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is for questions involving the highlighting of text or other visual elements.

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Navigation and Menu Item Highlighting Issue in DevExpress XAF Blazor Application

I am working on a Blazor application using DevExpress XAF (eXpressApp Framework), where I've integrated Razor components for my menu items. I'm facing an issue with navigation and menu item ...
Jyothi's user avatar
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Highlighting Mismatch cells and sorting them at the top

Application.ErrorCheckingOptions.NumberAsText= False Dim lastRow As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim Tiger, Lion, recon As Worksheet Dim compareRange As Range Dim cell As Range Dim dict As Object ...
khoo wan xiang's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to get highlighted text with Javascript?

So I actually have this mostly working, but I've run into an issue that I can't quite get sorted. First I need to give a quick explanation of what I'm trying to do: What I'm trying to do and the ...
Andrew Rout's user avatar
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VS code not highlighting the debugger line using AEM

I am using VS code Version: 1.90.2 When I am hitting the page on AEM the VS code debug gets hit, but does not highlight the line ,I need to manual go to the call stack and click the thread which will ...
user3732294's user avatar
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Search and highlight a row in an Excel sheet which contains two or more different data

I want to query based on the values ​​in different cells in an Excel sheet and color the rows where these values ​​are located at the same time. The current code just colors a single line and the loop ...
Gürkan Durukal's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I turn off tag highlighting while editing xml files in visual studio?

Maybe I'm just searching with the wrong words and terms, but I can't find out how to turn this feature off, or at the very least reduce the intensity of the selection style enter image description ...
Glen Heide's user avatar
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RegEx issue when using to highlight specific word(s)

I have a method I use to highlight text. It takes the original string and text(s) to be highlighted and returns a formatted string. I use this to highlight text(s) user wants to search in a set of ...
NoBullMan's user avatar
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4 answers

bash while loop highlight words through text from array variable for mcat grammar

How do I make it so from the peptides list it gets all of the text, not just one variable from the ARRAY variable. Is there some sort of delimiter I can use? I want to put a paragraph and have it ...
AEGIS's user avatar
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How to turn off red error background highlight in visual Studio Code?

I can't find what is causing this red background highlight feature in Visual Studio Code when I get an error. Anyone know how to turn it off? The red squiggly lines are fine, but this red background ...
bkw's user avatar
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Highlight Gantt Chart in plotly

I have created a Gantt chart for some log analysis. I want a feature in it such that when we hover over a plot, the plot should highlight itself to show which plot I am highlighting. def ...
Pratyush Nagpal's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Remove Highlight Effect on Hover When Using Google Translate API

When I am using google translate in my website, text is getting highlighted on hover/mouseover. How to remove this highlight effects? This is my code <script type="text/javascript" src=&...
Rohith's user avatar
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Identifying start and end time and duration in minutes of highlighted area in ggplot

I have highlighted areas in a time series plot where variable 1 is greater than 28.3m and in a separate plot where variable 2 is between 335 and 390 and then stacked these plots on top of each other. ...
LZ24AP's user avatar
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Conditional formatting for matching names based on dropdown with dates

I have a table with a list of 100 desks and 14 columns with dates. In each column I allocate team members for the specific date on top I've made additional columns with each team's staff members. I ...
Dimitar Ivanov's user avatar
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Google Sheets conditional formatting highlight text

Is it possible to automatically highlight part of the text inside the cell if it matches a range of values? e.g. the column A has these values: The exclusion list in B has the Deputy Mayor and Member ...
nzskra's user avatar
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How to implement rectangular highlight tool on ember

I want to implement a rectangular highlight tool as seen on -> Settings -> Send Feedback -> Capture Screenshot -> Highlight or Hide info. Seems very complicated and I'm not sure ...
agustinvaca's user avatar
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How do i copy specific rows using VBA?

I have to copy a highlighted column from one worksheet to another. Marks for certain criteria are highlighted and I want to copy them to the row under the column of the same group number in another ...
Mixnanman's user avatar
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IF V16 is greater than 0, does S5=D17? True do nothing, False highlight

I want to get a cell to highlight is the value in cell V16 is greater than 0. I then want it to check if S5=D17. If this is True, no action is required. But if it is False, I want it to highlight. =IF(...
Brittany Sproat MissBrissy's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Turn off command highlighting in May 20 2024 iTerm2 Release

This highlighting feature is driving me crazy. How do I turn it off?
willwrighteng's user avatar
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Highlighting maximum value in each pivot table row

I am using the code below to successfully highlight the maximum value in each row in a pivot table. However, I then added another column to sort the Pivot table by. I updated the code to start at ...
Dave's user avatar
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2 votes
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Highlight area in a time series when y is greater than a threshold value and a range of values

I need to highlight the areas in a time series plot where variable 1 is greater than 28.3m and in a separate plot where variable 2 is between 335 and 390 and then stack these plots on top of each ...
LZ24AP's user avatar
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How to use color in log4j only, when writing to a tty?

Our bash scripts use color for log-messages, but only, when stderr is a tty: if [ -t 2 ] then function log { # Use blue color for our messages, when stderr is a terminal printf &...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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Crystal reports highlighting

I have a field in a Crystal Report that I want to highlight based on multiple Criteria. I cannot figure out a way to get a switch and/or if statement to work for me. This is for a productivity report. ...
Darrell's user avatar
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Excel Ribbon comboBox: How to set up a getSelectedItemIndex Callback

This is a follow-up question to this one: Excel Ribbon comboBox: always highlight selection The following code allows you to select from three paper sizes using a comboBox. There is only only issue: ...
user23636411's user avatar
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Excel Ribbon comboBox: always highlight selection

The following code allows you to select from three paper sizes using a comboBox. There's only one issue regarding the highlighting of the selected item (Excel Mac uses a checkmark). Right now, upon ...
user23636411's user avatar
-3 votes
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Why can't I create the syntax highlight for .py for my color scheme

I'm trying to create my own color scheme for vim, I even managed to define some things like the background color, status bar color, Pmenu, Strings... I tried creating a file called: .vim/syntax/...
Gladed's user avatar
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How to implement text highlighting in pdfjs v2.5.207

How to implement text highlighting in pdfjs v2.5.207? Configuration: PDF.js version:v2.5.207 Feature already implemented: By rendering the pdf to Canvas and can do text copying. Problem to be solved: ...
lele-2022's user avatar
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How can i turn off this tag's highlight?

( So some of my tags are highlightning, idk why??? help im begging on my knees, cant see code of this I try this already in settings.js: "editor.matchBrackets&...
Timur's user avatar
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3 answers

Formatting xlsx in R: Highlight cell in column based on values with column names

I'm using R for my analysis to list a bunch of counts per year and species; years in columns and species across rows. I have a small dummy dataset below. The last column of the dataset (...
Nick's user avatar
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1 answer

How to write a custom Google Sheets Conditional Formatting rule based on multiple criteria?

I have a simplified scheduling sheet that contains a list of employees who are scheduled to work in specific areas and the dates they are scheduled for. The sheet also includes an "...
Gabriella DiFabio's user avatar
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Search highlighting (CSS Highlight API)

I try to implement search highlighting functionality. But the problem is that works only when test 1 is chosen. On other pages it doesn't work and I have no idea why. I suppose that it is because ...
aftab's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Ignoring word when its between a specific combination of words in regex (glossary link implantation)

I have edited my question and simplified it. I created a function to highlight glossary in text that can be used to highlight conjugated words (in french). I works great but I want to ignore words ...
Alex Vio's user avatar
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Highlight markdown text in android

I develop an android application that show texts. texts is included links of image for show some icon in text. i want create a feature to user can highlight some part of text. after highlight text ...
Mohammadreza Borjian's user avatar
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Conditional formatting to mark certain cells according to what's present in a list + has the correct grouping?

I have an Excel sheet with 4 columns of data (in reality there's more, but for simplicity's sake I shaved it down). Column A denotes a given grouping, say "1" or "2". Assume there ...
Seth Lasam's user avatar
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Bring highligthed points to the front in ggplot [duplicate]

I am trying to plot a scatterplot for 2 variables of a large timeseries dataset in R, and I would like to highlight the data from one of the months and bring it upfront. I ahve tried some previous ...
Gonzalo de Quesada's user avatar
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Implement Highlight.js in TextArea

I have a Django app that currently has some tools for the user to try out. I made an implementation of TextFSM and the way its set up is by making a TextArea form where the user can type his code and ...
haduki's user avatar
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highlight rows in SELENIDE

I am trying to do this: @Test public void tableTest() { getDriver().get(BASE_URL + "tabulka.php"); List<WebElement> rows = getDriver().findElements(By.xpath("//...
Michal Mariančik's user avatar
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How to make FragmentHighlighter to highlight an element with pure highlighter's color in openbim-components (IFCjs) + THREE.js

I using openbim-components (IFCjs) library alongside with THREE.js and face a problem that a tool for highlighting in openbim-components library (FragmentHighlighter) just adds a new mesh (with a ...
Daniel Kovalenko's user avatar
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Comparing two dataframes and highlighting the differences

I have two data frames with the same column names in the same order but difference lengths. I'm trying to compare the two dataframes and highlight the differences. Everytime I try, I get an error come ...
Laura Wilkins's user avatar
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Chrome Extension Highlight Feature Not Applying Background Color

I'm working on a Chrome extension designed to let users highlight text on web pages and save it. Despite setting up the logic to save the selected color and apply it as the background color of the ...
BuzzMedz's user avatar
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PHP app needs to display .pdf file in browser with highlighted word(s)

For years I have wanted my PHP app to display a .pdf file in a browser, any browser, that will go directly to a specified page number and highlight words that are passed in as arguments. To date, I ...
JPTerry's user avatar
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Highlighting a plot according selectInput

I'm currently working with R Shiny to create an interactive app. I deal with a problem: I have a selectInput(Nom) allowing me to choose a name in my athlete list and I've got this plot below which ...
Baptiste Gusciglio's user avatar
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How to get scoring of highlighted results in ElasticSearch

Unable to get solution for the following requirement. Can anyone suggest on this please ? I have a ES query that searches for 4 fields in my index and provides highlighted result. But i want to score ...
kishan maharana's user avatar
-1 votes
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Regex ignore patterns

I'm trying to highlight some text but I want to exclude some patterns from being matched. First I'm securing the text, replacing & with &amp; and < with &lt; then I look for matches and ...
Madalina Cosma's user avatar
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How to change background color of selected code

By default the background color of selected code is indistinguishable from same token highlighting. E.g. select the token $fileCount and it will be highlighted in (almost) the same color as other ...
Nick's user avatar
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Support syntax scheme.prisma file by IDE

Why when create Prisma schema file, I have no code syntax support? I mean, after running the following command npx prisma init --datasource-provider sqlite I'm getting scheme.prisma file (and ...
mustToKnowAnswer's user avatar
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How to highlight first negative number inn Table in Tableau?

Table contains date and ice-cream sales. Based on Ice cream field highlight the 1st negative number. I am creating a calculation field using the Index function. Indexing func: IF SUM([Sales]) < 0 ...
Radha's user avatar
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Searchbox on Sheet1 for finding a specific row on a table placed in Sheet2

I have in Openoffice Calc a table with 4 columns(ID-number-, text, date_out and date_in) with 400 rows on sheet2. For an easy operating, I thought to have on sheet1 a searching cell where to input ...
user23475878's user avatar
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VScode Latex: Disable syntax highlighting for a range of lines

My VScode with the theme should perform like the following pic:Good highlight However, after I add some configurations for listings, it becomes:Bad highlight. I think the point is the line I circled. ...
Tunan Wang's user avatar
2 votes
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VBA code to compare the cell values of 2 sheets?

I have 2 sheets - "Data Pulls" and "Hardcoded Values". The "Data Pulls" sheet contains a bunch of Bloomberg formulas to pull live data from the Bloomberg Terminal. The &...
rluth's user avatar
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Highlighting corresponding spans, and add an other color when one of them is empty

I would like to create a JS script to highlight the spans that have a corresponding index in two different containers. I managed to create that script and it works, however, I would like to add one ...
Clara's user avatar
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