I have:


In my packages/server/package.json, I have:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "ts-node src/index.ts"
  "dependencies": {
    "@myapp/models": "../models",

In my packages/server/src/index.ts, I have:

import { sequelize } from '@myapp/models'

In my packages/models/src/index.ts, I have:

export type UserAttributes = userAttr

export { sequelize } from './sequelize';

but it gives me an error:

  Try `npm install @types/myapp__models` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module '@myapp/models';`

 import { sequelize } from '@myapp/models'

How do I get this to work properly?

4 Answers 4


Lerna will take care of the dependencies between your local packages, you just need to make sure you set them up correctly. The first thing I would suggest is to go to @myapp/models and make sure that your package.json contains the fields you will need: main and more importantly types (or typings if you prefer):

// packages/models/package.json

  // ...
  "main": "dist/index.js",
  "types": "dist/index.d.ts",
  // ...

As you can see I made both of them point to some dist folder, which takes me to my second point - you will need to build every package as if it was a separate NPM module outside of the monorepo. I am not saying you need the dist folder, where you build it is up to you, you just need to make sure that from the outside your @myapp/models exposes main and types and that these are valid and existing .js and .d.ts files.

Now for the last piece of the puzzle - you need to declare your @myapp/models dependency as if it was a "real" package - you need to specify its version rather than point to a folder:

// packages/server/package.json

  "dependencies": {
    // ...
    "@myapp/models": "0.0.1" // Put the actual version from packages/models/package.json here
    // ...

Lerna will notice that this is a local package and will install & link it for you.

  • Thank you for your answer and the explanation. I finally found this after days of searching :) Especially the main and types part.
    – kooskoos
    Commented Dec 13, 2022 at 17:26
  • Good answer, I'd just like to add that you don't need to specify the actual @myapp/models version, just put workspace:* and lerna/yarn will figure out the correct version for you, otherwise it'll be very difficult to keep this up-to-date as your application grows. Commented Oct 4, 2023 at 10:53

I don't know Lerna, but a good tool to deal with monorepos is npm link.

  1. cd packages/models
  2. npm link
  3. cd packages/server
  4. restore the version in dependencies "@myapp/models": "x.y.z",
  5. npm link @myapp/models

It should be enough.

Hope this helps.


lerna bootstrap first then yarn add <package_name> works Or lerna bootstrap first, then add the package and the target version then run yarn.


After you put in the dependencies in your server's package.json, you just need to run

lerna run --stream build

And your local should be able to access to it.

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