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Questions tagged [http-redirect]

When a URL is updated the server sends a HTTP redirect message with the updated URL. The redirect option in HTTP is also used by the server to perform load balancing.

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Massive redirect in nginx

I trying to configure massive redirect links like to via nginx ...
user3774771's user avatar
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Getting net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error on flutter Azure authentication redirect url

I am setting Azure authentication with flutter. The Login function is below Future<void> loginWithAzure(context) async { config = Config( tenant: 'edfdf2d2-ef52-4a80-a647-...
paseo Market's user avatar
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Go: redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS goes to localhost

I'm trying to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS in Go, but no matter what it goes to localhost: I define the servers and run them: httpServer = &http.Server{ Addr: login.HttpPORT, ...
Anacardo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is there php redirect function that will be redirect if match referer only? [closed]

I try like following but it doesn’t work in sometimes. <?php $refer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : null; if( preg_match("/anysite1/i", $refer) or ...
user2971638's user avatar
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Nextjs route handler set cookie not working

I am currently experiencing an issue with setting cookies in a Next.js 14 route handler. I have confirmed through console logs that the token is correctly included in the Set-Cookie header, but the ...
이승제's user avatar
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Constantly getting redirected to login and home pages

As of recently I am constantly being redirected to the login and home pages on various sites. The redirects happen as follows: I am browsing the site, clicking on a couple things, and here and there ...
Honeybadger's user avatar
-1 votes
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ASP.NET How to pass a value to another site?

I have two separate websites. The main site requires a login. A menu on my website should redirect the user to a different website and pass to it the username of the logged in user. I have the ...
Mohsen Azizi's user avatar
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How to Proxy Content from One URL to Another Without Redirection Using Nginx Ingress

Could you help me with configuring an Nginx Ingress? I need to set up a redirection for the URL so that when a user visits it, they see the content of the
user2693302's user avatar
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Can't redirect correctly after login with Auth0 on an Ionic React App?

I'm working on an Ionic App with React. Im using Auth0 for user authentication. Everything is working on localhost web, I can login and the app is returning to /callback after login. Then, when I ...
Antonino Sartori's user avatar
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Nginx - Wordpress redirect

I have one problem about the redirecting I want to make redirect to to I want to redirect but not affect the website's keywords in Google. What I ...
mca's user avatar
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Invisibly redirect one domain to another via .htaccess

I'm trying to find a way to redirect my subdomain, let's call it, to my other subdomain's subpage but without the user noticing they are being redirected. I tried ...
dma's user avatar
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Redirect of entire site not working for sub-folders

I have implemented this change to .htaccess. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?stakeholdermap\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] ...
projectmonkey's user avatar
-1 votes
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Redirection to /login not working in React app with react-router-dom and JWT authentication

For context I am currently following a tutoriel to learn how to create a Django & React Web App. I am building a React application that uses JWT authentication to protect certain routes. I want to ...
Marg's user avatar
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Having Oauth issues w/ a mern application

I'm currently building my first app for client but I'm experiencing an error while testing the sign in functionality i get: http proxy error: /api/auth/google background: I'm using a mern architecture ...
user25487616's user avatar
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Is it possible to redirect my domain name to repository while keeping my domain URL?

I apologize if the title is a little confusing, since I don't know the exact terminology for redirects. I own a domain, say, that I manage under Cloudflare. I also have a Github repo, say, ...
hobbes3's user avatar
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Cross domain window.postMessage from child to parent in an iframe?

I have a parent window embedded in an iframe that opens up a child window on a button click. This is for a different domain. I need to figure out how to communicate from the child window so I can ...
user25622659's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to send a redirect after generating a file download in Servlet

I'm developing a web page using Java Servlets and JSP. I have functionality where, depending on the received action (action), different operations are performed. However, I'm encountering an issue ...
Carlos Odette DLCL's user avatar
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Setting up a complex/custom .htaccess redirect rule

I am trying to set up a custom rule for redirecting all URLs within a folder to a different path on a different domain. I want ALL files within this URL structure: ...
trulygood's user avatar
-1 votes
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301 Redirect with multiple Query String parameters in .htaccess - One is running the other not

This 302 Redirect is running: RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)number=102(&|$) [NC] RewriteRule ^fliesennivelliersystem/planfix-verlegefix/basissets/1-5-mm-basis-set/2283/planfix-fliesen-...
user24710148's user avatar
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How do I redirect all non-existant files in a subdirectory to the main page?

I have the following structure: -files --toppage --existing-file --second-file Now imagine someone goes to I want them to redirect to But when ...
Klein's user avatar
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How to perform a 301 redirect from one domain to another in .NET?

I want to redirect my website traffic to I have a web application that can be accessed in four different ways, these are through, and the www version of ...
Decoy's user avatar
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Haproxy 3.0 with PHP-FPM 301 header mangled to 302

I am trying to use HAProxy with an FCGI backend to php-fpm for a redirection service When I attempt to write a 301 redirect, and check the response with cURL, it's sending a 302 instead of a 301. Very ...
user3713910's user avatar
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how can I configure nginx config with php ratchet webscoket?

I need to configure the websocket service written in PHP ratchet in yii2 application with nginx service. I find the same configs for websocket connection in the internet, but I faced unexpected error ...
Ilhomjon's user avatar
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react native WebView redirect 302 and get history

I have a couple of questions. How can I retrieve the browsing history from a react-native-webview ? Also, how can I detect a 302 redirect within the react-native-webview ? Any guidance would be ...
Ismail Ben Hamouda's user avatar
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301 Redirect dynamic urls from database in .NET Core 3.1

I have thousands of links which need to be redirect to new URL using 301 Permanent Redirect. I have all these urls in the Database table. I would like to know where should be these URLs should be ...
gomnam gomnam's user avatar
-1 votes
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redirect Request to another controller in middleware of laravel

i have a problem with redirect of controller or URL request, i have two api route for example: API No. 1: Route::prefix('v1')->group(function () { Route::controller('handelProController')->...
Mostafa Azimi's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to do 301 redirect on a wordpress website

I want to set up a 301 redirect on my WordPress website to redirect the page at to
Vikas Pundora's user avatar
-1 votes
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How are subdomains of a domain cached?

I setup a custom domain on my GitHub page, so if I navigate to it will redirect to Then I remove that custom domain. It has been a ...
Ooker's user avatar
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How to prevent redirect on ActiveCampaign form?

I'm using the form from ActiveCampaign on my website. I need to prevent the form from redirecting to the thank you message so I can integrate in SparkLoop. I've tried a couple of developers with mixed ...
Mike Ryan Tåndy's user avatar
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nginx-openresty rewrite_by_lua_block and ngx.req.set_uri redirects to a file instead of location

I'm trying to use a rewrite in nginx-openresty following a simple example: location /test { rewrite_by_lua_block { ngx.req.set_uri("/authgp") } } location /authgp { proxy_pass http:...
Fernando Ruscitti's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

A GitHub Page website when having a custom domain redirects too many time. How to identify the bug?

This repo has been successfully added a GitHub Page. On local or when no custom domain is added (i.e. be visited at it works fine, indicating that the code has ...
Ooker's user avatar
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I want to use .htaccess to block a country and if any other country redirect the visitor to another URL

I have this code to prevent people from Mexico from accessing my domain name, but I wonder if I can add another line where I redirect them to another URL (A landing page on an email marketing page). ...
Josh Medici's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a page which requires a password to redirect to the website?

If it is possible how would I do it? To elaborate I mean a page which requires a password and once you enter it the page is redirected to the website. I am currently hosting and working on the ...
Anime Oni's user avatar
2 votes
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How to redirect a web page with a Hash in URL NGINX Ubuntu Server

I have an issue to make my reset password service functionally, I send via API a hash in the URL, so the client receive a URL like I need to set a ...
Brayan Martinez Espinosa's user avatar
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why do I keep getting a script redirecting message when trying to add an extentionf from google workplace?

app script not dowloading and says redirecting nothing I just kept re trying and adding the extension. I tried adding a different app script to see if it worked and didnt. If anyone can help me figure ...
Ashley Countryman's user avatar
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MAMP 5.06 Windows - Configuring httpd-ssl.conf

I am currently using MAMP on a PC (windows 10), and using Apache as server. I edited the file httpd.conf located in C:\MAMP\conf\apache, and I uncomment the line : LoadModule ssl_module modules/...
Flex60460's user avatar
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Hubspot sub domain redirect to main website page

What is the best way to redirect a sub domain page created in Hub Spot, to a page created on the main website: Redirect a Hub Spot subdomain page: To this page: ...
Reggie Wills's user avatar
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How can I redirect to an action but not first of view, but another part of view

this is my action to add new address on a step form , step form have 4 part that have a main Id for form , I want in the second tab add to new address and if method was success return to my view, but ...
Maryam12 forex's user avatar
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Apache Redirect permanent clashing with htaccess

My server is Ubuntu I have following .htaccess - # Disable directory browsing Options -Indexes <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f ...
Nitin Nanivadekar's user avatar
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Please how do I fix "localhost directed you too many times"?

The error was displayed in the Chrome browser as follows. This page isn’t working localhost redirected you too many times. Try clearing your cookies. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS This error occurs on my ...
CODE THINO's user avatar
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HTTP Url is not redirecting for controller to from HTTP to HTTPS in ASP.NET MVC

I have a controller MapController in which I have written code that check if url contains, then it should redirect to HTTPS - so this url: ...
hud's user avatar
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Route is not changing after redirection to "/profile"

I am having issue regarding the redirection from middleware. The route is not changing(http://localhost:3000/) but page loads and when I refresh the page the route also changed to http://localhost:...
Rahul Srivastava's user avatar
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Is it possible to access GCP metadata endpoint from Cloud Run instance?

I have a cloud run instance that I'm trying to use to communicate with another, secured Cloud Run instance. The latter instance allows external traffic but can only be invoked by set service accounts. ...
grinferno's user avatar
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Blazor server app with cloudflare enabled does not load, too many redirects

This is a duplicate of this post But I can't comment because I'm new here. So I ask, how can I solve it today? Cloudflare has changed a lot and the only "fix" is just disabling the proxied ...
Eduard Rivas's user avatar
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Get the AMCSECAUTH cookie from microsoft login results in infinite redirect that is unfollowable

When attempting to grab the AMCSECAUTH cookie from the finished login (which ive managed to do) it gets stuck in a infinite loop. I attempted to follow this loop manually but i stop on the 3rd request ...
asd asd's user avatar
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Including a header redirect resets $_SESSION variables? Echoing without redir works

was racking my brain for the last 2 days wondering why my code didnt work. basically tested and removed blocks till I realised that ONLY if i remove the header and return lines in my fn, the $_SESSION[...
Jerel Koh's user avatar
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Redirect to wp login if user is not logged in

I am trying to redirect a non-logged-in site visitor to the WordPress log-in page if they click on a Menu link if they are not logged in and display the form if they are logged in. The menu link (that ...
ricky ninia's user avatar
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How to redirect post-404page to 404 page in Avada

I'm in staging and cannot provide a link. Using Avada theme which suggests to create a custom 404 layout, which will not work for how I want it to look. In Avada the 404.php shows div id="post-...
Charly's user avatar
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Clicking on button or href link closes browser tab

I have a URL link linking to an HTML page (page A). Page A has a meta refresh forward - although I tried JS on load as well - to another page (Page B). Sometimes clicking the button opens Page A ...
Nikos W's user avatar
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In nextjs.config redirect, how can I capture a regex group from the source and pass it to the destination?

I'm using NextJS 14.2.3 and have various redirects in my next.config.js file. Is it possible to capture a regex group from the source and pass it to the destination? Something like this, where the $1 ...
LCIII's user avatar
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