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7 votes
11 answers

How to fix [Unhandled promise rejection: Error: Location provider is unavailable. Make sure that location services are enabled.]

I have just upgraded my app from Expo SDK 37.0.0 to 38.0.0. The app works fine on iOS but on Android I get the following warning and the app doesn't geolocate me on the map. Development environment : ...
Sujay's user avatar
  • 569
7 votes
2 answers

React Native Expo app crashing when published to Testflight

I have a react native Expo app that uses Location permissions. It works great on my device and on the Simulators so moving to the next step of distribution - TestFlight. When I load the ipa to ...
TeamBeamo's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Error while updating property 'lineCap' of a view managed by: AIRMapPolyline in expo

expo version : sdk42 react-native-maps: 0.28 and 0.27.1 both using react-native-maps-directions here is code <MapView provider={PROVIDER_GOOGLE} // remove if not using Google Maps style={...
Ibad Ur Rehman's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Expo-React-native-map: Find nearest restaurants from user's current-location's 5 km radius

I am using React native maps for my app. I have restaurants data with latitude and longitude. I have setup user's current location by using expo location(Current location logic will work on real ...
Krisna's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

react-native-maps first person view

I am using react-native-maps library with expo to render google maps for android and ios. At some point, I need to render map in first person view mode, something like this: I've read react-native-...
David Maisuradze's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Map for React Native Web With Expo and Metro

I am building a hybrid app with React Native Expo. My struggle is that my app needs a map and needs to be functional on mobile and web. To have a map with React Native I found several libraries, but ...
michjea's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

userLocationButton padding - move button only

Using react-native-maps, in my mapView, I have enabled my userLocationButton. You can see this rendered in the bottom right hand corner by default. I would like to be able to position this button ...
Justin Priede's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Expo app crashing in production because of unknown error

I've build an app in React Native/Expo that is working fine in development, but the android version crashes in production. Upon opening, the splash screen renders and then the app crashes. I've tried ...
Josh Simon's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Attempt to invoke virtual method 'double java.lang.Double.doubleValue()' on a null object reference getDouble

I am using react-native-maps library to show google maps in react-native application. I am tracking user movement and want to rotate the map when location will be changed. For map rotation I am ...
David Maisuradze's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Unable to resolve "../Utilities/Platform" error with Metro bundler

I use React Native with Expo, Expo Router and Metro to build a map application. I used react-native-maps package. React-native-maps is not available for the web (
michjea's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Error while loading web map components using react-native-maps and Expo

I'm trying to run react-native-maps on web using Expo and react-native. while loading the web page I'm facing a couple of console errors altogether when all of them referring issues with loading and ...
Tomer E's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

React Native MapView.Marker image crashes standalone Android App

I'm using react-native-maps with Expo SDK39 It was working fine with SDK38 but after upgrade it crashes when running as standalone app on android devices without any errors. It works fine inside the ...
ucha's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

react-native-maps: animateToRegion does not work with region or initialRegion?

In short: Why animateToRegion does not work with region or initialRegion? I have tested this behaviour and noticed that animateToRegion also does not work while it is used in useEffect() => {}, []);...
Hessuew's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Alias the package in your webpack config: react native web maps ; react native maps

I need to use react native web maps in react native project , i'm using expo and need to alias package in my webpack.config.js i want to use both ios/web version for my map. I m fairly new to ...
Sahaj Arya's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

React Native Maps : moving myLocationButton

Is there a way to move the position of MyLocationButton? I am using Mapview with some additional views on top of it. one of those views is on top of the MyLocationButton, and aesthetically I would ...
Mireia's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

react-native-maps custom map style

I created a json using google maps styling wizard. I then set that to a const under render and set that const to my MapView style but it renderers nothing when I do. I am not sure the issue, Ideally I ...
Justin Priede's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Generating markers with the user's direction

I am making a react native app in which I am displaying live location of buses. I am using react-native-maps. The markers and live location are working perfectly but I am unable to find markers which ...
Shubham Gupta's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Add search bar to react-native-maps when using expo

I would like to add a search bar to my maps screen and then use google to find the location associated with the input text and move the map there. This is what I have right now: import React, { ...
Ollie's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why am I getting an import error when trying to use react-native-maps?

Quick version: expo init MyNewProject cd MyNewProject expo install react-native-maps add import MapView from 'react-native-maps' to the top of my App.js, save/reload and I get the following error ...
peterxgriffin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to centre a MapView on a user's current location when the Map Screen is opened? React Native Expo

How to centre the map to show a user's current location when the map screen is opened? By following the expo documentation, it should be achieved with Expo Location API? However, the documentation is ...
Patrick89's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

React-native maps crashing in production (expo CLI)

I am using react-native-maps 0.31.0 with expo CLI SDK version:46.0.0. It works fine in the expo development environment but when I build the app either by generating an APK or uploading it to the ...
karim.belhadjali's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

React native maps rerender on marker press

I'm encountering an issue with React native maps. I try to put markers on my maps, and highlight the pressed marker. I wouldn't think this would be that tricky :) Here's how I render my markers: ...
enguerranws's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Google API doesnt work when published (React-Native app) but fine on emulator (Expo)

React native app works fine on Android Studio emulator (using Expo), but when I publish to Play Store and open from there, I cant get past Splash screen (it just closes). When I ask for feedback, the ...
Rasmus's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to grab just the latitude/longitude expo location

I am using expo location to request the users permission as well as grab their latitude/longitude coordinates. I am struggling to find some insightful examples on the internet which leaves me to their ...
Justin Priede's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

react native maps crashes on Standalone version from Google Play

SDK Version:40.0.0 Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all):Android Hello I use react-native-maps in my project. My project was developed using Expo SDK 37 and it was working fine. I tried recently to run ...
Marcos Paulo Júnior's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

React-native-maps module, missing gradle files?

I'm trying to set up react-native-maps module at my react-native app, however the component I've put in the code is blank. To configure it properly I'm following the instructions (
Yyyeey's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

react-native-mapbox-gl vs react-native-maps in 2021

I'm looking to build an app using React Native (expo) that needs to render a map. After looking around a bit, it looks like react-native-maps and the unofficial MapBox RN library are the two main ...
Bill's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

How to avoid "AirGoogleMaps dir must be added to your xCode" while running tests on Expo?

I switched the react-native-maps provider to Google Maps on a React Native / Expo app. There's no issues when I run the app with Expo Go, but when opening the map on integration tests with react-...
Robert Pulkka's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

MapView in react-native-map often zooms out completely to show entire world (rather than using initialRegion value) after upgdade from expo 45 to 46

I've been using react-native-maps in my app for the last two years. Recently, we upgraded from Expo 45 to Expo 46, and now, the map sometimes completely zooms out to show the entire world (rather than ...
Vaibhav Verma's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Blank map when using open-street-maps

I'm trying to use open street maps tile server with react-native-maps in an expo app. But, with any tile url, for example:{z}/{x}/{y}.png I got only a blank screen ...
Lucas Gardini Dias's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

MapView suddenly stopped working on React Native Expo app, android only

I have an expo project that has been working just fine for more than 2 months now, been testing it pretty much every day. Since today, 15th August 2022, the MapView component from react-native-maps ...
Baski's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to fix a Google Maps Error with EAS build on iPhone?

I migrated my Expo SDK 43 Managed Workflow project to an EAS Build. I use Google Maps as my default map choice for Android and iOS, but I when navigating to a screen with a map I receive this error: ...
shyguy189540's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a way to make Maps and Current Location load faster in React Native?

I have 4 Map Screens in a Stack Manager that lets my users see their current location as they complete tasks. After they complete a task, it sends them to the next maps screen, until that task is ...
MK_Pierce's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

React native maps fitToCoordinates with heading?

I’m using Expo and React Native Maps and I’m trying to figure out how to have 2 points, an origin and a destination, then orientate the map so that the destination is at the top and the origin is at ...
pjb3's user avatar
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React native maps "LongitudeDelta" error on Android after Map renders

I am using MapViewoffered by React native maps and it works fine in iOS but in Android it gives me LongitudeDelta error after first map render here is a screenshoot for the error: I tried to generate ...
Ahmed Saeed's user avatar
2 votes
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React Native Expo map

I Have a map marker that is centered on the current user location. This marker has a draggable property so it it possible to drag the marker around on the map. My questions is how can i set the ...
Graig Peru's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Android app displayed on half of the screen when rotated from landscape to portrait

I have posted this question a while ago, but since then I removed a major part of the code, which may help to find a solution... So I am trying to post again. I have created with expo a simple ...
Yossi's user avatar
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How to know if my react native expo app is using External GPS readings?

I've built an expo app using expo location and react native maps libraries. I connect an external GPS via Bluetooth to my phone. Then the accuracy reading in my app becomes fixed at 5 meters. I don't ...
shunshun's user avatar
1 vote
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React native turn by turn navigation

we working with expo and using mapview, however, there are many restrictions in react native maps, as we are planning to implement turn by turn navigation. Integrating Mapbox would have been the best ...
vincent O's user avatar
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4 answers

Error while updating property 'initialRegion' of a view managed by: AIRMap

I am creating an app with expo where I require map. I explored and found the mapView component in react-native-maps npm package. I installed it and just added the below code in a new component from ...
MagnusEffect's user avatar
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Expo app throwing errors when trying to install react-native-maps-directions after full reinstall

I entered Debug Remote JS mode and this caused some errors with react-native-reanimated package, I found here ...
seven's user avatar
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React Native Maps pressing Marker shows incorrect Callout and Marker

I'm using Expo 39.0.2 and react-native-maps 0.27.1 (latest version at the time of writing). I use Markers and Callouts to show points and their information on the map. However, whenever I click a ...
Allen's user avatar
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React Native Maps in Expo

I know we need to add an API key to view a Google map Then, if react-native-maps is integrated with Expo and we use MapView just by importing from React-native. So where to add the API key in native ...
Tarik Benali's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is permission needed for geocode/reverse-geocode on Android?

I don't need the user's current location, but I need to translate coordinates into addresses and addresses into coordinates. I am supposing that you can get the same result without the user granting ...
Dan's user avatar
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react-native-maps is rendering a blank map on some devices in production

Problem I've built an android app using Expo, which uses react-native-maps to render a map. The map is rendering properly in development. In production, it renders on some devices but not on others. ...
Josh Simon's user avatar
1 vote
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React Native Map crash app when getting location

My project displays a react native map and asks for user location. In development the application runs nickel without error or bug or slowdown while when I build the app and install it when the ...
Camille's user avatar
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How do I prevent my Google Maps API key from being exposed in my git repository when using Expo?

Problem is that my Google Maps API key is in the Expo app.json config file under the path and is exposed to my git repository. This is a problem because my git ...
Nora Söderlund's user avatar
1 vote
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Why are my MapView's zoom limits not working?

I am trying to restrict the max zoom "out" for an application I am making. The issue is that, even though I set pretty limited zoom restrictions, the user can still zoom in and out as far as they want....
Armando Vasquez's user avatar
1 vote
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Unable to use react-native-web-maps in expo

I'm trying to add a map to my project, so I used react-native-maps in native, and @teovilla/react-native-web-maps in web. Here is the dependencies in package.json "dependencies": { ........
Marc Lu's user avatar
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React Native Maps are grayed out on Android in my React Native Expo app

I've looked at previous threads and followed this tutorial: But still the map is gray on Android, ...
Jhnsbrst's user avatar
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