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Questions tagged [laravel]

The Laravel framework is an open-sourced PHP web framework that allows developers to create dynamic and scalable web applications. The source code of Laravel is hosted on GitHub and released under the MIT license.

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Pusher Authentication Endpoint Not Found in Angular Service

I am working on an Angular 18 application that integrates with a Laravel 10 backend for real-time features using Pusher. However, I'm encountering a 404 error when my Angular application tries to ...
hatem ghorbel's user avatar
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I'm getting 401 Unauthorized when accessing protected routes using http only cookies in Laravel with axios

I'm working on a Laravel application with JWT authentication, and I'm trying to use http-only cookies for authentication. Despite setting the cookie correctly on login, I'm still receiving a 401 ...
bright-webb's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why got Blade::rendor error with Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade class?

On laravel / livewire site I try to implement an example from making in resource on select component : ->schema([ Select::make('country')->label('...
Petro Gromovo's user avatar
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Laravel Observer depedency injection gave a collection instance

Laravel Observer depedency injection gave a string type attribute instead of an integer. I faced a problem with Laravel Observer because it gave me a collection with the wrong attribute type (integers ...
Junaris Alf's user avatar
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Unable to add jobs to Bus Batch in Laravel

I am unable to add jobs to Bus Batch in Laravel in a foreach loop, and get the error Call to undefined method App\Jobs\ProcessSitemapChunk::withBatchId(). $sitemapUrl = 'someurl'; $...
Hitesh Chauhan's user avatar
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Ensuring casts are applied before Laravel data constructor is called

I am attempting to make use of the laravel-data package from Spatie, in order to ensure a typed contract between different layers of my application. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble with casting ...
Ben's user avatar
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Laravel Livewire wire:modle and wire:click showing 404 on cpanel but works fine on localhost

Laravel livewire works perfectly on localhost but when deploy to cpanel; shared hosting, wire:click and wire:model, not working, for example I have a live data search implemented with livewire, but ...
Victor Vibist Tetteh's user avatar
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Laravel Livewire autocomplete

I am new to livewire and i just want to build an autocomplete, but i dont know if my code is correct or not because when i type in my input, i dont have any errors in Network or in my Console here is ...
Mishimaster's user avatar
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Is there a way to prevent the output of http headers from appearing in the content of a csv file?

I'm currently working in a Laravel Project with a Laravel Jetstream scaffolding with Inertia js and Vue 3. Everything is working as expected but now I need to make a downloadable CSV file. At first I ...
Dovahkiin's user avatar
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Missing `Kernel.php` file in Laravel project

I'm currently working on a Laravel project and I've encountered an issue where my Kernel.php file seems to be missing from the app/Http directory. Here are the details: Laravel Version: 5.8.3 Problem:...
Josh Dei's user avatar
-1 votes
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Getting htmlspecialchars(): Charset "UTF-8;" is not supported, assuming UTF-8 Error in Laravel Breeze Application

I am developing a Laravel application using Laravel Breeze for authentication. When I try to access the login or register pages, I encounter an HTTP 500 error. Here are the details of the error from ...
Alaa ElAlfi's user avatar
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Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'example_app.sessions' doesn't exist

I am trying to set up Laravel 11 on Windows 11. I am using WAMPServer for Apache/PHP/MySql. I have installed the installer globally using Composer. I then run this command to create a Laravel project: ...
Joshua Rogers's user avatar
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Error: 1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name 'id'

I've created a basic database structured as follows. vehicle_makes (id, name, slug) vehicle_models (id, name, slug, make_id) vehicle_trims (id, name, slug, model_id) When attempting to create the ...
David Anderson's user avatar
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Create a route (Laravel 10 - Nuxt 3 )

[nuxt] error caught during app initialization Error: Page not found: /password-reset/46f9fe46fc92949ec48113486813cdd5f03add89f6d9cae0a983c2511a863097? link that needs ...
Vadim Yanyushkin's user avatar
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Laravel: How to insert entries into a specific table [duplicate]

There is an issue with inserting entries into a specific table. Usual methodology (model) Creation of an table (portfolio_item) <?php use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration; use Illuminate\...
Roman_Coding's user avatar
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Laravel 11 Uncaught BadMethodCallException: Method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::configure

Getting an error Uncaught BadMethodCallException: Method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::configure vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Macroable/Traits/Macroable.php on line 86 It works fine ...
Gauttam Kevadia's user avatar
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I am getting cookie empty on controller in laravel

$(".add-to-compare").on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var uid = $(this).attr("id"); var vin = $(this).attr("data-vin"); var ...
MR Lappy's user avatar
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Laravel 10: Target class [App\Http\Controllers\app\dashboard\dashboardController] does not exist

I tried logging in a user (email and password) to the user's dashboard page but got the error message: Target class [App\Http\Controllers\app\dashboard\dashboardController] does not exist, after ...
Worldlight Idakpo's user avatar
-1 votes
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carousel issue in laravel

i am new to laravel and i want to have a carousel of product images on the homepage. carousel.blade.php is imported into index.blade.php, i have the carousel controller, model, etc. my problem is that ...
Cc868510's user avatar
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Twillio Call transfer

I am implementing call transfer in Twilio , where A and B are connected via simple non-conference call but now B dials to C and I want A and C to be connected to ongoing call removing B from middle. I ...
Dhruvi Nonghanvadra's user avatar
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Imported resource from 2nd branch of filament into 3rd got error

On laravel 10 app with filament ^3.20-stable I imported resource from the second branch of filament and got error : Filament\Tables\Columns\SpatieMediaLibraryImageColumn::Filament\Tables\Columns\{...
mstdmstd's user avatar
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Laravel queued job fails with different exceptions after 5-20 minutes of execution

The job is loading a huge 100M CSV into mysql table via LOAD DATA INFILE. After different periods of working the job fails App\Jobs\UpdateProducts ................... 17m 43s FAIL but remains in jobs ...
discodancer's user avatar
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How to make custom error message on Laravel Precognition?

Its simply question, when i trying to make validation method on laravel, i can use like $rules = [ 'username' => 'required,unique:Userlogin,username', 'password' => 'required', 'email' =...
Zain Hibattulloh's user avatar
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2fa Authentication and remember device, with Laravel dusk

I want to log in to a remote address with DUSK and verify with 2FA at the same time. $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) { $browser->visit('https://www.domain.tld'); $...
Fatih Toprak's user avatar
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How to valdate items from array in Laravel

I have a question, how can I validate the elements of an array against each other in a request? For example, I want the documents.*.end_date to be required if the selected document has a property ...
Luis Garcia's user avatar
-2 votes
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Laravel 11 middleware not working it says it doesn't exist [closed]

Here is my bootstrap app middleware file: <?php use App\Http\Middleware\AdminMiddleware; use App\Http\Middleware\RegistrarMiddleWare; use Illuminate\Foundation\Application; use Illuminate\...
Ivan Adrian Muñoz's user avatar
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How make Laravel Sushi Models Many to Many Relationships

:D I can't make a Many to Many Relationships between two Laravel Sushi Models. For example, I have two sushi models: Product and Category. I want to make a many-to-many relationship between them. ...
Dayan Bravo Fraga's user avatar
2 votes
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I keep getting this error "Cannot access offset of type string on string" whenever I try to serve dummy data to my Laravel application

I am trying to serve some data to my view. However, when i try to access the elements in my dummy array, i keep getting an error "Cannot access offset of type string on string". And I don't ...
BARIMA YAW's user avatar
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How in getEloquentQuery to check which status filter is selected now?

In laravel 10 / filamentphp 3 app I have a table with default ordering and several filters : public static function getEloquentQuery(): Builder { return parent::getEloquentQuery()->with('...
mstdmstd's user avatar
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How to use laravel purity filter i am getting an error

public function index(Request $request) { $Services = ServiceRequest::filter()->paginate(2); return view('backend.leads.lead-index',['Services' => $...
Deekshant's user avatar
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using ip address connect frontend (next.js) and backend (Laravel) in single pc

Thank you for taking time to read my question. i have frontend (next.js) project and backend (Laravel) project and i have to connect and test both in in single one pc how to do the setup please help i ...
ritik bisen's user avatar
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Laravel 11: BindingResolutionException: Target class [hash] does not exist during app bootstrap

I have just created a fresh Laravel project and installed Sentry for exception logging. Here is my bootstrap/app.php: <?php use Illuminate\Foundation\Application; use Illuminate\Foundation\...
Moddaser Hossain's user avatar
-3 votes
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Automatic URL Creation from Backend- Laravel [closed]

We are facing an issue on our site where lots of urls are automaticully creating from backend and some work will be added in postfix; eg:
Bhavtosh Sisodiya's user avatar
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connecting database with laravel --> postman doesnt display data

my api.php <?php use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; use App\Http\Controllers\UserController; Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user',function (Request $...
Deelliiee's user avatar
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Set Vite host path to match Sail site URL

In my Laravel project I am outputting CSS/JS like so: @vite('resources/sass/app.scss') When I share the site with Laravel Sail, the built asset path becomes: http://host.docker.internal/build/assets/...
strangerpixel's user avatar
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Can Laravel Reverb get user online/offline status in backend?

I'm building a web game based on Websocket, I need to know which user is online or offline in realtime. I googled a little, and I found out it has to be the client-side to told server-side if user is ...
Russell's user avatar
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Laravel repository method helper file is not loaded

i am using folder structure like project/ project-repository/ src/ User/ UserInterface.php UserRepository.php composer.json ...
Laravel coder's user avatar
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Laravel Vapor gives error : - The variables may not be greater than 2000 characters

I downloaded the env file from staging env using vapor env:pull staging and I updated it with my local env variables and then I run vapor env:push and then it gives me an error like: The variables ...
smit's user avatar
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Permission error with Arch Linux and Laravel

I'm creating a Laravel project, and I'm struggling with permissions. When I first create the project through a terminal command, I have to change the root folder permission to 777 because I can't ...
Telexx's user avatar
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Laravel 10 & PHP 8.1 - Cannot npm run dev

Getting this issue when I tried running the command npm run dev. error when starting dev server: Error: Unable to find the configuration file [C:\Users\LP-266\.config\herd\config\valet\config.json]...
Faiz Kasman's user avatar
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LARAVEL SMTP is showing problem and won't send the email

I am having a problem with map.php and my .env file and after executing this show error. Expected response code "250" but got code "530", with message "530-5.7.0 ...
Ralph Sinsuat's user avatar
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I have a symbol right before any code in my source code [closed]

I don't know how I could explain it better than using a picture. Where should I look for this "0"? It's there with javascript disabled too. I might be exhausted right now, but I can't figure ...
Alex's user avatar
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Running MQTT publish command in Laravel queue with database option fails but in sync it works

I am working on an app the has a background job that publishes command to an mqtt broker and when the queue is in sync it works but when it is database it only sends 1 out of 2 commands (separate ...
Petar Vasilev's user avatar
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Issue Reflecting Modifications in RadiusDesk Application Built on CakePHP and Ext JS

I am currently working on modifying parts of the RadiusDesk application built on CakePHP and Ext JS. I tried running the application via Docker, but any changes I made did not reflect on the page. I ...
ahmed adel abdulla's user avatar
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Livewire encountered corrupt data when trying to hydrate a component Filament Relation Manger

Select::make('fees_description') ->label('الرسوم') ->preload() ->multiple() ->live() ->options(Fee::all()-...
Muhammad Essam's user avatar
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Laravel "reset" password doesn't work but "forgot" password does

Using Laravel 11 with Breeze, the Reset Password page is not working as intended. When user fills out the form and presses the button, the page just redirects immediately back to the homepage. No ...
d c's user avatar
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Laravel Queues do not work on production server

Faced with this problem: On a locally deployed server (Laravel Herd), I created a Job that gets the track number of an order from the delivery service API. I specified QUEUE_CONNECTION=database in ....
bifshteksex's user avatar
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Laravel session writes to dynamodb jumped 10x after deployment and have not gone down after rollback

I deployed some code changes on our production app this Tuesday onto our AWS ECS and it immediately started to cause timeout and slowness issues. I quickly rolled back to the previous commit but the ...
bones's user avatar
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Set laravel/valet and PHP working on Win10 not working, php not loading even with XAMPP

I have been struck with issues after issues when i try to get a php based website running on this computer. I have read so many articles and tried to figure what could have been missed, am also a ...
DCMator's user avatar
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Implementing end to end encryption (react js , laravel)

I need to implement end to end encryption between front (reactjs) and back (laravel). What I try to do is encrypt data in front using package cryptojs, send it using axios to backend, in the backend I ...
user26307664's user avatar

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