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562 votes
39 answers

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon on macOS

I normally prefer to manage my apps on my OSX with brew I am able to install docker, docker-compose and docker-machine docker --version Docker version 17.05.0-ce, build 89658be docker-compose --...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
  • 39.8k
278 votes
8 answers

Brew install docker does not include docker engine?

Trying to setup docker from brew, however the engine does not seem to be included in any of the any of the official formulas. brew install docker-machine docker-compose So these only installs the ...
David Karlsson's user avatar
240 votes
16 answers

M1 docker preview and keycloak 'image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8)' Issue

I just downloaded Docker Preview v3.1 and tried running keycloak. Anyone else running into this issue? docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -...
Etep's user avatar
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239 votes
13 answers

Where is /var/lib/docker on Mac/OS X

I´m looking for the folder /var/lib/docker on my Mac after installing docker for Mac. With docker info I get Containers: 5 ... Server Version: 1.12.0-rc4 Storage Driver: aufs ...
christian's user avatar
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228 votes
5 answers

How to easily install and uninstall docker on MacOs

My question is How to easily install docker to have it available in terminal and how to uninstall docker on osx?
Kamil Kiełczewski's user avatar
181 votes
20 answers

Mounts denied. The paths ... are not shared from OS X and are not known to Docker

The command docker run -v /var/folders/zz/... produces the following error. docker: Error response from daemon: Mounts denied: The paths /var/folders/zz/... and /var/folders/zz/... are not shared ...
Aayush's user avatar
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142 votes
13 answers

Cannot remove images even though no container is running

I had multiple stopped containers and images on my machine. I want to clean up and remove all containers: docker ps -a returns nothing. I run docker rmi $(docker images -q) to remove the cached images ...
Jim's user avatar
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138 votes
11 answers

How to uninstall Docker completely from a Mac?

I would like to remove the Docker toolbox completely from my Mac. I tried to remove Docker from the /Applications folder, but it didn't work out.
Amol Pol's user avatar
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128 votes
14 answers

Docker & Postgres: Failed to bind tcp address already in use

Problem I'm trying to start postgres in a docker container on my Mac, but I keep getting the following error message docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external ...
user3147424's user avatar
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122 votes
8 answers

How to increase docker-machine memory Mac

I am new to Docker, and trying to go through this tutorial setting up MemSQL from a Docker image - . I am on a Mac, and the tutorial uses boot2docker which ...
DJElbow's user avatar
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122 votes
12 answers

Docker filling up storage on macOS

(Post created on Oct 05 '16) I noticed that every time I run an image and delete it, my system doesn't return to the original amount of available space. The lifecycle I'm applying to my containers is: ...
Franco Rabaglia's user avatar
116 votes
15 answers

Unable to find docker image locally

I was following this post - the reference code is on GitHub. I have cloned the repository on my local. The project has got a react app inside it. I'm trying to run it on my local following step 7 on ...
Zameer Ansari's user avatar
114 votes
23 answers

Docker command not found when running on Mac

I'm trying to run the below code as instructed in the docker-graphite-statsd: docker run -d\ --name graphite\ --restart=always\ -p 80:80\ -p 2003-2004:2003-2004\ -p 2023-2024:2023-2024\ -p 8125:...
runnerpaul's user avatar
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109 votes
5 answers

How to start docker from command line in mac

I have docker desktop installed in mac. So in order to start docker, I open applications and find docker. Then I can see a docker icon at the topbar. later I can run docker commands from the command ...
Shobi's user avatar
  • 11.2k
108 votes
3 answers

How to run amd64 docker image on arm64 host platform?

I have an m1 mac and I am trying to run a amd64 based docker image on my arm64 based host platform. However, when I try to do so (with docker run) I get the following error: WARNING: The requested ...
Sabo Boz's user avatar
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108 votes
9 answers

Diagnosing high CPU usage on Docker for Mac

How do I diagnose the cause of Docker on MacOS, specifically com.docker.hyperkit using 100% of CPU? Docker stats Docker stats shows all the running containers have low CPU, memory, net IO and block ...
Joe's user avatar
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106 votes
4 answers

Docker process killed with cryptic `Killed` message

Running a python script in a docker container and everything seems to be running smoothly, seeing some STDOUT messages, about 5 minutes in I get a Killed message with no further explanation and the ...
natsuki_2002's user avatar
95 votes
10 answers

What's the right way to set up a development environment on OS X with Docker?

Intro I can't figure out a good way to set up a development environment on OS X using Docker and Boot2Docker. The problem I'm hitting is how to manage the source code so that: I can modify the code ...
Yevgeniy Brikman's user avatar
94 votes
8 answers

Connect to Docker MySQL container from localhost?

I have a docker mysql image running, following is what the docker-compose.yml file looks like: db: image: mysql environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "" MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: yes ...
Caleb's user avatar
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88 votes
6 answers

Is it possible to install only mysqldump on macOS

Is it possible to install only mysqldump on macOS without MySQL itself. I'm using MySQL db via Docker, but can't dump the DB from my local machine via MySQL Workbench. /Applications/MySQLWorkbench....
D.R.'s user avatar
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86 votes
3 answers

What does the DOCKER_HOST variable do?

I'm new to Docker, using Boot2Docker on OSX. After booting it, this message is given: To connect the Docker client to the Docker daemon, please set export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// Yet ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
84 votes
3 answers

How does Docker run a Linux kernel under macOS host?

I installed Docker on my macOS Sierra as follows. Note I don't have VirtualBox installed. brew cask uninstall virtualbox brew cask install docker My macOS details. $ uname -a Darwin m-C02QG7TRG8WN....
Lone Learner's user avatar
  • 19.8k
82 votes
8 answers

How can I fix Docker/Mac no space left on device error?

I have built a pretty big image (1G) that has a lot of "infrastructure" in it for testing (Mongo, Kafka, etc.) When trying to start this I get no space left on device errors. How can I fix this? ...
Greg's user avatar
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82 votes
11 answers

Location of docker images downloaded by Docker (1.9.1) on Mac OS X

Where are the docker images located once they are downloaded from docker hub in Mac OSX. For example if I run a command like: docker run hello-world the image is downloaded and the container is run ...
mbbce's user avatar
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76 votes
3 answers

docker no space left on device macOS

I am trying to build a docker image that requires copying some large files (~75GB) and I'm getting the following error when I run the following: $ docker build -t my-project . Step 8/10 : COPY some-...
Nick Fernandez's user avatar
71 votes
6 answers

connection string for sqlserver in Docker container

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 for mac with dotnet Core and EF Core. After setting up the mssql image in Docker container , I was trying to add the connection string but throwing connection error. I ...
user2695433's user avatar
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69 votes
7 answers

Mysql not starting in a docker container on MacOS after docker update

I just upgraded to Docker Desktop 2.4 on MacOS, from version 2.3. Suddenly none of my mysql containers will start. The logs show this as the reason: Different lower_case_table_names settings for ...
Cully's user avatar
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65 votes
7 answers

I can't find my Docker image after building it

I'm new to Docker, so please allow me to describe the steps that I did. I'm using Docker (not Docker toolbox) on OS X. I built the image from Dockerfile using the following command sudo docker build -...
sean's user avatar
  • 1,772
62 votes
3 answers

What is difference between Docker and Docker Desktop?

I am using a mac and apparently installing Docker Desktop is mandatory to use Docker in macOS. Why Docker Desktop is required in Mac and Windows OS, and not in Linux? What purpose Docker Desktop ...
Half Blood Prince's user avatar
61 votes
3 answers

Install Docker Toolbox on a Mac via command line

I am trying to automate setting up a developer environment on Mac. Part of that setup is installing the Docker Toolbox. I cannot find any documentation on how do to this via command line. How can I ...
Rylander's user avatar
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60 votes
5 answers

Homebrew - Error: Permission denied @ apply2files - /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins

Homebrew gives me this error on macOS Monterey while using it: Error: Permission denied @ apply2files - /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins How can I fix it?
Francesco Laiti's user avatar
60 votes
6 answers

How could I ping my docker container from my host

I have created a ubuntu docker container on my mac CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 5d993a622d23 ubuntu "/bin/bash" 42 minutes ago Up ...
Neil's user avatar
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58 votes
6 answers

Is there a way to determine the size of a docker volume on my macOS machine?

I'm aware of docker volume ls and docker inspect -s, but the former doesn't show size info and the latter, even though it has a --size option, ignores it for volumes. Is there something I'm missing?
Bonifacio2's user avatar
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58 votes
5 answers

Couldn't connect to Docker daemon on Mac OS X

I would like to run multi-container application using docker-compose on Mac OS X El Capitan (v10.11.2). However, the command $ docker-compose up command complains that it can't connect to the Docker ...
ndequeker's user avatar
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57 votes
8 answers

How to add bash command completion for Docker on Mac OS X?

I am running docker and I want bash command completion for docker commands and parameters.
Michael_Scharf's user avatar
55 votes
6 answers

How do I uninstall docker-compose?

I installed docker-compose by following the official documentation: Now I want to uninstall docker-compose. $ docker-compose -h offers no command for ...
mycargus's user avatar
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54 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to clean docker build cache?

I am running a lot of builds using Docker in MacOS. Eventually, a lot of build cache is accumulating, e.g. this is what I see in docker system df: YPE TOTAL ACTIVE SIZE ...
StasM's user avatar
  • 10.8k
53 votes
6 answers

How can I upgrade Docker on a Mac? [closed]

I tried just 'docker-machine upgrade' and that did some work but I don't seem to have the latest CLI. If I do 'docker version' I get: Client: Version: 1.8.2 API version: 1.20 Go version: ...
Greg's user avatar
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50 votes
2 answers

open /Users/[user]/.docker/buildx/current: permission denied on macbook?

I ran the command docker compose up --build and it ran normally, then I tried to run it with sudo once. and since then if I don't use sudo I get this error: open /Users/[user]/.docker/buildx/current: ...
Blank's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

how to fix "OperationalError: (psycopg2.OperationalError) server closed the connection unexpectedly"

Services My service based on flask + postgresql + gunicorn + supervisor + nginx When deploying by docker, after running the service, then accessing the api, sometimes it told the error message, and ...
junxian diao's user avatar
49 votes
1 answer

Why can't you install docker natively in osx?

I would love to be able to use docker outside of Vagrant in OSX. Right now this is not possible. What are the specific reasons causing it not to be limited for linux installations only?
Mihai Oprea's user avatar
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47 votes
2 answers

Getting message about docker wanting to create symlink every time I start Mac

(Almost) every time I start up my Mac, I get the the following message: Docker Desktop wants to create /var/run/docker.sock symlink. Touch ID or enter your password to allow this. Anybody knows how ...
Sameh's user avatar
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46 votes
4 answers

Docker image running a Mac OS X installation

I am using Docker for Mac and wish to create Docker image running a Mac El Capitan with my development env. I am not finding any resources on this. All I see is Linux installations. On Linux I saw ...
Vik's user avatar
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44 votes
6 answers

Docker socket is not found while using Intellij IDEA and Docker desktop on MacOS

I downloaded Docker using Docker Desktop for Apple M1 chips. I can run containers, the integration with VsCode works okay but I can't integrate it with Intellij IDEA Ultimate. It keeps giving this ...
dense8's user avatar
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41 votes
6 answers

Docker/Boot2Docker: Set HTTP/HTTPS proxies for docker on OS X

In short: How can I set the HTTP/HTTPS proxies for Docker on Mac OS X? In detail: I run Docker (1.12) on Mac OS X behind a proxy. I followed the installation instructions and installed ...
rrhrg's user avatar
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39 votes
7 answers

docker-compose command not available for mac

I installed docker with the instructions here, downloading from docker-hub But when I run docker-compose I get this error pyenv: docker-compose: ...
naamadheya's user avatar
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39 votes
4 answers

Docker deamon config path under mac os

I am using docker in Version 1.12.0 (build 10871) on Mac OS (El Capitan 10.11.4) and I want to provide a config file for the docker daemon. Under Ubuntu you place the config under /etc/default/docker ...
Erik's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

Connecting to mongo docker container from host

I'm running Docker on OS X with: docker run --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -v ./data/db:/data/db -d mongo mongod and using the ip I get from: docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' ...
ggeise's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

"exec format error" when running containers build with Apple M1 Chip (ARM based systems)

Expected behavior: I can run a container I've built using an Apple M1 chip. Observed behavior: Assuming you have a Google Cloud Run account and can push Docker images to Google Container Registry. I'm ...
seenickcode's user avatar
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37 votes
9 answers

Docker machine timeout - how to fix without destroying the machine?

I'm having a recurring problem with Docker Machine - every few days it decides to timeout and I am unable to recover it once this happens. Example docker-machine ls NAME ACTIVE DRIVER ...
Josh Cole's user avatar
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