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Logging to Device in Production React Native Expo App

Question: How can we log messages and save it on the device for a production React Native Expo app? Requirements Store log files on the mobile device (Ideally) Log rotation, compression and/or ...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Redux DevTools with Expo 49 beta (React Native & Hermes engine)

I'm using Expo 49 Beta (React Native) which introduces new debugging capabilities with Hermes. This means that react-native-debugger which also integrates redux-devtools is getting deprecated. I'm ...
Ovidiu Cristescu's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to combine two Redux Firebase Cloud Firestore queries?

I have two redux queries that pull posts from my Firebase Firestore. The first successfully displays all of the posts of the people I'm following: export function fetchUsersFollowingPosts(uid) { ...
Tom Wicks's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why do i need to use redux-persist with Asyncstorage?

At first, my RN app was using only AsyncStorage to store my authentication parameters for a user. Lately, i've decided to integrate redux to this app so i can have a global storage, robust code ...
Louis Lecocq's user avatar
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How can I Add Redux Toolkit to Expo (sdk 50) Project?

I'm having issues understanding how to implement redux store on expo project because of how it's routing and navigation works. I don't really know how and where to provide the store. my project is ...
user3118363's user avatar
4 votes
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rtk query ts error jwt does not exists on type

Why I get this error ? Property 'jwt' does not exist on type '{ data: IAuthResponse; } | { error: FetchBaseQueryError | SerializedError; }'. Property 'jwt' does not exist on type '{ data: ...
universe11's user avatar
4 votes
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Offline first React Native Expo app with background sync

I am looking at building an offline first React Native Expo app that automatically pushes data to an API when the device gets a connection. However I am struggling to see how if this is possible ...
Stephen Kempin's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do I reset Redux between tests?

Has anyone been able to clear Redux between tests? What did you do? I have a React Native Expo app using Redux. I have a test that works in isolation, but when I run all tests, it fails because there ...
C.T. Bell's user avatar
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Redux - dispatch is undefined in action

I'm new to redux, but i have a problem that i don't understand and it can not fix it. The problem is, when i want to dispatch inside my action, I've got an error who said : dispatch is not a ...
baddeveloper's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Handle incomming notification with expo-notifications

I have a problem regarding the following code sample: Notifications.setNotificationHandler({//makes sure notification is displayed even when app is open, nothing else handleNotification: async (...
Kubaghetto the fresh Testobun's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Dispatch function seems to run more than one time after I test on stand alone app expo-deeplink

It sounds so weird to me and I have no idea what's wrong here because everything is fine in a development environment. So the way app works are simple, user sign in, choose it's therapist then pay for ...
EshgheCode's user avatar
3 votes
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React Native - "You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV === "production" "

I'm getting this error with React Native, not ReactJS so all the solutions/workarounds with webpack or browserify wont help. Full error: You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV===...
Clonescody's user avatar
3 votes
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React-navigation-redux-helpers error : This navigator has both navigation and container props, so it is unclear if it should own its own state

I am trying to integrate redux with react-navigation using react-navigation-redux-helpers in react-native with expo. However, though I followed the documentations I get the following error. This ...
Hasangi's user avatar
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3 votes
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Test Jest React-Native Expo CRNA with Redux not ejected

How to get all tests working for Components, Redux Actions and Reducers for a Create React Native App (CRNA) using Expo (default) while not ejected? Also uses Axios, Redux-Thunk async actions and ...
Thomas Hagström's user avatar
3 votes
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rtk query show when internet is off?

I use rtk query. if I close my internet connection and navigate to a screen I see no Loader and or something else I see nothing. So when I turn on my internet connection then nothing happens. How can ...
localdata01's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

useSelector of React Redux don't update state of store on expo react-native

I made the same model on the web and it worked, I tried to use shallowEqual of Redux as second parameter of useSelector function, also the _.isEqual of lodash libary as there on the Redux ...
Daniel Tiago Fischer's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to access ref from another component using React and Redux?

I'm using Expo's Video component on my application and it uses ref methods to handle the video's state. I need other components to be able to call methods such as .playAsync() and .pauseAsync() ...
Fábio Nascimento's user avatar
3 votes
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(Redux) react-native-debugger not working on custom development client

Recently I ejected a Managed Workflow project and now I’m on Bare Workflow, things were going pretty good until now. I was able to add native libraries and are working OK such as segment’s analytics-...
Guille Acosta's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Fetch from API erroneously returns old "cached" data on Android, latest data on iOS

I'm developing an iOS and Android application in React-Native. It all worked fine until one of my Axios responses on Android gave me old data instead of the most recent server data. On iOS there is no ...
Pieter's user avatar
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2 votes
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Redux-persist not persisting with expo on reload

I am using following tech stack react-native expo redux redux-persist. I have tried articles, docs as well as questions here also but not help. Its simply not persisting. I am using emulator and ...
targhs's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is there a method to clear Expo cache?

I'm working on a task where I have to update a product images. Expo cache is posing a problem, when I update the product images and re-render the screen it does update my store state but doesn't show ...
w.braham's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How how update redux store from layout file in react native expo

I'm building an expo-app and I manage state with react-redux, so my <Provider> in is in the top level _layout file. My problem is I'm working with expo notification and I need to get the title, ...
sam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Expo Image picker not working in Android but works in IOS

I am trying to give users of my React Native Expo based application the option to upload image via their gallery or camera shot. It is working in IOS but has refused to work in Android. I have read ...
kingsJayson's user avatar
2 votes
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error message "undefined" when using Redux?

It's my first time using redux and I'm trying to pass a state "apple" to a different component, but all I get is an error message saying "undefined is not an object(evaluating'_this....
Ollie's user avatar
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React-Native (expo) Retrieve an Initial Theme (or any initializing value)

I'd like to introduce a simple configurable theme to my (expo augmented) react-native app, with initial focus on the background color. I've had some success implementing the dynamic aspects, e.g. the ...
rpc's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Where do I place JSON data in Expo project

Does having assets in your app mean your app will rely on internet connection when you build and deploy with expo? My app is using JSON data, and images, and I don’t want users to need internet ...
Desmoline Awa's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Auth with redux toolkit and rtk query

I dont understand the proccess between rtk query with redux toolkit slice. i have a auth slice like this: const Auth = createSlice({ name: 'Auth', initialState, reducers: { setLoading: (...
universe11's user avatar
2 votes
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expo ejected - inside redux config file Maximum call stack exceeded

It is expo ejected project. debug version working badly but not crashing, release version crashing on weak devices.(for example: iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 7 and similar devices) Crash result return ...
Zuka Gaprindashvili's user avatar
2 votes
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Can a simple boolean value be used as lock for async code?

When we get an accessToken expired back from our API we will try to refresh the accessToken using a refresh token. We can have a scenario where we send 5-10 requests in parallel ( or as parallel as ...
Rasmus Knap's user avatar
2 votes
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React Native Redux-Persist not calling transformer on rehydrate

I am working on a React Native (react@~16.9.0) Expo (expo@~37.0.3) Android app that is supposed to store hour registration data locally, for this redux-persist@^6.0.0 is used. I created a ...
yarwest's user avatar
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How to force the whole app re-render when change app language with i18n?

My app target both Arabic and English language and i am trying to change the whole app language and force the whole app to update including FormattedProvider that helps me include both Arabic and ...
Ahmed Saeed's user avatar
2 votes
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Redux Error: You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV

the full error is:"You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV === "production". This means that you are running a slower development build of redux. ..." I already tried installing ...
Benjamin Heinke's user avatar
2 votes
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React navigation Could not find "store" in the context of "Connect(AuthScreen)"

I'm trying to facebook login with my expo react native app. But i have a problem. I used redux. My app.js here. import { createBottomTabNavigator, createAppContainer, createStackNavigator } from '...
Ebru Gulec's user avatar
1 vote
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React-Redux could not find Redux context value when using useSelector

I created a store and authreducer and every thing works as expected but when I add the useSelector in app.js I get this error: ERROR Error: could not find react-redux context value; please ensure ...
med hedi ben salah's user avatar
1 vote
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onsumbit button does not load redux API

Hello im trying to do something quite simple in rendering the api from a redux store from an api, This code provides no errors and im not quite sure whats wrong with it and why it wont append the ...
semistupid's user avatar
1 vote
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Trying to add a image to firebase V9 storage with react-native expo and redux

Error given: [Unhandled promise rejection: FirebaseError: Firebase Storage: String does not match format 'data_url': Must be formatted 'data:[][;base64], (storage/invalid-format)] I am able to add ...
Nitin's user avatar
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Error with Redux Toolkit createSlice function in React Native (EXPO)

I'm encountering an issue in my Expo project where I get the following error: TypeError: 0, _toolkit.createSlice is not a function (it is undefined), js engine: hermes at ContextNavigator (http://...
Bemsen Daniel's user avatar
1 vote
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I have an issue with shadow opacity on android

On design file enter image description here On device enter image description here It not match with design. My code at here Please suggest for me solution?
phuong's user avatar
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getting Error "The slice reducer for key "weathReducer" returned undefined during intialization in my expo app"

running into Error: The slice reducer for key "weatherReducer" returned undefined during initialization. If the state passed to the reducer is undefined, you must explicitly return the ...
bitbuoy's user avatar
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react native redux toolkit devtools

how can I add redux devtools with redux toolkit ? import { configureStore, getDefaultMiddleware, compose } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import reducers from './reducers'; import createSagaMiddleware from '...
locklock123's user avatar
1 vote
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react native redux toolkit filter not working

why is my filter function not working ? ShipperSlice.js import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"; import { current } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; const createProductShipper = createSlice({...
localdata01's user avatar
1 vote
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React native redux able to read value but unable to update value in the same page

I'm able to read the value of redux store(Props) but i'm unable to update the redux state value(Props2), when it seems like the action is dispatched to the reducer function. Page: componentDidMount()...
Gene's user avatar
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Error in react-native with expo: Could not find "store" in the context of "Connect(App)"

I'm building my first react native app and I encountered a problem to connect to redux store (I also do not have much experience with redux yet). I am using expo. The error is: Invariant Violation: ...
Karolina's user avatar
1 vote
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Invariant Violation error when using Redux with react-native

When I run my react React Native & Expo app on my phone the following error is displayed: Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/...
hero182448's user avatar
1 vote
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How to show the User Data after logging in with facebook/expo and firebase using redux

GOAL: 1. I want to save the public_profile data of my user into firebase database 2. I want to show the public_profile of my user in one of my component which is edit profile screen, and be able to ...
Drailan John Terrible's user avatar
1 vote
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React-Native Expo issue with TextInput

I'm creating a simple event tracker app using React-Native, Redux, React-Navigation and Expo and I'm having a bit of trouble with a fairly trivial part. I have a form screen where you enter the event ...
yoleg's user avatar
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Is there a way for the Redux Debugger plugin in Flipper to always select the most recent action in the log?

I've recently set up the Redux Debugger plugin in Flipper and I'm using it with an Expo-managed React Native app. Does anyone know if there's a way to have the list of redux actions in the main pane ...
user2344885's user avatar
1 vote
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writing tests for react-native integrating RTK Query with Components

I am using RTK Query Hooks in my expo react native project.Now I am willing to write test for the component contains RTK Query Hook?. Can Someone else share me the steps how to writing test for ...
renuka devi's user avatar
1 vote
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How to keep image picker in redux? I need the image (avatar) to persist across app restarts

I have a registration form with the ability to add an avatar. The moment is that I did everything and the avatar was added, but it needs to be saved in redux and not lost when the page is reloaded. ...
Igor Klimenko's user avatar
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Expo app crashes on iOS where can I see my error log ? (Because of Redux)

I run this command: npx expo start --no-dev --minify On Android its not crashed but on iOS (iphone) its crash. They are no errors. So where can I see the error log ? After trying debugging I find out ...
mostport's user avatar