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(standart input) shown instead file name with grep -iHn "ERROR" and a second grep -vH "filter" shows (standard input) and no longer the file name

What I try to do: Find all log files from this day Then grep "ERROR" in the files Then grep -v "Not this line containing the filter" as Filter in result of the first grep command ...
falcon68's user avatar
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VBA Backreferencing using Regular Expressions Find and Replace

I want to standardize the formatting of some text within a Word document using VBA and regEx. For example, my document would contain text strings such as "Qty #", "Qty (#)", "...
Carter Roekle's user avatar
1 vote
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Beautiful Soup ".find" not working running from windows terminal

i'm trying to automate a program to scrap periodically some prices from amazon and other pages. (I'm starting with amazon) The problem is when i do the soup.find method with PyCharm, it finds his ...
Oscar Tarrago's user avatar
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Bash command substitution issues

I'm writing a Python script to parse various logs across different hosts. I can successfully run bash scripts via Python's subprocess module, however, I want to minimize the number of ssh calls, so I'...
OM222O's user avatar
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Find/Replace Row number within Formula

I have an Excel formula where I wish to change range row number found in a specific cell. =SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER(CHECKLIST!K7:K120180,(CHECKLIST!B7:B120180=INVENTORY!H5)*(CHECKLIST!C7:C120180=INVENTORY!...
Domenic Vitale's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to put the same character in the beginning of all rows using regex?

I have a list of 10 digit numbers in a txt file. I want to put the same character in the beginning of all rows using regex, without changing the numbers. I also want to put the character at the end of ...
Lime118's user avatar
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`find` behaves unintuitively when pruning directories

I have few files under the current directory, ./a.txt ./b.txt ./dir1/c.txt ./dir1/d.txt When I execute find . -path './dir1' -prune -o -name "*.txt", as expected, it excludes everything ...
nabik's user avatar
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Is there an R function that minimise a bivariate function f

I need to write a code that using the R function constrOptim, minimise an bivariate function. Please tell me what is wrong in the constrOptim , went i run the code i have this warning message "...
leonel takem's user avatar
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Request help marrying two VBA scripts together (Find/Replace)

Attempting to add Find/Replace to existing code Starting with this piece of code which works to convert a .CSV to an .XLS File: Sub CSVtoXLS() 'UpdatebyExtendoffice20170814 Dim xFd As FileDialog ...
PatRat's user avatar
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Find and replace n-th occurrence in VS Code

I have a large data set that I'd like to convert into a workable csv file. The dataset currently looks like this: [att1]; [att2]; [att3]; [att1]; (...) To make this a workable csv-file, I'd need to ...
Ben's user avatar
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How to find file names with non-printable characters using `find` on macOS?

Some folders on macOS have custom icons that are stored in a file named Icon?, where the ? is actually a CR character, and only prints as "?" in most cases (in Terminal and Finder). But when ...
Thomas Tempelmann's user avatar
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4 answers

Create an array using item from different array

I need to create a new array of objects with 12 item (months & value) on it but it must check if the month exist on other array. If it exist it will push onto the array if not it will have a value ...
Monmon's user avatar
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How to remove certain line numbers from a file and save the file using the inputfilename in batch

I'm trying to edit a txt file by removing certain line numbers from it. i would like to search for all files in the folder containing .txt, remove some lines and than save the file using the ...
Desz5's user avatar
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Trouble with hashdeep, fed by find, and unusual characters

I'm using hashdeep to calculate checksums, recursively for files. However, I need to exclude certain directories and so the solution would seem to be to use find to feed a file list to hashdeep. This ...
aghsmith's user avatar
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Find the string (or most common string) associated with user-input reference numeral within a document

PROBLEM I'm trying to make a macro which allows me to enter in a reference numeral (e.g., 102) and have the entire document be scanned for instances of that reference numeral. I want the code to ...
cjrc's user avatar
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1 answer

Edit VBA to scan a document and pick out the reference numeral that corresponds to a string, e.g. output "102" for "dog 102" in the document

My current code to do this works when all instances of the string in the document are accompanied by the associated numeral. However, where some instances of "dog" arent followed by "...
cjrc's user avatar
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Using find, match and filter with reactive array in VueJS - how do I?

Thought I understood .value but apparently not! :) This is using VueJS v3 and Composition API. I'm attempting to find the first matching value in a reactive array of people. In reality my array is ...
JaneDoe's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Using git bash "find" and "sed" correctly. Do I have the best solution? [closed]

I am using git bash on Windows. I have a large set (thousands) of c/c++ files with autogenerated headers that I want to replace. My plan is first to strip the headers then apply new ones. These ...
Jimbo's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Search for all directories that are smaller than 4MB

I want to display all directories that are smaller than 4MB using find command. Already tried find / type d -size -4000000c(same with a dot instead of/`) but both combinations display files too. What ...
Paprotti's user avatar
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Selenium returns looked up element unreliably

I got stuck.. so many hours.. looked up hundreds of questions & answers here.. I want to grep data from a banks product website, e.g. "Delta" from:
Chris Li's user avatar
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VBA | Find all "text" and change their font color Red

I want to find all the cells with text "Not Found", and make their font Red. Any advise on how to do so? String NotFound = "Not Found" My program will call the subprocedure ...
user2741620's user avatar
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Find string in data

I am reading out an API interface to get an average price of a specific material. The response of the API gives me a database including several different materials with a min and high price. First I ...
user25018635's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Javascript Nested JSON get parent results from child [duplicate]

I have a nested JSON and I'm getting the "variants" results from API. And I'm trying to get this variants parent names. Here is the json: { "active": true, "main":...
kront's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Multiple substrings in string python within variable check [duplicate]

I have the following code: check = "red" in string_to_explore How can I replicate it for multiple substrings? I tried with: check = "red|blue" in string_to_explore but doesn't ...
iraciv94's user avatar
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1 answer

Find value in sheet1, copy offset value, find offset value in sheet 2, paste text in offset cell

I have looked at a lot of different ways to do this and tried to incorporate their ideas into this sub but I keep getting different errors every time I run it. I am searching for "0" in the ...
Christopher's user avatar
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3 answers

Can find_if be used to find a key in std::map/std::unordered_map?

This is a simple program consisting of adding an element into the std::unordered_map. But before it's added, first check if the key already exists, if it does then don't add it. My problem is that ...
tadm123's user avatar
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How to find an element in a vector of class objects, based on one of the class members, and delete it

I have a vector of classes. Each class has two member variables, a name (string) and time spent working (integer). My goal is simply delete an element of an array that contains a specific name. I know ...
tadm123's user avatar
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I'm trying to replace text in all files using FIND

$i%2==0 ? $color="$c[color7]" : $color="$c[color7]"; I'm trying to change all files like this. $i%2==0 ? $color="$c['color7']" : $color="$c['color7']"; find . -...
iyagi's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How can I create a zip file based upon a Linux find command? [closed]

I have the following command which will find every bin file recursively within a directory sudo find . -type f -name "*.bin" I want to create (in the current directory) a zip file names ...
WhiskerBiscuit's user avatar
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find . -type f is including type PIPE on NTFS partition search (GNU find version 4.9.0)

While searching for regular files on a mounted NTFS external drive (using Debian 12, find ver.4.9.0,) The search is including FIFO pipes stored on the NTFS partition. find . -type f and when I tried: ...
Richard's user avatar
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VBA function FindInRow not always work - Find a cell in an excel row containing either text or date

Sometimes my VBA function FindInRow works, sometimes it doesn’t. The VBA function FindInRow is used to find if a 'text' exists in an Excel row or not. If the text is found in the row, the function ...
Phiplex's user avatar
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2 answers

is there anything simple and less line of code to check the pass and user and check if its matched

I want to check if the user and pass is matched and also their indexes since im using array of objects im using localstorage and javascriptfor this activity //find user if exist var founduser = ...
Jazshi Omelete's user avatar
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How to perform a Find/Replace on a directory of Excel files in VBA [duplicate]

I am wanting to perform a Find/Replace on all the excel files in a single folder (that I am prompted to select.) This is the code: Sub Find_Replace1() Range("A2:A100000").Replace What:="...
PatRat's user avatar
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Adding search bar like "find and edit" (without edit) directly on my website

I created a search bar on my website, but it only shows me on which page the results are. It is not leading me to the exact place of the searched content. I want a search function like it is on the ...
Barbara Maier's user avatar
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1 answer

Find and replace text in Microsoft Word using an Excel spreadsheet

I have a Word document written in English. The English acronyms need to be translated to French. I also have an Excel spreadsheet. Sheet1 has the English acronyms in column A, and the French acronyms ...
Bianca D'Aoust's user avatar
3 votes
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Using Exists with a Predicate<T> on a list with null items

I'm trying to find the index of an item in a list with something like listx.FindIndex(SomePredicate<T>) but I get an error NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of ...
Elight's user avatar
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-3 votes
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linux find in multiple directories limiting by MAX TOTAL SIZE

I have two directories in a 5TB HDD: folderA folderB I need to rclone sync or rsync these two dirs in another HDD, but the storage is limited to 2TB. So i decided to sync only the "newest"...
blastbeng's user avatar
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generate a graph between 15k+ strings of recipe ingredients

you know real world data is messy, and i have an interesting problem that i cannot find the solution to or cannot find the right keywords to search. so i have about 15k+ recipe ingredients written in ...
Omar Alhussani's user avatar
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Find matrix rows with common elements

Good morning everybody, first time for me here as Python beginner. I have to solve the following problem: given a matrix as the one below, I need to find which rows have some nonzero elements in ...
Ludovica Spada Chiodo's user avatar
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Recursive search and replace a string with dot in text files on Mac

Team, I see there are multiple similar questions but I did try some answers and still not able to get what I want. I want to replace a text as "product-ui-test-creds.json" to "vaulted-...
AhmFM's user avatar
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Applying itplr-kosit/validator for XRechnung

I am trying to use the validator on to validate an UBL-invoice conform to XRechnung. In the documentation, under
jetrca's user avatar
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MySQL complex REGEXP find and replace

I want to run a regexp find and replace on a wordpress database, specifically the in wp_posts table, in the post_content column. I have several affiliate URLs scattered in the text of the post_content ...
Joao Rennato's user avatar
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SharePoint Calculated Column to get the First letter after a dash

I am trying to get the first character after an underscore "_" So I can create a view based on that first charter, for instance 12345_Name (Title field) and then my calculated field would ...
kim's user avatar
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ls -u and find -atime show different access times for some files. Which is correct?

find -atime -2 shows about 1 dozen files accessed less than 2 days ago, but ls -u shows them all with access times of Jun 20 2023. What gives? I was looking to see which files on an external hard ...
Inuk99's user avatar
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Are there any networks where, when you start an application, everyone knows that you have joined?

I mean for example: Business app in which all are client and server and It's P2P connection between. But When you start app your partners and you without Enter Ip:Port, Host... already know that ...
Makstvell's user avatar
-2 votes
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Understanding a linux script with combination of find + grep + awk

I have a script with this: find . -name '*.nar' | while read NARFILE; do if jar tvf $NARFILE | grep -q jackson-databind; then OUTPUT=$(jar tvf $NARFILE | grep jackson-databind) echo $...
Mandroid's user avatar
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Find, Replace and adjust image in PDF's using python

I have code in python which is finding and replacing a image in pdfs, but I'm having hard time adjusting the size of the new image so what the code is doing is finding the old image and it's using the ...
Shwapx's user avatar
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Move Sublime Text find panel

Does anyone know if there is a way to change the location of the find/replace panel in Sublime Text 4? My issue is that when I am using Terminus to access the command line but need to find something ...
promicrobial's user avatar
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Batch - How to find strings from the first file in the second file and print which strings from the first file don't exist in the second one?

I have the first text file, example: amet sint perspiciatis minima And I have the second file full of text, example: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ...
Peca21's user avatar
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index.js:1 Warning: unstable_flushDiscreteUpdates: Cannot flush updates when React is already rendering

showing this error while I'm login to my website when debugging on and after 1 sec logout its not working with only on localhost .this is showing while debugging on otherwise nothing happened.please ...
darsh's user avatar
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