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Questions tagged [file]

A block of arbitrary information, or resource for storing information, accessible by the string-based name or path. Files are available to computer programs and are usually based on some kind of persistent storage.

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Experiencing an error when trying to import from a diffrent directory

i am trying to import a function from another file a/b/ a/1/ i wanted to import a funciton from in sys.path.insert(1, '/path/to/c/py/a/b/c') from c import function1, function2 i ...
Erdem Sarikaya's user avatar
1 vote
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The getter 'MyRoutes' isn't defined for the class 'MyApp'

I have two screens in my app 1. homepage 2. loginpage and I want to navigate from login page to homepage on a button click through routes. the routes are define in separate file utils(folder)=>...
farman ullah's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to set a file permission to prevent deletion in Python?

I'm working on a Python project and I need to prevent a file from being deleted. If it's not possible to make the file undeletable, I would like to at least make it read-only and unchangeable. I've ...
JosephMoraila's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

HTML audio with javascript: playback of playlist is not correct -> index 2 is always skipped

Need someone to help me understand, why index 2 of the playlist array that is passed to the audio element is skipped - no matter what. This is the console output: 0: /track01.mp3 1: /track02.mp3 2: /...
nBar's user avatar
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unpack requires a buffer of X bytes

field_names = [] for i in range(obj["fields_cnt"]): print(i) name_len = struct.unpack('H',[0] print(type(name_len)) print(...
inkmilkyy's user avatar
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how to resolve issues on Kaggle,This preview is truncated due to the large file size. Create a Notebook or download this file to see the full content

enter image description here how to solve the question on kaggle: This preview is truncated due to the large file size. Create a Notebook or download this file to see the full content. I have been ...
于智慧's user avatar
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1 answer

How to write to a user input file name in python [closed]

I have to create and write to a file that's named by user input. The user is naming the file so the program cannot have a set file name to open. I thought I could do this by setting an input variable. ...
Stephanie Davi's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why are these files unable to be written to this specific directory?

Right now, I am having an issue of when I press the upload file button, the error I am getting is "Error uploading files: failed to move uploading file." The end goal is for these files to ...
Riley Simpson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

App Crashes Whenever Trying To Read File Saved Into Internal Storage In Android application

I'm trying to create a simple android application where value from a text field is saved into a file and is then later displayed on screen in a text composable on a button press, however the ...
Bob Rasner's user avatar
1 vote
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File corruption after file copying using python, how to fix it?

The following code is used: Python import os import shutil def backup_files(src_dir, dest_dir): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src_dir): for file in files: src_file = os....
Kreanto Zhou's user avatar
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Errors decoding a binary image file using blob & window.btoa in tauri with Vue3

Demo: components/imgDecode.vue: <script setup> import { nextTick, ref } from "vue"; import markdownIt from "markdown-it"; import { invoke, convertFileSrc } from '@tauri-apps/...
TsurumiTei's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

ImportError: cannot import name '' from '' (unknown location)

This is my folder structure folder structure I want to import formatting into my jupyter notebook, main.ipynb.I have tried from src.processing import formatting However, when I try the import, I get ...
Randy Cho's user avatar
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2 answers

python send InMemoryUploadedFile to requests.request

In postmen I send data like this: My python code is: headers = { "Accept": "*/*", "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=...
Anna Berezko's user avatar
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Some random ownership changes through `rsync -a` inside a LXC container

I am migrating a dedicated server running Debian 12 with LXC and a couple of containers. I use rsync with -avhze options from the new server (pulling), with root user on both sides. It appears that ...
Kiv's user avatar
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How can solve error downloading file from my web in VBA?

I need to perform a function to download a file from a website. I have tested with the Public Declare PtrSafe Function URLDownloadToFile function and it does not work on my website http://pavimarcon....
Javier's user avatar
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How can I create a file directory website [closed]

I am trying to create a website that is aimed at allowing the user to download a file from a directory/index of files on the website. Is there a shortcut to creating a website like this from existing ...
Ryan's user avatar
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0 answers

Why does fstreams have 1 cursor for both read & write? (Logically and technically) [duplicate]

Consider the next code: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using std::fstream; int main() { fstream file("text.txt", ios::out| ios::in |ios::trunc| ios::binary); if (!file) ...
CS Student's user avatar
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How to convert a hosted Adobe Illustrator file to a web-supported preview format?

My web application accesses adobe illustrator files from s3 object storage. I need to display a preview of these images. Web browsers don't support .ai files, so they need to be converted into a ...
Austin Poulson's user avatar
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How to upload a complete folder instead on files on my Next app?

I am creating a next app I am able to upload files using fileAPI , but I want to upload a folder and write a logic so that all the files (.text,.img,.pdf) inside the folder can be extracted can be ...
Aditya Sharma's user avatar
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Reading MSG Native(.nat) file with satpy

I am trying to read an MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) file given in the native(.nat) format using satpy. I tried using: import numpy as np import os from satpy import Scene import matplotlib.pyplot ...
The Emerging Star's user avatar
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how can i copy the files to corresponding folders

i have over 30k+ pdf files in a folder and most of them in fact useless, so i want to filter which i want to use so i created folders named with those i need and then i am trying to copy .pdf and .stp ...
spasmex97's user avatar
-2 votes
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Run python code in crontab: "File not found" error [closed]

If I run the python file directly there is no problem. However, when running in crontab, error "File not found" occurs. selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException: Message: invalid ...
l22hs's user avatar
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getInfoAsync not working as expected - expo-file-system

I'm using expo v51 react-native, expo-file-system package. So, I want to get the information from files recursively inside a given directory, to get all the paths of files inside it and return: const ...
Pedro Vidal's user avatar
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Explorer crash on double cleicl on file to execute, but

I have got a new computer and I migrated all my file. Some of files transfered crashes when double clcking or throwing the "open" command in the contextual menue. When copying those file ...
SQLpro's user avatar
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Convert TSV file data to a dataframe, which can be pushed to database

We have TSV files which holds IOT data, want to convert to table like structure using pandas. I have worked on TSV data, similar to given below, were the logics goes like read the file Add new column ...
Kavya shree's user avatar
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I'm trying to import a file that have 833 lines but when I import it on SAS only appear 11 lines. data shops; length name$64 straat$64 pc6$8 plaats$32 pc4$8 Keten$32 Formule$32 niv1_ddms$8 ...
manso.andre's user avatar
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1 answer

Python code unable to save to existing folder

I've been writing some code that takes a series of Excel files as an input, and then saves a dataframe to an excel as an output. Both the input and output folders sit on a network drive, where ...
Arthcode's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get file from "file_picker" to upload in flutter web?

I need to upload a PDF file to the server. I use this code. void pickFiles() async { try { final result = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles( allowMultiple: false, type: ...
Biagio63's user avatar
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Apache Pulsar to FileSink using pyflink

I'm reading from a pulsar source, doing some filtering and some transformations and then writing to files. I'm using 2 methods Write to file using a map function - This provides files with the events ...
pk__a___'s user avatar
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Why is the following behaviour observed while dealing with a text file object opened with 'r+' mode in Python?

I was going through file handling in Python and experimenting with different file modes. In a certain scenario with file mode as 'r+', I was unable to make sense of what was happening while using the ...
Sommerwind845's user avatar
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2 answers

Bash: Reading in a string from a file with variable substitution

I have a weird situation where I have a command stored in a file and that file contains references to variables. I'm able to read the file just fine, but I'm having trouble getting variable expansion ...
SailorCire's user avatar
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How to retrieve automatically/periodically the WSS urls that the tab/browser is using and save them to a file?

I'm looking to retrieve the WSS(WebSocket Secure) urls that the Firefox/Chrome browser(only 1 tab open) is using and store them to a file, as often as possible. Is it possible to do this with minimal ...
rockstar1's user avatar
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Cannot Update User Profile in Flutter

I am a beginner in flutter development, i want to call the API to update the user profile, in the API one of them consist of 'image' & 'proof' field,that field can be left blank, but the problem ...
Dzy's user avatar
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Which way should slashes be? [duplicate]

im learning java and am curious about something. like with slashes in file paths. i know that im supposed to use / in the code. but what about when reading in a file path from another file? so like i ...
yellowHoggerz's user avatar
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Check if ASCII/ text file is locked or being written [duplicate]

The title is pretty self-explanatory. The commonly used method: protected virtual bool IsFileLocked(FileInfo file) { try { using(FileStream stream = file.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess....
federico 's user avatar
-1 votes
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Generating empty output file

I wrote a code for generating an output file in my system in C++. The function is getting executed, but the only problem is that the output file generated is empty. Can anybody please tell me what I ...
Ankita Prasad's user avatar
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How to read a txt file in pandas where head fields are in lines? [duplicate]

I have a txt file like below, where some data have the ":" as value, and between each record there is two blank lines Serial# : 356899 LDEV : 0 SL : 0 CL : 0 VOL_TYPE : OPEN-V-CVS ...
Carlos Mazaro's user avatar
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Wrong column formatting of CSV file output

My code is meant to transform a text file in the format below: > gene name gene sequence to a csv file where in each row, 1 column has a gene name and other has a gene sequence. However, some of ...
Leafy's user avatar
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How can I Run/Extract/Or view a KPA file

I was coping files from a Dx3 VTech Watch and I found in the apps section a .kpa file and Im curious on how I can view it. Ive noticed its a binary file If you want to take a look at the files I ...
Bradley Stratton's user avatar
3 votes
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fwscanf failing to read UTF-8 CSV file correctly in C

This program can only use libraries of the C standard. I'm trying to read a UTF-8 encoded CSV file in C using fwscanf, but I'm encountering issues with the reading process. The file contains rows with ...
iPc's user avatar
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how to use more than one file in htaccess file?

I can't use more than one file in htaccess file for password protection <Files "startside-int.html"> AuthType Basic AuthName "Password Protected Area" AuthUserFile "/...
Nils-Ove Nipen's user avatar
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Spark : Read special characters from the content of dat file without corrupting it in scala

I have to read all the special characters in some dat file (e.g.- testdata.dat) without being corrupted and initialise it into a dataframe in scala using spark. I have one dat file (eg - testdata.dat),...
Prantik Banerjee's user avatar
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2 answers

Comparing cell values in files with identical names

I have a process that exports two sets of identical Excel files - a first set where users can edit data and a second reference set that enables file compare to identify edits made in the first set. ...
cdfj's user avatar
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File created with fmemopen has no contents after writing

I have some files on disk that I want to read in and concatenate. I don't want to create a new temporary file on disk. So I decided to use fmemopen to read/write to memory and access it using FILE ...
Nate's user avatar
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File() only returns one array element [duplicate]

I'm trying to read a copy of my servers firewall deny list into an array but only one array element is returned. Here is a part of the list: # {do not delete} - Thu Nov 14 01:23:31 ...
user3052443's user avatar
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How to import .db file to pgAdmin 4?

I want to import a file with .db extension into pgAdmin 4, how can I do that? It is not a .tar file but a .db file. Is there any way to import this database? Thanks in advance for the help.
cd21's user avatar
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How do you run a python script when an app runs

I was wondering if it is possible to run a certain python code I wrote when an app runs. I am on a Windows machine I don't want to keep some script running all the time on my computer that checks if a ...
DuduCreator's user avatar
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search for files with reader permission in Google drive API if email is not a gmail

I'd like to know if it's possible to query files by permission in drive API only if the permission email is a gmail (and obviously an existing account) $results = $service->files->listFiles() ...
jthomas's user avatar
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Use flutter share_plus to open share sheet and prefill email

I want to be able to open share sheet (with all share options) and when I click email. it is email should be prefilled. static Future<void> exportFile({ required ...
Rami Dhouib's user avatar
-2 votes
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My multi threaded rayon Rust loop can't outperform my Signlethreaded loop

I've been creating a function that is supposed to a BigUint into the base 1048576. I've been paralyzed by a problem I'm not quite sure how to solve. I originally made a single threaded varient but on ...
Thetrue kingofwaffles's user avatar

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