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Questions tagged [inet]

INET Framework for OMNeT++ to simulate network communications.

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17 votes
1 answer

Postgres Check if IP (inet) is IN a list of IP Ranges

I want to check if an IP exists in a range of ranges, eg: SELECT * FROM ip_address WHERE ip IN (<list of ip ranges>) Postgresql documentation states to use the << operator to check if an ...
Eric Zhang's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

What does InetAddress.isSiteLocalAddress() actually mean?

Here is some code to determine the local host name that is supposed to work on a multi-homed box: /** * Work out the first local host name by iterating the network interfaces * * @return * @...
TiGz's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to use LIKE on inet field in Postgres

I need to perform the following query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE ip LIKE '88.99.%'; The problem is that the inet datatype does not seems to support wildcards (at least not in the way I have utilized ...
Aley's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

inet_aton similar function for IPv6

I am using inet_aton to convert IPv4 IP( to a string 3624718222. I use the following code for that: ip_dec = unpack('>L', inet_aton(ip))[0] Now I need to convert IPv6 ip 2001:23::...
Sanket Lad's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

As IPV6 needs 128 bits(16 bytes) then why in postgres CIDR datatype has storage as 24 byte(8.1) and 19byte(9.1)?

i am working with ipv4 and ipv6 to store in postgres db. as ipv4 needs 32 bits(4byte) and ipv6 needs 128(16byte) bits.then why in postgres CIDR and INET datatype has the storage as 12 byte and 24 ...
Asha Koshti's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Perl: How to get IO::Socket::INET timeout after X seconds?

I'm trying to connect to some host, using invalid port, and i want to get timeout after X seconds. How to do that ? My code: $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => $_[0], ...
code2be's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Converting IP Address input by using inet_ntop() & inet_pton() (C PROGRAMMING)

i'm trying to convert an IP address that's inputted by a user so that I can perform some bitwise operations on it and a address already stored in a structure. My problem is however that when the IP ...
A CSc Student----'s user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Avoid Rails converting PostgreSQL inet type to an IPAddr object?

I have a problem in my Rails project. In previous projects (not Rails) I just used the "inet" type in PostgreSQL to store an IP address with a subnet, something like this: 192.168....
user2699706's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Detecting HTTP close using inet

In my mochiweb application, I am using a long held HTTP request. I wanted to detect when the connection with the user died, and I figured out how to do that by doing: Socket = Req:get(socket), inet:...
jeffreyveon's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Inet Socket and Socket?

Can anybody tell me the difference between a INET Socket and any other socket? Is there a C# library that will allow one to work with INET Sockets? I've attempted to find what it is, but I haven't ...
Tony The Lion's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How do I compare IP addresses in PHP as binary strings?

I am currently working with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in a PHP based project, and I need to be able to compare two IPs to determine which one is a higher number. For example, that is greater ...
Seth McCauley's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

How to detect collisions at receiver in OMNeT++ and INET Framework

I am trying to understand the behavior of (in inet/physicallayer/common/packetlevel/). In particular I want to know how it can detect collisions. I would expect something like: if(radio==...
rebrid's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

how does one extract octets from an inet value in postgres sql?

I would like to convert an inet formatted IPv4 address into the integer components. For example, turn '' into oct1=101, oct2=255, oct3=30, and oct4=40. There are regex expressions that ...
Glenn Strycker's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can I combine my customize module with Omnet++INET's simple module

As all the simple modules' behavior like 80211 mac layer has been defined in the INET module. If I want to add a customize layer between mac layer and network layer to handle network coding. How can I ...
Thomas.ZHOU's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Perl IO::Socket::INET confusing "Invalid argument" error

Consider the following snippet of a Perl script: use IO::Socket; # ... my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $host, # e.g. "" PeerPort => $port, # e.g. 80 Proto ...
maerics's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Try to create new project with INET reference, got : "unexpected NAME, expecting $end" in .msg file

I created a project which contains my linklayer and simulation source code. This project has INET as the project reference. At build time, I got this error: Error: syntax error, unexpected NAME, ...
ROCHETTE Andy's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to get access to the other similar modules in Omnet++

I am using multiple Adhoc Hosts in my Network and I need pointers to all adhoc hosts present in the network in my file. If I use getParentModule(),I get access to only the module on which ...
indraneelb1903's user avatar
4 votes
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Omnet++ OSPF Routing table metric

Question 1: I implemented ospf protocol in Omnet++. According to the topology, r1 can reach two different ways to r3 .I have set the upper path metric to 1 and lower path to 10. However, according to ...
melek_3's user avatar
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4 votes
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Zigbee simulation in OMNeT++ using INET 3.0 (without MiXiM)

I am trying to build a Zigbee (802.15.4) network simulation in OMNeT++ using INET 3.0 framework (MiXiM was deprecated and replaced by this version ). The problem is that unlike 802.11, the Zigbee is ...
Mr. M's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

PostgreSQL convert column from inet to text

I'd like to change type of column from inet to text. So, I execute: ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN col TYPE text; But then I found out that for all values was added mask. For example: 192.168.100....
Dmytro Kryvenko's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Creating an OMNeT++ project based on the INeT framework?

I am new to OMNet++ and I'm trying to explore the examples and functionalities available in the INeT framework. So how could I create a new project based on this framework?? And how do I import ...
Salma Radwan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to return all directories from within FTP site into VB6 Listbox using Inet.OCX?

I have a VB6 project, it connects fine to ftp remote server (i.e :, i want to list all the directories names in the ftp server into a ListBox using Inet1.ocx only . how can i ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Omnet++ sumo and veins

I'am a beginner in omnetpp . i have to create a vehicle in omnet using inet then to connect it via veins to sumo how could i start my project.
A.A.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

write OMNET++ output to a text file

Greeting All, I have two questions regarding OMNET++ output results 1- I have a simulation that uses AODV routing protocol in VANET network, but when I record pcap for this simulation, it's shown as ...
Alia 's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

OMNET++: .gdbinit: no such file or directory?

I am using Inet, and I did some modifications for my work. I created a new class of addresses (I do not have any error). When I want to use this class in my files .cc I get this error: <!> ...
Yassir S's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to send custom packets in omnet++?

Let's say i created my own packet called myPacket. Is there a way i can send it using socket.sendTo()? I know socket.sendTo() takes in an INET packet so is there a way to convert myPacket into an ...
kwkwkw's user avatar
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0 answers

postgresql ipv6 inet subtraction

I want to convert ipv6 inet address to 128 bit. How can I do in postgresql? I get the below error when I try to convert inet to numeric select ('fe80::a128:d239:d6c0:3598'::inet '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0'::...
Madhu Sudhan C S's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to Activate Battery Module in omnet++

I'm trying to use the InetSimpleBattery module to collect energy data of the simulation I'm running. Whenever I run a simulation, energy values are always constant (no energy drain). So I tried to ...
Shaikha TheGreen's user avatar
3 votes
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HIL prototype using OMNeT++/INET external interfaces – error

I've been trying to implement a simple prototype for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations using OMNeT++/INET external interfaces. My test network consists of an Arduino Ethernet sensor, and a ...
Alex B's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

How external interfaces work in OMNETPP/INET?

I have been trying in the past few days to build and run a very simple network to no avail (most of the network I try to build is borrowed from extServer example). No matter my configuration in terms ...
G.Rog's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Omnet/Inet : how to access class/submodules to get variables values

in my simulation there is a mobile node composed by the following components from the inet framework: Now I am working on the UdpApp which is which is also given by inet ...
SagittariusA's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Differences between inet_aton() and gethostbyname() in C?

I'm studying C and TCP/UDP. As the title... Is there any difference between inet_aton() and gethostbyname() in C? From what I know, both convert an IP address from a string to a number.
testermaster's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Bad behavior with printf and multiple strings

When I use printf/printf_s with two strings, I get the same output for both %s vars. IN_ADDR oldIP; oldIP.S_un.S_addr = iptable[j]->ipAddress; IN_ADDR newIP; newIP.S_un.S_addr = adapterTbl->...
Michael S.'s user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

OMNET++: How to create a timer event that fires on each second?

I am using OMNET++ with INET Framework 4.0. How can I create a Timer in my custom Mobility Module to fire at each second so that I can move my AdhocHost every time my timer event fires?
Farzan Badakhshan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Convert IP address to dot syntax from unsigned long integer in iOS

I'm retrieving an IP address as an unsigned long integer via JSON. I'm trying to then convert this back to human readable form, ie Example of what I receive in JSON: "ip": 704210705 ...
mootymoots's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use inet modules in veins simulation

I want the nodes in my simulation to use AODV protocol to rout packets to the RSU (i don't want the packets to be broadcasted), I know that AODV is implemented in inet but i can't figure out how to ...
Nina's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot create medium visualization for because network node visualization is not found- Omnet++

I am attempting to add the communication ranges of the cars in the Veins_Inet example. I included a visualizer in the network NED file: visualizer: IntegratedVisualizer {} I also the following line ...
Riley K's user avatar
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1 answer

Getting the path to access variables from other modules

I'm new to OMNeT++ and I'm using Inet framework for a project. I want to access Mac module to get a variable while I'm in an Application module. I saw this in the omnet++ manual. cModule *targetModule ...
Renad's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I get cTopology in omnet++?

I want to get the list of neighbor addresses (nodes that are in transmission range). I found this code on omnet++ manual, but when I compile, I get the error of no member named 'extractByModuleType' ...
Bouchra BOUNAB's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Netlink implementation for the Android NDK

I have a requirement for similar task as mentioned in this link.. Passive monitoring of sockets in Android. One way is parsing the /proc/net/{tcp,udp,...} tables. But we have to keep on reading ...
Suman's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to establish communication between specific nodes in Vanet?

I have SUMO, Omnet++, Inet, veins and Vanet to estblish the communication between nodes (Vehicles in SUMO) in my simulation. I did message passing between the Nodes(Vehicles) in omnet++ using VANET ...
Shriya Bhat Balehittalu's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Not properly executed overridden code using an INET extended module

I have to extend the UdpBasicApp module from INET4 in OMNeT++ 5.6.1 (Ubuntu 18.04.4) and execute two overridden methods (initialize and handleMessageWhenUp). It seems an easy task, and looked like it ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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1 answer

OMNET++ How to customize a wireless host that extends AODVRouter with RandomWP Mobility

I'm currently working on a MANET project and wanted to create a customized wireless host to mimic a selfish node that would immediately drop a message it receives in the MANET. I have created a ...
badman's user avatar
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OMNeT++ and INET wireless communication with UDP

I have the following scenario: 3 wireless hosts H1, P1 and P2 (class WirelessHost) where H1 host has a custom UDP application while P1 and P2 use UDPEchoApp. The idea is that H1 sends messages to the ...
rebrid's user avatar
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How to test reliability of my Veins simulations?

I am developing Car2X applications in order to simulate case studies based on Veins framework. As an Information Systems student, I have been worried mostly about the code of my applications. ...
Lauro de Lacerda's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Navigation hierarchy error in omnet: Simulation terminated with exit code: 139

I am trying to navigate to a 2 level up module using following code:- cModule* parentmod = getParentModule(); cModule* grantParentmod = parentmod->getParentModule(); for (cSubModIterator iter(*...
Peter's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Are there any known problems when using multiple inheritance in OMNeT++?

I am about to extend an existing protocol in INET. Since I am going to start developing a big feature and this needs some time, I would like to know in advance about limitations for using multiple ...
Andry's user avatar
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How to connect to ftps site using microsoft internet transfer control 6.0 in vb6

In my exisiting visual basic 6 application I was connecting to an ftp site. Now the other side changed protocol to ftps and changed the port to 22. My code do not work properly. I get error vb FTP ...
Ferda-Ozdemir-Sonmez's user avatar
2 votes
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How to fix duplicate symbol error in compiling simple module inheriting INET EtherTrafGen class in omnet++?

I try to make my own traffic generator module inheriting INET EtherTrafGen in omnet++, only resulting in duplicate symbol error. I can't figure out the reason. Below are the compile error messages. ...
mountain_valley's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Check and Cast error on Omnet++ with INet

I'm trying to send an Udp message from a WirelessHost (Host1) to a StandardHost (Host3) through an AP and a Router, but I get this error message when i run the simulation (i called my network "...
GIANLUCAB.'s user avatar

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