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Questions tagged [grep]

grep is a command-line text-search utility originally written for Unix. It uses regular expressions to match text, and is commonly used as a filter in pipelines. Use this tag only if your question relates to programming using grep or grep-based APIs. Questions relating to using or troubleshooting grep command-line options itself are off-topic.

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(standart input) shown instead file name with grep -iHn "ERROR" and a second grep -vH "filter" shows (standard input) and no longer the file name

What I try to do: Find all log files from this day Then grep "ERROR" in the files Then grep -v "Not this line containing the filter" as Filter in result of the first grep command ...
falcon68's user avatar
-3 votes
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Output lines from a file that match pattern 1 and not pattern 2 in linux [duplicate]

I have a text file that has a bunch of lines. I used grep to print lines matching pattern 1 to a second file. I want to modify the command to exclude the lines the match pattern 2. So the requirement ...
Ananya1's user avatar
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3 answers

How to find strings in multiple lines of txt file then add all to new csv line

I have thousands of txt files that were converted from emails that included a "Contact Us" form. I need to find/select strings in the second "column", but the number of lines to ...
Aidbfbx's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to find a pattern within nested delimiter pairs using grep or similar?

I'd like to match a pattern occurring within an arbitrary nesting of delimiter pairs (in my case, braces/curly brackets). For example, if the pattern was "abc", I'd like to match any of the ...
user2023370's user avatar
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capture hash value from git log --oneline --graph using regex [duplicate]

When running git log --oneline --graph you can get something like this * 7e5dbb0 Merge |\ | * c873a96 My | * f5817ba Amazing * | f6a34ac Feature |/ * f5a51ce Other stuff I want to take that and ...
Net-worker's user avatar
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Bash command substitution issues

I'm writing a Python script to parse various logs across different hosts. I can successfully run bash scripts via Python's subprocess module, however, I want to minimize the number of ssh calls, so I'...
OM222O's user avatar
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3 answers

How to use grep in specific case? [closed]

How to extract part of the search with grep. Example: I would like to extract lines with "bc" in them but not lines containing "abc". My not-so-elegant solution is: cat file.txt | ...
Gabriele Gatti's user avatar
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Github Action Logs

I have integrated playwright zephyr reporter and run my tests using github actions. I use plugin and it prints following logs in console. In next step ...
WKOW's user avatar
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Finding a specific item in a list using CLI

I am using the CLI and the determined library, and I want to find if a certain Username exists. I tried the commands below, but I dont get the line printed although I'm sure the Username exists. ...
ArieAI's user avatar
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How to create an "alias" that search for an "alias"

I need to create an alias that receive a parameter, then search for all alias that has that parameter in this way: alias+space+parameter+"other text" My aliases: alias att='alias | grep --...
Byron2017's user avatar
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Git: Display a list of branches found using `grep`, and allow selection by entering the branch number

I am running next command to find branch by text pattern and auto checkout it: git checkout $(git branch | grep search_text | head -n 1) However, there are cases where more than one branch matches ...
AlexBerd's user avatar
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Search a list of numbers in a column of another file [duplicate]

I have a list of numbers. For each number, I want to find it in another file. But I want to find it only in the 12th column. I've tried many things, including variable injection : for line in `cat ...
trogne's user avatar
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Find catch blocks that return optional empty

I'm using pcregrep to find catch blocks in my java project files that return Optional.empty() pcregrep -M 'catch.+{(\n|.)+return\s+Optional.empty()}' This gives pcregrep: Check your regex for nested ...
eztso's user avatar
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How to grep a next line json file

I have this multiple json file containing below and i want to capture png with enabled:true status. "png": { "enabled": true, "status": false }, "jpeg"...
Ralphae's user avatar
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Search for specific content in a file present in multiple sub folders - Linux

I have a 'feature_config.json' file which holds flag values for multiple features, something like this: "feature1": { "enabled": true } "feature2": { "...
AliZaidi's user avatar
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2 answers

use sed group variable within loop for another grep

Context: grep on result of sed grouping, within a loop grep "blah" x.txt | sed 's/cheese\(.*\)/xlogs\/butter\1.log/g' | while read -r line; do echo $line; //TODO: grep -r "$1" ...
sreekesh padmanabhan's user avatar
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emacs windows gitbash and cmd.exe shells

I have Emacs for windows. I have GITBASH for windows. My goal: How can I get Emacs to use the GITBASH version of GREP, when I use M-x grep? NOTE: For various reasons I cannot put "C:\Program ...
user3696153's user avatar
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how can i tail the last line of multiple log files, only if they have not completed yet?

I have multiple subdirectories, and each has a log file that I want to check, but I only want to check the log files that have not reached the "completed" state. The last line of a completed ...
pocho's user avatar
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grep or sed to delete 1 line after a match (but not the match)?

I'm trying to write a command to amend an xml file to remove the first of each pair of lines with a <display-name> occurrence. In other words, my file looks like... <?xml version="1.0&...
Dean Steele's user avatar
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how to grep a specific passage in a line in accordance to another line

I'm currently trying to grep the content of href from an html text. The problem is that href is listed multiple times in the file and therefore I need to grep a line above it. <tr> ...
MystikReasons's user avatar
-3 votes
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extract parts of filenames with regex in bash [closed]

I want to extract some information from filenames using regex in bash, which I will use to rename them according to BIDS. Here are the filenames: ACC_svs_ECC.nii.gz ACC_svs_noECC.nii.gz ACC_svs_ref....
Julia's user avatar
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CSH loop over results from grep not giving desired outcome

I want to loop over the lines as output by grep cmd from a file. The lines follow a format where there will be a word matched / not matched by the grep and then some other word that some other program ...
Gert Gottschalk's user avatar
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using grep with a variable containing xml-tags [duplicate]

I have a script that is trying to find a line in a text file. It could be completely alphanumerical, but it's also possible that it contains special characters, mostly < and > as it's sometimes ...
Broetchenholer's user avatar
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copy from text file to other text file , but not owerwiting first 2 lines [duplicate]

I would like to copy the contents of a text file has another text file but do not crush the first 2 lines of the other file, or copy and add the 2 lines to the new file Exemple: user1.txt: Phill Johne ...
Allan Tori's user avatar
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Checking for circular dependencies with madge in bitbucket CI

I want to add a step to check for circular dependencies in our bitbucket pipeline, but I'm struggling to come up with a good way to grab the output to throw an error or not Here are the bitbucket ...
maximosis's user avatar
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5 answers

How to grep the first string delimited by ''

How to grep the first string within '' in a text file? in: path: '', redirectTo: '/login', pathMatch: 'full' }, path: 'login', component: LoginComponent }, path: 'registration', path: 'employees', ...
albertkao9's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to get matched pattern in ugrep

I have created a ugrep command and file ugrep -Hn -e 'Error:XX234 - \S+\.txt : cannot find user' -e 'Error:XX235 - \S+\.pdf : cannot find data' --format='%f:%n:%o%~' * File content 1_Error0: ...
Sushant Thakur's user avatar
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Does zgrep limit the amount of search patterns?

I have the two following commands. # 6 million lines "zgrep -oF -f /projects/lab.mis/index/temp_hg19.inx /projects/incoming/M1_R2.fastq.gz" # 6 thousand lines "zgrep -oF -f /projects/...
Ahdee's user avatar
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for zgrep how do I limit per pattern and not the entire match?

I have a file that has about 1000 patterns to match. For each pattern I want to limit for each pattern however when I use the -m option it will find the first 10 and stop. Is there a way to do this in ...
Ahdee's user avatar
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How to limit lookbehind to strings which do not start with certain characters

In InDesign, I’m using the GREP expression (?<=.)/(?=.) to locate all occurrences of the slash character / throughout a document. For example, I want to find the character / in Color/Colour or ...
Jens Draser-Schieb's user avatar
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Optimise text file statistics calculation by combination of grep, awk, cut

My goal is to calculate statistics from the file that contains the following lines: 2024-05-08 11:02:58,731 INFO o.a.j.a.J.Some check: Closest Day: Wed, New quantity for [email protected] is: 1 ...
forkintheass's user avatar
-2 votes
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bash grep can return an empty space, how to substitute the empty space for a string?

I am attempting to grep an inbox for survey results, in which the subject will include the answer to the following question: "The answer to your question is ___" The answered question will ...
kmt's user avatar
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(LINUX) use echo and grep to delete multiple files

I have 4 files in my current directory: '#cos#', ab.txt, cos~, file.txt. I want to delete all files with the word "cos" in them, which just also happen to be the only words with the letters '...
JBatswani's user avatar
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Get the count of unique words in a file using grep and wc

need command to find the count of unique words in a file using grep Tried using grep along with uniq and sort but need to find a way to use only grep and wc commands.these are the two ways in which am ...
anonymous's user avatar
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How to extract sequence cluster numbers containing a specific string in the ID from a cluster file in bash?

I have a cluster file for sequences clustering at 100% sequence identity, each containing sequence clusters denoted by cluster numbers followed by IDs. Here's an example of the file format: >...
Rohan Nath's user avatar
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pass shell variable to -A flag in grep [closed]

I have a set of .sdf (molecular) files that have varying numbers of atomic coordinates that I need to grep out. The header information of the file provides the number of atoms in the file along with a ...
blakem's user avatar
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Spelling Bee game regex

In the NYTimes Spelling Bee game, you have to make words (4+ letters long) using a set of 7 letters, one of which must be used in the word. This is fairly trivial to make a regex for: grep '^[bluntam]\...
qwr's user avatar
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grep condition to grab certain text only

so i am trying to grab certain output from grep command here is the command i am trying nslookup -type=TXT "_dmarc.$domain" | grep -Eo '\s*reject|\s*quarantine|\s*none|\s*no answer' || echo &...
SYD SAYED's user avatar
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Regular expression to match specific words seperated by spaces

I have a list of say 5 words (foo bar foobar footable somebar). This list of words will be provided as a string each separated by space and in any order. I need a regex matching below requirements ...
Akhil's user avatar
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Bitbucket pipeline fails for grep command in exclude hidden directory

I have the following command to run: grep -r -n --exclude-dir='.test' ERROR . >> errors.txt This works fine on the terminal but when I run this on bitbucket pipeline via yml file, it fails with ...
Sunny's user avatar
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Extract SET var = func(x, y, z); from code, possibly with newlines

I have to do a recursive search for a word and then select the line/lines until the ). My file looks like below and the output is mentioned below. SET var1 = FormatValue(A1,B1,B2); SET var2 = ...
user24624068's user avatar
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How can you use regex to find a dynamic string that is not preceded by something? (negative lookbehind fails)

Here are some strings (not lines!) that I need to match. (The dots represent other strings that will not match.) ... ThisIsAString ... ... AnotherString ... Here are some strings that I need to avoid:...
Ness's user avatar
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Flag --include in grep does not accept numerous entries

Why is it possible to use: grep -rinHI --exclude={\*.h} pattern grep pattern -r --include=\*.cpp --include=\*.h rootdir (source: But not (it does not ...
ellat's user avatar
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bash: grep latest file in a directory over ssh [duplicate]

I have a code where I can grep a very specific file over ssh: ssh ${username}@${host} << -EOF grep -n ${text} ${filename} EOF which will output the desired text. However, now I want to do the ...
Miss_Orchid's user avatar
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Recursive search and replace a string with dot in text files on Mac

Team, I see there are multiple similar questions but I did try some answers and still not able to get what I want. I want to replace a text as "product-ui-test-creds.json" to "vaulted-...
AhmFM's user avatar
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Is there a shortcut to open vim and then jump to line ”num“ as ":num"?

I used to search words in my code tree by grep -rn. And the output is just as below. "{filename}:{num}:{line content}" Sometimes I will to open the file with vim, and jump to the line num ...
lxyscls's user avatar
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pgrep matches undesired patterns

This is the beginning of a script for determining whether to run tmux, it has been modified for debugging purposes: (no tmux instance is ever running in this test example) #!/bin/bash -x if [[ -n &...
simbioz's user avatar
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grep command until a specific column

Can someone help with how I can use Grep cmd to get a specific output. My cmd -------- ps -aef | grep gen | grep -v grep cor 3957 1 0 Mar01 ? 02:04:07 gen nam=RS grp=81 mre 103189 ...
Chandan Sethi's user avatar
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How to grep a specific data

I want to grep python extensions with their names in a large data of words and sentences, and I tried with find and grep commands but I couldn't do that. Can anyone tell me what should I do? By the ...
elecT's user avatar
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Confused about why the regex pattern does not works [duplicate]

I'm using npm ls -a which gives the following ouput: └─┬ [email protected] ├── [email protected] └── [email protected] I'm trying to extract all the dependencies and store it in a file with the following ...
UTKARSH TYAGI's user avatar

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