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Questions tagged [git-merge]

git-merge is a git command which integrates changes from another branch by incorporating commits into the currently checked-out branch.

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5387 votes
36 answers

How do I resolve merge conflicts in a Git repository?

How do I resolve merge conflicts in my Git repository?
Spoike's user avatar
  • 121k
4902 votes
35 answers

Undo a Git merge that hasn't been pushed yet

I accidentally ran git merge some_other_branch on my local master branch. I haven't pushed the changes to origin master. How do I undo the merge? After merging, git status says: # On branch master # ...
Matt Huggins's user avatar
  • 82.6k
3208 votes
14 answers

I ran into a merge conflict. How do I abort the merge?

I used git pull and had a merge conflict: unmerged: some_file.txt You are in the middle of a conflicted merge. How do I abandon my changes to the file and keep only the pulled changes?
Gwyn Morfey's user avatar
  • 33.3k
2653 votes
17 answers

How do I safely merge a Git branch into master?

A new branch from master is created, we call it test. There are several developers who either commit to master or create other branches and later merge into master. Let's say work on test is taking ...
moe's user avatar
  • 29.3k
2413 votes
19 answers

When do you use Git rebase instead of Git merge?

When is it recommended to use Git rebase vs. Git merge? Do I still need to merge after a successful rebase?
Coocoo4Cocoa's user avatar
  • 49.9k
2055 votes
19 answers

Resolve Git merge conflicts in favor of their changes during a pull

How do I resolve a git merge conflict in favor of pulled changes? I want to remove all conflicting changes from a working tree without having to go through all of the conflicts with git mergetool, ...
sanmai's user avatar
  • 30.3k
1891 votes
15 answers

How can I merge multiple commits onto another branch as a single squashed commit?

I have a remote Git server, here is the scenario which I want to perform: For each bug/feature I create a different Git branch I keep on committing my code in that Git branch with un-official Git ...
SunnyShah's user avatar
  • 29.9k
1818 votes
29 answers

How can I selectively merge or pick changes from another branch in Git?

I'm using Git on a new project that has two parallel -- but currently experimental -- development branches: master: import of existing codebase plus a few modifications that I'm generally sure of ...
David Joyner's user avatar
  • 22.9k
1465 votes
19 answers

Undo git pull, how to bring repos to old state

Is there any way to revert or undo git pull so that my source/repos will come to old state that was before doing git pull ? I want to do this because it merged some files which I didn't want to do so, ...
seg.server.fault's user avatar
1378 votes
15 answers

How can I merge two commits into one if I already started rebase?

I am trying to merge 2 commits into 1, so I followed “squashing commits with rebase” from git ready. I ran git rebase --interactive HEAD~2 In the resulting editor, I change pick to ...
michael's user avatar
  • 109k
1355 votes
11 answers

Git merge hotfix branch into feature branch

Let’s say we have the following situation in Git: A created repository: mkdir GitTest2 cd GitTest2 git init Some modifications in the master take place and get committed: echo "On Master" > ...
theomega's user avatar
  • 31.8k
1351 votes
35 answers

How can I deal with this Git warning? "Pulling without specifying how to reconcile divergent branches is discouraged"

After a git pull origin master, I get the following message: warning: Pulling without specifying how to reconcile divergent branches is discouraged. You can squelch this message by running one of the ...
Davide Casiraghi's user avatar
1135 votes
21 answers

Is there a "theirs" version of "git merge -s ours"?

When merging topic branch "B" into "A" using git merge, I get some conflicts. I know all the conflicts can be solved using the version in "B". I am aware of git merge -s ...
elmarco's user avatar
  • 32.6k
1042 votes
11 answers

Git workflow and rebase vs merge questions

I've been using Git now for a couple of months on a project with one other developer. I have several years of experience with SVN, so I guess I bring a lot of baggage to the relationship. I have ...
Micah's user avatar
  • 17.7k
1041 votes
33 answers

.gitignore and "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout"

So I added a folder to my .gitignore file. Once I do a git status it tells me # On branch latest nothing to commit (working directory clean) However, when I try to change branches I get the ...
marcamillion's user avatar
  • 33.6k
1018 votes
21 answers

Is there a git-merge --dry-run option?

I'm merging in a remote branch that may have a lot of conflicts. How can I tell if it will have conflicts or not? I don't see anything like a --dry-run on git-merge.
Otto's user avatar
  • 19.1k
1010 votes
15 answers

Get changes from master into branch in Git

In my repository I have a branch called aq which I'm working on. I then committed new work and bugs in master. What is the best way to get those commits into the aq branch? Create another new ...
Slee's user avatar
  • 28.1k
993 votes
7 answers

How to undo a git merge with conflicts

I am on branch mybranch1. mybranch2 is forked from mybranch1 and changes were made in mybranch2. Then, while on mybranch1, I have done git merge --no-commit mybranch2 It shows there were conflicts ...
Anshul's user avatar
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948 votes
15 answers

Merge development branch with master

I have two branches namely master and development in a GitHub Repository. I am doing all my development in development branch as shown. git branch development git add * git commit -m "My initial ...
Pawan's user avatar
  • 32.1k
945 votes
24 answers

What's the simplest way to list conflicted files in Git?

I just need a plain list of conflicted files. Is there anything simpler than: git ls-files -u | cut -f 2 | sort -u or: git ls-files -u | awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq I guess I could set up a ...
inger's user avatar
  • 20k
893 votes
12 answers

How to cherry-pick a range of commits and merge them into another branch?

I have the following repository layout: master branch (production) integration working What I want to achieve is to cherry-pick a range of commits from the working branch and merge it into the ...
crazybyte's user avatar
  • 10.4k
875 votes
20 answers

Merge, update, and pull Git branches without using checkouts

I work on a project that has 2 branches, A and B. I typically work on branch A, and merge stuff from branch B. For the merging, I would typically do: git merge origin/branchB However, I would also ...
charles's user avatar
  • 11.6k
865 votes
10 answers

Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary, especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch

I am using Git. I did a pull from a remote repo and got an error message: Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary, especially if it merges an updated upstream into a ...
bernie2436's user avatar
  • 23.5k
779 votes
21 answers

The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge, but I don't care

On my branch I had some files in .gitignore On a different branch those files are not. I want to merge the different branch into mine, and I don't care if those files are no longer ignored or not. ...
CQM's user avatar
  • 43.7k
670 votes
2 answers

Why does git perform fast-forward merges by default?

Coming from mercurial, I use branches to organize features. Naturally, I want to see this work-flow in my history as well. I started my new project using git and finished my first feature. When ...
Florian Pilz's user avatar
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666 votes
8 answers

What's the difference between 'git merge' and 'git rebase'?

What's the difference between git merge and git rebase?
Daniel Peñalba's user avatar
600 votes
7 answers

How to "git merge" without creating a merge commit?

Is it possible to do a git merge, but without a commit? "man git merge" says this: With --no-commit perform the merge but pretend the merge failed and do not autocommit, to give the user a chance to ...
selbie's user avatar
  • 103k
588 votes
17 answers

How to import existing Git repository into another?

I have a Git repository in a folder called XXX, and I have second Git repository called YYY. I want to import the XXX repository into the YYY repository as a subdirectory named ZZZ and add all XXX's ...
Vijay Patel's user avatar
  • 17.4k
539 votes
6 answers

Merge up to a specific commit

I created a new branch named newbranch from the master branch in git. Now I have done some work and want to merge newbranch to master; however, I have made some extra changes to newbranch and I want ...
Dau's user avatar
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510 votes
12 answers

How can I preview a merge in git?

I have a git branch (the mainline, for example) and I want to merge in another development branch. Or do I? In order to decide whether I really want to merge this branch in, i'd like to see some sort ...
Glenjamin's user avatar
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465 votes
4 answers

When would you use the different git merge strategies?

From the man page on git-merge, there are a number of merge strategies you can use. resolve - This can only resolve two heads (i.e. the current branch and another branch you pulled from) using 3-...
427 votes
12 answers

How do I finish the merge after resolving my merge conflicts?

I've read the Basic Branching and Merging section of the Git Community Book. So I follow it and create one branch: experimental. Then I: switch to experimental branch (git checkout experimental) ...
michael's user avatar
  • 109k
412 votes
8 answers

How to keep a branch synchronized/updated with master?

At the moment git is doing my head in, I cannot come up with the best solution for the following. There are two branches, one called master and one called mobiledevicesupport. I want to keep ...
Mr. EZEKIEL's user avatar
  • 4,284
396 votes
14 answers

How do I 'overwrite', rather than 'merge', a branch on another branch in Git?

I have two branches, email and staging. staging is the latest one and I no longer need the old changes in email branch, yet I don't want to delete them. So I just want to dump all the contents of ...
Rafid's user avatar
  • 19.9k
359 votes
8 answers

Git merge errors

I have a git branch called 9-sign-in-out with perfectly working code, and I want to turn it into the master. I'm currently on the master branch. $ git branch 9-sign-in-out * master I'm trying to ...
Sayanee's user avatar
  • 5,147
352 votes
22 answers

Git error on commit after merge - fatal: cannot do a partial commit during a merge

I ran a git pull that ended in a conflict. I resolved the conflict and everything is fine now (I used mergetool also). When I commit the resolved file with git commit file.php -m "message" I get the ...
pMan's user avatar
  • 9,088
351 votes
9 answers

Re-doing a reverted merge in Git

I have run into a bit of a problem here: I had a problem-specific branch 28s in Git, that I merged in the general develop branch. Turns out I had done it too fast, so I used git-revert to undo the ...
Toms Mikoss's user avatar
  • 9,317
336 votes
4 answers

Find unmerged Git branches?

I have a Git repository with many branches, some of them already merged and some not. Since the number of branches is quite large, how can I determine which branches have not yet been merged? I would ...
fluca1978's user avatar
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312 votes
16 answers

How to merge specific files from Git branches

I have 2 git branches: branch1 branch2 I want to merge all the history (multiple commits) of in branch2 into in branch1 and only that file. In essence I just want to work on the file....
rwolst's user avatar
  • 13.4k
290 votes
5 answers

How do I fix a merge conflict due to removal of a file in a branch?

I have create a dialog branch and when I try to merge it to master branch. There are 2 conflicts. I don't know how to resolve CONFLICT (delete/modify). Can you please tell me what to do? $ git ...
user avatar
285 votes
8 answers

How can I configure KDiff3 as a merge tool and diff tool for git?

Recently I was using GitExtension 2.46, but the Git version that has the same is 1.9.4.msysgit.2. Willing to use only Git commands, I uninstalled GitExtension and install the latest version available ...
Jose Rodriguez's user avatar
281 votes
4 answers

Abort a Git Merge

I am working on a project using Git as the VCS. I got a branch xyz cut from the mainline branch of master. After working for a while, I committed my code and took a pull of the branch mainline. The ...
Salman Kazmi's user avatar
  • 3,208
280 votes
10 answers

Merge stashed change with current changes

I made some changes to my branch and realized I forgot I had stashed some other necessary changes to the said branch. What I want is a way to merge my stashed changes with the current changes. Is ...
Bemis's user avatar
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274 votes
1 answer

Restart/undo conflict resolution in a single file

In a larger git merge with several conflicting files, I incorrectly marked a file as resolved (using git add FILE after some editing) Now I'd like to undo my conflict resolution attempt and start ...
Alex Krauss's user avatar
262 votes
6 answers

How do I merge a git tag onto a branch

I'm trying to find the syntax for merging a tagged commit onto another branch. I guess it's straightforward but my feeble search attempts aren't finding it.
Jeremy Woodland's user avatar
255 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to pull just one file in Git?

I am working on a Git branch that has some broken tests, and I would like to pull (merge changes, not just overwrite) these tests from another branch where they are already fixed. I know I can do ...
Audrius Meškauskas's user avatar
252 votes
8 answers

Git merge error "commit is not possible because you have unmerged files"

I forgot to git pull my code before editing it; when I committed the new code and tried to push, I got the error "push is not possible". At that point I did a git pull which made some files ...
Kiarash's user avatar
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251 votes
8 answers

git - skipping specific commits when merging

I've been using Git for about a year now and think it's fantastic, but I've just started on a second version of the project and started a new branch for it. I'm struggling a little with the best way ...
Brad Robinson's user avatar
247 votes
3 answers

How do I use vimdiff to resolve a git merge conflict?

I just merged a branch into my master in git and I got Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. Now I ran git mergetool and vimdiff opened with the image below. I don't know ...
Cool Guy Yo's user avatar
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246 votes
2 answers

How does git merge after cherry-pick work?

Let's imagine that we have a master branch. Then we create a newbranch git checkout -b newbranch and make two new commits to newbranch: commit1 and commit2 Then we switch to master and make cherry-...
Paul's user avatar
  • 26.3k

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