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Questions tagged [jslint]

JSLint is a "code quality" tool for JavaScript developed by Douglas Crockford, a well-known developer also responsible for JSON, JSMin, ADSafe and parts of YUI. JSLint is parallel to C's lint.

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1 answer

can anyone help me with this error i got in my script while makinga a hamburger menu on a websit

code: let bar = document.querySelector('.bars'), navItem = document.querySelector('.nav-items'); bar.addEventListener('click', () => { navItem.classList.toggle('active'); }) issue: JsLint: ...
Jurgen Sadriaj's user avatar
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I am getting a JSLint insecure exception error when trying to validate a password in JavaScript [duplicate]

while trying to validate the password with regular expression in the .js file I am getting the error as Run JSLint (if jslint.scan.dir=/src/...) Failed this happens while building the application got ...
arv's user avatar
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Import a .js file into another (JSLINT doesn't recognize the "Import" key word)

I am trying to import a .js file into antoher.js file. JSLint is throwing errors and doesn't seem to recognize the "import" statement import "./Scripts/dompurify/purify.min.js"; ...
Mark's user avatar
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JSlint warning "Move variable declaration to top of function or script."

I don't know why there is a warning of "Move variable declaration to top of function or script." Although I move the variable "myName" to other places, the variable below will be ...
wingck's user avatar
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Wrap a ternary expression in parens, with a line break after the left paren [closed]

jslint is telling me to do this: Wrap a ternary expression in parens, with a line break after the left paren. To this line: "wrapper": (index < allWrappers.length) ? allWrappers[index] :...
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Expected an identifier and instead saw '0'

How would this jslint error be fixed in here? [JSLint was unable to finish] Expected an identifier and instead saw '0'. function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() { let ...
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esLint gives error The body of a for-in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype

I am using esLint for my angular project it throw an error for below code private calculateFieldValue(value: any): any { let isEmptyObject = false; if (value && ...
Prasad Parab's user avatar
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JavaScript Code Linting tool to find Variables which are initialised but might not be used due to condition

I have the following JavaScript code, var foo = { company: "ABC", name: "John" }; var att = ""; function test(ob, i) { var m = JSON.stringify(ob); if (i ...
dnsh's user avatar
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How to pass "parameter" to react component

I have a quick question, I am attempting to refactor my code in a existing codebase, this codebase uses a render function, however I would like to replace this with a react functional component ...
TCoder2231's user avatar
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JSLint Character Unexpected '.'

Atoms's JSLint report is complaining about an unexpected dot of the .toFixed function: subTotal = (Math.round(subTotal * 100) / 100).toFixed(2); at line 113, character 50 Unexpected '.' The code ...
LordLiverpool's user avatar
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Detect old Internet explorer Javascript functions ( < ES6)

There is a web online, library or something to detect old IE functions that are not compatible with Chrome/Firefox or just ES6? Like: document.all, event.returnValue, etc JsHint/Jslint are not ...
spunka's user avatar
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Is there an indent option for jslint or has it been removed?

The indent option appears to not be recognized any more. Is this still an option for jslint or has it been removed? I've tried setting it using the web interface ...
howard's user avatar
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How to run jslint command on all files with in a directory in cmd (context npm) the above link is a the documentation on jslint. I am trying to run the jslint command on all ...
Dinesh Arumugam's user avatar
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What is the proper way to call another function from a function within the same object that will pass jslint?

What is the proper way to call another function from a function within the same object that will pass jslint? Any information would be greatly appreciated! Simple example for illustration purposes: ...
Project Arcade's user avatar
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Parsing error: Unexpected token stripe? slint

When I replace functions.auth.user().onCreate(async (user) => { with functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => { I end up getting the following error: Parsing error: Unexpected token stripeslint ...
Awsome_user's user avatar
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Why does jslint complain Unexpected '`' on template strings

I am using JSLint with syntastic in Vim and when I have a simple .js file like so var a = 99; var b = `I am ${a} years old`; Why does Syntastic (and thus jslint) give me this error Unexpected '`'
puk's user avatar
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Get Default Export in JavaScriptCore

Goal: I'm trying to run JSLint in JavaScriptCore. Old Version Older JSLint releases exposed a global function named JSLINT like this: var JSLINT = (function () { ... } This was easy to retrieve ...
Bryan's user avatar
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ESLint not defined / is assigned a value but not used

I'm loading a couple of external JS files and keep getting errors in CodeKit/LSLint (and JSHint) - even though both scripts appear to work as intended when viewing in browser All my JS files are ...
user1406440's user avatar
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How to search nested object by following JSLint

I have my object structured as below and I want to find the product with provided ID. 0 :{ id: 0, title: 'xxxx', url: "" quantity: 100 }, 1 :{ id: 10, title: '...
user2232355's user avatar
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Receiving a JSLint error from trying to import my 'aws-amplify' package into my entry point

The most recent version of aws-amplify was installed with npm. Additionally, npm init was run with the entrypoint file being 'entryPoint.js'. However, when I enter entryPoint.js and paste these lines ...
joiep's user avatar
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How to fix jshint error Expected '(' before '('. (expected_a_before_b)

Here is javascript code const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); (async () => { const browser = await puppeteer.launch() const page = await browser.newPage() await page.goto('https://www....
coolsaint's user avatar
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Are there any tools to detect/avoid IE proprietary syntax from my JavaScript code? [closed]

I learnt that the JavaScript syntax document.<a_form_name> is IE proprietary syntax (instead of document.forms.<a_form_name>). (reference:
takahar tanak's user avatar
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I'm getting many errors like "Expected 'use strict' at column 4, not column 2." What does this mean?

I'm assuming since it mentions columns that it's off based off of there being a difference in spaces of the open and closed tags. How do I fix these though? It seems like the few I solve, the more pop ...
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Whey I have a problem to identify a class on javascript

I create a JavaScript class like below: class contact{ constructeur(nom,prenom){ this.nom = nom; this.prenom = prenom; } function afficher(){ return "Nom : " + this.nom +...
Abdeloo07's user avatar
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3 answers

JSLint Warning about Ajax data

The following is a snippet of my JS: $("#submit-email").click(function () { var first_name = $("input[name='first_name']").val(); var last_name = $("input[name='...
StackOverflowNewbie's user avatar
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Why is JSLint warning me about my switch-case statement being incorrectly formatted?

In Adobe Brackets, I am getting warnings from JSLint when writing strict code ['use strict'] that my switch case statement is incorrectly formatted: eg. Expected 'case' at column #, not column # If I ...
AJ Smith 'Smugger''s user avatar
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Getting Expected '/' and instead saw ''

I am using VS Code Editor with JShint and JShint is showing a warning in second div <div> some text </div>. It doesnot show any warnings if I give <div> some text <div/>. The ...
Vikram Ray's user avatar
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Getting the error "Wrap the parameter in parens" from JSLint, why?

After executing JSLint I'm getting the following message: Wrap the parameter in parens. 1 Expected '(' before 'info'. const valueArr = (info => { // Line 6, Pos 19 I've read the Lint paren ...
Emirodgar's user avatar
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2 answers

property does not exists on type Object from subscribe

Im using a forkJoin to do multiple http calls but it give me the error error TS2339: Property 'data' does not exist on type 'Object' forkJoin(this.userservice.getUser(), this.userservice....
Reza's user avatar
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JSLint: was used before it was defined in anonymous function

JSLint warns on variable in anomymous function db.collection('users').doc(docId).set(userData).then(ref => { console.log(ref) }) Warning in first line: 'ref' was used before it was defined. ...
Denis Ermakov's user avatar
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Integrate Linter(JSLint\ESLint) to Google V8 Script compilation

I wrote an application that using Google V8 engine. And I want to introduce printing warning messages in script compilation output. There is no problem to load linter .js file, compile it and run ...
hdnn's user avatar
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JSLint line break format

I really can't understand how JSLint would like me to format this script: (function ($) { "use strict"; window.isMobileDevice = function () { return (window.orientation !== undefined)...
StockBreak's user avatar
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jsLint weird assignment error when casting

I use google-closure compiler and jsLint tool for my JS code. Because closure compiler looks at JSDoc tags I need to cast variable to proper type or otherwise compiler will throw errors. Code below ...
royalBlue's user avatar
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Why do this function get a warning message from JSLint?

I have a function that's working perfectly fine, but I still get a warning message from JS Lint. function undoActionClick() { if (history.length <= 1) return; ...
Senseless's user avatar
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Batch with tslint command : error “Input line is too long”

I write this command on several lines using the character ^ but this command is considered to be on a single line . When the file starts to contain a certain number of characters it causes an error. ...
Lemec Cinq's user avatar
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batch tslint on several lines

I launch a batch that contains a tslint command tslint -c ../tslint.json --project tsconfig.json --out output.txt --format msbuild -e '**/bin/Debug/**' -e '**/fonts/**' -e '**/images/**' -e '**/...
Lemec Cinq's user avatar
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JSLint and assigning values with ternary expressions

This is only an example, however with the below assignment using ternary expression, I can't get it to pass the JSLint test. Neither can I get it to ignore it. var size = settings.size ? settings....
wcndave's user avatar
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How can I write these functions to use a forEach() statement?

How can write these (working) functions using forEach() methods: function loadAudioMeterHistory(cell) { var peaks = new Array(4); for (var i = 0; i < peaks.length; i++) { var peak,...
Jamie's user avatar
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Why jslint is not working with npm package

I installed : npm i jslint [email protected] updated 1 package and audited 6594 packages in 5.791s found 53 vulnerabilities (15 low, 16 moderate, 22 high) I have made some configurations : ./...
Prashanth Harish's user avatar
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JSLint and ESLint Problems (Brackets)

I am creating a mock website for a small project that I am doing. I am using nunjucks to perform some tasks. When I try to create a .js file that I can run later, I am getting errors. I have looked ...
John Doee's user avatar
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Shadowing of global property 'undefined'

Can anyone give me some pointers on fixing a warning I'm getting with JSLint. I have the following code: /* global window, define, module */ (function(global, factory) { var Gauge = factory(...
CLiown's user avatar
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7 votes
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turn off "use spaces, do not use tabs" in a jslint extension for VSCode

I got a VSCode JSLint extension and I got its settings pointing to an .eslintrc file where I have the following specified for indentation: { ... "indent" : [1, "tab"] ... } The problem ...
Vasily Hall's user avatar
8 votes
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How to fix this warning 'var' used instead of 'let' or 'const' JsLint in phpStrom?

I want to fix this in the code file not in jslint setting options. The JS file is in PHP project. How can I remove the warning from here?
rajwa766's user avatar
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Declaration of iterator variable in JSLint is flagged as warning

How to declare an iterator for loop variable that passes validation. I have tried var, let, and neither work. I simplified my script down to this line. will not progress past ...
run_the_race's user avatar
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How to find specific errors using jslint and violation plugins in jenkins?

My requirement is that to check for a specific error is existing on javascript file or not, if it exists makes the job fail otherwise build it successfully. How can I check for a specific error in ...
Arjun C's user avatar
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Move 'var' declarations to the top of the function - Javascript error

I'm following a tutorial on how to create dynamically updating comments within a form. The guide I'm following keeps presenting errors and the one I have just recently found is not letting me fix it. ...
laen's user avatar
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What's the difference between an ESLInt plugin and an ESLInt rule? To create a customized rule, do we have to create our own plugin first?

Could someone explain the difference between an ESLInt plugin and an ESLInt rule. I did my research on and it seems ...
Joji's user avatar
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How to fix this regex to remove JSLint Unnecessary escape warning?

I'm getting a url then stripping the domain with an onClick handler in React using a regEx like this : const path ='a'); if (!path) return; e.preventDefault(); console.log('path: ',...
spice's user avatar
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5 answers

Why is an If statement considered a function in this loop?

I have been building a React app that uses iteration a lot. I am using JSLint and get the annoying warning saying: Don't make functions within a loop On the following loop: if(currentSearch[i]....
bflynnigan's user avatar
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Remove scsslint_tmp files generating automatically?

I am using WebStorm with JSLint, JSHint and some files are generating automatically in the same source directory with filename_scsslint_tmpXXXXXXX. Can anyone please tell me how can remove this ...
Sudhanshu Gaur's user avatar

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