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Questions tagged [http]

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application level network protocol that is used for the transfer of content on the World Wide Web.

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making a dynamic proxy in node.js

I am trying to make a dynamic proxy that I can control with a web UI the goal is to be able to proxy traffic going to http://localhost/server_a to something as well as http://localhost/server_b. ...
Nik Hendricks's user avatar
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can curl c library parse http request?

I am writing a server that uses select function to read from a set of sockets. Then I need to parse the received data as HTTP request. I find some C library from github such as PicoHTTPParser and ...
user180574's user avatar
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Is it possible for me to create a button that has the capabilities to download all files in a github repo [closed]

I am just curious if there is a way to create a HTTP request in a frontend or backend that can grab the most updated files from a Github and trigger a download on the users computer? I know you can ...
Matt102065's user avatar
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2 answers

logging HTTP 404/405 errors with Golang 1.22+ net/http ServeMux

I’m playing around with net/http after reading about the routing upgrades in 1.22, the goal here is to only use stdlib, so I'm intentionally avoiding frameworks and routers that are not part of the ...
Andrew Sirolly's user avatar
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@nestjs/axios - Axios Only Returns 502 Errors When Request Fails

I am currently facing an odd problem with Axios (through NestJS HttpService): I have some Nest endpoints that make HTTP requests to another service. When the HTTP request succeeds, I get a good ...
Sa'id Kharboutli's user avatar
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How to process a GET request in TIdHTTPServer when changing the position of a video in the browser?

I'm trying to write a simple HTTP server that can send videos (mp4) to the browser. But I can't make it so that the user can randomly change the playback position of the video in the browser. I'm able ...
Alex's user avatar
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SubscriberContext state in case of concurrent HTTP Request in spring reactive

I have an HTTP API written in Spring Reactive which fetches user details from the datastore. I am adding the description for the API below. @Configuration class Routes { @Bean fun router() = ...
nitin's user avatar
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Zip file is created successfully whenever I use os.Create() but when I try to send the Zip file via HTTP Response I get gibberish data in Postman resp

This is my code that generates a ZIP file on the fly and writes a pdf (fetched from AWS S3 bucket) inside the ZIP file. If I write the ZIP file to the disk via os.create there is no issues but if I ...
Dhruv Dogra's user avatar
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How to Test the Cloud Function with Http Trigger

Would like to set up a HTTP trigger - Cloud Function that listens to a POST method and then Cloud Function will parse the payloads and make a post process on it. Would like to know what is the curl ...
YihanBao's user avatar
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429 response code even with proxy rotation

import re import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from random import choice http = ['', '', '', '', '...
N0PEZ's user avatar
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android emulator can't post to locally hosted website

I'm trying to make a .net maui application that can post to a website that I am using XAMPP/Apache to host. When using a try catch block the only error message that I get is connection failed and even ...
Habibi's user avatar
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error in msnodesqlv8 coming from begin function at query-handler: Parameter 2: Invalid parameter type

Im kinda a newbie so sorry in advance for the dumb question. so i have this 2 functions: const sql = require('msnodesqlv8'); const { rows } = require('mssql'); async searchThings(){ try { const ...
lucas salmeron's user avatar
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What is the need of having different types of request methods(get,post,put,delete)?

I can achieve whatever a get/put/delete request achieves using a post request (by writing whatever the logic is inside the method). Then what is the point of having different methods. There must ...
Abhiram Danala's user avatar
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HTTP POST (or PUT) requests longer after response in ESP32

I'm making project like RC car on coupled STM32 and ESP32 as co-processor. Now I'm trying to use POST/PUT requests of HTTP to turn on/off LEDs on my module, but I have problem with analysing and ...
All All's user avatar
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How do I ensure that my Frontend is the Origin sending a POST request to my Backend [duplicate]

I have a Vue 3 frontend site that I want to be able to sign up new users. When the user enters their information into the frontend, the frontend will send a POST request to the backend which is a ...
8SIXSector's user avatar
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Face swap with AKOOL APIs

I have a trouble for developing web application with AKOOL Api. An API request responsed a result url successfully. But I'm wondering how can I receive ...
sweetier's user avatar
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video tag html does not work in Chrome when source is a http stream whit vlc

Currently I have VLC media player streaming a video file out through http on port 8080. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> </head> <body> <h1>video</h1> <video ...
armin good's user avatar
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Go: redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS goes to localhost

I'm trying to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS in Go, but no matter what it goes to localhost: I define the servers and run them: httpServer = &http.Server{ Addr: login.HttpPORT, ...
Anacardo's user avatar
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Failed to download (trying next): HTTP Error 404: Not Found (MNIST) dataset

I am writing to seek assistance with an issue I'm encountering while attempting to download the MNIST dataset for a federated learning experiment. I am receiving an error message during the MNIST ...
yohannes biadglgne's user avatar
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URL Length Limit and Query Parameter Constraints in Front-End to Back-End Requests

While developing a mechanism for front-end requests to the back-end, I've encountered an issue regarding the URL length when carrying multiple query parameters. Is there a length limit for URLs? If so,...
mangoG's user avatar
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Go: test fails when expected value is the same as got value [closed]

I'm learning to test http endpoints in Go with the httptest library and my test is failingeven though by the result it should pass. The function being tested: func testHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r ...
Anacardo's user avatar
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Blocked:mixed-content problem when using docker containers

I have setup a docker server with a nginx proxy manager container as the front end exposed to the open internet. behind that I have a container with a flutter webapp and another container with a ...
Ben's user avatar
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Getting "An error occurred: [SSL: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER] wrong version number (_ssl.c:1006)" while running a Streamlit application

I am coding a Streamlit chatbot on VSCode using Python. I am using a corporate computer on a corporate network to code this, and there are a lot of security restrictions. When I do the command "...
Anna Valente's user avatar
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Solving CORS issues between my fastapi and flutter application [closed]

I have a fastapi server running in my local network and want to make a request to that server using flutter. I am allowing all origins inside my app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan) origins = [ ...
jack's user avatar
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Authentication header changing to smaller-cased(authentication) when sending POST request from golang server(rusty) [closed]

in the golang server when sending a POST request with a bearer Authorization , the request is being changed and at the url i hit from the golang it is shown as authorization. where the 'a' hash been ...
Arjun's user avatar
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Apache RewriteCond multiple ip not working

I have a problem with my .htaccess file which looks like this : <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}] RewriteBase / RewriteRule ...
ss10's user avatar
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Why I see chunk sizes as text in browser when streaming HTTP with "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked"?

I am trying to stream HTTP using "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked". Here is the code for Deno (deno run -A --watch main.ts): function generateStream(): ReadableStream<Uint8Array>...
Alexander's user avatar
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Difference between different timeouts for apache http client 5.1

With Apache Http client 5.1.x, I want to set timeout on every HTTP request(Get, Post, ..), as I don't want to wait for more than certain period for obvious reasons. But I'm confused mostly between ...
Swanand's user avatar
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How to handle a Beacon API request on page close without provoking 499 HTTP response?

Currently I am trying to send a Beacon API request to my backend whenever my web application is being closed while it processes data in order to communicate to the backend that it should not expect ...
hullunist's user avatar
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HTTP Response / Error messages / Convert2Excel

There is an Excel file which contains an HTTP error response report. The Excel report/table contains several structured ("simple") fields like system-ID, date processed, ... But one field of ...
wolpert's user avatar
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How can I speed up HTTP post requests?

I'm making a REST API for college class schedules and inserting the data into the database is taking forever. My program works by downloading a PDF schedule from my university's website, stripping its ...
daytripper's user avatar
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Golang template function returns content of index.html instead of page

I try to create web application via this tutorial, but localhost:3000 shows content of index.html instead of page. What is wrong with my code? index.html result main.go package main import ( &...
zSakhalin's user avatar
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Issue Regarding Mixed Content HTTPS and SSL Configuration on Hostinger VPS [closed]

I'm currently using a Hostinger VPS to host my FERN stack project. I've set up my project in /var/www/saiyoksprings on the VPS, with nginx serving the frontend build and pm2 managing the Node.js ...
Droopy Poopy's user avatar
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Browser doesn't get response header from my inherited http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler

I am trying to build a HTTP server by inheriting http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler. It works fine and unless that the browser just doesn't know my server is trying to send HTML data, and keep ...
Limina102's user avatar
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HTTP persistent connection with poll()

On successfully creating the listening socket, I try to run a block of code on it that should maintain a persistent connection. Here is what I have done so far: while(1) { struct pollfd pfds[1]; ...
Artyom Gevorgyan's user avatar
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I keep getting a deadlock error any time i attempt to make an api call in golang compiled to wasm

As the title describes i am trying to make an api call in golang that is compiled to wasm it works fine when it is run on a machine but returns a deadlock error all go routines asleep whenever i run ...
Crowbin's user avatar
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does a session ends when we close the browser or not? [closed]

I am studying about http basics and authentication and I confronted, the term session, basically in a nutshell, I realized session is duration between when we login into an account on a website and ...
Lome G ner's user avatar
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Extract Body from a http response with error code in Kotlin

I am building an app and after placing a call to the backend, I received an error response. I need to extract the body of the http response but I cannot find a good way to do it. The response has an ...
Seb's user avatar
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Get latitude and longitude from google maps shared link with flutter

How can I retrieve the longitude and latitude in a shared link from Google Maps like:, with Flutter? I tried this code : Future<void> ...
bielciTech's user avatar
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AWS Lambda http.request get always timeout also if works properly

we have a strange situation, we created an AWS Lambda that make an HTTP POST (with JSON body) using http.request, below the code: export const handler = (event, context, callback) => { console....
tscs's user avatar
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Login page HTTP request sends infinitely

A few hours ago i made a similar question but i was addressing the wrong issues. the real problem is, i have this functional login function: async function entrar() { const user_name = ...
Mind full of blanks's user avatar
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Groovy/Grails HTTPBuilder automatic JSON parsing

Groovy 2.4.14, Grails 2.5.6, JVM 1.8, MacOS I'm trying (and succeeding) to use a UPS (United Parcel Service) API to obtain tracking information given a tracking number. The code works, and UPS returns ...
Pointy's user avatar
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How to get http path from h2c in net.conn in go

I have a net.Conn, there is a h2c request in it, I want to write a func to extract path in it(from first headers frame) // Get path form http2 func extractPathFromH2Request(conn net.Conn) string { ...
Fangliding's user avatar
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How to back up a web page which loads content asynchronously? [closed]

I want to save a local copy of a website which has a lot of pages which feature an accordion which loads its content asynchronously? What's the best way to create this backup? I've tried wget, but ...
ratbum's user avatar
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Model Derivative API Tutorial Stuck on Step 4 Download OBJ File

I am trying to learn how to use Model Derivative API. Started the tutorial on GitHub, all steps were working fine in Tutorial 1 until Task 4 Download OBJ File, in which i got this error. Any idea how ...
Canberk Kocaoğlu's user avatar
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InfluxDB can't query data with the same query language over http

Im currently trying to get data from my influxdb from the HTTP endpoints. Most of the queries just work fine but im having problems with one specific query which works fine in the influxdb ...
Tim's user avatar
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Angular v18 - 404 on request

I've updated the Angular application to version 18 (18.0.1). I'm facing some issues regarding the http requests on localhost. For most of the requests I'm getting a 404. I'm behind a corporate proxy ...
anyway07's user avatar
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How to query post requests on browser

I've been getting started with querying APIs, and I spent a while today frustrated with trying to do a POST request through my browser, the same way I was able to do GET requests. I folded and got ...
klaus's user avatar
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AngularJS $http.put returns 405 when published

I have an ASP.NET project with AngularJS. I am using $http.put to update a certain record in the database and I need the .then to do something later. I have an IIS server. When I test the code locally ...
Alaa's user avatar
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How do I submit a get request through a non-navigating link?

I'm creating a site that I would like to be as simple as possible. What I would like to do is have a user enter their email address, then an email would be sent with a link containing a token. Here is ...
Anthony Mallgren's user avatar

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