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Questions tagged [idioms]

A programming idiom is the usual and customary way to write code in a particular language. Idioms are highly recognizable ways of overcoming a particular limitation and/or writing commonly-used code, sometimes with a purpose that is separate from the literal meaning of the code. An idiom can also be the standard way of implementing something when there are multiple ways to do it.

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How do you idiomatically DRY up rust code without upsetting the borrow checker?

Context Coming from OOP I'm finding as I implement various traits and functions on my structs, I want to abstract bits and pieces of them out. But whenever I do, I run into borrow checker issues. I'm ...
gjh33's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Idiom for initializing an std::array using a generator function taking the index?

Suppose I have a function T foo(size_t i), And I want to construct an object arr of type std::array<T, N> such that arr[i] == foo(i). I would like a solution which works even when T is not ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Most idiomatic way to increment a character in a string, '1' -> '2' etc

I am creating a fen representation of a chess state as part of my chess hobby project, and I was unable to come up with a safe solution for parsing the structure. My current solution iterates through ...
ShadowRim's user avatar
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kotlin KT-28061 for details for null safety on compiler

why cant I just return s?.let{ it }?: {throw IllegalStateException("you got something screwed up...")} for a function? from my understanding the compiler should be able to detect we either ...
Pipo's user avatar
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Decent idiom for initializing an optional to either null or a value?

Motivation With C++ having gotten optional's (in C++17), it is now common to want to write the equivalent of: If a condition holds, initialize my variable with some expression; and if the condition ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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In Rust, what is the idiomatic way to associate members of one enum with other enum types and map between their integer and string representations?

Goal: I'd like to turn a pair of (usagePage, usageID) integers to Rust enumeration variants and get the names of both the page and specific usages as strings for debugging purposes. I'd like to ...
EB.'s user avatar
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How to change calendar language on TextField type='date'

I am using React and Material-UI I know about the existence of the LocalizationProvider and how I can use it to change the language of my DatePicker. However, in my project, I must use TextField with ...
Calebe Bertoluci's user avatar
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Functional way to implement this OO design with TypeScript

Suppose that I have the following design implemented in an OO language (e.g. Python). I know that the OO way is a bit unnatural and sometimes not preferred when using TypeScript. So what would be the ...
zzheng's user avatar
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How to stop a call to map if nested find returns None?

I have the following struct: struct Thing { id: usize, cost: u32, numbers: Vec<usize> } I am considering the following three Thing objects and a vector chain_of_things that contains ...
ahul-fell-awen's user avatar
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How to factor out code into methods in a Ruby script while retaining access to the outer scope?

Suppose I have a Ruby script like the following to generate YAML describing a list of services: require 'yaml' environment_slug = ENV.fetch('CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG') YAML.dump([ { 'name' => '...
Manuel Jacob's user avatar
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How do I tell which of these ldd-reported libraries require allowance for via CMake?

Suppose I'm creating a target for an already-compiled library, Now, this library has the following requirements/dependencies, as specified by ldd: (0xf77d4000) => /...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Preventing Derived Class calling Base class's public method

I am writing a base class that provides a public update() method. When someone derives from this base class, they must implement a pure virtual method that controls a tiny bit of the behavior of this ...
Taylor's user avatar
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Idiom for setting a variable in top-level scope

I have a CMakeLists.txt which sometimes serves as a project top-level list file and is sometimes used with add_subdirectory(). Now, for reasons, this file needs to set a variable in the top-level ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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4 answers

How to best DRY with some ad-hoc class instances?

Sometimes in my code, I find myself wanting to define several instances of the same class, with the difference in the definition being small relative to its overall length, and sharing some common ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Is there an idiomatic way of accepting particular children in React?

Suppose you have a Card component that takes content for the header, body and footer. One way to design it would be for consumers to use it like this: <Card header="foo" body="...
Adam Zerner's user avatar
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CMake option naming convention for conditional parts/dependencies?

Is there a commonly-accepted convention regarding the naming of CMake options that indicate: "Depend on a certain package and build code utilizing that dependency"? And the same question for ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Idiomatic way to do "find_package and download & build a fallback if not found"

I have a CMake project which requires package foo, with a certain version range. Now, I don't want to force my own foo tarball into the project, nor always download a release from the Internet, i.e. I ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Need some help understanding a couple of SCILAB idioms

Title pretty much covers it - I need some help understanding a couple of SCILAB idioms (Ultimate goal: convert some SCILAB code into Python) Until today, I'd never heard of, let alone seen, SCILAB or ...
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Is there a function in the Kotlin stlib for transforming a List<Pair<A, B>> into a Pair<List<A>, List<B>>

I currently have code with similar mechanics to the following fun main() { val listOfLists = listOf(listOf("1234", "1", "42"), listOf("hello", "there&...
greyhairredbear's user avatar
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Is there a way to use concise static dispatch inside a loop in Rust?

I have a for loop where the first iteration is a special case. The only difference is the type of one variable even though they both implement the same traits. I want to know if and how I can make it ...
Nic's user avatar
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What to do about exceptions which don't fit your Expected error type?

Suppose I want to use the new std::expected<T, E> mechanism offered in C++23, with a function: using E = /* domain-specific error type regarding getting Foo's */ std::expected<Foo, E> ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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What is an idiomatic equivalent of simultaneously mutably and immutably borrowing sibling struct feilds in Rust? [duplicate]

I have a single game state struct - a monolith struct that has 2 feilds: a map, and a list of players. To update the player positions, I want a function that takes an immutable reference to the map, ...
Canyon Turtle's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I make a `Copy` value inaccessible after use?

struct S { foo: i32, // ... other fields } fn f(s: S) { // transform foo let new_foo = biz_logic(; // from now on, the code should read `new_foo` whenever it needs ``, ...
Incömplete's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Hidden Friend Concept in C++

I'm still a beginner in C++ trying to learn more about the language. I recently read about the concept of ADL (Argument-Dependent Lookup) and Hidden Friends idiom (
John James's user avatar
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Was is the idiomatic way to define partial functions in Perl?

What is the most common/idiomatic way to define partial functions in Perl, that is functions that are not defined on all inputs. For example, in Haskell we have safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a safeHead [...
user avatar
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CMake idiom regarding minimum microarchitecture checking

Suppose I have a CUDA project and I'm writing its CMakeLists.txt. In my project, I have several .cu source files with kernels, each of which has a minimum NVIDIA microarchitecture version it supports. ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it better to return an Option<Vec<_>> or just an empty Vec<_>?

Suppose I am writing a function that takes a bunch of strings and filters out the "bad" ones. The function then returns some strings, but there is a chance that all the strings are filtered ...
Jim's user avatar
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File structure for generated code in Rust

I'm generating protobuf code for my Rust project using the neoeinstein-prost buf plugin which, so far, is working well for my use case. My question is where is the idiomatic place for the generated *....
Goldie's user avatar
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Is this n-ary weighted tree implementation idiomatic rust? I find it too repetitive

Context and description of the encountered problem Currently I'm learning the Rust Programming Language and last weekend I found myself implementing a generic n-Ary weighted tree data structure whose ...
JosRs's user avatar
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Custom ECMA Intl Locale for fictional language

TL;DR I'd love to define once(/use everywhere) some custom Intl objects but I don't know if it's possible or if there is a good way to go at all ... I need to use various custom (fictional) locales ...
Ar3s's user avatar
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Is it safe to swap two integers by `a, b = b, a` in golang?

package main import "fmt" func main() { a := 1 b := 2 fmt.Printf("Before Swap: %v %v\n", a, b) a, b = b, a fmt.Printf(" After Swap: %v %v\n", a, b) ...
xmllmx's user avatar
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How does simple use of the asynchronous copy functionality differ in Hopper vs Ampere?

I understand that Hopper GPUs have a new piece of hardware named the "transfer memory accelerator". In this GTC 2023 session, we get an example of how to use it: extern __shared__ int smem[];...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How to implement string pattern matching using a variety of inputs/modes in Rust

I ran into a problem with Rust's Pattern trait in relation to the str.find() method, in that if I tried to write a more flexible and complex function that USES str.find() I cant actually take a ...
Gabe_A's user avatar
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When to add a unit argument to an existing function in F#

If I am already passing other parameters into a function, do I have any reason to pass in a unit argument as well, assuming the function is non-deterministic? Do I need to worry about memoization ...
Lyndon Gingerich's user avatar
2 votes
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Idiomatic replacement for a bespoke functor-with-callbacks class?

Background If you're looking at some codebase, and you see something like: class A { virtual ~A() = default; virtual void act() = 0; }; you would likely say: "Oh, this is basically just ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How can I return a struct with fields borrowed from the function returning it? [duplicate]

Suppose I have a function which returns a struct that contains a reference like so: struct Foo<'a> { x: &'a i32, } fn makeFoo<'a>() -> Foo<'a> { let x = 30; ...
curious's user avatar
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Unable to successfully run packaged version of functional options pattern (FOP) that uses Go generics and embedded interfaces

In an effort to learn idiomatic Go, I am trying to write a reusable package (saybase for purposes of this question). This package provides a Base interface, with minimally required functions and a ...
dhakkan's user avatar
3 votes
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How to write Dart idiomatic utility functions or classes?

I am pondering over a few different ways of writing utility classes/functions. By utility I mean a part of code being reused in many places in the project. For example a set of formatting functions ...
PrzemekTom's user avatar
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Should I use `std::uncaught_exceptions()` to decide whether to throw an exception from my dtor? [closed]

I have a class whose ctor makes a driver call, and whose dtor makes the matching terminating/release driver call. Those calls can fail. The problem is naturally with the dtor. I am naturally aware of ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Different behavior of a Python script in VSCode on Windows 10 vs. Ubuntu 22.04 [duplicate]

I'm using Version: 1.73.1 of VSCode with Python 3.10. This script: from multiprocessing import Process def foo(i): print(i) for i in range(12): Process(target=foo, args=(i,)).start() runs fine ...
Paul Jurczak's user avatar
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If we have ranges::zip and views::transform, why do we need ranges::zip_transform?

In C++23, the ranges (sub)library has gained std::ranges::zip, which zips multiple ranges into a single range of std::tuple's (or pairs). This is nice, and precludes requiring implementing this ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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C++ constructor on unnamed object idiom?

I have a C++ class that works like the Linux "devmem" utility for embedded systems. I'll simplify and give an outline of it here: struct DevMem { DevMem(off_t start, off_t end) { ...
John Passaniti's user avatar
4 votes
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Should I use quotes or angle brackets for headers within same library?

Suppose I'm writing a library named foo, in C++. When installed to /some/where, it presents include files in /some/where/include/foo, and I expect the user to compile with -I/some/where/include. ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How to concisely split string into 3 words?

Disclaimer 1: I am a complete beginner in Rust. Disclaimer 2: this is a question mostly about codestyle. Call it "idiomatic" :) I have a String. It should contain 3 words delimited by a ...
DL33's user avatar
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Is it idiomatic to use the From/Into trait for fallible conversions?

I am working on the auth system for my API using jwt and have the following two types: #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct UserClaims { email: String, exp: usize, sub: String, } #...
user3690467's user avatar
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Understanding an Axon library's Java Idiom involving Interface method and Lambda expression for configuration of TokenStore

I have a question on Java Syntax on lambda expressions and the java.util.function.Function Object. Also probably Spring Dependency Injection. It is an idiom that I don't know and I hope somebody can ...
von spotz's user avatar
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How would a proper Rust code setup look like for database queries?

I am building a rather simple application that periodically writes data into a sqlite database. My src folder looks like this: . ├── ├── database │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── ...
Marc's user avatar
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How to say "Depend on libfoo, dynamically if possible" in CMake

In CMake, I want to express the following: "target tgt should depend on libfoo. If libfoo is available as a dynamic library, great; otherwise, tgt should depend on the static version of libfoo&...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Idiomatically, should python context managers acquire resources at initialization, or when entered?

In general, I really like the explicitness of Python's context managers (CMs), but have been having trouble dealing with their inherent ambiguity. Specifically, without looking at a CM's code, it's ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Is it pythonic to use the '__main__' mechanism to test the module?

Suppose we have the following module: # def my_sum(a, b): return a + b + 1 if __name__ == '__main__': s = my_sum(2, 3) print(s) How bad / good / pythonic is it to test my ...
Sergey Bolshakov's user avatar

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