How can I log a variable in React Native, like using console.log when developing for web?

  • Try out react-native-log-ios npm pkg, it works out of the box without remote JS debugging.
    – anni
    Commented Nov 5, 2018 at 12:09
  • are you using RN to create a webb app ?
    – nios
    Commented Nov 11, 2022 at 7:39

37 Answers 37


Use console.log, console.warn, etc.

As of React Native 0.29, you can simply run the following to see logs in the console:

react-native log-ios
react-native log-android
  • 2
    This is very helpful since starting the debugger up makes animations slooooow.
    – jcollum
    Commented Nov 13, 2016 at 16:12
  • 14
    This is not working. I get this messge when I run react-native log-ios evelopers-Mac-mini com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.02C1B6C7-2CD2-406E-AC93-DD430E5E3C69[948] (com.apple.videosubscriptionsd) <Notice>: Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    – rptwsthi
    Commented Jan 11, 2018 at 15:36
  • 2
    @Denis Kniazhev I don't think there's an option to only log errors, but you can filter the output. If you're on Mac or Linux: react-native log-android | grep "my filter for errors". Commented Jan 19, 2018 at 14:31
  • 1
    console.warn helped me to check certain concerns. Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 3:40
  • 1
    Those logging commands don't work at all. They only log fatal exceptions. Anything that you print with console.log will not show up. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 5:03

console.log works.

By default on iOS, it logs to the debug pane inside Xcode.

From the iOS simulator, press (+D) and press Remote JS Debugging. This will open a resource, http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui on localhost. From there, use the Chrome Developer tools JavaScript console to view console.log

Edit 2023

You can just do console.log and it will print to the terminal you're running react-native in without any special commands

  • 50
    And how to print console log in Android using atom for React Native?
    – sandy
    Commented Apr 14, 2016 at 6:58
  • 3
    @sandy See this answer. It's not specifically for Atom, but can be used in non XCode (aka non macOS) development Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 8:02
  • 23
    Note that as of React Native 0.29 and later, you can get logs without running the debugger. Just run react-native log-ios or react-native log-android on the command line inside your project folder. Commented Jan 19, 2018 at 14:34
  • 1
    And when you open the Remote JS Debugging, you have to press option+command+i and check the console. Totally necessary info that was missing and had me confused.
    – sudo
    Commented Jul 10, 2018 at 3:21
  • 1
    just remember console.log in production version of your app may crash your app in ios. so make sure you check if the environment is development you can know it by DEV global variable in react native.
    – Yash Ojha
    Commented Mar 12, 2019 at 10:12

Pre React Native 0.29, run this in the console:

adb logcat *:S ReactNative:V ReactNativeJS:V

Post React Native 0.29, run:

react-native log-ios


react-native log-android

As Martin said in another answer.

This shows all console.log(), errors, notes, etc. and causes zero slow down.

  • 3
    +1 for this simple option. I ended up using a slightly variant command (after I Read The Fine Manual) to get timings also: adb logcat -v time -s ReactNativeJS
    – spechter
    Commented Feb 14, 2017 at 1:53
  • Keeping debug tab in background produces lag. The solution is to keep the tab in foreground or opening it in a new window.
    – Sabbir
    Commented Apr 9, 2017 at 11:45
  • I've been using React Native Debugger for months and it's the best option to avoid the lag Sabbir told: github.com/jhen0409/react-native-debugger Commented Feb 21, 2018 at 11:02
  • react-native log-android error Unrecognized command "log-android". react-native --version 4.14.0 adb logcat continues to work with or without react-native tools installed.
    – wilson0x4d
    Commented Feb 10, 2021 at 19:26

Use console.debug("text");

You will see the logs inside the terminal.


  • Run the application:
react-native run-ios        # For iOS
react-native run-android    # For Android
  • Run the logger:
react-native log-ios        # For iOS
react-native log-android    # For Android
  • 3
    any way to filter only from console.log?
    – user6791424
    Commented Mar 19, 2018 at 4:40
  • 1
    Does not work for me, I only see generic React Native log messages, such as Initializing React Xplat Bridge.. Commented Sep 12, 2019 at 15:07

This is where Chrome Developer Tools are your friend.

The following steps should get you to the Chrome Developer Tools, where you will be able to see your console.log statements.


  1. Install Google Chrome, if you have not already
  2. Run app using react-native run-android or react-native run-ios
  3. Open developer menu
    • Mac: ⌘+D for iOS or ⌘M for Android iOS
    • Windows/Linux: Shake Android phone
  4. Select Debug JS Remotely
  5. This should launch the debugger in Chrome
  6. In Chrome: Tools -> More Tools -> Developer Options and make sure you are on the console tab

Now whenever a console.log statement is executed, it should appear in Chrome Dev Tools. The official documentation is here.

  • 2
    This may slow down the performance of the app during development. Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 1:21

Visual Studio Code has a decent debug console that can show your console.log file.

Enter image description here

Visual Studio Code is, more often than not, React Native friendly.

  • 13
    Can you elaborate more on how VS Code can receive debug output from react-native. Thanks!
    – mike123
    Commented May 20, 2016 at 12:32
  • Select 'Debug JS' from your app on the device, and 'Toggle debug console(shift-command-y)' from your view menu on VS Code. You need github.com/Microsoft/vscode-react-native though.
    – goodhyun
    Commented May 21, 2016 at 9:06

There are three methods that I use to debug when developing React Native applications:

  1. console.log(): shows in the console
  2. console.warn(): shows in the yellow box at the bottom of the application
  3. alert(): shows as a prompt just like it does on the web

Where you want to log data, use


And to print this log in the terminal, use this command for Android:

npx react-native log-android

And for iOS:

npx react-native log-ios

I prefer to recommend you guys using React Native Debugger. You can download and install it by using this command (Mac only).

brew update && brew cask install react-native-debugger
  • I'm using this instead the default start This will open Debugger as you default debugger instead of Chrome and the -g flag will prevent it from hijacking focus on reloads. "start": "env REACT_DEBUGGER=\"$([ -d '/Applications/React Native Debugger.app' ] && echo \"open -g 'rndebugger://set-debugger-loc?host=localhost&port=8081' --args\")\" node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start"
    – flaky
    Commented Jan 25, 2019 at 12:17

I had the same issue: console messages were not appearing in Xcode's debug area. In my app I did Cmd + D to bring up the debug menu, and remembered I had set "Debug in Safari" on.

I turned this off, and some messages were printed to the output message, but not my console messages. However, one of the log messages said:

__DEV__ === false, development-level warning are OFF, performance optimizations are ON"

This was because I had previously bundled my project for testing on a real device with the command:

react-native bundle --minify

This bundled without "dev-mode" on. To allow development messages, include the --dev flag:

react-native bundle --dev

And console.log messages are back! If you aren't bundling for a real device, don't forget to re-point jsCodeLocation in AppDelegate.m to localhost (I did!).


Press [command + control + Z] in Xcode Simulator, choose Debug JS Remotely, then press [command + option + J] to open Chrome developer tools.

Xcode Simulator Img

refer:Debugging React Native Apps


It's so simple to get logs in React-Native.

Use console.log and console.warn

console.log('character', parameter)

console.warn('character', parameter)

This log you can view in the browser console. If you want to check the device log or, say, a production APK log, you can use:

adb logcat

adb -d logcat
  • Everything shows up on ADB except for the console.log and console.warn statements. Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 5:10
  • Yes @AndrewKoster I agree with you, we can view the all logs with ADB but this give you device logs here the query is related to logging a web development. ADB gives you device logs as well you can control and check device configurations. You can gather information from bellow link of ADB commands which can help you while development. androidcentral.com/10-basic-terminal-commands-you-should-know Commented Nov 11, 2019 at 5:52

There are two options to debug or get the output of your React Native application when using:

1. The emulator or a real device

For first using the emulator, use:

react-native log-android


react-native log-ios

to get the log output

2. On a real device, shake your device.

So the menu will come from where you select remote debug and it will open this screen in your browser. So you can see your log output in the console tab.

Enter image description here


If you are on OS X and using an emulator, you can view your console.logs directly in Safari's web inspector.

Safari → Development → Simulator - [your simulator version here] → JSContext


Development Time Logging

For development time logging, you can use console.log(). One important thing, if you want to disable logging in production mode, then in Root Js file of app, just assign blank function like this - console.log = {} It will disable whole log publishing throughout app altogether, which actually required in production mode as console.log consumes time.

Run Time Logging

In production mode, it is also required to see logs when real users are using your app in real time. This helps in understanding bugs, usage and unwanted cases. There are many 3rd party paid tools available in the market for this. One of them which I've used is by Logentries

The good thing is that Logentries has got React Native Module as well. So, it will take very less time for you to enable Run time logging with your mobile app.


Something that just came out about a month ago is "Create React Native App," an awesome boilerplate that allows you (with minimal effort) to show what your app looks like live on your mobile device (ANY with a camera) using the Expo app. It not only has live updates, but it will allow you to see the console logs in your terminal just like when developing for the web, rather than having to use the browser like we did with React Native before.

You would, of course, have to make a new project with that boilerplate... but if you need to migrate your files over, that shouldn't be a problem. Give it a shot.

Edit: Actually it doesn't even require a camera. I said that for scanning a QR code, but you can also type out something to sync it up with your server, not just a QR code.


The react-native-xlog module, that can help you, is WeChat's Xlog for React Native. That can output in the Xcode console and log file, and the Product log files can help you debug.

Xlog.verbose('tag', 'log');
Xlog.debug('tag', 'log');
Xlog.info('tag', 'log');
Xlog.warn('tag', 'log');
Xlog.error('tag', 'log');
Xlog.fatal('tag', 'log');

Enter image description here

Use the React Native debugger for logging and Redux store - https://github.com/jhen0409/react-native-debugger

Just download it and run as software. Then enable Debug mode from the simulator.

It supports other debugging features, just like element in Google Chrome developer tools, which helps to see the styling provided to any component.

Last complete support for Redux development tools.

  • The GitHub link is broken (404). Commented Aug 1, 2021 at 23:47
  • What do you mean by the last paragraph? Can you elaborate? Commented Aug 1, 2021 at 23:47

If you are using VSCode and run your emulator with VSCode React Native Tools, you can see console.* statements in the output tab. Make sure to select the correct subtab in the dropdown within the output tab. Mine currently is named LogCat - emulator-5554.


You use the same thing that is used for regular web. The console command also works in this case. For example, you can use console.log(), console.warn(), console.clear() etc.

You can use Chrome Developer to use the console command when you're logging while you are running your React Native app.


You can use the remote js debugly option from your device or you can simply use react-native log-android and react-native log-ios for iOS.


console.log() is the easy way to debug your code, but it needs to be used with the arrow function or bind() while displaying any state. You may find Stack Overflow question How can I print state in the console with React Native? useful.


Every developer is facing this issue of debugging with React Native, and even I faced it too. I refer to this and the solution is sufficient for me at the initial level. It covers a few ways that help us to try and use whatever is comfortable with us.

  1. Debugging with console.log
  2. Debugging code (logic) with Nuclide
  3. Debugging code (logic) with Chrome
  4. Use Xcode to debug GUI


  1. Put console.log("My log text") in your code
  2. go to your command line tools
  3. position oneself in its development folder

In Android:

  • write this command: React-native log-android

In iOS:

  • write this command: React-native log-ios

You can also use Reactotron. It will give you a lot more functionality than just logging.

  • Highly recommend -- Reactotron gives you a console PLUS full visibility into your redux store PLUS a log of api calls, events, etc. I could not develop in React Native without it Commented Mar 24, 2021 at 16:32

console.log() is the best and simple way to see your log in the console when you use a remote JavaScript debugger from your developer menu.


There are normally two scenarios where we need debugging.

  1. When we are facing issues related to data and we want to check our data and debugging related to data. In that case,

    console.log('data::', data)

    and debug JavaScript remotely is the best option.

  2. Another case is the UI and styles related issues where we need to check the styling of the component. In that case, react-dev-tools is the best option.

Both of the methods are mentioned here.


You can do this by two methods

  1. by using warn

     console.warn("something " + this.state.Some_Sates_of_variables);
  2. By using Alert. This is not good every time. If it reaches an alert then each time a popup will be opened, so if doing looping it means it is not preferable to use this.

     Import the {Alert} from 'react-native'
    // Use this alert
    Alert.alert("something " +this.state.Some_Sates_of_variables);

Users with Windows and Android Studio:

You're going to find it under Logcat in Android Studio. There are a lot of logging messages that show up here, so it may be easier for you to create a filter for "ReactNativeJS" which will only show your console.log messages that are created inside your React Native application.


console.log can be used for any JavaScript project.

If you running the app in localhost then obviously it is similar to any JavaScript project. But while using the simulator or any device, connect that simulator to our localhost and we can see it in the console.

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