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Questions tagged [javadoc]

Javadoc is an extensible documentation generation system which reads specially formatted comments in Java source code and generates compiled documentation. It is typically used to produce API documentation in the form of HTML web pages.

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1014 votes
3 answers

How to reference a method in javadoc?

How can I use the @link tag to link to a method? I want to change: /** * Returns the Baz object owned by the Bar object owned by Foo owned by this. * A convenience method, equivalent to getFoo()....
Jason S's user avatar
  • 188k
915 votes
4 answers

Linking to an external URL in Javadoc?

Something like: /** * See {@linktourl} */
ripper234's user avatar
  • 228k
624 votes
18 answers

Multiple line code example in Javadoc comment

I have a small code example I want to include in the Javadoc comment for a method. /** * -- ex: looping through List of Map objects -- * <code> * for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ...
Mark's user avatar
  • 17k
513 votes
11 answers

How to see JavaDoc in IntelliJ IDEA? [duplicate]

I just switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ. IntelliJ lacks one feature from Eclipse - when you put your mouse over a method, Eclipse shows javadoc info. I think the way to show it is to use a shortcut ...
Eugene's user avatar
  • 59.9k
399 votes
5 answers

How to add reference to a method parameter in javadoc?

Is there a way to add references to one or more of a method's parameters from the method documentation body? Something like: /** * When {@paramref a} is null, we rely on b for the discombobulation. ...
ripper234's user avatar
  • 228k
345 votes
19 answers

Maven is not working in Java 8 when Javadoc tags are incomplete

Since I use Maven I have been able to build and install in my local repository projects that have incomplete Javadoc tags (for example, a missing parameter). However, since I migrated to Java 8 (1.8....
Sergio's user avatar
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336 votes
3 answers

Javadoc link to method in other class

Currently I'm referencing methods in other classes with this Javadoc syntax: @see {@link} And in what I understand from the documentation this is the correct way to do ...
Robert's user avatar
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257 votes
12 answers

How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder?

New version of ADT r17 plugin for Eclipse added feature to automatically setup JAR dependencies. Any .jar files in the /libs folder are added to the build configuration now. Unfortunately Android ...
Sergii Pechenizkyi's user avatar
247 votes
19 answers

How to generate javadoc comments in Android Studio

Can I use shortcut keys in Android studio to generate javadoc comments? If not, what is the easiest way to generate javadoc comments?
qinxianyuzou's user avatar
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237 votes
1 answer

Javadoc: package.html or

When trying to create package level Javadoc comments, whats the preferred method? What do you do? Pros Newer Cons Abuse of a class - Classes are for code, not for only comments ...
TheLQ's user avatar
  • 15k
220 votes
5 answers

codestyle; put javadoc before or after annotation?

I know that it isn't the most vital of issues, but I just realised that I can put the javadoc comment block before or after the annotation. What would we want to adopt as a coding standard? /** * ...
Paul McKenzie's user avatar
218 votes
9 answers

/** and /* in Java Comments

What's the difference between /** * comment * * */ and /* * * comment * */ in Java? When should I use them?
Dev's user avatar
  • 13.7k
215 votes
5 answers

How can you escape the @ character in javadoc?

How can I escape the @ symbol in javadoc? I am trying to use it inside a {@code} tag, which is inside <pre> tags. I already tried the html escape &#64; sequence, but that didn't work.
JayL's user avatar
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213 votes
5 answers

How can I generate Javadoc comments in Eclipse? [duplicate]

Is there a way to generate Javadoc comments in Eclipse? If so, what is it?
antony.trupe's user avatar
  • 10.8k
213 votes
4 answers

Javadoc @see or {@link}?

Could someone tell me the difference between javadoc @see and {@link}? Or rather, when to use which of them?
membersound's user avatar
211 votes
3 answers

How Do I Document Packages in Java?

In the Java APIs I can see Javadoc comments for packages. How/where do I place Javadoc comments to document a package?
jjnguy's user avatar
  • 138k
195 votes
3 answers

What is the IntelliJ shortcut key to create a javadoc comment?

In Eclipse, I can press Alt+Shift+J and get a javadoc comment automatically generated with fields, returns, or whatever would be applicable for that specific javadoc comment. I'm assuming that ...
josh-cain's user avatar
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191 votes
3 answers

Is there a javadoc tag for documenting generic type parameters?

I've been looking through the javadoc documentation on Sun's site, trying to find if there's a javadoc tag which can be used to document a class or method's generic type signature. Something like @...
skaffman's user avatar
  • 402k
188 votes
18 answers

Get source jar files attached to Eclipse for Maven-managed dependencies

I am using Maven (and the Maven Eclipse Integration) to manage the dependencies for my Java projects in Eclipse. The automatic download feature for JAR files from the Maven repositories is a real time ...
Thilo's user avatar
  • 261k
177 votes
8 answers

Change Author template in Android Studio

I want to change the automatic author that appears when I create a file in AndroidStudio. /** * Created by a556520 on 16/01/14. */ public class POI { The author takes 'a556520' but I want that ...
Shudy's user avatar
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177 votes
4 answers

Using javadoc for Python documentation [closed]

I am currently beginning with Python and I have a strong PHP background and in PHP I have took the habit of using javadoc as a documentation template. I was wondering if javadoc has its place as ...
JF Dion's user avatar
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166 votes
4 answers

How to generate Javadoc HTML files in Eclipse?

I have written Javadoc style comments like this in my project's code: /** * Description... * * @param ... * @return ..... */ How can I generate Javadoc HTML files using the Eclipse IDE?
JaneNY's user avatar
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163 votes
4 answers

Android Studio: Javadoc is empty on hover

I have moved from Eclipse to Android Studio recently, and am liking it. However, I miss the Javadoc on hover feature from Eclipse. I followed the instructions here to add the functionality, however, ...
Doge's user avatar
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154 votes
11 answers

good example of Javadoc [closed]

is there a good example of a source file containing Javadoc? I can find lots of good examples of Javadoc on the internet, I would just like to find out the particular syntax used to create them, and ...
Jason S's user avatar
  • 188k
149 votes
10 answers

How can I use "<" and ">" in javadoc without formatting?

If I write <xmlElement> in a javadoc, it does not appear, because tags have special functions on formatting texts. How can I show this chars in a javadoc?
The Student's user avatar
  • 28.1k
148 votes
3 answers

How to @link to a Enum Value using Javadoc

Using Javadoc 1.5, I have been unable to create a @link to an Enumeration value. What I would like to do is to create an Enum like this: public enum Planet { /** * MERCURY is a fun place. */ ...
Christer Fahlgren's user avatar
143 votes
14 answers

Simple Getter/Setter comments

What convention do you use to comment getters and setters? This is something I've wondered for quite some time, for instance: /** * (1a) what do you put here? * @param salary (1b) what do you put ...
ThaDon's user avatar
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141 votes
5 answers

Usage of @see in JavaDoc?

When do I use @see when dealing with JavaDocs? What is its usage? For example if MethodA calls MethodB then do I have to put @see in MethodB's javadoc and reference MethodA because that is what ...
Jeff's user avatar
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138 votes
4 answers

How to create multiple levels of indentation in Javadoc?

Suppose, that as part of documenting your code (Javadoc) you want to indicate that the relationships between elements using deep indentation. How can I create a nested list as: some element some ...
James Raitsev's user avatar
137 votes
3 answers

Intellij IDEA show javadoc automatically

When I am coding at Netbeans it autocompletes the code and show Javadocs. However when I am using Intellij IDEA if I click Ctrl+Space I can see the auto-complete and if I click Ctrl+Q I can see the ...
kamaci's user avatar
  • 74.3k
128 votes
6 answers

Autocompletion of @author in Intellij

I'm migrating from Eclipse to Intellij Idea. One thing I couldn't figure out yet is autocompletion of the @author JavaDoc tag. When typing @a in Eclipse, there are two proposals: @author - author ...
Sandra's user avatar
  • 3,690
128 votes
1 answer

How can I reference the value of a final static field in the class?

Using JavaDoc, how can I reference the value of a final static field in the class? I want the ??? in this example replaced by the value of the field STATIC_FIELD. /** * This is a simple class with ...
Simon's user avatar
  • 4,153
128 votes
5 answers

How do I change the Javadocs template generated in Eclipse?

I dislike the default Javadocs generated for me when I create a Class or methods, especially the @author variable, which is the current system username on my windows box. I would like to change it. ...
Olaseni's user avatar
  • 7,828
125 votes
4 answers

Netbeans: how to change @author

When creating a new class or interface in Netbeans IDE, an "@author ...." tag appears. How to change its value? If possible, I would like to change it by using Netbeans menu and not by editing some ...
Lukasz Czerwinski's user avatar
125 votes
2 answers

How to link javadoc to private field? [duplicate]

how can I make a javadoc link to a private field? class Foo { private String bar; public String getBar() { return bar; } } {@link Foo#getBar()} works. {@link Foo#bar} doesn't.
membersound's user avatar
124 votes
7 answers

Should Javadoc comments be added to the implementation?

Is it correct practice to add Javadoc comments in the interface and add non-Javadoc comments in the implementation? Most IDEs generate non-JavaDoc comments for implementations when you auto generate ...
Vaishak Suresh's user avatar
115 votes
1 answer

Details of difference between @see and @inheritDoc

I have looked over JavaDoc reference, and while I understand basic difference between @see (various links) and {@inheritDoc} (export of superclass JavaDoc comment), I need clarification on how things ...
theUg's user avatar
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108 votes
13 answers

Android Studio quick documentation always "fetching documentation"

I just moved to Android Studio from Eclipse, and I found that it always shows "fetching documentation" when I use quick documentation (Ctrl+Q). How can I solve this problem? I downloaded the ...
Bruce's user avatar
  • 1,685
105 votes
7 answers

Javadoc: line breaks without HTML-tags?

Sorry for a probable FAQ kind of question, but I just can't find the answer. As far as I remember Eclipse, a blank line in a Javadoc comment is displayed (in in-source Javadoc popups) as a line break ...'s user avatar
103 votes
4 answers

How to write Javadoc of properties?

I often find myself with a dilemma when writing javadoc for properties/members of a "simple" POJO class holding only properties and getters and setters (DTO-style).... 1) Write javadoc for the ...
user avatar
101 votes
3 answers

How to Javadoc a Class's Individual Enums

I am writing the Javadoc for a class that contains its own enums. Is there a way to generate Javadoc for the individual enums? For example, right now I have something like this: /** * This documents &...
Snowy Coder Girl's user avatar
101 votes
4 answers

Javadoc reuse for overloaded methods

I'm developing an API with many identically named methods that just differ by signature, which I guess is fairly common. They all do the same thing, except that they initialize various values by ...
skrebbel's user avatar
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86 votes
5 answers

Should I use JavaDoc deprecation or the annotation in Java?

There are at the moment, two ways to mark code as depreacted in java. Via JavaDoc /** * @deprecated */ Or as an annotation: @Deprecated This is my problem - I find it a bit too much to declare ...
corgrath's user avatar
  • 12.1k
84 votes
13 answers

How to attach source or JavaDoc in eclipse for any jar file e.g. JavaFX?

Presently I'm working with JavaFX. Whenever I hover over a method of JavaFX its gives me the following error: 'Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no ...
Dhruv's user avatar
  • 10.6k
84 votes
12 answers

Are there some good and modern alternatives to Javadoc? [closed]

Let's face it: You don't need to be a designer to see that default Javadoc looks ugly. There are some resources on the web which offer re-styled Javadoc. But the default behaviour represents the ...
ivan_ivanovich_ivanoff's user avatar
84 votes
3 answers

Missing iFrame view for Javadocs JDK 11+

I've been using the JavaDocs for JDK 11 But I've noticed that the iFrames view appears no longer to be available. I've looked around, but can't see any details on why this has been done, and what the ...
muttonUp's user avatar
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83 votes
0 answers

Where can I find the JDK documentation, and how can I read it offline? [duplicate]

I know how to read the Javadoc (JDK documentation) online on a website, but I want to download a copy to my computer so that I can read it offline when no Internet connection is available. To be clear,...
sharaidana's user avatar
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82 votes
5 answers

Eclipse how to link a jar containing javadocs/source with its binary?

I would like to have the javadoc comments contained in a jar file show in eclipse when I hover over a class. For example, after downloading JODA-2.0, three jars are obtained: joda-time-2.0 joda-time-...
earthbounce's user avatar
78 votes
9 answers

Javadoc @author tag good practices

I'm wondering about best practices when creating Javadocs. I have a project with many files. Code has been created by many developers. Each file has an annotation @author, so it is obvious who has ...
radekEm's user avatar
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74 votes
3 answers

Javadoc linking to a class in another package

I have two packages, Shapes and Fruits: com.myproject.Shapes. Circle Square Triangle com.myproject.Fruits. Apple Orange I am writing the JavaDoc for Apple and need to provide an {...
IAmYourFaja's user avatar
  • 56.5k

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