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Questions tagged [hostinger]

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VPS server %steal reason

We have VPS hosting for our e-commerce website which use hostinger service. The server specification is 32 GB RAM with 8cpu. Now when there is only user coming up in the website also not getting ...
Safwan Aipuram's user avatar
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535 5.7.8 Error: authentication failed using PHPMailer on Hostinger, user and password are correct

I've been trying to create a contact form for my site using PHPMailer because it seemed like the easiest option for what I'm trying to do. I host my website on Hostinger, and I'm using their "...
Charlie Rundquist's user avatar
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Issue Regarding Mixed Content HTTPS and SSL Configuration on Hostinger VPS [closed]

I'm currently using a Hostinger VPS to host my FERN stack project. I've set up my project in /var/www/saiyoksprings on the VPS, with nginx serving the frontend build and pm2 managing the Node.js ...
Droopy Poopy's user avatar
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Why does I still get error in server hosting

In server hosting on my own domain with flutter and laravel, I still get this error and can't find any answer in everywhere. Can someone help me with this problem? My own domain is champion maung and ...
Ye Yint Kyaw's user avatar
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Deploying Vite Build With Routes (react-router-dom)

I have built a website for a client who would like to host the client on hostinger. The issue we're running into is that none of the routes other than "/" are being found. I'm assuming this ...
JunaidAdams's user avatar
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I want to delete the hostinger entry in wappalyzer

I have a web agency and recently we decided to use hostinger for the web spaces and another provider for the domains. when we use the wappalyzer extension it shows us the name of the hosting provider ...
Iossa web's user avatar
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how to deploy flask api in hostinger vps

root@srv524222:~/barish# python3 Serving Flask app 'app' Debug mode: on WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead. ...
Mohamed Azim's user avatar