

I am trying to send push notifications to more than one users of my app (pretty common to send more than one users. e.g notifying all users of a new feature). When sending notifications, ...
Abid Ali's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to handle expo push notification icon in 2022?

As per documentation all you need to do is set some keys in app.json In the managed workflow, set your notification.icon and notification.color keys in app.json, rebuild your app, and you're good to ...
seven's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to handle recurring push notification reminders in React Native

I'm working on a React Native app where I need to send recurring push notifications at specific times. So for example, the user will toggle the app to remind them to do task X every day at 12:00pm and ...
ch1maera's user avatar
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6 votes
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Reset Expo Permissions

Is there's a way to Reset the Permissions that I’ve already chosen? I have denied the permission for notifications for some tests, and now I want to ask for notification permission again. Is that ...
CairoCoder's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Clear Previous Expo Push Notifications

I have my app in Expo pushing a notification when somebody sends a message, but if that person sends multiple messages a second notification is pushed. Is there anything I can do to clear the ...
SeanVDH's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

expo: how to load different google-services-json based on release channel expo

I have a different google-service.json file for every releaseChannel (a file for prod, stage, QA, and dev) for more details I want to implement push notifications but in a different environment. cuz I ...
DarkSide77's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Undefined is not an object (evaluating '_PushTokenManager.default.getDevicePushTokenAsync [REACT NATIVE EXPO]

Can't get the token with the getExpoPushTokenAsync() function on expo-notifications api. The function as follow is just identical to Expo documentation: import Constants from "expo-constants"; ...
Beto Montenegro's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

FCM - Send a notification to iOS device using expo (React native)

I'm unable to send push notification to an iOS app created with There's not a clear doc on how to do so so here are my trials and things I've done : First I've created my firebase project ...
Seba99's user avatar
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1 answer

Web push notifications for web version of Expo project?

I'm working on an expo project and I want to add push notification functionality for the web version (which builds with React Native Web). I'm specifically talking about implementing push ...
GJW's user avatar
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1 answer

expo push notifications using firebase cloud functions in react native

Seeing this tutorial on, I am trying to implement Send Push Notifications ( Expo + Firebase Cloud Functions) I'm trying to write a cloud function that will ...
user8398107's user avatar
5 votes
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Expo push notifications - Error: Couldn’t get GCM token for device

i try to implement Expo Notification on mt app, very wired, in my last expo app it work well but now it’s doesn’t, maybe because the versions update this is show when i try the code from expo ...
Idan's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to collapse/group expo notifications

Hello everybody I'm currently developing an application that uses expo for push notifications. This app includes a chat feature that notifies the user of each message. The real problem is that these ...
Roberto's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Alert and sound is not working in expo push notification

I'm developing an application using expo. I want to send and receive push notifications in my application using expo-notifications. I have integrated the expo-notification and I'm receiving the ...
Haseeb Ahmed's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Changing badge count in Push Notifications with Expo in background and foreground

I was looking into ways to send push notifications to a native app and reading the expo documentation, I got confused by two bits of information that seem to contradict each other. Notifications ...
Peter's user avatar
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What is the role of expo slug name?

I'm experiencing a really weird problem. I'm developing an expo application with react native, in expo managed workflow, and the issue is as follow: I wanna execute the line: await Permissions....
OmerLevi's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you identify the Expo project that an Expo Push Notification Token belongs to?

Premise For better or for worse, I use two Expo accounts for my production and development environments. Production Expo Account: prod-proj Development Expo Account: dev-proj I use Expo's push ...
Alex Crist's user avatar
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3 answers

Read a Push Notification using Expo from a cold start (when app is killed)

I have an Expo standalone app and I am sending Push Notifications from my server. I have a notification listener in my App.js componentDidMount like so. componentDidMount = () => { this....
rnk's user avatar
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Expo - Implementing Notifications Set App Icon Badge Number

Despite numerous attempts to implement the app icon badge number in our Expo app, the app icon badge number could not be set. The documentation on setting notifications app icon badge number is also ...
Seng Wee's user avatar
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0 answers

Expo push notifications with custom sound on bare workflow

I'm working on push notifications using Expo version 41 - bare workflow (in the documentation is written that custom sounds are working only on this workflow). I want to use custom sound. Right now it ...
sqtr's user avatar
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Error while trying to send push notifications

I've recently ejected expo application into the bare workflow and changed the package name. Now I can't send notifications from my own backend using expo-server-sdk or expo notifications push tool. ...
matthew.simmons's user avatar
4 votes
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How to handle app icon badge count when app receives notification in background(closed) on react-native using expo? (IOS)

Is there a possible way to auto increment app icon badge number for iOS when app receives a push notification? I mean by just calling Notifications.setBadgeNumberAsync while app is in background or ...
David's user avatar
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1 answer

Detached Expo (ExpoKit) Push Notifications

I've just detached my expo project to ExpoKit and I'm trying to figure out how to handle push notifications. On Android, I have FCM, which worked out of the box right after I did the expo eject, the ...
hepifish's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Expo Push Notifications - when app is in foreground it crashes iOS

I have an Expo app, and I'm trying to handle push notifications sent while the app is in the foreground. It works fine in Android, but iOS it's crashing the app as it's received. I have a push ...
gwalshington's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

getExpoPushTokenAsync not working in expo

I am using expo react-native with firebase using the expo-notifications library. I am trying to log users to Notifications using getExpoPushTokenAsync with the project id as such: const expoPushToken ...
Itai Mizlish's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Not receiving push notification on Expo iOS client

I am working on an app using push notifications. The problem is I am not receiving push notifications on iOS devices even with the Push Notification Tool. On Android, everything works well. I 've ...
ceessay's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

'No experienceId or projectId found' when attempting to use getExpoPushTokenAsync() on iOS

I'm creating an expo react native app that needs to be able to send push notifications to users. Since this app will be running on both iOS and Android, we're planning on using Expo's Push ...
BetaBites's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Can not get expo push token on Android

I am building a React native app which is based on Expo and I want to also take advantage of Expo's push notification capabilities in a combination with Firebase realtime database. I am basically ...
user2128702's user avatar
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3 answers

TypeError: firebase.default.messaging is not a function (in '_firebase.default.messaging()','firebase.default.messaging is undefined)

I want to send notifications using firebase cloud functions so I am trying to get a token using firebase.messaging().getToken() but I keep getting the error: TypeError: firebase.default.messaging is ...
Aatish Parson's user avatar
3 votes
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How to unsubscribe(remove a listener) from React Native Expo push notifications

I want to give users an option to be able to unsubscribe from the notifications. I have already gone through the Expo documentation but I am still not sure how to implement it in my code. Here is ...
Musayyab Naveed's user avatar
3 votes
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Push notification in expo project

Currently in my company we have native applications (ios and android), and we are replacing the native apps with one react-native app using Expo. The native apps are configured to use push ...
Sofiane Daoud's user avatar
3 votes
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Expo push-notification not working in production

SDK Version: 40 Platform: Android The push notification is only working in development mode in development device it’s not working in development mode (usb yarn react-n run-android) in other device… (...
Thomas Reolon's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Do not show specific notification React Native

I do not want to show "NEW_MSG" Push Notification type in a specific screen. I coded below code but when I test it I always get a notification. How can I fix it? useEffect(() => { ...
Leo S's user avatar
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React native local notifications

I am new to React Native and need to implement a functionality where the app needs to send the user a notification every day at a certain time. The data to be shown for each day is stored in a json ...
Aditi's user avatar
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React Native how to set up push notifications with expo and firebase

I'm trying to create a messenger app with React Native and firebase for iOS, but I'm unsure of what route to take in order to enable remote push notifications every time a message is received. Every ...
stor314's user avatar
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Listen to FCM push notification delivery with Expo react native (android)

I am facing an issue extremely similar to this one. I am using Expo (SDK38) with the Managed Workflow I am creating standalone APK builds with Turtle CLI on CI I have an FCM project working almost ...
Pedro A's user avatar
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Group notifications with Expo

I have a react native messaging app done with Expo. I got notifications to work, but the problem is that each message is a separate notification. I would like to group notifications sent by the same ...
Ryan Pergent's user avatar
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Remote Interactive Push Notifications - HOW?

TL;DR How do I send interactive notifications through Expo’s Push API Please provide the following: SDK Version: 40 Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): All Using the following code and I have created a ...
IsaacKam's user avatar
3 votes
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Expo Push Notification Detection

how can i detect when coming notification and make some changes when app is closed... I'm using expo-notifications
Sahak Stepanyan's user avatar
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Expo push notification sent to multiple devices instead of one

I'm working on mobile app using expo managed workflow. My app has PHP REST API for the backend. I encountered a strange issue when working on the push notifications part of the app. I'm using 2 ...
eazybob's user avatar
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Expo push notifications stopped working in production

I'm using Expo to develop both Android and iOS at same time. Notifications were working fine for several weeks, and then out of no where stopped working in production, even though I did not update the ...
gwalshington's user avatar
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Expo notification doesnt fire method when app is killed/closed

im using react native expo and push notification works fine when app is running or in background but with the app is close. it doesnt call the method to handle the notification. I need to redirect to ...
Tiago Palmas's user avatar
2 votes
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Android: Expo Notification not showing on lock screen after inactivity

On Android my expo app does not show notification (or they are receiving very late) after a certain amount of time (like 3-5) being inactive and the phone being locked. As soon as I unlock the phone I ...
André's user avatar
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