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Questions tagged [jquery]

jQuery is a JavaScript library. jQuery is a popular cross-browser JavaScript library that facilitates Document Object Model (DOM) traversal, event handling, animations, and AJAX interactions by minimizing the discrepancies across browsers. A question tagged jQuery should be related to jQuery, so jQuery should be used by the code in question, and at least jQuery usage-related elements must be in the question. Consider also adding the JavaScript tag.

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Using sub rules via Jquery Validation data-rule attributes

Referenece: $("#upload_form").validate({ rules: { example_file: { ...
Learner's user avatar
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How to change from readonly to not readonly of input in ASP.NET Core

MODAL <div class="modal fade" id="residentModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="residentModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> ...
Erck's user avatar
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how to make the side bar close after clicking

so I am not sure exactly how this works but here goes .so I would like to have the menu side bar close once the user clicks on a menu link item or anywhere on the body, then reopen again when the menu ...
totitechcare's user avatar
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Display the all the details of Resident after clicking the view button using ASP.NET Core

Manage.cshtml <table class="display table" id="ManageResident" style="width:100%"> <thead> <tr> <th>Resident ID</th> ...
Erck's user avatar
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Why must I load jquery twice before it works

I have a strange problem. I have to load jquery twice and then it only works. In the head of my html I load jquery: <script src=""></...
Nico van Wijk's user avatar
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set array items into separate variables

I am trying to set each item in an array into their own variables. Here is what the array looks like: labels = ["label1", "label2", "label3", "label4", "...
John Beasley's user avatar
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Django - select onchange event not working anymore if using jquery-editable-select

I'm using a select item from a django model with a onchange event to trig a JS script : class forms_bdc(forms.ModelForm): [...] bdc_description_1 = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=...
Nico44044's user avatar
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I am trying to add a new event i to the existing events in a date or new events to a date using n Jquery Fullcalendar control

I am trying to add a new event to the jquery calendar control. I can see existing event in each date but I cannot add a new event . I am looking for a help to add new event to the calendar control. ...
Alevel's user avatar
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I am getting cookie empty on controller in laravel

$(".add-to-compare").on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var uid = $(this).attr("id"); var vin = $(this).attr("data-vin"); var ...
MR Lappy's user avatar
2 votes
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Navigate locally an index html containing a 3D art carousel

Whenever I launch the program live from Visual Code, it works as intended. The issue I have is running the code locally when I navigate from the index file in the file folder. I'm positive the issue ...
user26357207's user avatar
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Customized Multi-step wizard form using HTML CSS JS

I need help to customize the Multi-step wizard form where when I click on next button previous form should also be visible and when I click on prev button current form should hide. Please help me I am ...
Sameer Sashittal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Return $.get data to main scope [duplicate]

I am trying to use the variables that I set within my $.get function outside of the function itself. Here is the $.get: $.get("process/getTotalSales.php", function (data) { var obj = JSON....
John Beasley's user avatar
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run js after shopify collection page sort/filter

i am using js to alter each item's info after the page loads. however, when a collection is sorted and the items are reloaded the effect is removed. the sort function is not included in the API and ...
milpool's user avatar
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Custom Dropdown input automatic search behavior in Woocommerce Wordpress

I have 2 custom made dropdowns in Woocommerce, that act as filters for products, one including all brands in the site, the second all level 2 categories. They have an automatic tigger search function ...
SamberJac's user avatar
-1 votes
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label text not in array AND checkbox checked

I'm trying to change the color of label texts when their texts do not match values in an array, but only when their associated checkboxes are checked. I'm matching multiple label texts against values ...
Dumarest's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 navbar dropdown with submenu and hyperlink

In my bootstrap navbar the dropdown have submenus and the submenus also have submenus along with hyperlink. When I am using in desktop the dropdown is showing the submenus on hover but in mobile it ...
Baby Babai's user avatar
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Manage concurrent users per single subscription

I am implementing a functionality in which user can take one subscription &** maximum 10 account can be created per single subscription but only 3 concurrent users are allowed**. I am using ...
Yash Lathiya's user avatar
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How to Increment the value of a cell in a table by 1 using JavaScript?

I am developing a point of sale system. Using Javascript, the below code can add a row to my shopping table. However, with button, I can add duplicates of stock to shopping table. So I am considering ...
GoodNews Carrier's user avatar
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How to use Geocoder Autocomplete API of the new HERE Platform?

I'm currently having a confusion about why hitting this endpoint :{API_KEY} results in a 403 http status code. And I'm sure the ...
tsukingo's user avatar
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Not able to send zip file from nodejs express backend to jquery frontend for automatic download

i have a few files in a folder, want them to be downloaded at client side when a button is clicked, so i zip them using adm-zip which works fine following is my backend code const zip = new AdmZip(); ...
Samarth Srivastava's user avatar
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How to Show Hide tag Image When one of Owl Carousel item active?

I have an issue to show and hide image, it's not working. How to if the owl-carousel active item that has id="img-dark" will show img id="dark" div and hide img id="light"...
Cynthia's user avatar
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Isotope trigger by passing parameter

Hi below is my script but its not working $(window).load(function() { var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1); var buttonFilter = '.'+hash; $('button#'+hash).addClass('is-checked'); ...
baxi's user avatar
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Using alias from before() in a it() test

In this example on the website, they say there is a simple way to use data you create in before() or beforeEach() in a testcase it(). But when I tried it it said my this.variable was undefined. After ...
rina's user avatar
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Problem with cascading dropdown in core mvc

I m implementing Student Information System. In Student class (Id, Name, CurrentGradeId, CurrentClassroomId and other info). Want to implement cascading dropdown are grade and classroom. Here Problem! ...
Lune lune's user avatar
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how to save changes even user refersh page in jQuery

I had a button that change page theme to dark-mode. when you click on, it works but when refershing the page, changes will be not save. pls help me to fix that🙏🏻 html: <div class="container&...
Matin Saadati's user avatar
-2 votes
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Remove attribute from an element with a keypress jQuery [closed]

When a user is focused on a heading in the example below and presses the down arrow key, I want it to remove the "inert" attribute from the section directly below it (not all sections), and ...
DeanH's user avatar
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Update Dom With Result from Ajax with Action Event Not Working

I'm Developing a Comment Replay System As any Social Media website But Using YII2 Framework I Created Wedget To Show a list of Comments On Some Items ( like products ) Each Comment is With button &...
عماد الصلاحي's user avatar
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Select2 unslected options

I am using select2 with pagination to load more data from db when user scroll the drop down, the issue i am facing is when i select all the records and then i unselect some record then some of them ...
Almas  Asghar's user avatar
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I am getting a typeError in javascript : formhandler is not a cosntructor

i am trying to learn frontend development from a book called Front-end Web Development : Big Nerd Ranch Guide , I am copy/pasting code book into my computer but today i got a error that one of my ...
Kourosh Daryaei's user avatar
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issue with Rich Text editor

Hi I have one issue with Rich Text editor, when enter some text with some color( say red color ) + Bold + Italic then give one space and again select different color + bold then previous text color ...
Gurunath's user avatar
-2 votes
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Jquery Datatable not working in the JSP file

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="...
Raj Bura gohain's user avatar
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ckeditor addListToDropdown not showing label

editor.ui.componentFactory.add("InsertDropDown", locale => { //const dropdown = createDropdown(locale); const items = new Collection(); items.add({ type: 'button',...
Shibon's user avatar
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How to set radio button values with dynamic values

<html> <body> <p> <p>I like red: <input type="radio" name="OptionChosen" id="100000000" value="yes" /> Yes <input ...
WheelsShark's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I populate Textfield using php ajax in each row of a table upon change of another textfield within the row

I have a javascript where upon click of a button a row with two cells is added to the table. One cell has a livesearch textfield and the another cell has a quantity textfield, whose value suppose to ...
GoodNews Carrier's user avatar
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How to allow user to enter the date in datepicker input field in proper format

I am using jQuery datepicker to allow the user to select the dates. var currentTime = new Date(); var startDateFrom = new Date(currentTime.getFullYear(),currentTime.getMonth()-2); var ...
Nandha Kumar Gandhi's user avatar
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Issues with bootstrap-image-gallery.min.js and CSP headers in AngularJS project

I am using the bootstrap-image-gallery.min.js library in my AngularJS project. I have imported the library in my cshtml file, but I am facing issues with the modal popup. When the popup opens, the ...
Abhishek Sharma's user avatar
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Jquery popup open and closes all at the same time, need to make it independent

This is the popup <div class="popup-overlay"> <div class="popup-content"> <button class="close">X</button> <div>'.do_shortcode('[...
Francis Alvin Tan's user avatar
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Parsing XML with JQuery & Javascript [closed]

I am attempting to parse XML to grab the value with delivery=streaming via Jquery and Javascript, and I am coming up short. How can I do this with some Jquery code? I feel I'm so close, yet so far. &...
Joe's user avatar
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Button icon not clickable

I am using Datatable in jquery to display data on grid along with some action buttons. I am using below render function to display the data, but when the page fully load, I am unable to click on the ...
shubhkr1's user avatar
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fire a change handler when the user navigates away from the page

I've got a page with a bunch of text boxes where users enter hours for each day. The text boxes have an event handler that runs to save the data when it is changed. Using jQuery change(). The problem ...
dsvick's user avatar
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how to Pass a "click" event target to another function to manipulate a string [closed]

I am running into an issue where I am trying to get a click handler (a string) and passing that as a parameter in a function. The function then will take it and splice it so I can do ...
motti10's user avatar
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Adding a RequiredFieldValidator causes the 'jquery' is not a valid script name. The name must end in '.js' error

I have a problem inside an asp net application where I get the 'jquery' is not a valid script name. The name must end in '.js' error when I try to add an asp:RequiredFieldValidator element inside an ...
Lorenzo Santarelli's user avatar
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How to get form values submitted over widget imbedded

The following script is the code i got from another service and i need to utilize submitted form fields elsewhere: <script src="">...
sandile's user avatar
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How to animate or anchor bootstrap 4 accordion to its respective title when clicking its button?

Right now I have multiple script id's of #collapseTab2-1, #collapseTab2-2, #collapseTab2-3 etc.. to implement animate/anchor to its accordion title respectively when clicking its respective button ...
clarkf's user avatar
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Javascript is loading so many chats [closed]

hello this is chatbro loader basicly i try to make it day-night mode compatable for my website,but it loads 2 chats on page 1 white 1 black chat when i switch day/night mode it even loads more i just ...
Hilkai's user avatar
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Removing an attribute on keydown jQuery [duplicate]

Update: I've heavily edited this question because no one seemed to be grasping what I'm trying to accomplish. When a user is focused on a heading in the example below and presses the down arrow key, I ...
DeanH's user avatar
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Django Invalid JSON Response Syntax Error, possible jquery error

So I'll preface this question by stating I think the error could be in a few places though the most likely, especially according to the windows command prompt is SyntaxError: Invalid syntax on this ...
Macaire Alexander Bell's user avatar
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Iterate over HTML Table with column and row [closed]

I am looking for some insight to understand the easiest and best approach to iterate over an HTML table to update values. My table will be time interval/Hours on the row level with different device ...
Amit's user avatar
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Edit checkbox the last deactivates the others

I'm editing a form that unfortunately comes out of the plugin like this and I can't edit html. I would like the last checkbox to deselect the other two fields if clicked. In my example it works ...
bastiag5's user avatar
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How to append a row to Google Sheets API? It's not working with Jquery: code 403 Unregistered callers

Here's the request URL format I am using currently: postResURL =${SHEET_ID}/values/Reserved!B2:D7:append?valueInputOption=RAW&key=${API_KEY} Here is ...
Ryan Wang's user avatar
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