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Questions tagged [flexbox]

CSS module for flexible layouts providing a broad range of options for aligning elements while eliminating the need for floats and tables.

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1522 votes
40 answers

How do I set distance between flexbox items?

To set the minimal distance between flexbox items I'm using margin: 0 5px on .item and margin: 0 -5px on container. This seems like a hack. Is there another property or method intended to accomplish ...
Sasha Koss's user avatar
1291 votes
41 answers

How to remove the space between inline/inline-block elements?

There will be a 4 pixel wide space between these span elements: span { display: inline-block; width: 100px; background-color: palevioletred; } <p> <span> Foo </span> &...
Šime Vidas's user avatar
1110 votes
5 answers

In CSS Flexbox, why are there no "justify-items" and "justify-self" properties?

Consider the main axis and cross axis of a flex container: Source: W3C To align flex items along the main axis there is one property: justify-content To align flex items along the cross axis there ...
Michael Benjamin's user avatar
983 votes
14 answers

How to Right-align flex item?

Is there a more flexbox-ish way to right-align "Contact" than to use position: absolute? .main { display: flex; } .a, .b, .c { background: #efefef; border: 1px solid #999; } .b { ...
Mark Boulder's user avatar
980 votes
14 answers

Flexbox: center horizontally and vertically

How to center div horizontally, and vertically within the container using flexbox. In below example, I want each number below each other (in rows), which are centered horizontally. .flex-container ...
bsr's user avatar
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899 votes
15 answers

How can I make Flexbox children 100% height of their parent?

I'm trying to fill the vertical space of a flex item inside a Flexbox. .container { height: 200px; width: 500px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; } .flex-1 { width: 100px; ...
Raz's user avatar
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748 votes
15 answers

What's the difference between align-content and align-items?

What is the difference between align-items and align-content?
Dinh's user avatar
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694 votes
12 answers

Align an element to bottom with flexbox

I have a div with some children: <div class="content"> <h1>heading 1</h1> <h2>heading 2</h2> <p>Some more or less text</p> <a href="/" class="...
supersize's user avatar
  • 14.4k
655 votes
14 answers

How to vertically align text inside a flexbox?

I would like to use flexbox to vertically align some content inside an <li> but not having great success. I've checked online and many of the tutorials actually use a wrapper div which gets the ...
styler's user avatar
  • 16.2k
577 votes
10 answers

What's the difference between display:inline-flex and display:flex?

I am trying to vertically align elements within an ID wrapper. I gave the property display:inline-flex; to this ID as the ID wrapper is the flex container. But there is no difference in presentation. ...
astridx's user avatar
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576 votes
38 answers

Flex-box: Align last row to grid

I have a simple flex-box layout with a container like: .grid { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: space-between; } Now I want the items in the last row to be aligned with the ...
Thorben Croisé's user avatar
575 votes
7 answers

Why don't flex items shrink past content size?

I have 4 flexbox columns and everything works fine, but when I add some text to a column and set it to a big font size, it is making the column wider than it should be due to the flex property. I ...
tomas657's user avatar
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566 votes
3 answers

Fill the remaining height or width in a flex container

I have 2 divs side-by-side in a flexbox. The right hand one should always be the same width, and I want the left hand one to just grab the remaining space. But it won't unless I specifically set its ...
Adam Benson's user avatar
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556 votes
6 answers

Flexbox not giving equal width to elements

Attempting a flexbox nav that has up to 5 items and as little as 3, but it's not dividing the width equally between all the elements. Fiddle The tutorial I'm modeling this after is http://www....
itsclarke's user avatar
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549 votes
14 answers

How to make Flexbox items the same size

I want to use Flexbox that has some number of items that are all the same width. I've noticed that Flexbox distributes the space around evenly, rather than the space itself. For example: .header { ...
Chet's user avatar
  • 19.4k
518 votes
10 answers

Flexbox: 4 items per row

I'm using a flex box to display 8 items that will dynamically resize with my page. How do I force it to split the items into two rows? (4 per row)? Here is a relevant snip: (Or if you prefer ...
V Maharajh's user avatar
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510 votes
13 answers

Can't scroll to top of flex item that is overflowing container

In attempting to make a useful modal using flexbox, I found what seems to be a browser issue and am wondering if there is a known fix or workaround -- or ideas on how to resolve it. The thing I'm ...
jejacks0n's user avatar
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497 votes
20 answers

Vertical Align Center in Bootstrap 4 [duplicate]

I am trying to center my Container in the middle of the page using Bootstrap 4. I have been unsuccessful thus far. Any help would be appreciated. I have built it at so you guys can play ...
canaan seaton's user avatar
484 votes
24 answers

Bootstrap align navbar items to the right

How do I align a navbar item to right? I want to have the login and register to the right. But everything I try does not seem to work. This is what I have tried so far: <div> around the <...
Luuk Wuijster's user avatar
441 votes
7 answers

How can I align one item right with flexbox? Is it possible to have two items align left and one item align right with flexbox? The link shows it more clearly. The last example is what I want to achieve. In ...
Jens Törnell's user avatar
424 votes
6 answers

How to justify a single flexbox item (override justify-content) [duplicate]

You can override align-items with align-self for a flex item. I am looking for a way to override justify-content for a flex item. If you had a flexbox container with justify-content:flex-end, but you ...
Mahks's user avatar
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397 votes
10 answers

How to specify line breaks in a multi-line flexbox layout?

Is there a way to make a line break in multiple line flexbox? For example to break after each 3rd item in this CodePen. .container { background: tomato; display: flex; flex-flow: row ...
Artem Svirskyi's user avatar
373 votes
12 answers

Center one and right/left align other flexbox element

I would like to have A B and C aligned in the middle. How can I get D to go completely to the right? BEFORE: AFTER: ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; display: flex; flex-direction: row; ...
hazyred's user avatar
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371 votes
6 answers

What are the differences between flex-basis and width?

There have been questions and articles about this, but nothing conclusive as far as I can tell. The best summary I could find is flex-basis allows you to specify the initial/starting size of the ...
jpeltoniemi's user avatar
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370 votes
4 answers

How can I have two fixed width columns with one flexible column in the center?

I'm trying to set up a flexbox layout with three columns where the left and right columns have a fixed width, and the center column flexes to fill the available space. Despite setting up dimensions ...
mheavers's user avatar
  • 30k
366 votes
13 answers

Keep the middle item centered when side items have different widths

Imagine the following layout, where the dots represent the space between the boxes: [Left box]......[Center box]......[Right box] When I remove the right box, I like the center box to still be in ...
Mark's user avatar
  • 17.8k
366 votes
6 answers

Fill remaining vertical space with CSS using display:flex

In a 3-row layout: the top row should be sized according to its contents the bottom row should have a fixed height in pixels the middle row should expand to fill the container The problem is that as ...
Zilk's user avatar
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355 votes
13 answers

Scrolling a flexbox with overflowing content

Here's the code I'm using to achieve the above layout: .header { height: 50px; } .body { position: absolute; top: 50px; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; display: flex; } ...
Joseph Silber's user avatar
344 votes
22 answers

ReactNative: how to center text?

How to center Text in ReactNative both in horizontal and vertical? I have an example application in where justifyContent="center" and alignItems="center" is not working: ...
itinance's user avatar
  • 12.2k
335 votes
11 answers

Prevent flex items from overflowing a container

How do I make my flex item (article in this example), which has flex-grow: 1; not to overflow its flex parent/container (main)? In this example article is just text, though it might contains other ...
philfreo's user avatar
  • 43.2k
324 votes
28 answers

React native text going off my screen, refusing to wrap. What to do?

The following code can be found in this live example I've got the following react native element: 'use strict'; var React = require('react-native'); var { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, ...
SudoPlz's user avatar
  • 22.5k
308 votes
3 answers

Make flex items take content width, not width of parent container

I have a container <div> with display: flex. It has a child <a>. How can I make the child appear "inline"? Specifically, how can I make the child's width determined by its content, ...
Don P's user avatar
  • 62.5k
306 votes
2 answers

Position last flex item at the end of container

This question concerns a browser with full css3 support including flexbox. I have a flex container with some items in it. They are all justified to flex-start but I want the last .end item to be ...
George Mauer's user avatar
303 votes
5 answers

Chrome / Safari not filling 100% height of flex parent

I want to have a vertical menu with a specific height. Each child must fill the height of the parent and have middle-aligned text. The number of children is random, so I have to work with dynamic ...
Ricardo Castañeda's user avatar
290 votes
12 answers

100% width in React Native Flexbox

I have already read several flexbox tutorial, but I still cannot make this simple task to work. How can I make the red box to 100% width? Code: <View style={styles.container}> <Text ...
franfran's user avatar
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288 votes
4 answers

How to set a fixed width column with CSS flexbox

I want the red box to be only 25 em wide when it's in the side-by-side view - I'm trying to achieve this by setting the CSS inside this media query: @media all and (min-width: 811px) {...} to: ....
Science's user avatar
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278 votes
11 answers

What does flex: 1 mean?

As we all know, the flex property is a shorthand for the flex-grow, flex-shrink, and the flex-basis properties. Its default value is 0 1 auto, which means flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 1; flex-basis: ...
Md Rafee's user avatar
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277 votes
9 answers

My position: sticky element isn't sticky when using flexbox

I was stuck on this for a little bit and thought I'd share this position: sticky + flexbox gotcha: My sticky div was working fine until I switched my view to a flex box container, and suddenly the ...
bholtbholt's user avatar
  • 12.7k
262 votes
2 answers

Equal height rows in CSS Grid Layout

I gather that this is impossible to achieve using Flexbox, as each row can only be the minimal height required to fit its elements, but can this be achieved using the newer CSS Grid? To be clear, I ...
HLLL's user avatar
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251 votes
4 answers

How to stretch children to fill cross-axis?

I have a left-right flexbox: .wrapper { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: stretch; width: 100%; height: 70vh; min-height: 325px; max-height:570px; } .wrapper>....
Deborah Cole's user avatar
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246 votes
5 answers

CSS-only masonry layout

I need to implement a masonry layout. However, for a number of reasons I don't want to use JavaScript to do it. Parameters: All elements have the same width Elements have a height that cannot be ...
Pekka's user avatar
  • 447k
239 votes
7 answers

Why can't <fieldset> be flex containers?

I tried to style a fieldset element with display: flex and display: inline-flex. However, it didn't work: flex behaved like block, and inline-flex behaved like inline-block. This happens both on ...
Oriol's user avatar
  • 284k
237 votes
9 answers

Why does flexbox stretch my image rather than retaining aspect ratio?

Flexbox has this behaviour where it stretches images to their natural height. In other words, if I have a flexbox container with a child image, and I resize the width of that image, the height doesn't ...
sjbuysse's user avatar
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234 votes
4 answers

Making a flex item float right

I have a <div class="parent"> <div class="child" style="float:right"> Ignore parent? </div> <div> another child </div> </div> The parent has .parent { ...
Zhen Liu's user avatar
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234 votes
9 answers

When flexbox items wrap in column mode, container does not grow its width

I am working on a nested flexbox layout which should work as follows: The outermost level (ul#main) is a horizontal list that must expand to the right when more items are added to it. If it grows too ...
Anders Marzi Tornblad's user avatar
229 votes
5 answers

How to specify an element after which to wrap in css flexbox? [duplicate]

I don't think this is part of the flexbox standard yet, but is there maybe a trick to suggest or force wrapping after a certain element? I'd like to respond to different page sizes and wrap a list ...
theazureshadow's user avatar
206 votes
17 answers

Equal height rows in a flex container

As you can see, the list-items in the first row have same height. But items in the second row have different heights. I want all items to have a uniform height. Is there any way to achieve this ...
Jinu Kurian's user avatar
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200 votes
2 answers

Prevent flex items from stretching

Sample: div { display: flex; height: 200px; background: tan; } span { background: red; } <div> <span>This is some text.</span> </div> I have two ...
Mori's user avatar
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198 votes
13 answers

Text in a flex container doesn't wrap in IE11

Consider the following snippet: .parent { display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: 400px; border: 1px solid red; align-items: center; } .child { border: 1px solid blue; }...
Misha Moroshko's user avatar
195 votes
5 answers

How to align flexbox columns left and right?

With typical CSS I could float one of two columns left and another right with some gutter space in-between. How would I do that with flexbox? #container { width: ...
archytect's user avatar
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