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Questions tagged [kubernetes]

KUBERNETES QUESTIONS MUST BE SPECIFICALLY RELATED TO SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. Configuration and deployment is off-topic here. A good rule of thumb is, if it happens outside the pod, it's probably off-topic - DevOps Stack Exchange or Server Fault may be more appropriate. If it's about code running inside the pod, it's probably OK.

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657 votes
34 answers

How can I use local Docker images with Minikube?

I have several Docker images that I want to use with Minikube. I don't want to first have to upload and then download the same image instead of just using the local image directly. How do I do this? ...
Kapil Gupta's user avatar
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549 votes
27 answers

Pods stuck in Terminating status [closed]

I tried to delete a ReplicationController with 12 pods and I could see that some of the pods are stuck in Terminating status. My Kubernetes cluster consists of one control plane node and three ...
Dimuthu's user avatar
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537 votes
11 answers

Difference between ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer service types in Kubernetes?

Question 1 - I'm reading the documentation and I'm slightly confused with the wording. It says: ClusterIP: Exposes the service on a cluster-internal IP. Choosing this value makes the service only ...
AmazingBergkamp's user avatar
475 votes
11 answers

kubectl apply vs kubectl create?

What I understood by the documentation is that: kubectl create Creates a new k8s resource in the cluster kubectl replace Updates a resource in the live cluster kubectl apply If I want to do ...
Suresh Vishnoi's user avatar
459 votes
13 answers

Ingress vs Load Balancer

I am quite confused about the roles of Ingress and Load Balancer in Kubernetes. As far as I understand Ingress is used to map incoming traffic from the internet to the services running in the cluster....
arunkjn's user avatar
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448 votes
5 answers

What's the difference between Docker Compose and Kubernetes?

While diving into Docker, Google Cloud and Kubernetes, and without clearly understanding all three of them yet, it seems to me these products are overlapping, yet they're not compatible. For example, ...
426 votes
7 answers

What's the difference between Apache's Mesos and Google's Kubernetes

What exactly is the difference between Apache's Mesos and Google's Kubernetes? I understand both are server cluster management software. Can anyone elaborate where the main differences are - when ...
binaryanomaly's user avatar
403 votes
11 answers

What is the difference between a pod and a deployment?

I have been creating pods with type:deployment but I see that some documentation uses type:pod, more specifically the documentation for multi-container pods: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name:...
Bjorn's user avatar
  • 70.9k
375 votes
21 answers

Command to delete all pods in all kubernetes namespaces

Upon looking at the docs, there is an API call to delete a single pod, but is there a way to delete all pods in all namespaces?
user_mda's user avatar
  • 19k
344 votes
21 answers

How do I force Kubernetes to re-pull an image?

I have the following replication controller in Kubernetes on GKE: apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: name: myapp labels: app: myapp spec: replicas: 2 selector: app: ...
Torsten Bronger's user avatar
339 votes
1 answer

Where does the convention of using /healthz for application health checks come from?

In the Kubernetes/Docker ecosystem there is a convention of using /healthz as a health-check endpoint for applications. Where does the name 'healthz' come from, and are there any particular semantics ...
Andy Hume's user avatar
  • 41.3k
323 votes
32 answers

Kubernetes service external ip pending

I am trying to deploy nginx on kubernetes, kubernetes version is v1.5.2, I have deployed nginx with 3 replica, YAML file is below, apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: ...
Pankaj Jackson's user avatar
321 votes
21 answers

How do I get logs from all pods of a Kubernetes replication controller?

Running kubectl logs shows me the stderr/stdout of one Kubernetes container. How can I get the aggregated stderr/stdout of a set of pods, preferably those created by a certain replication ...
Torsten Bronger's user avatar
320 votes
17 answers

Difference between targetPort and port in Kubernetes Service definition

A Kubernetes Service can have a targetPort and port in the service definition: kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: my-service spec: selector: app: MyApp ports: - protocol: TCP ...
Mr.DevEng's user avatar
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315 votes
9 answers

How can I trigger a Kubernetes Scheduled Job manually?

I've created a Kubernetes Scheduled Job, which runs twice a day according to its schedule. However, I would like to trigger it manually for testing purposes. How can I do this?
aknuds1's user avatar
  • 67.4k
302 votes
35 answers

Namespace "stucked" as Terminating, How I removed it

I've had a "stuck" namespace that I deleted showing in this eternal "terminating" status.
ximbal's user avatar
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302 votes
12 answers

How to switch namespace in kubernetes

Say, I have two namespaces k8s-app1 and k8s-app2 I can list all pods from specific namespace using the below command kubectl get pods -n <namespace> We need to append namespace to all ...
P Ekambaram's user avatar
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299 votes
18 answers

How can I keep a container running on Kubernetes?

I'm now trying to run a simple container with shell (/bin/bash) on a Kubernetes cluster. I thought that there was a way to keep a container running on a Docker container by using pseudo-tty and ...
springwell's user avatar
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293 votes
25 answers

Kubernetes pod gets recreated when deleted

I have started pods with command $ kubectl run busybox \ --image=busybox \ --restart=Never \ --tty \ -i \ --generator=run-pod/v1 Something went wrong, and now I can't delete this Pod. I tried using ...
yman's user avatar
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283 votes
7 answers

Service located in another namespace

I have been trying to find a way to define a service in one namespace that links to a Pod running in another namespace. I know that containers in a Pod running in namespaceA can access serviceX ...
David McKinley's user avatar
283 votes
25 answers

Get YAML for deployed Kubernetes services?

I am trying to deploy my app to Kubernetes running in Google Container Engine. The app can be found at: The Dockerfile is built into an image on Google ...
Industrial's user avatar
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278 votes
15 answers

How to switch kubectl clusters between gcloud and minikube

I have Kubernetes operating well in two different environments, namely in my local environment (MacBook running minikube) and as well as on Google's Container Engine (GCE, Kubernetes on Google Cloud). ...
Eric Broda's user avatar
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265 votes
8 answers

Kubernetes how to make Deployment to update image

I do have deployment with single pod, with my custom docker image like: containers: - name: mycontainer image: myimage:latest During development I want to push new latest version and make ...
Andriy Kopachevskyy's user avatar
265 votes
21 answers

How to copy files from kubernetes Pods to local system

I'm trying to copy files from Kubernetes Pods to my local system. I am getting the below error while running following command: kubectl cp aks-ssh2-6cd4948f6f-fp9tl:/home/azureuser/test.cap ./test....
Girish's user avatar
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260 votes
14 answers

kubectl logs - continuously

kubectl logs <pod-id> gets latest logs from my deployment - I am working on a bug and interested to know the logs at runtime - How can I get continuous stream of logs ? edit: corrected ...
npr's user avatar
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257 votes
13 answers

Restart pods when configmap updates in Kubernetes?

How do I automatically restart Kubernetes pods and pods associated with deployments when their configmap is changed/updated? I know there's been talk about the ability to automatically restart pods ...
Johan's user avatar
  • 39.5k
256 votes
6 answers

Kubernetes API - Get Pods on Specific Nodes

Reading the Kubernets documentation it looks to be possible to select a certain range of pods based on labels. I want to select all the pods on one node but I don't want to label each pod on their ...
Fran's user avatar
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251 votes
4 answers

Kubernetes: How do I delete clusters and contexts from kubectl config?

kubectl config view shows contexts and clusters corresponding to clusters that I have deleted. How can I remove those entries? The command kubectl config unset clusters appears to delete all ...
Jeremy Lewi's user avatar
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242 votes
20 answers

Is there a way to share secrets across namespaces in Kubernetes?

Is there a way to share secrets across namespaces in Kubernetes? My use case is: I have the same private registry for all my namespaces and I want to avoid creating the same secret for each.
matth3o's user avatar
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240 votes
8 answers

How does kubectl port-forward create a connection?

kubectl exposes commands that can be used to create a Service for an application and assigns an IP address to access it from internet. As far as I understand, to access any application within ...
karthikeayan's user avatar
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231 votes
9 answers

How to delete all resources from Kubernetes one time? [closed]

Include: Daemon Sets Deployments Jobs Pods Replica Sets Replication Controllers Stateful Sets Services ... If has replicationcontroller, when delete some deployments they will regenerate. Is there a ...
online's user avatar
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227 votes
14 answers

How can I debug "ImagePullBackOff"?

All of a sudden, I cannot deploy some images which could be deployed before. I got the following pod status: [root@webdev2 origin]# oc get pods NAME READY STATUS ...
Devs love ZenUML's user avatar
225 votes
6 answers

What's the best way to share/mount one file into a pod?

I was considering using secrets to mount a single file but it seems that you can only mount directory that will overwrites all the other content. How can I share a single config file without mounting ...
Smana's user avatar
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224 votes
9 answers

Multiple environments (Staging, QA, production, etc) with Kubernetes [closed]

What is considered a good practice with K8S for managing multiple environments (QA, Staging, Production, Dev, etc)? As an example, say that a team is working on a product which requires deploying a ...
Yoanis Gil's user avatar
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223 votes
14 answers

At least one invalid signature was encountered

I am trying to build and deploy microservices images to a single-node Kubernetes cluster running on my development machine using minikube. I am using the cloud-native microservices demo application ...
Saranya Gupta's user avatar
222 votes
12 answers

How to set multiple commands in one yaml file with Kubernetes?

In this official document, it can run command in a yaml config file: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: hello-world spec: # ...
scho's user avatar
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220 votes
3 answers

What is a headless service, what does it do/accomplish, and what are some legitimate use cases for it?

I've read a couple of passages from some books written on Kubernetes as well as the page on headless services in the docs. But I'm still unsure what it really actually does and why someone would use ...
John Lexus's user avatar
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217 votes
19 answers

Checking Kubernetes pod CPU and memory utilization

I am trying to see how much memory and CPU is utilized by a kubernetes pod. I ran the following command for this: kubectl top pod podname --namespace=default I am getting the following error: W0205 ...
aniztar's user avatar
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217 votes
22 answers

My kubernetes pods keep crashing with "CrashLoopBackOff" but I can't find any log

This is what I keep getting: [root@centos-master ~]# kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nfs-server-h6nw8 1/1 Running 0 1h nfs-...
Lucifer's user avatar
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210 votes
16 answers

Restart container within pod

I have a pod test-1495806908-xn5jn with 2 containers. I'd like to restart one of them called container-test. Is it possible to restart a single container within a pod and how? If not, how do I restart ...
s5s's user avatar
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208 votes
19 answers

Decoding Kubernetes secret

I inherited a Kubernetes/Docker setup, and I accidentally crashed the pod by changing something relating to the DB password. I am trying to troubleshoot this. I don't have much Kubernetes or Docker ...
Steven Matthews's user avatar
206 votes
7 answers

Kubernetes Deployments vs StatefulSets

I've been doing a lot of digging on Kubernetes, and I'm liking what I see a lot! One thing I've been unable to get a clear idea about is what the exact distinctions are between the Deployment and ...
SS781's user avatar
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199 votes
14 answers

How to sign in kubernetes dashboard?

I just upgraded kubeadm and kubelet to v1.8.0. And install the dashboard following the official document. $ kubectl apply -f
ichbinblau's user avatar
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199 votes
14 answers

Listing all resources in a namespace

I would like to see all resources in a namespace. Doing kubectl get all will, despite of the name, not list things like services and ingresses. If I know the the type I can explicitly ask for that ...
michas's user avatar
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192 votes
16 answers

How do you cleanly list all the containers in a kubernetes pod?

I am looking to list all the containers in a pod in a script that gather's logs after running a test. kubectl describe pods -l k8s-app=kube-dns returns a lot of info, but I am just looking for a ...
Charles L.'s user avatar
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188 votes
9 answers

How can I update a secret on Kubernetes when it is generated from a file?

I've created a secret using kubectl create secret generic production-tls \ --from-file=./tls.key \ --from-file=./tls.crt If I'd like to update the values - how can I do this?
Chris Stryczynski's user avatar
184 votes
8 answers

Kubernetes: list all pods and its nodes

I have 3 nodes, running all kinds of pods. I would like to have a list of nodes and pods, for an example: NODE1 POD1 NODE1 POD2 NODE2 POD3 NODE3 POD4 How can this please be achieved?
testTester's user avatar
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184 votes
10 answers

kubectl get events only for a pod

When I run kubectl -n abc-namespace describe pod my-pod-zl6m6, I get a lot of information about the pod along with the Events in the end. Is there a way to output just the Events of the pod either ...
Rakesh N's user avatar
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182 votes
9 answers

Clean up "Replica Sets" when updating deployments?

Every time a deployment gets updated, a new replica set is added to a long list. Should the old rs be cleaned?
yuval's user avatar
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