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Questions tagged [include]

A provision that many programming languages provide to allow functionality defined in one file to be used in another.

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OpenCV issue with including lib in CMake (Clion)

I have this CMake file in my project: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.28) project(AICS) include_directories(include) include_directories(src) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(OpenCV_DIR "C:/...
Aparkin Matvey's user avatar
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Join and Cancel - use Include or Extend? [duplicate]

Image here I have a Use Case Diagram for our Event Management Platform and our group is having a fight. I wonder in these two which is correct: Cancel EXTENDS Join (in my view, we can choose to ...
huytienlam's user avatar
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1 answer

How to include .env file in my python package using pyproject.toml?

I have the following folder structure: program_root/ - src/ - tests/ - data/ - templates/ - docs/ - build/ - dist/ - ...
Devarapalli Vamsi's user avatar
2 votes
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how to include zstd in cmake?

im trying to include zstd into my project and currently it kind of is included but it's being linked to the main executable at the end of the cmakelist file and thus except for the main file nothing ...
neo's user avatar
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infinite include loop in jq. Two modules that need each other and one of them by a third

I have 2 modules that will convert code into strings, module1.jq and module2.jq module1 converts the code of obj1 that have this form { "code1":"254", "Object2s":[ {...
canario's user avatar
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PHP 8.3 on IIS 10 can't get document root set properly

I'm stuck on migrating old website to new server and the problem is on "include" or "require". Website is on h:\www and doc_root and include_path in php.ini are set to h:\www. If I ...
user2969509's user avatar
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1 answer

gcc -print-search-dirs not printing /usr/include or similars

I'm having some trouble with gcc, conda and default directories in which to search header files. According to this answer it automatically searches for files in /usr/include. According to man gcc: -...
Marco Montevechi Filho's user avatar
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Is there any way to have two files include eachother? [duplicate]

player.h in class Player void update(TileManager tileM); tileManager.h in class TileManager void loadMap(int type, Player* player); The player class only ever reads TileManager while TileManager ...
Jackson Kidwell's user avatar
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Does .editorconfig have any property that organize includes in c++?

I would like to organize my include statements in order and in blocks, similar to the .clangd configuration. I need to know if the .clangd or eclipse configuration are the only options to organize my ...
matssauro's user avatar
-1 votes
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CMake and finding header files in a directory tree

Here's my directory structure for my project (abbreviated): Drawbox/ Library/ Drawbox.cpp APClass/ smallAPstring.h Here's the top level CMakeLists.txt file: ...
Joymaker's user avatar
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vcpkg package "fatal error: curl/curl.h: No such file or directory" when i compile

I started c++ a week or two ago, and I have some problems with the vcpkg lib to install other lib more “easily”. I watched several videos that all used the same way of installation, when I install a ...
MoonFloww's user avatar
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Is there any disadvantage in including more header files than you need? [duplicate]

I'm in the process of reworking the headers of a larger project. The headers haven't seen any care in a long time, so what we have is a long list of headers pointing directly at .h files located in ...
Marcell's user avatar
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Why does PolSpice show this message during instalation procedure?

I am having some troubles with the instalations of PolSpice for two different versions, and for my conda enviroment py_cmb. I have been following the steps by
Augusto's user avatar
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Cmake and includes in a tree of source directories

The CMake documentation contains the following: include_directories: Add include directories to the build. include_directories([AFTER|BEFORE] [SYSTEM] dir1 dir2 ...) Add the given directories to ...
Joymaker's user avatar
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How to resolve 'section title out of sequence: expected level 1, got level 2' error in Asciidoctor VS Code extension?

I use the Asciidoctor VS Code Extension to edit my AsciiDoc project. My codebase has a structure with several layers of nested folders, and I use include::./folder/file.adoc[] to include lower-level ...
Foad S. Farimani's user avatar
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#include <unistd.h> doesn't work in visual studio code in Windows

I tried to include this library to allow fork(), exec() and pipe() commands. Unfortunately, this error message is displayed: #inclusion errors detected. Update the inclusion path. Squiggles are ...
Francesco Ardizzoni's user avatar
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CWD contains files with same names as system headers [duplicate]

If the current directory contains a file with the same name as a system header, the compiler will first search the current directory even for includes from within system headers. Is there a way to ...
Martin Horský's user avatar
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2 answers

Language C: ( fatal error No such file or directory) in the vscode terminal on laptop windows 11

First test In folder Source file main.c In folder Source file controller.c In folder Headers file controler.h In folder .vscode file c_cpp_properties.json In folder .vscode file launch.json #include &...
I-Smart MonBusiness's user avatar
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I have an error which suggests that I must update includePath otherwise the error is File.h: No such file or directory gcc

SCREENSHOT PICTURE In folder source The prototype in the file control.h: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> double rectangularArea (double width, double height); The file main.c: ...
I-Smart MonBusiness's user avatar
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QNX 7.1 Conflicting declarations due to #include_next

I'm struggeling to get a QNX-Target (applies to both x86_64 and aarch64) compiled due to conflicting declarations in combination with #include_next statements. It is related to stdlib.h and cstdlib ...
umbertino's user avatar
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OpenSSL build generates empty header files

I am following the steps here: 1. Install Perl: DONE 2. Install NASM: DONE 3. Make sure both Perl and NASM are on your %PATH%: DONE 4. vcvarsall.bat x64: DONE //then mkdir build && cd build. //...
SpeakX's user avatar
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cannot open source file "graphics.h" error code: E1696 [duplicate]

in visual studio 2022, i am gettingthe error of cannot open source file "graphics.h" with the error no E1696. i tried to fix the issue by going with Project >> Properties >> C/C++...
Vivek Kumar Srivastava's user avatar
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fatal error: include/chrono: No such file or directory 14 | #include <chrono>

I'm trying to build When I use #include <chrono>, It gives the following error: fatal error: include/chrono: No such file or directory 14 | #include &...
NobinPegasus's user avatar
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am having an error in php Failed to open stream: No such file or directory '../config.php'.the last is a file to make a cnx with db

im a still a student , this is my first web project and am using the MVC strcuter when i try to run the whole project this error comes'Warning: include(): Failed opening '../config.php' for inclusion (...
Mohamed Aziz Jeribi's user avatar
1 vote
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how to install netcdf c++ on linux?

Using popos, I was able to install netcdf and hdf5, but the C++ code I was building is complaining about: #include <netcdfcpp.h> and I cannot find that anywhere using find or locate. I ...
Dov's user avatar
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DDS RTI IDL #Include on Java using rtiddsgen

I'm working on a project using RTI Connext DDS (version 6.0.1) for a distributed system and am facing an issue with my IDL setup. My goal is to use a struct defined in one IDL file (Example1.idl) from ...
Yuval Badihi's user avatar
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What is the correct way to include (CMSIS) header files when using armclang?

I am currently for learning purposes trying to construct a Makefile to understand the building process for embedded programming. I am using the toolchain included in Keil microVision, so my compiler ...
spyduck's user avatar
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how find title in certain category POSTMAN

everybody! I have some of this structure: { "total": 1, "data": [ { "ca_equipment": [ { "cd_en": ...
user23935724's user avatar
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A multi-line substitution in RST

My document has a pattern that consists of a short paragraph followed by a few short bullet points. The pattern contains the same text wherever it's used in a given RST file, but is different in every ...
Jonathan Sachs's user avatar
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External macro definition in header

I have a main and a header in C. i want to define some stuff, like: main.c: #include <header.h> #define a and use "a" as a macro even in header.h. The header will be compiled ...
manne's user avatar
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Premake configuration - include directories in a multi project work directory

I have a work directory which holds a client project called 'Client', a library project called 'MainLib', under which there is a 'vendor' directory under which there is another project called '...
Michael Downhouse's user avatar
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"avr/io.h" not found when compiling assembly for ATmega128

I'm new to assembler and ATmega128. The problem I have is I can't compile my assembly file. After this step I'd want to upload the program to an STK-300. Here's the code .include "avr/io.h" ...
Elías's user avatar
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Re-flex library not found in C++ autotools project

I am working on a compiler project so I am using Re-flex for the lexer and Bison for the parser. The build project is based on autotools and everything is fine except one thing : fatal error: 'reflex/...
Lazyx's user avatar
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Fortran compilation dependency of modules and INCLUDE statement with make

I am compiling Fortran sources with MinGW and make on Windows. Source file extensions are .f and .for - the .for are ones that are modules (some .for files even contain multiple modules). I had a ...
Parker Lewis's user avatar
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How exactly is include/require resolved in PHP? [duplicate]

I have a file include/vars.php, relative to the server root: <?php $SOME_VAR = "..."; and a file defining a function include/funcs.php: <?php require "vars.php"; function ...
simulate's user avatar
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Sequelize - Wrong sql request generated using include, with a basic example

I have a problem with sequelize V6 and a very basic example of one-to-many association. My associations : this.coupleTable.hasMany(this.userTable); this.userTable.belongsTo(this.coupleTable); ...
Clément's user avatar
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How to have individual include directories for each subdirectory? [duplicate]

I have the following directory structure: Root | - CMakeLists.txt | - a | - | - a1.c | - | - a2.c | - | - include | - | - | - a1.h | - | - | - a2.h | - b | - | - b.c | - | - include | - | - | - b.h | -...
JeffLee's user avatar
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Paraview paraview.plugin purpose

I am trying to develop a plugin for the ParaView application. However, I faced that header files are not found, and that's why the build all fails. It seems that in order to include headers, one ...
teencutie's user avatar
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VS code : #include<execution> :-#include errors detected. Please update your includePath

I am trying to include a header file in my Visual Studio "imtanan.cpp" file. The header "#include" shows error which says :- "#include errors detected. Please update your ...
Imtanan Ahnaf's user avatar
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3 answers

C: redefinition of function when using #include

I have encountered an issue in C that I am unable to recover, being "redefinition of [function]", and when I checked for a redefinition, I don't see any. this always occur when the files are ...
Ponali's user avatar
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Include error with # include <sys/wait.h> [duplicate]

so im working on a C program that implements collatz conjecture and my code seems to be fine on a friends desktop but on mine it gives me an include error for the include message#include <sys/wait....
StrawHatSal's user avatar
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Webflow development: How to integrate (global) custom JS code for best performance?

so I have multiple clients and some of their webflow projects are getting a bit out of hand with custom scripts i had to create for multiple functionalities. My main question is: How do you integrate/...
grimnebluna's user avatar
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CMake imported shared library only works when add_library is called in the same file as target_link_libraries [duplicate]

I have a dedicated CMakeLists.txt thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt for wrapping a few thirdparty libraries to include in the project. Some of these libraries are distributed as compiled shared librares, and ...
danwillm's user avatar
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Including the corresponding header first. What problems does it NOT solve?

There is a similar rule in most style guides: Include the .hpp in the corresponding .cpp as the first substantive line of code. Even if the .cpp is otherwise empty. The latter sentence is ...
Dr. Gut's user avatar
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Replacing letters in a string using javaScript

function dnaStrand(dna){ const compl = dna; dna.includes("A") && compl.replace(/A/g, "T"); dna.includes("T") && compl.replace(/T/g, "A") dna....
Mumo Mwendwa's user avatar
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View Binding and Text Watcher

Is there anything I am missing while using View Binding in on Text Changed Listener. It is not working but outside the text watcher it works fine. Actually my code starts as binding.include.tv1....
qais maqbool's user avatar
-1 votes
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Including a file outside of local directory

I have a project, laid out like this. /Project Folder /Header file /Sub folder /Sub folder /Source file If I want to include the header file in the source file, what path ...
whatupo9's user avatar
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Clangd with Gtk on LunarVim emitting too many errors, compiling and executing although

I'm new to the development world, and I was trying to use GTK4 to develop an application in C using LunarVim on my ArchLinux (WSL2 By the way) using the ZSH framework for shell. So everything was ...
Jao_dev's user avatar
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Sharing functions across multiple files in C and managing compilation in Visual Studio Code

I'm currently working on a C project in Visual Studio Code where I need to share functions across multiple files. Initially, I encountered errors related to updating the include path when using **#...
android sdk's user avatar
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Why doesn't his php include mechanism work? I can't seem to find the issue

I have a website that was built by someone else about 10 years ago. Basically it has an index.php and the content inside changes dynamically based on what link the user clicks on. It gets the url from ...
Ben's user avatar
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