
I have developed a website on Wordpress and I wanted to upload it's app on google play store. But when i uploaded it on play console, it got denial from play console and as a reason it asked me to verify the ownership of this website. The website is totally owned by me as i registered it's domain and hosting on my own gmail account. Can anyone tell me the solution of this problem and how can i verify the ownership of my website? You can also visit my website to check if there's something wrong in website regarding to its content compliance with play console protocols.

I didn't came across this problem and i tried to check it's solution on youtube but couldn't found the appropriate method to rectify this error. I would highly appreciate the replies from experts to get me out from this problem.

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  • This question is similar to: Proof Azure Website Ownership to Google Play. If you believe it’s different, please edit the question, make it clear how it’s different and/or how the answers on that question are not helpful for your problem. Commented 42 mins ago


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