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Questions tagged [git-rm]

`git rm` is a Git command used to remove files from the working tree and from the index. Use this tag for all posts related to the usage of this command.

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Is there a way to delete folders through GitLab from master branch, but keep them in other branches?

I'm sure this is a stupid question but I have very little background with git and everything I've learned has been done on the fly and independently, so I'm very much still learning. I have a ...
user25607012's user avatar
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Removing a submodule manually

I tried removing manually the following submodule from my local repository: components/CtrlFuelSuppHtr Removed it from these three places: .git folder, components folder, and deleted it on .gitmodules....
tadm123's user avatar
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Running "git rm --cached" removes files from the .git folder?

I'm having trouble understanding what does git rm --cached do. For example, I have a beagle_pft_test repo and a list of submodules inside "components folder". doing git rm --cached would ...
tadm123's user avatar
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How to remove a submodule from git so that it is deleted from the file system on pull

I have a submodule named my_submodule, which I would like to delete. I need to make sure that it is removed from other developers' file systems as well, to prevent accidentally using it. I can't ...
justauser's user avatar
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Issues deleting git file after pushing

I am trying to delete a file after git push. I initially tried to git rm myFile, but this resulted in deleting the file locally and not deleting the file from my repo. When I click on my branch, I see ...
Zach Wilcox's user avatar
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Problem/Confusion about merging branches and "modify/delete" Conflicts

Here's the hierarchy of the 3 Branches in this story: "master" branch | JohnReedAvery | Birdy Earlier today, I finished a couple of scripts in the "Birdy&...
John Reed Avery's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

git add/rm files based on the type of change (of the files)

Is there a way to stage or unstage (git add / git rm) files only based on what was the type of modification? Like : add/rm only files that are deleted add/rm only files that are new add/rm only files ...
eshirvana's user avatar
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what does git rm do as opposed to deleting by OS and git add

If we want to delete a file (say file1.txt) and stop the git repo to track it, it is said that we should use git rm file1.txt and then git commit -m "..." it. But deleting from the working ...
b3hn4m's user avatar
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Move a file from a directory with one file to another (refactoring)

I have a directory with a single file defining a class under package com.a.b.c under a specific package i.e. src/com/a/b/c/ I want to refactor and move the class in a different ...
Jim's user avatar
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how can git commit -a work after i remove a file from index

Suppose I have tracked file empty.txt. Now I remove file from working directory using rm empty.txt . Now I am removing file from index using git rm empty.txt and now file should be untracked since I ...
Akshay Malik's user avatar
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3 answers

Undo .gitignore changes

I previously ignored a folder, but now I would like to ignore its content only: How do I remove/modify some entries from my .gitignore file so that git will track them again? I tried updating the ...
joyfantastic's user avatar
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how to not pull a file that commited?

I have a zip file (contains jdk) that is already committed to the remote repo, I only use this file in the remote repo (as a cicd procedure) and what I want is that I will not be able to pull it (the ...
omer's user avatar
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Easily remove multiple tracked files and add them to gitignore with VSCode

I have a folder with many files tracked by git, and I would like to untrack many of theses files in a simple way. Usually when I compile my solution, I see from VSCode source control tab some tracked ...
PLB's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between 'git rm --cached', 'git restore --staged', and 'git reset'

I have come across the following three ways in order to unstage the files that were staged by the command 'git add' git rm --cached <file> git restore --staged <file> git reset <file>...
sekai_no_suda's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Git: how to untrack files without staging them for deletion

I have some config files that I want to change locally but not risk accidentally committing those changes. They also cannot be added to gitignore because they need to be tracked for the project as a ...
Andrew Toups's user avatar
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Removing all the files in a branch with git?

Trying to run git rm -r * on a branch. I have dist in .gitignore, but still get this error: fatal: pathspec 'dist' did not match any files Thoughts?
Ole's user avatar
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I accidentally uploaded a windows pointer instead of the actual folder- how do I delete it?

I accidentally uploaded a windows pointer instead of the actual folder- how do I delete it? Here's my problem- I can't rm this folder. It's an issue because I can't upload the real folder because it ...
user3573562's user avatar
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Remove all files associated with a repository, keeping other files

I have cloned a "dotfiles" Git repository into my home directory and I'm trying to remove all the files associated with it. How can I safely remove all files that belong to the repository without ...
R Harrington's user avatar
-2 votes
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how do i recover deleted files from the command git rm -r * with files that were commited but wasnt pushed [duplicate]

i accidentally removed file from his repository in github (and i had a lot of changes in some of my files, because i didn't push them yet), and after i remote back to the same repository in github -iv'...
Noam Atishkin's user avatar
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Can't remove all files with "git rm -r -f {folder_name}" (Windows 10)

I'm working in a git repository on Windows 10, and I have a folder named "Client" - I'm trying to completely delete it and all files inside it from my local repository. I'm inside the branch that I ...
jbyrd's user avatar
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-3 votes
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How to delete folders from GIT? [duplicate]

I need to remove 2 folders in BitBucket: I used command: git rm folder1 folder2 And got error: Fatal: not removing "folder1" recursively without -r
klvb's user avatar
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GitHub branching mess

So, I want to upload a project to GitHub, I have to create a new branch per assignment requests, but when I created it, it cloned what I had in another branch and made it the default branch and for ...
enriqueMota's user avatar
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Git remove file from repo without deleting WHEN OTHERS PULL

Each developer in my team has an .idea file in the root of their local working copy. Somebody didn't have it in their global .gitignore (and it's not in any other .gitignores) so they've accidentally ...
benxyzzy's user avatar
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Adding a single tracked file to .gitignore without deleting it?

I've just discovered that my .idea/myproject.iml file, which is checked in, contains a local path. I therefore need to add it to .gitignore and make git not track it anymore. I (and everyone else) ...
thebjorn's user avatar
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Remove all files from history that are not in working tree

Lots of answers on StackExchange deal with removing a given file from all commits in the history with something like: git filter-branch --prune-empty -d /dev/shm/scratch \ --index-filter "git rm --...
Cjen1's user avatar
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GitHub mistakenly deleted file - multiple branches committed at different times. How to handle?

The scenario below details where there was a deleted file on a remote git repo mistakenly. If you scroll through the commits below, the problem really came up in COMMIT 4 and actually in terms of ...
uh_big_mike_boi's user avatar
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Refactor files from the main repository to a submodule with history

Take a project with, say, the executable source in the main repository M and dependent libraries in several sub modules S1, S2, etc. The decision is made that some code in the executable should be ...
cycollins's user avatar
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Keep deleted files on git pull

In the couple of the commits I need to pull there are a couple of deletions. Those files belong to some basic project files that shouldn't be present in git repository (that was our mistake in the ...
anneteka's user avatar
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5 answers

How to recover from "git rm -rf ." and still retain uncomitted changes?

I had a bunch of changes added to the staging index by git add *, but not yet commited, I wanted to remove them, undo the add, so I did git rm -rf . to my surprise it removed them from my hard drive, ...
aelmosalamy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Stop tracking file locally, but let other repo users keep tracking it? [duplicate]

I'm collaborating on an IntelliJ IDEA project using Git and GitHub. The original creator of the repo added the IntelliJ .idea folder to the repo, and I find it annoying to see changes to IDE files ...
Magnus's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why git rm --cached not remove local ever tracked file but others

When untrack a file in the git repository, use git rm -r --cached .. This will not remove the ever tracked file in local storage, but when other developers fetch this commit with git pull, the ever ...
LF-DevJourney's user avatar
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Git recover files

I added local files to git repo (git add .) and committed. Then deleted files with git rm * and committed again (second commit). That deleted files both locally and remotely. Hot to get files back ...
Joe's user avatar
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Remove a file from whole git history

I know this question has already been asked, but in every answer, I found the situation is slightly different from mine and I don't see how to adapt it. So here is the problem: I cloned a repository ...
Wendy's user avatar
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Git replace an entire directory

I have a directory in git that needs to be replaced with a new one. The new directory has few files modified, removed and also few files same. E.g.: **Currently in the repo** DirA |-> FileA, ...
Arthes's user avatar
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What is the difference between git rm and git rm -f? [duplicate]

I am reading book Git Pro and it says: To remove a file from Git, you have to remove it from your tracked files (more accurately, remove it from your staging area) and then commit. The git rm ...
Ishan Patel's user avatar
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GIT remove changes of specific commit from current HEAD

Assume I have recent changes added or not added to the index. Now I'm cherry-picking a specific commit without creating a new commit on my HEAD ... git cherry-pick -n <commit> How do I remove ...
codekandis's user avatar
2 votes
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Git - How do I delete files in upstream repo but not from my fork

I have forked a repo (called the original repo upstream) because there had to be done some cleanup but I wanted to keep the folder johannes I work with. So I went along and deleted that specific ...
johk95's user avatar
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Git remove file from all commits

I made a "little" mistake and added a "little" (>100MB) file to my local repo. Two commits later I'm trying to push to remote repo in github that have a limit of 100MB. I can remove the file from my ...
Mquinteiro's user avatar
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What does git-rm mean by working tree and index?

The documentation for git-rm contains this short description: git-rm - Remove files from the working tree and from the index What exactly is meant by the working tree and the index, and which ...
Joshua Lee's user avatar
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How to safely remove files from master which have already been removed from a branch?

Refer to the following diagram: my-branch A---B---C---D / \ master E---F---G During the merge from B to G I have inadvertently added files to master which I deleted from ...
scherm's user avatar
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Git Remove Directory in Github

I made a mistakes and now I can't fix it. I have pushed an useless directory in my github repository, then I deleted it and repush the new version of my project. The problem is that the directory is ...
Shining's user avatar
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"git rm -r" with globbing

I'm trying to use git rm as part of the filter-branch. I want to delete directories */*/dir1 but nothing is happening. The command I'm using is: git filter-branch --tag-name-filter cat --index-filter ...
Michael's user avatar
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un-deleting file after running "git reset" after running "git rm"

I accidentally ran git rm file to undo that I ran git reset HEAD which didn't restore the file, so then I ran git reset HEAD~1 which didn't seem to restore the file either (this should be easy...) ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
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Remove specific file from specifc commit when 'git filter-branch' fails

I can't commit in my working directory anymore because there are some huge files in the repo that weren't included in gitignore, so they have been carried over and over in many commits/revisions. I'...
microwth's user avatar
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Unable to stop tracking JetBrains .idea files

I have added the .idea files to my .gitignore file and that seems to work fine. Since my .idea files were tracked already, though, earlier posts have suggested the following code, to get them out ...
Mike McGuire's user avatar
2 votes
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File removed using git rm --cached, but git still pushes it to my repo?

I have removed my file using git rm --cached and git reset HEAD. But when I try to push it to my repo, it still adds that file? How can I completely remove that file?
shader's user avatar
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How to resize the remote repository without deleting all the commit history?

There are several very related question already on stackoverflow (a few are linked below) but I could not solve my particular problem. I share a repository with Co-workers who have pushed huge ...
Cleb's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Git - Remove All of a Certain Type of File from the Repository

How do I remove all of a certain type of file from the Repository? I'm using git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -rf --cached **/*.jar' Either git is not expanding globs, or it isn't expanding *...
lmat - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I remove all instances of a certain filename from a Git repo?

I have some files, for example one being error_log and some of these may have accidentally been added to git before they were added to the .gitignore file so I am wondering how can I delete all ...
Brett's user avatar
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git rm --cached everything that is listed in .gitignore

I added .gitignore to my project after I had everything commited. Now I want to run a command like: git rm --cached *everything_listed_in_gitignore* How can this be achieved? Thank you in advance.
Alex Lomia's user avatar
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