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Questions tagged [google-cloud-platform]

Google Cloud Platform provides cloud computing services that let you build applications and websites, store data, and analyze data on Google's infrastructure.

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(BigQuery) Unwanted Field is Created When Trying to Create Dynamic Fields in ARRAY_STRUCT

I'm trying to create a key feature data mart using nested structs in BigQuery. Everything is working fine except that an unwanted random field is being created in the inner ARRAY_STRUCT (e.d struct) ...
Young's user avatar
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How To Set A GCloud Flag During Cloud Build Runtime?

I need to set a Gcloud deployment flag with an environment variable that I set during runtime. The reason for this is that I am trying to version my cloud run services and if the parameter TAG_NAME ...
Joe Alvini's user avatar
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Install ops-agent to google cloud optimized OS

Is there any way to install the ops-agent on a Google Cloud Container Optimized OS? When I create a VM, once I choose "Create From Template" the "Enable Ops Agent" checkbox ...
d-_-b's user avatar
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How to import and use javascript constants in config block of sqlx, when js file not in includes folder

The google docs outline how to define field definitions globaly in the includes folder. e.g. you could have includes/docs.js This might look like: const myField = 'A definition for myField'; module....
Devin's user avatar
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Error during `gcloud app deploy` for GAE app: "Failed to create cloud build: invalid bucket"

After creating a new Google Cloud project and following all steps carefully from this documentation to create & deploy a new GAE app, gcloud app deploy yields the following error: ╔════════════════...
myconode's user avatar
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Proxy can't access backend cloud run service when ingress set to internal

I am trying to figure out how I can have all requests have to go through the ESPv2 cloud run container URL so that nobody can make requests to the backend service directly. I thought this could be ...
Tyler's user avatar
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Firebase Cloud Function using Event for document change AttributeError: 'Event' object has no attribute 'after'

I deployed the following Python Firebase cloud function that's supposed to be triggered on change to document from Collection Appointments, then send an FCM accordingly to associated user. # The Cloud ...
Tareq Ewaida's user avatar
-2 votes
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Deployment error on Google Cloud Platfrom [closed]

Getting an error while deploying wordpress on Google Cloud Platform {"Resource Type":"runtimeconfig.v1 beta1 waiter","Resource ErrorCode":"504","...
WEB_DEVELOPER's user avatar
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How can I limit the number of children records of a subcollection in GCP datastore query?

I have a data structure with collections and subcollections. Like below: - Parent Collection * Child document 1 - Sub collection * Sub document 1 * Sub document 2 ...
leokury's user avatar
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How to give request and limit under resources in yaml [closed]

We have 5 services running in GKE Standard cluster when i see pods history of 30 days Here is the breakdown Service 1 Memory --> limits = 11.4GB Request = 5.7GB Used = 1.2GB ...
cloudnetwork's user avatar
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Looker Pro upgrade

I am trying to create a Looker dashboard as part of a project on GCP but I am getting an error that I don't have permission to access the dashboard even though I am the super admin and I am using a ...
Ahmed Bakir's user avatar
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Crossplane, GCP, and compute.subnetworks.get

So I'm trying to use Crossplane with provider-family-gcp to create a GKE cluster. apiVersion: kind: Cluster metadata: name: workload-cluster-yuan spec: forProvider:...
Mike Williams's user avatar
-1 votes
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Google Takeout Destination Apps [closed]

Is there a way that we can have third party app in the Google takeout destination list other than the predefined apps? I would like to some other third party in this list. Are there any supported APIs ...
Sraj's user avatar
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I want to access my Firestore Database of project A, from Project B which is also deployed in same GCP

not able to access one DB (FIRESTORE) from two projects on same GCP. I have two projects deployed in Google Cloud Platform project A & project B. Project A has firestore DB. now i want to access (...
Abhishek Lahase's user avatar
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Firestore alternative for collectionGroups

I have a question about Firestore search, collectiongroups, and something similar like that. I have 2 main-collections: /users and /hobbies Every user-doc in users has a subcollection "/hobbies&...
Nemeton LP's user avatar
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Issues with Google Cloud DNS and GoDaddy CNAME for Subdomains Pointing to Cloud Run and API Gateway

I am experiencing issues when trying to set up subdomains for my website using Google Cloud DNS and GoDaddy. I have configured two subdomains, www and api, to point to a Cloud Run instance and an API ...
Butcat's user avatar
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How to select all columns in BigQuery?

In sql server, I can just drap the column under the table to query window and it will copy all columns. Just format it everything will be good looking. But there's no an easy way to drap columns in ...
HappyFreddie's user avatar
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How to use Google Vertex AI fine tuned model via Node.js

I fine-tuned a model on Google Vertex AI. Before that, I was using regular models with this code(it works): public static async SendMessage(prompt) { const vertexAI = new VertexAI({project: ...
cuneyttyler's user avatar
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Unable to restrict Generative Language API Key on Google Cloud

I have an Android app that uses Generative Language API from Google Cloud. As a best practice, I must restrict my Android app's API key. So I added the package name and SHA-1. Now, all the calls to ...
kaigalmane's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA cookie is not being passed for subdomains, only the domain where the reCAPTCHA is being set

Domains are fictional :) I have a website hosted at: In that website, on one page I <embed> another website which is hosted at Our GCP Cloud ...
Candace Wong's user avatar
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No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey) in VM SUSE conecction putty [closed]

No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey) I have a VM instance with Linux SUSE on Google Cloud Platform which was created using a .yaml template, when trying to connect to ...
Ariadna Rodríguez Hernández's user avatar
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Accessing Google Cloud API (BigQuery) on behalf of a user

I have implemented an oauth2 flow in my frontend and I am storing user credentials in my backend, like this: export type Credentials = { refresh_token: string; expiry_date: number; ...
gatti's user avatar
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Cloud Tasks for queueing parallel Cloud Run Jobs with >30 minute runtimes?

We're building a web application through which end users can create and run asynchronous data-intensive search jobs. These search jobs can take anywhere from 1 hour to 1 day to complete. I'm somewhat ...
Colin's user avatar
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SSH key authentication suddenly getting timedout on GCP even Connection via Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy Failed [closed]

Earlier I was able to connect using ssh ubuntu@host but suddenly ssh stopped working. Even i restarted the machine. Tried to connect using browser ssh and still got the error. and I follow instructios ...
iamabhaykmr's user avatar
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Problem with outgoing traffic in Google Cloud Job with NAT and static IP

I have written a service that requires a static IP for communication with an API. I followed Google's instructions here, and indeed, ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Is there a way to check which security update policy a Google Cloud Function is using (on the Google Cloud Console)? [closed]

According to this, Google Cloud functions can have either one of two security update policies: Automatic updates (default) and On deployment updates On the Google Cloud console, is there a way to ...
Shamil Jamion's user avatar
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How to use built in assertion on partitioned table that require filter

I have a dataform table my_table which is partitioned by my_column which is required to be used when querying it, I'm trying to define assertion on my_table, for example nonNull but I'm getting: ...
aName's user avatar
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What is the fee for GCP Custom Image sharing between regions

I'm new to GCP and have some experience with both Azure and AWS. In my work, need to have a custom image in one project and share it publicly across multiple regions. In both AWS and Azure I have to ...
Yogev h's user avatar
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How to include delta-spark module to Google Cloud Dataproc jobs for PySpark script?

I have read and watched different and differing tutorials on how to do this, but none seem to work. The following error always comes up: : loading settings :: url = jar:file:/usr/lib/spark/jars/ivy-2....
dbkoop's user avatar
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How to authenticate Youtube-Data-API v3 with GCC in Streamlit (or any other third party web-framework)

I am using to deploy my app which uses Youtube-data-api v3 to find channel URLS. default_api_key = "..." # API key API_KEY = st.text_input("Enter your YouTube API Key"...
Cobbi Liu's user avatar
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Variable to retrieve job ID in Google Cloud Run using Java

I'm working with Google Cloud Run and I need to retrieve the unique job ID of an execution from my Java application. I've reviewed the Google Cloud Run documentation but haven't found a specific ...
Andres Sanchez's user avatar
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Storage price BigQuery [closed]

To be honest, I have not found anything useful on this issue in Google documentation, hence it is not clear how to calculate it correctly How does storage price work in BigQuery? Each day will be ...
Nik's user avatar
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vertex AI training is ignoring allocated time and not finishing autoML training

I am trying to run an autoML on a relatively small data set (100K rows, 20 cols) and allocating 3 hours (the recommended time is 1-3h). Since I am on a budget, it's important that it finishes on time. ...
Noale's user avatar
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Cloud Source Repository alternative? [closed]

Now that new users can't enable Cloud Source Repository anymore, did google introduced any newer version of the service with new name? By researching a bit what I found, I can link my github, gitlab ...
Rafaf Tahsin's user avatar
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pygsheets through googleapiclient.http takes 3 - 10 attempts to get responce

I'm using pygsheets to add some information collected through a Telegram bot to a Google Sheet. When I try it on my local machine, it works perfectly and quickly. However, when I run it on a VPS ...
MirTrudMike's user avatar
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Connect NestJS API in Cloud Run with Cloud SQL db

I have a NestJs API triying to deploy to Cloud Run but it fails at the moment it tries to connect to Cloud SQL. i'm using typeORM. This is the config to connect the DB import { Client, ClientConfig } ...
Jorge Obregón Pérez's user avatar
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Firewall rule against firebase function. Specifically firebase onRequest v1

My onRequest cloud functions are currently getting spammed by requests from an ip address I have set up my own custom rate limiting that tracks requests per hour for specific ip ...
Rob Terrell's user avatar
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Google App Engine standard cron job fails

I have a cron.yaml file in Google AppEngine standard environment: cron: - description: "some_description" url: /some_url/ schedule: every 60 mins from 05:00 to 18:00 The same syntax ...
Vit Amin's user avatar
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GKE autoscaling doesn't scale due to quota issues (it says I used 250GB SSD when I used only 50GB), is there a way to force cleanup?

GKE autoscaling doesn't scale due to quota issues (it says I used 250GB SSD when I used only 50GB), is there a way to force cleanup? gcloud compute disks list NAME ...
sgireddy's user avatar
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Can't access GCP VM from browser via <public_ip_address>:<port> despite firewall rules are set [closed]

Cannot access GCP VM from browser via <public_ip_address>: despite firewall rules are set. Running my app docker image on VM instance Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) running on GCP, ports -&...
Arseniy Sleptsov's user avatar
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How to fix gcloud builds submit ERROR: build step 0 "" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1

I'm trying to submit a new container to gcloud, but when I run: !gcloud builds submit --tag[company]-website/[company]-containers/[company]-room (where you read [company] ...
duarte harris's user avatar
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Error when running my java appengine project locally when using cloudsdk version greater than 449

I am getting this error when running the project locally using java21 and when using any cloud sdk version greater than this: 449.0.0 [INFO] GCLOUD:
Ibrahim Ali Mohamed's user avatar
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What Are the Minimum Required IAM Roles for App Engine and Compute Engine Default Service Accounts to Deploy with gcloud on a new Project?

In this document, it says: Depending on your organization policy configuration, the default service account might automatically be granted the Editor role on your project. We strongly recommend that ...
Inn0v8_m8's user avatar
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Allowing only specific types of objects(image/jpeg) to be transferred during GCP GCS transfer job creation

I want to create a GCS transfer job which transfer only certain type of objects let us say (image/jpeg) only between 2 GCS buckets. I can't see any way to do it now as there is only prefix match ...
Sasirekha MSVL's user avatar
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Server-side events (SSE) when using flask via google webapp

I have hnuted an answer on this and closest I have come to my issue is this old and unanswered post here: python flask + Server Sent Events(SSE) in Google App Engine(GAE) I have a web app built in ...
NRD's user avatar
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How to minimize youtube-data-api v3 query quota useage?

I have a code to get video urls given a channel ID that I get from the API as well, but the main part uses the requests component. I tried running it on a channel with 3500 videos, but for some reason ...
Cobbi Liu's user avatar
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Using xcode in CI/CD Google Platform

Im trying to build a CI/CD for flutter development. I'm making use of Google Cloud Cloud Build. I already have all the setup of the Cloud Build done (with trigger), I'm using cloudbuild.yaml in order ...
AndreCoelhoo's user avatar
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logs routing sink based on textPayload

Using GCP router logs sink I would like to filter out some logs that are just spamming me. In the past I did something like jsonPayload.msg="GET /internal/prometheus [200 OK]" which works ...
Mike3355's user avatar
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Google generativeai 403 Request had insufficient authentication scopes. [reason: "ACCESS_TOKEN_SCOPE_INSUFFICIENT"

I have tried the simple POC for generativeai on its own to do 'generate_content' and it works. Now I am trying to integrate the generativeai to existing project and just trying to get the model only ...
Win Myo Htet's user avatar
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How to use Google Cloud Run container variables in React client web app

I am developing a web app using React and the api in Golang. In development everything works fine, I use the vite server and the .env variables are loaded correctly. Once deployed the react app is ...
Emaborsa's user avatar
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