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Questions tagged [json]

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a serializable data interchange format that is a machine and human readable. Do not use this tag for native JavaScript objects or JavaScript object literals. Before you ask a question, validate your JSON using a JSON validator such as JSONLint (

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Redisearch not working with wildcard prefix

I am trying to understand why index_test works but index_test_wildcard does not work. The index created in the latter does not match to the records created within the function despite respecting the ...
Harry Stuart's user avatar
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C# ASP.NET Core basic authentication POST getting 401 unauthorized response

I am building a C# ASP.NET Core Minimal API consuming app. It POSTs a new record to an external Web API site. I am using basic authentication with UserID and Password in the header, and including the ...
Rexxrally's user avatar
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AWS SQL - How to check if a Json object has values in it?

I am using SQL on AWS and trying to detect quickly when a Json object has key-value in it. Anyone knows it? Thanks For example: A. {"context":{"abc":"123"} --> Yes B. {...
LucyP's user avatar
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2 answers

_TypeError (type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<int?>') Flutter

I'm using the json decoder on a List<List<int?>> json, and I'm having trouble converting the List<dynamic> to the List<List<int?>> I'd like to end up with. Is there a ...
Alec's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to get custom properties with resolveConfig function when using Tailwind CSS

Motivation and Usage I am developing a TailwindCSS plugin and need to create a helper function that serves the configuration object, including those which come from the plugin, from the tailwind....
dogakorkmaz's user avatar
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NextJS api route.ts build error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ''', "'{ "type""... is not valid JSON

Currently, I am trying to build a next.js project on vercel. The project builds fine locally, but it throws an error when building on vercel. The following is the error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '...
TooSalty's user avatar
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Error merging Arduino and C/C++ files in the same directory: Compilation issues and file access problems

i am a c developer and just shift to arduino and i'm getting error my code should just do nothing but perform a c operation and show the response on lcd #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h&...
VIN0D PANDEY's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to send/receive a JSON dict in FastAPI: value is not a valid dict [duplicate]

I need help with basic stuff again... I think the question is essentially, why can I not send and receive JSON? ITT client-side error - "POST /itt HTTP/1.1" 422 ...
Innovations Anonymous's user avatar
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Duplicate JSON Objects into list of JSON Objects using JOLT

My Input JSON is as below: [ { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "desc1": "test1", "desc2": "test2", ...
Shashi Kiran GM's user avatar
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JSON_ARRAY_INSERT function in MySQL is enclosing new JSON in double quotes

Below is a snippet of a MySQL Script mysql> SET @j1 = '[{"Documents": []}]'; mysql> SET @j2 = '{"rc":{"DisplayName":"Registration Certificate","...
Kumar Kush's user avatar
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type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'String how to solve this problem [closed]

NoSuchMethodError: Class 'List' has no instance method 'Map'. Receiver: Instance(length:0) of '_GrowableList' Tried calling: Map(Closure: (dynamic) => Map<String, dynamic>) you may look here ...
0 votes
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Wikipedia API parse content text template does not exist

I'm using the Wikipedia API to parse the wikitext template (Wikipedia API: Parsing wikitext), but there's something I really don't understand and I can't seem to find the answer. For example for this ...
LeMoussel's user avatar
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Golang: Parse JSON response of array of struct with no leading keys

Normally in Go, I would use the following struct: type Inner Struct { Key1 string `json:"Key1"` Key2 int32 `json:"Key2"` } type Outer struct { Outer []Outer `json:"...
JJE's user avatar
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-2 votes
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stringify() object value using with JSON [closed]

<script> var Dan = new Object() Dan.height = 1.85 Dan.age = 41 Dan.eyeColor = "blue" // method ONE ...
Nano HE's user avatar
-2 votes
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Live Sql Java DropDown List from Main Category

Sorry guys, I'm being silly again. I definitely need to stop drinking! Trying to create a live make / model search box for vehicles as you'll hopefully tell from the below code. Any help / overview ...
Earunder's user avatar
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-6 votes
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I'm learning to use the mod In control, but I don't really understand how to write scripts, help me please [closed]

In control - a mod that allows you to arbitrarily change the various parameters of mobs in minecraft, customizable a huge number of parameters, from the amount of health, to the time and place of ...
Foralanda's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Dynamically inject variable into the data parameter of a curl statement

Given the --data parameter of a curl statement: --data '{ "collection": [ "Library" ], "filter": "{'\''target.endpointUID'\'':{'\''$eq'\'': '\''...
DrewM's user avatar
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2 answers

Extract JSON Array to same Row using Excel Power Query

I have the following JSON { "Data": { "totalExecutionTime": "00:00:00.5544916", "totalCount": "33414", "Items": [...
BigDX's user avatar
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Could not write JSON: Infinite recursion (StackOverflowError)

I am developing a web project with spring boot using jpa, I have a problem using swagger and testing an api of mine named getAppointmentById, I tried using @JsonIgnore, @JsonManagedReference, @...
Nguyen Le Hoang Chinh Chinh's user avatar
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Create JSON formatted files in SQL Server with .txt extensions

In SQL Server, I need to create JSON formatted files with .txt extensions. Could anyone please advise as to how to do this? I have yet to find a way. First, I select data SELECT * FROM [SQL Server ...
Mahk's user avatar
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Is there any out of box functionality to get the airflow logs in JSON?

I want the airflow logs to be in JSON. I can see a config in the elasticsearch section which is to format logs in JSON but I am not using ES so setting that doesn't work for me. I have seen some ...
Nikhil Karve's user avatar
-2 votes
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How Serialize Specifique Json type to string in C# [closed]

I need to Serealize/Desseralize Save/Get in this json type in on Windows Forms C# project: This project is used to save informations from CAN-Variables [{ "Nome": "Esp 03", ...
Artur Ribeiro's user avatar
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How to send File Object from client component to server actions in Next.js 14?

I have been trying to upload the image/video to AWS S3 storage via pre-signed URL. After I get the URL from the backend I am sending the URL and File component to the server actions to perform put ...
Krish's user avatar
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Return view from nested classes in ASP.NET MVC for complex json String

My Model is : (Problematic section is Variant[] Variants, that is not passing to controller) public class SingleProduct { public Product1 product { get; set; } } public class Product1 { [...
Samie Ullah's user avatar
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Return the latest group of records inserted by specifically me into a table along with their ID in the table?

I have a table of Customers, named Customer with the following columns: CustomerID CustomerName ContactNo Address DateCreated 1 Idola Steenson 438614198 Morena 2022-08-14 09:48:00 2 Graham Buckner ...
French Croissant's user avatar
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Retrieve data from Json Column

There is a data structure in a json column I am trying to retrieve a certain result from this column. Тhese dates I will have to apply it to a function each date will be a parameter The goal is to ...
Bob's user avatar
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Unable to add the JSON value after converting it into dictionary to a dynamic ansible playbook getting created via python script

I'm trying to add the json values into a dynamic ansible playbook via python code, the data getting fetched from mysql, tried below code but it does not append those values in the resulting playbook. ...
thevirtualnomad's user avatar
2 votes
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Removing nulls from spark Dataframe without using pandas

new_DF=old_DF\ .select(col("id"), col("COL1"), col("COL2"), ).distinct() new_JSON_DF = new_DF\ .withColumn("PROP",struct(col("...
dontgimmehope's user avatar
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Browser Extension doesn't change innerHTML

The script seems to run correctly but it doesn't edit anything. If I put the script in the console it works, but by clicking the extension it returns an error that the innerHTML for the given element ...
skibidicwigma 123's user avatar
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Multiple JSON Property name on property [duplicate]

I have a requirement in which I must have property that can bind it's value by "debtAmount" or "Amount" I did try to have annotation from above, and it works for debtAmount but ...
Edison C's user avatar
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How can I use Debezium Server to monitor a PosgresSQL db and save the changes to a json file?

I have a docker compose with a postgres, debezium server, and wanted to find a way to locally store the changes in a json file. Have been searching, but didn't find any promising directions. I ...
Thiago's user avatar
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Amadeus API Raising a JSON Error When response.json() is Called

I am using Python to get data from the Amadeus API. When I try to call response.json() on the request, it raises this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\joeki\OneDrive\...
Jayden Jiang's user avatar
-7 votes
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How to generated quoted sections in follow-up comments [closed]

My goal is to comment on the last post of my chosen person on Facebook as fast as possible, for this chat GBT wrote me a code but it doesn't work. I would like to use Python to comment a specially ...
Sandro Nadibaidze's user avatar
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JSON field doesn't map to object when projection and hibernate 6.2+

I have the java app with 21 java, hibernate-core 6.1.7 dependency, postgesql. There is book table with adverts field, which is a json-field. I don't need this field in my entity, thus I get this info ...
Anna L's user avatar
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Sudden Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException Error parsing boolean value. Path '', line 1, position 1 with SpotifyWebAPI

I am developing a .NET application using Spotify via SpotifyAPI-NET (I am quite new to C#). I am getting this error when calling spotify.Player.PausePlayback() Weirdly I was not getting this error a ...
Mat4guia's user avatar
-3 votes
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My code is making the wrong mathematical calculations despite stating clearly what i want added and what i want subtracted [closed]

from json import JSONDecodeError import json #Function to add an expense to the list of expenses def add_expense(expenses, category, description, amount): expenses.append({"category": ...
Arrogant_Samurai's user avatar
-2 votes
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JSON Schema Version Management [closed]

We are generating new json schema . Please help on json version management and what is the best practices and industry standard for it . To understand the best practice for json schema version ...
Shivam Gupta's user avatar
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Typescript Json get value [duplicate]

I'm getting from api {"bmw":[{"year":2022, "color": "black", "perfs":{"bmw":{"model": "x5", "county": "...
Po'latjon Qurbonov's user avatar
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Error 400 when sending a valid JSON file to Firebase Realtime Database through CLI

I'm trying to upload a JSON file to a Firebase realtime database but I keep getting error 400. I've uploaded the same JSON file manually through the firebase website and the upload is completed ...
moco's user avatar
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Rookie learning to test audio-playing skill [closed]

I'm trying to test my first skill in the Developer Console. The skill was successfully built after removing all coding errors flagged-up in the Code section. This skill is supposed to play audio ...
Rowland Myers's user avatar
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I get a Cannot POST /login error when i'm not sending a POST request to the /login endpoint

I'm building a web application where users can register and login using Node.js, Express, and a PostgreSQL database. However, I'm encountering an issue with my frontend and backend communication. When ...
rbt's user avatar
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Open list of .json files, find and replace multiple different keywords in each file, and resave all files while keeping the original filenames [closed]

I am having trouble creating a python script to read through a list of many .JSON files (100+), find and replace multiple different keywords in each file, and save all files while keeping the original ...
Jonnyjohnson's user avatar
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Change JSON code from localStorage to server-side

I am new to JSON and need some help changing the code to utilize a server-side .json file rather than localStorage. This is for a simple inventory database I require and should not use SQL. Javascript ...
Beejster's user avatar
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What is the difference between using express.urlencoded() with extended set to true vs set to false + manual JSON stringify/parse calls?

In my NodeJS/Express server I must choose between setting extended to true or to false for the urlencoded middleware: app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true/false })); I understand that if we ...
Oscar R's user avatar
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Replace single backslash with double backslash so that json becomes parseable

I am using cURL inside bash to fetch json data from remote API. Also using jq to parse and loop through the json array to perform additional operations. The response looks like this: [ { &...
RKGupta's user avatar
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How to use a list in json file as an argument for case in javascript

so there is my chrome extension code (not fully but other part is just html and css code): switch (window.location.hostname) { case "": document.head.innerHTML = ...
user25653727's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I remove the "d" node from the GET Response

My team provided me a GET called. However, the response contains a "strange" d node. I tried to ask them for help and they asked me to use XML instead (I know). I am here to see if ...
Johnny Wu's user avatar
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12 views Swagger/Postman Collection [closed]

I am currently working on integrating with I found their API reference and it's good. But I couldn't find any Swagger/Postman collection. Can anyone help me if there is a collection for ...
Hosam Elsheikh's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to get response from below jq data as response using jqs CE2-DG Group-id CE2-DG Group-id(CE2-LAG1, CE4-LAG1) ,CE4-DG-c Group-id(CE4-LAG1)

i want to create a map usin gbelow mentioned data I have below data want to get response like CE2-DG Group-id(CE2-LAG1, CE4-LAG1) using JQs { "Swagatha": [ { "a": ...
Swagata Mondal's user avatar
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Needed Jolt Specification in NiFi Processor to Convert JSON

I am new to using Jolt specifications and need some assistance. I am trying to convert a JSON object using a Jolt specification in an Apache NiFi processor. The input JSON looks like this: { "...
Ryan's user avatar
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