This may not be the most efficient way, but I thought to put a one-liner (actually a two-liner). Both versions will work on arbitrary hierarchy nested lists, and exploits language features (Python 3.5) and recursion.
def make_list_flat (l):
flist = []
flist.extend ([l]) if (type (l) is not list) else [flist.extend (make_list_flat (e)) for e in l]
return flist
a = [[1, 2], [[[[3, 4, 5], 6]]], 7, [8, [9, [10, 11], 12, [13, 14, [15, [[16, 17], 18]]]]]]
flist = make_list_flat(a)
print (flist)
The output is
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
This works in a depth first manner. The recursion goes down until it finds a non-list element, then extends the local variable flist
and then rolls back it to the parent. Whenever flist
is returned, it is extended to the parent's flist
in the list comprehension. Therefore, at the root, a flat list is returned.
The above one creates several local lists and returns them which are used to extend the parent's list. I think the way around for this may be creating a gloabl flist
, like below.
a = [[1, 2], [[[[3, 4, 5], 6]]], 7, [8, [9, [10, 11], 12, [13, 14, [15, [[16, 17], 18]]]]]]
flist = []
def make_list_flat (l):
flist.extend ([l]) if (type (l) is not list) else [make_list_flat (e) for e in l]
print (flist)
The output is again
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
Although I am not sure at this time about the efficiency.