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Questions tagged [ios]

iOS is the mobile operating system running on the Apple iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Use this tag [ios] for questions related to programming on the iOS platform. Use the related tags [objective-c] and [swift] for issues specific to those programming languages.

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Set full background color bottom tabs in android , I write app using React native expo

Help me, I want backgroupcolor full bottom tabs in React Native expo, I run it device android I want to fully adjust the color of the tab below. It's currently missing color at the bottom, you see it ...
Hòa Nguyễn Coder's user avatar
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MapBox 3DPuck not displaying model

I followed the documentation for displaying a 3D Puck but it is not showing. Already tried with another .gltf, .glb or even a .usdz but still no luck. File is imported correctly too. The puck does ...
cufapaez's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to locate the AssistiveTouch menu button in XCUI?

I'm trying to run a test, where one of the operation is to tap the AssistiveTouch menu button. What's a way to do so?
Chao Xu's user avatar
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SwiftUI keeping track of and maintaining scroll position on device rotation

I have a ScrollView containing a ForEach iterating through an array of elements of type Verse. Each view within the ForEach is a VStack with some Arabic text and some English text. The English text is ...
Ali's user avatar
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SwiftUI layout doesn't look the same on all devices

I have installed my test code on two of my phones. I have an iPhone XS Max and an iPhone 11. The app looks different on each phone and I am not sure how to fix it so it looks the same. I have attached ...
Drazan Potter's user avatar
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`osEligibility.status reasons is empty` MacOS 15 beta

After upgrading my dev environment from: iPhone 15 Pro iOS 17+ M2 MBP MacOS 14+ Xcode 15+ to iPhone 15 Pro iOS 18 beta 3 (22A5307f) M2 MBP MacOS 15 beta (24A5279h) Xcode 16 beta (16A5171c) My iOS ...
bli00's user avatar
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Are PWAs a good solution for an offline iphone app? [closed]

I am Lucas. I am fairly new to coding and could use some help for a project. I want to build a calorie tracker app for my iPhone for personal use, but I've never built a smartphone app before and now ...
Reggi's user avatar
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UITextField backspace not working correctly for the first placeholder in a 6-digit verification code input in Swift

I am building an iPhone app where users can enter a 6-digit verification code, each digit in a separate UITextField. The UI is created programmatically with UIStackView to arrange the text fields ...
TheGuyWhoCantCode123's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unable to load contents of file list only in AndroidStudio and not in Xcode

I have a problem with my Flutter project. If I start the project through Xcode by doing the various clean commands like pod deintegrate and flutter clean, it starts correctly. However, if I do the ...
Andrea Mainella's user avatar
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CocoaPods Error: Unicode Normalization not appropriate for ASCII-8BIT (Encoding::CompatibilityError)

I am encountering an issue while trying to run pod install for my Flutter project on an iPhone 15 Pro simulator. The error message indicates a problem with Unicode Normalization for ASCII-8BIT ...
Chandan's user avatar
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AudioQueueRef intercept audio data to build a music visualiser (or AVAudioEngine or AudioEngine from AudioKit)

I want to integrate the FFTView from AudioKit into my app to show this cool visualiser. The problem I am facing is that the audio that I am playing comes from a 2014 library (TritonSDK) which streams ...
Alexandru Motoc's user avatar
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what is the functionality of push notifications

I'm trying to implement push notifications into my flutter app, however the app will be used in syria which is banned from the firebase servers , as I know the firebase push notifications rely on the ...
mohammadmnyer's user avatar
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Why does the defaullt react native iOS App ID contain org.reactjs.example?

I tried implementing deep links in my ios App. I read that I need the App ID in the apple-app-site-associatio file on my webside. On xcode I found the following ID: org.reactjs.native.example.MyApp. ...
JaRoMaster's user avatar
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App store connect issue while upload new build Agreement Update issue

I have all free apps in my apple developer account but when i try to upload new build with new version in app store connect while click on iOS app + button it displays below popup, why? i have all ...
Swift's user avatar
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Expo EAS Build Error: Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon’ during iOS Build

I'm having a problem building my project after recently upgrading to the new Expo version. When I run the : eas build --platform iOS I get an error in Fastlane. Here is the content of the error below....
melvin debot's user avatar
-3 votes
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Unable to Install iOS application [closed]

Unable to install "BarCodeScanner" Domain: Code: -402653081 Recovery Suggestion: Please check your project settings and ensure that a valid product has ...
Esakki ganesh's user avatar
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RTL flow in SwiftUI

I have a problem in dealing with RTL language (Arabic) in SwiftUI with List and Searchable flow, also when long pressed on the search bar to prompt the options menu it is also flipped. Check the ...
user13474651's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to add data in a Firestore Database (SwiftUI)

I'm having trouble in the setup steps for adding a document to my FireStore Database. For reference, these are what my files currently look like: FirestoreDemoApp.swift import SwiftUI import ...
Remi_Zacharias's user avatar
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RevenueCat - Checking subscription status always returns active

The app calls verifyIAPReceipt() on load and when trying to access Pro features. If a user has subscribed to the app but then unsubscribed, the following code still executes `subscribe()' always for ...
RileyDev's user avatar
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Cocoapods Build Error for Using Inner/Nested Class from Another Pod

I have two custom pods, PodA and PodB, and I'm facing a build error when trying to use an inner/nested class from PodA in PodB. I want to create a BCustomView in PodB that subclasses CustomView from ...
Tomo's user avatar
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Using custom UIApplication subclass in SwiftUI [closed]

We have an existing app which is predominantly Objective-C with a minor amount of traditional UIKit based Swift. Most of the code is organized in a bunch of internal frameworks covering the various ...
chadbag's user avatar
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iOS - Show header view in 2 tableviews next to each other

I have a view controller that shows two tableViews side by side. I have also a class (ButtonHeaderFooterView) that extends from UITableViewHeaderFooterView. I want to show different titles for the ...
Felipe Peña's user avatar
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How to implement an app shortcut that runs several AppIntents with Swift

I'm learning how to create shortcuts in my iPhone app. I was following some tutorials, such as Getting Started With App Intents but all the tutorials I've found explain how to create a shortcut that ...
Adrian Aisemberg's user avatar
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tap substring with markdown hyperlink

I have a view where a Text contains a hyperlink that is set like "Tap me [here](hyperlink)" Using XCTest, how can one tap exactly on "here"? I noticed the link does not show up in ...
fingia's user avatar
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Ironsource sdk on capcitor plugin

I need to integrate Unity IronSource Sdk for Android and IOS on my Capacitor Plugin. The documentation of Unity is not enough, have anyone dealt with this before. I cant find any guide on Google ...
dorant dushi's user avatar
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How to Extend an Image Beyond Modal Boundaries in SwiftUI [duplicate]

I have a ProfileView that presents a modal called CoinPopUp when a button is tapped. The CoinPopUp contains an image that I want to extend above the modal's top boundary, creating an overlapping ...
Matthew Flowers's user avatar
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SwiftData no such table error for one of models

I have 2 models in my app, fist (ModelA) is working fine - data is persistent no matter how many times I restart app on the simulator, but the second (ModelB) sometimes losts it data and I see errors ...
moonvader's user avatar
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Issues with pinch/zoom on PWA using iframe to display a PDF document

I have a PWA (progressive web app) that in short displays a searchable list of PDF documents. Tapping on one of the items in the list brings up the PDF in the native view on the iPhone, which all ...
Mike's user avatar
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How do I change the background image for overflow scrolling on iOS devices?

new to web design. Would like to know more about coding but right now I am using There is an interesting thing that happens on iOS devices (maybe more, but this is what I've found). When ...
Nathan Bourget's user avatar
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Xamarin iOS badge issue

I have a problem with iOS badge notification. It regular show the badge when a notification arrives but when there's no notification it still show the badge "1" What is the problem and how ...
Xeijin's user avatar
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Can we make a text-to-speech function from a push notification in Swift?

Currently, I'm working on a project to implement text-to-speech functionality when the app receives a push notification. The notification is saved locally and shown using a local notification with ...
Nile's user avatar
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Twilio - Push notifications fail in serverless production deployment

I have an Twilio programmable messaging app which is deployed in a Twilio serverless environment. let response = new Twilio.Response(); exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) { ...
Warren Burton's user avatar
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Website text rendering issue on iOS 18 Safari

I'm encountering a peculiar issue on my website when viewed on iOS 18 beta 3 Safari or other browsers. The site works perfectly on earlier iOS versions and macOS Safari. The problem: when text in a ...
Paul Vincent's user avatar
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Tapping the notification does not trigger userNotificationCenter(... didReceive...) method

Remote notifications are configured and working, however, tapping on one does not trigger any of the UnUserNotificationCenter delegate methods. Here is my code inside the 'application(......
Luka Vujnovac's user avatar
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Implementing a silent mode of iPhone in my react project for ironSource

I need to implement my react app project for ironSource, and i'm struggling with one problem. I have an mediaPlayer in my project, that looks like this: const VideoPlayer = () => { const [muted, ...
Denyuneedtoknow's user avatar
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Snapshot testing of views containing Kingfisher async images on iOS

I'm trying to create a snapshot test using swift-snapshot-testing of a UIView that contains an async image managed by Kingfisher. To avoid depending on internet connection my approach is using a local ...
Carlos's user avatar
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error while create framework in old version of objective-c

I want to compile this repo to framework(not static lib) what I have done: download this repo run the command: xcodebuild archive -project GPUImage....
liang.good's user avatar
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When debug metal app connected by ipad in xcode, There is some logs about Cache data printed on xcode console, why?

When run metal app connected by ipad in xcode, the console printed the log of "Cache loaded with 5598 pre-cached in CacheData and 56 items in CacheExtra.", How can I disable these logs?
kundi's user avatar
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image view should be looping with fluid scroll inside horizontal collection view in swift ios

I am having imageview inside the horizontal collection view. Now its a fluid scroll. need to make image inside the collection looping with fluid scroll. I am having 2 custom collection view cell, I am ...
Elangovan Eaaswaramurty's user avatar
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window.addEventListener('load',... does not trigger on Chrome on iOS (iPad)

We are using identity Server 4. We are using .NET Core RazorPages web-applications. They authenticate via openid-connect While authentificating,the client is redirected to a html page with a hidden ...
Hagen Munsch's user avatar
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How to send messages using FCM to more than one topic in Firebase for ios devices?

I am using FCM to send notifications to mobile devices using topic subscriptions. When I send notifications to a topic, for example: "'A' in topics", it works fine and notifications reach ...
-2 votes
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How to Dynamically Include Fonts in info.plist Based on Configuration in Xcode?

I have an Xcode project with multiple configurations tailored for different vendors. Currently, I'm facing the issue of manually adding all fonts to the info.plist file, even though some fonts are ...
Ali Abdul Jabbar's user avatar
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Swift - Apple SignIn - User Data Nil

I have implemented Apple Sign In and it was worrking fine as expected but after some days I tested it again but user data is coming nil. Apple signin successfully authanticate the user but when we ...
Muhammad Abbas's user avatar
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Xcode playground gets stuck on 'Running playground'[Solved] [closed]

it discussed here Xcode playground gets stuck on 'Running playground' or 'Launching simulator' and won't run the code, what to do? but in my case it was: playground with live view(...
Anton Lisitsyn's user avatar
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how to decode a video(NSData) and get every frame as SampleBuffer without writing local file

I have a complete video package as NSData, i want to use hardware decode so that i can get the every frame as samplebuffer to render in metal, but AVAssetReader only accept URL, any way to decode ...
ynot16's user avatar
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I'm Getting "error processing request body error domain=nsurlerror -1000"

I'm developing a React Native application and encountering an issue when making a POST request on iOS. The error message I receive is: error processing request body error domain=nsurlerror -1000 ...
emre varol's user avatar
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How to fix "ACRRatingInputDataSource.h file not found" AdaptiveCards IOS?

I'm currently trying to build my project on iOS and I'm using the "AdaptiveCards" library from Microsoft. However, I'm encountering an error that says "ACRRatingInputDataSource.h file ...
agmcoder's user avatar
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How to update view’s position and size correctly?

How to scale the viewC correctly in size and position as it follow the viewB ? import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() ...
WCK's user avatar
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iOS Swift-Universal Link jump to the App, can't open detail page

I have a universal link, https://domain/user/123123 when app opens, I can open the user profile by the universal link, but if turn it off, just can open the app, can not jump to the profile page. I ...
Mark's user avatar
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How to generate expo ipa file for ios (like apk in android) using expo eas

How to generate expo IPA file for iOS and install it on my physical iPhone for testing purposes (like apk file in Android) using expo eas. What setting do I need to change in the below code for the ...
Rainul Hassan's user avatar

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