I can see that Ctrl+left/right jumps to the beginning/end of line. How to change this to Cmd+left/right arrow?


14 Answers 14


Add in iTerm2 the following Profile Shortcut Keys

⌘ ← "SEND HEX CODE" 0x01
⌘ → "SEND HEX CODE" 0x05
⌥ ← "SEND ESC SEQ" b
⌥ → "SEND ESC SEQ" f

Here is a visual for those who need it

iTerm add key visual

  • 3
    Do you know what the code/sequence for Command+Delete is? (clear out the prompt)
    – Steven Lu
    Commented Mar 31, 2013 at 18:37
  • 13
    I answered my first comment elsewhere, basically hex-code 0x15 gives Ctrl+U which clears the line. However I am finding 0x01 Ctrl+A to interfere with Tmux usage. Therefore I intend to map it instead to the Home key (same functionality as Fn+Left on a Mac keyboard).
    – Steven Lu
    Commented Apr 4, 2013 at 1:28
  • 7
    The escape sequence for Home is [1~ and the escape sequence for End is [4~
    – Steven Lu
    Commented Apr 4, 2013 at 3:12
  • 2
    @Cyberwiz and that made my week :)
    – Matthias
    Commented Apr 8, 2015 at 22:35
  • 53
    The correct binding is ⌘← "SEND ESC SEQ" OH for Home and ⌘→ "SEND ESC SEQ" OF for End (those are uppercase 'o's not zeros). This simulates actually pressing the Home and End keys, and as such will work in bash, vim, etc. Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 8:38

To jump between words and start/end of lines in iTerm2 pick one of the two solutions below.

1. Simple solution (recommended)

  1. Open Preferences
  2. Click "Profile" tab
  3. Select a profile in the list on the left (eg "Default")
  4. Click "Keys" tab
  5. Click "Key Mappings" tab (if it exists)
  6. Click the "Presets" dropdown and select "Natural Text Editing"

enter image description here

Note: if you have several profiles (f.e. Default and Hotkey Window) and want the same modification to be applied for all profiles, use these steps instead:

  1. Click "Keys" tab
  2. Choose "Key Bindings"

2. Mapping keys manually (Advanced)

If you don't want to use the "Natural Text Editing" preset mentioned above, you can map the keys you need manually:

  1. Open Preferences
  2. Click "Profile" tab
  3. Select a profile in the list on the left (eg "Default")
  4. Click "Keys" tab
  5. Click "Key Mappings" tab (if it exists)
  6. Click the [+] iconjuimp
  7. Add the shortcuts from the table below
⌘ ← Jump left to beginning of line "SEND HEX CODE" 0x01
⌘ → Jump right to end of line "SEND HEX CODE" 0x05
⌘ ← Delete Delete line "SEND HEX CODE" 0x15
⌥ ← Jump left to beginning of word "SEND HEX CODE" 0x1b 0x62
⌥ → Jump right to end of word "SEND HEX CODE" 0x1b 0x66
⌥ ← DELETE Delete word "SEND HEX CODE" 0x1b 0x08
⌘ z Undo "SEND HEX CODE" 0x1f


If keyboard bindings already exists for the shortcuts above, they must be removed for the new ones to take effect.

  • 4
    This worked well for me in iTerm2 and was very easy to follow, thanks!
    – Natetronn
    Commented Apr 9, 2015 at 18:31
  • 5
    Just clarifying what do the original bindings for ⌥← do? I see it Says send Hex Codes: 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44. Would be good to know in case people did not want to remove this.
    – aug
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 20:17
  • 3
    Does iTerm have a way to bundle these into a preset we can just load? Seems annoying to type in manually but this worked for me and was awesome. Thanks a lto!
    – aug
    Commented Jun 6, 2017 at 23:54
  • 1
    This is assuming you are using emacs mode set -o emacs Commented Jun 12, 2017 at 19:11
  • 2
    I think this should be the right answer to the question
    – hdkrus
    Commented May 26, 2020 at 19:11

I see there's a lot of good answers already, but this should provide the closest to native OSX functionality as possible in more than just your shell. I verified that this works in ZSH, Bash, node, python -i, iex and irb/pry sessions (using rb-readline gem for readline, but should work for all).

Open the iTerm preferences +, and navigate to the Profiles tab (the Keys tab can be used, but adding keybinding to your profile allows you to save your profile and sync it to multiple computers) and keys sub-tab and enter the following:

Delete all characters left of the cursor

+←Delete Send Hex Codes:

0x15 More compatible, but functionality sometimes is to delete the entire line rather than just the characters to the left of the curser. I personally use this and then overwrite my zsh bindkey for ^U to delete only stuff to the left of the cursor (see below).


0x18 0x7f Less compatible, doesn't work in node and won't work in zsh by default, see below to fix zsh (bash/irb/pry should be fine), performs desired functionality when it does work.

Delete all characters right of the cursor

+fn+←Delete or +Delete→ Send Hex Codes: 0x0b

Delete one word to left of cursor

+←Delete Send Hex Codes:

0x1b 0x08 Breaks in Elixir's IEX, seems to work fine everywhere else


0x17 Works everywhere, but doesn't stop at normal word breaks in IRB and will instead delete until it sees a literal space.

Delete one word to right of cursor

+fn←Delete or +Delete→ Send Hex Codes: 0x1b 0x64

Move cursor to the front of line

+ Send Hex Codes: 0x01

Move cursor to the end of line

+ Send Hex Codes: 0x05

Move cursor one word left

+ Send Hex Codes: 0x1b 0x62

Move cursor one word right

+ Send Hex Codes: 0x1b 0x66


+z Send Hex Codes: 0x1f

Redo typically not bound in bash, zsh or readline, so we can set it to a unused hexcode which we can then fix in zsh

++Z or +y Send Hex Codes: 0x18 0x1f

Now how to fix any that don't work

For zsh, you can setup binding for the not yet functional +←Delete and ++Z/+y by running:

# changes hex 0x15 to delete everything to the left of the cursor,
# rather than the whole line
$ echo 'bindkey "^U" backward-kill-line' >> ~/.zshrc

# binds hex 0x18 0x7f with deleting everything to the left of the cursor
$ echo 'bindkey "^X\\x7f" backward-kill-line' >> ~/.zshrc

# adds redo
$ echo 'bindkey "^X^_" redo' >> ~/.zshrc

# reload your .zshrc for changes to take effect
$ source ~/.zshrc

I'm unable to find a solution for adding redo in bash or readline, so if anyone know a solution for either of those, please comment below and I'll try to add them in.

For anyone looking for the lookup table on how to convert key sequences to hex, I find this table very helpful.

  • 3
    That is really useful, makes a lot of difference! I would like to point it out that some people can get confused with the $ in front of echo (just remove it?). Other than that, it's perfect. Thank you. Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 15:45
  • 1
    @Christophe So it looks like the key binding is there like it should be. Either you made a mistake adding the hex values in or keybinding for backward-word is being overwritten. Run bindkey | grep "\^\[b" and that'll tell you if something else is overwriting it after it's been set. It should only return #=> "^[b" backward-word. If it's being overwritten, you'll have to find where its being overwritten and remove it. If that's not possible, you can run echo 'bindkey "^[b" backward-word' >> ~/.zshrc it will add it to the last line of your .zshrc, then restart iTerm and it should work
    – Travis
    Commented May 27, 2016 at 19:36
  • 2
    @Christophe check the keys tab in the iTerm preferences to see if it's also mapping + to something. If so remove it. You can test if your b is working correctly by quickly pressing esc releasing, then pressing b. That should jump a word to the left. Alternatively, you can map + to hex 0x1b 0x42 or 0x1b 0x5b 0x31 0x3b 0x35 0x44. I verified that both of those work for me. I really think you have + being overwritten in iTerm though, either in your profile keys tab or keys tab.
    – Travis
    Commented May 31, 2016 at 14:10
  • 3
    Amazing! Just learned about Undo plus Redo bindings from here.
    – ecbrodie
    Commented Mar 31, 2018 at 18:44
  • 8
    I did this manually in and I thought why can't I import a profile to do this? Then I created GabLeRoux/iterm2-macos-dynamic-profile based on these instructions. It works flawlessly, thanks 🍻
    – GabLeRoux
    Commented Aug 1, 2018 at 19:07

In iTerm 3.0.12 you can switch to Natural Text Editing preset:

enter image description here

iTerm → Preferences → Profiles → Keys

Warning As it is a preset, it can override the keys you have binded before. So it's better to save your current key bindings before applying a preset.

  • 2
    Could you elaborate more your answer? As in, what that preset includes and might overwrite? Commented Nov 15, 2017 at 22:00
  • Thanks for the answer. Also chiming in it's probably best practice to apply this to your own custom profile that way you aren't screwing with the defaults and can toggle the profile as a natural text editing "mode"
    – aug
    Commented Jan 29, 2018 at 18:36
  • 1
    Simplest and easiest solution by far. Should be #1 answer. Commented Aug 30, 2021 at 13:34
  • @CarlesAlcolea I think it will remove your custom presets and hotkeys so you should export the profile if you want to save them. Commented Aug 30, 2021 at 13:34
  • @CarlesAlcolea and @wordsforthewise Look at the warning
    – Nike Kov
    Commented Aug 31, 2021 at 10:31

For quick reference of anyone who wants to go to the end of line or start of line in iTerm2, the above link http://hackaddict.blogspot.com/2007/07/skip-to-next-or-previous-word-in-iterm.html notes that in iTerm2:

  • Ctrl+A, jumps to the start of the line, while
  • Ctrl+E, jumps to the end of the line.
  • 2
    Why is this answer not at the top? Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 14:41
  • 3
    @GangadharJannu: Totally agree. It goes straight to the ans. Should be on the top.
    – Chau Pham
    Commented Oct 19, 2019 at 3:14
  • agreed i knew the ctrl + A to get to start of line but couldn't find the end of line. this needs to be marked as the answer.
    – covard
    Commented Jul 15, 2020 at 15:17
  • This answer just get straight to the point without any additional "key-mapping" hassle stuff like the rest. This should be on the top Commented Oct 8, 2022 at 4:00
  • To bad the link is outdated
    – FLY
    Commented Oct 27, 2022 at 8:40

Follow the tutorial you listed above for setting up your key preferences in iterm2.

  1. Create a new shorcut key
  2. Choose "Send escape sequence" as the action
  3. Then, to set cmd-left, in the text below that:
    • Enter [H for line start
    • Enter [F for line end
  • 1
    F jumpes only one word within my iterm2
    – Matthias
    Commented May 7, 2012 at 15:31
  • 1
    ITerm => Preferences => Keys
    – pfrank
    Commented Sep 24, 2013 at 21:36
  • Love this! the other solutions did not work for me. I Spend hours frustrated that I could not use ctrl+a and ctrl+e in iterm2. But I did not want to give up fish for it. This totally works thank you!
    – FLY
    Commented Jan 31, 2019 at 14:03
  • Other solutions did not work for me either, but this one did. Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 15:00
  • I up-voted this answer a while ago. Now working on a new installation I find this answer again. Only thing that works!
    – FLY
    Commented Oct 27, 2022 at 8:47

I used Travis answer and I created a dynamic profile you can import based on its instructions.


Instructions are in the readme and it's a lot faster to import this than it is to add them all manually. I made this an answer as per @gooli's request because this was hidden in a comment. Hope you enjoy this 🍻

  • 2
    Came back here a year later and so happy to find this!
    – elifiner
    Commented Mar 17, 2019 at 14:25

Just to help out anyone that is having the same issue but specifically using Zsh shell with iTerm 2. It turns out that Zsh doesn't read /etc/inputrc properly, and so fails to understand any key bindings you set up through the preferences!

To fix this, you need to add some key bindings to your .zshrc file, such as:

# key bindings
bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line
bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line

Note the backslashes in the example above before the "e", the linked article does not show them, so add them into your .zshrc file when adding bindings.


The only things that work for for moving to the beginning and end of line are

⌘← "SEND ESC SEQ" OH - to move to the beginning of line
⌘→ "SEND ESC SEQ" OF - to move to the end of line


The old fashion emacs bindings can still work in iterm2 and os x terminal:

Preferences -> Profiles -> Keys (sub tab in profiles)

  • Set Left/Right option <kbd>⌥</kbd> key acts as +Esc (similar in os x terminal)

This should enable alt-f and alt-b for moving words by words. (Still ctrl-a and ctrl-e always work as usual)

If set as meta those old bindings will work while some iterm2 bindings unavailable.


As Explains in here, you can do it with a simple steps:

By default, word jumps (option + → or ←) and word deletions (option + backspace) do not work. To enable these, go to "iTerm → Preferences → Profiles → Keys → Load Preset... → Natural Text Editing → Boom! Head explodes"


bind -p will show a list of bound escaped keys in your shell, that might help giving you more ideas / search terms.

  • 6
    bind -p only works in Bourne shells (bash, sh) for zsh, csh tcsh, use bindkey.
    – Travis
    Commented May 18, 2015 at 16:04

explained in https://aaronaddleman.com/articles/hexcodes-and-iterm/

you can use xxd -psd to get key hex code.


For me, the following combination worked:

Key Action Esc+ End result
Send Escape Sequence a Send ^[ a
Send Escape Sequence e Send ^[ e

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