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342 votes
12 answers

What languages are Windows, Mac OS X and Linux written in?

I was just wondering who knows what programming languages Windows, Mac OS X and Linux are made up from and what languages are used for each part of the OS (ie: Kernel, plug-in architecture, GUI ...
Brock Woolf's user avatar
  • 47.1k
287 votes
25 answers

Error: ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH. You must fulfill at least one of these conditions.

I'm trying to install PhoneGap and I'm getting the following error: Error: ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH. You must fulfill at least one of these conditions. ...
rrvasanth's user avatar
  • 2,901
189 votes
17 answers

Open document with default OS application in Python, both in Windows and Mac OS

I need to be able to open a document using its default application in Windows and Mac OS. Basically, I want to do the same thing that happens when you double-click on the document icon in Explorer or ...
Abdullah Jibaly's user avatar
155 votes
24 answers

High CPU usage with Android emulator (qemu-system-i386.exe)

The emulator qemu-system-i386.exe cpu usage almost constantly running between 7~9 Android studio 2.1 Android SDK Tools: 25.1.3 Host Operating System: Windows 7 - i7 2630QM - 8GB Ram Intel x86 Atom ...
skystar7's user avatar
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153 votes
12 answers

Converting newline formatting from Mac to Windows

I need a conversion utility/script that will convert a .sql dump file generated on Mac to one readable on Windows. This is a continuation of a problem I had here. The issue seems to be with newline ...
Yarin's user avatar
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151 votes
15 answers

Which encoding opens CSV files correctly with Excel on both Mac and Windows?

We have a web app that exports CSV files containing foreign characters with UTF-8, no BOM. Both Windows and Mac users get garbage characters in Excel. I tried converting to UTF-8 with BOM; Excel/Win ...
Timm's user avatar
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123 votes
3 answers

How to make VSCode editor stop scrolling past bottom of a file?

In the VSCode editor when you pull the scroll bar down to the bottom of the file, all you see is a blank page, since the text has scrolled up past the top of the text editor window. This makes ...
dmorrow's user avatar
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101 votes
3 answers

How to use Libraries

For some reason I'm never able to use external libraries in any language. I'm looking for instructions/explanations of how to use external libraries, as well as how they work. When I search online, I ...
sinθ's user avatar
  • 11.3k
90 votes
7 answers

Shared folder between MacOSX and Windows on Virtual Box

I need to set up shared folder. I've got Mac OSX Yosemite host and clean Win7 x64 on the VirtualBox. In MacOSX, i go to the VirtualBox -> win7 settings -> "Shared Folders" -> Add shared folder -> ...
ServerSideCat's user avatar
77 votes
12 answers

Cross-platform space remaining on volume using python

I need a way to determine the space remaining on a disk volume using python on linux, Windows and OS X. I'm currently parsing the output of the various system calls (df, dir) to accomplish this - is ...
user avatar
66 votes
14 answers

What's a good way to uniquely identify a computer?

I'm developing some desktop software for a client to resell. The client wants to restrict the software so that the registration code will be specific to one and only one computer. Besides using the ...
Paul Lefebvre's user avatar
64 votes
4 answers

Discovery of Dynamic library dependency on Mac OS & Linux

On Windows there is a tool Depends.exe to discover dependency of an EXE/DLL file on other DDLs. Which commandline tool is equivalent on Mac OS and Linux?
Viet's user avatar
  • 18.2k
62 votes
15 answers

How can I increase the key repeat rate beyond the OS's limit?

I have a bad habit of using the cursor keys of my keyboard to navigate source code. It's something I've done for 15 years and this of course means that my navigating speed is limited by the speed of ...
Frank Krueger's user avatar
54 votes
14 answers

How to Detect the Number of Physical Processors / Cores on Windows, Mac and Linux

I have a multi threaded c++ application that runs on Windows, Mac and a few Linux flavors. To make a long story short: In order for it to run at maximum efficiency, I have to be able to instantiate ...
HTASSCPP's user avatar
  • 619
49 votes
11 answers

Is there a good (visual) Git tool for Mac OS X or Windows? [closed]

I'm looking at porting my projects to Git from SVN (I'm convinced that Git is worth the move) and I'm trying to come up with a set of tools to use for the project. I've googled around for some tools ...
Malaxeur's user avatar
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45 votes
5 answers

How to build a SystemTray app for Windows?

I usually work on a Linux system, but I have a situation where I need to write a client app that would run on windows as a service. Can someone help me or direct, on how to build a system tray app (...
Zakiullah Khan's user avatar
44 votes
4 answers

Clang C++ Cross Compiler - Generating Windows Executable from Mac OS X

I have created a C++ application using Xcode on my Mac using the Clang compiler. I want to compile my source files to create an executable that can be ran on a windows machine however I cant get ...
gavlaaaaaaaa's user avatar
41 votes
5 answers

Handling \r\n vs \n newlines in python on Mac vs Windows

I have a python script that gave different output when run on a Windows machine and when run on a Mac. On digging deeper, I discovered that it was because when Python read in line breaks on the Mac (...
wrongusername's user avatar
40 votes
6 answers

How does Dropbox use Python on Windows and OS X?

In Windows the Dropbox client uses python25.dll and the MS C runtime libraries (msvcp71.dll, etc). On OS X the Python code is compiled bytecode (pyc). My guess is they are using a common library they ...
robotshapes's user avatar
38 votes
2 answers

How to make Travis CI test package for Linux, OS X, Windows?

Is there a way to tell Travis CI (or another continuous integration service) to test the package on different operating systems? Working with the filesystem, and it would be great to double-check it'...
AJcodez's user avatar
  • 33.3k
37 votes
5 answers

cross platform "rm" command

I currently have the following script in my package.json for deleting all ".js" files in my bundles folder for when I run "npm run build". It works fine when running it in dev servers but breaks when ...
jaimefps's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

How can I run a docker windows container on osx?

I'm running docker for mac and want to start up a windows container. From what I see this should work via a virtual machine. But I'm unclear where to find out how to get it to work? Or does it only ...
Chip's user avatar
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33 votes
18 answers

How do you keep the machine awake?

I have a piece of server-ish software written in Java to run on Windows and OS X. (It is not running on a server, but just a normal user's PC - something like a torrent client.) I would like the ...
Frank Krueger's user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

How do you support a Gradle Exec task for both Mac and PC?

Is there a way to be able to execute a task on both Windows and Mac if the commands take a different form? For example: task stopTomcat(type:Exec) { // use this command line if on Windows ...
Ken's user avatar
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32 votes
1 answer

How to make Windows key the IntelliJ IDEA Command/Meta key under Windows?

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 14 under OS X, Windows and Ubuntu for several months, found that the keymap Mac OS X 10.5+ is more suitable for me and want to keep same experience under all platforms. OS X ...
zhaown's user avatar
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32 votes
2 answers

Mac alternative to SQL server management studio? [closed]

I am on Windows so SQL server management studio works fine for me. However, my application is hosted and my client needs to make some entries in DB and he has Mac. How can we get over this issue? Is ...
Jack's user avatar
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31 votes
10 answers

iPhone SDK on Windows (alternative solutions)

I know there is no official SDK for Windows, which is very annoying. Is there any way to develop applications on a Windows computer, other than somehow running a Mac OS in VMware? I know you can do it ...
Cyclone's user avatar
  • 18.2k
30 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use the Go compiler to distribute a executable file for other os?

I am currently working on Mac OS X, now I need to build a .exe file so that the Go program can run on windows. So here is the question, how to build a executable file for Win X86 under MacOS amd64 ? ...
Gizak's user avatar
  • 864
29 votes
12 answers

Logo programming language implementations [closed]

The "joke" question Joel asked during podcast #58 made me all nostalgic for Logo, which was the second language I ever programmed in, after Basic, and which is why I never had any trouble ...
Nathan Fellman's user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

Window move and resize APIs in OS X

I'm trying to find documented (or, undocumented, if that's my only option) APIs on OS X to query a list of windows from the window server and then cause the windows to move and resize. Can anyone ...
Le Dude's user avatar
  • 547
26 votes
11 answers

Differences between Safari for Windows and Safari for Mac

What are the differences from a developer point of view between Safari for Mac and Safari for Windows? I think it boils down to evaluate differences between (if I missed something, please correct): - ...
JB Hurteaux's user avatar
  • 4,508
26 votes
3 answers

How hard is it to get a Cocoa application to run on Windows?

In the wikipedia article on Cocoa it says: There are also open source implementations of major parts of the Cocoa framework that allows cross-platform (including Microsoft Windows) Cocoa ...
Sam Hasler's user avatar
  • 12.6k
24 votes
9 answers

Put a process in a sandbox where it can do least harm

I'm looking for the concept to spawn a process such that: it has only access to certain libraries/APIs it cannot acess the file system or only specific parts it can do least harm should malicious ...
23 votes
6 answers

What is the universal newline for all operating systems? (LF and CR)

When I write a file using Delphi it's on a Windows machine and the text files it puts out work fine on windows. When I use it on a Mac though it's expecting the formatting to be a bit different. On ...
Daisetsu's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

React on global hotkey in a Java program on Windows/Linux/Mac?

A Java6 application sits in the system tray. It needs to be activated using a hotkey (e.g. Super-G or Ctrl-Shift-L etc) and do something (e.g. showing an input box). How do I do that on: Windows (XP ...
user avatar
23 votes
7 answers

Cross Platform Desktop Application - Windows+Mac+Linux [closed]

I'm building an application for multiple desktop platforms: Windows, Mac, and maybe later for Linux. I was wondering which programming language and IDE combination would be the best for me: ...
user avatar
23 votes
5 answers

Safe String Functions In Mac OS X and Linux

are there are equivalent secure string functions in Mac OSX and Linux just like the ones in Windows (strcpy_s,strncpy_s..etc) ? What about functions that convert between multi-byte and wide ...
Orca's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

How to bundle Java application for Mac/Windows?

I have a Java .jar application that I want to distribute to my clients who are on Macs or Windows. I want to use a tool that takes my jar file and wraps it in a .dmg and a .exe wrapper for Macs and ...
pathikrit's user avatar
  • 33.4k
22 votes
2 answers

What is a reliable way of getting allowed locale names in R?

I'm trying to find a reliable way of finding locale codes to pass to Sys.setlocale. The ?Sys.setlocale help page just states that the allowed values are OS dependent, and gives these examples: Sys....
Richie Cotton's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

SDL 2.0: Create window in main thread, but do all rendering in separate one

This is my current setup: I'm doing OpenGL rendering using SDL (currently on Linux). I initialize SDL (SDL_Init) and create the application window (SDL_CreateWindow) in the main thread and pass it to ...
Ancurio's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Can developers use iCloud in Windows apps?

Developers can use Apple’s iCloud APIs to sync app data between different versions of their app on Mac OS X and iOS. If a developer has a Windows version of their app, can this version also use ...
Paul D. Waite's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Integrate an option to explorer context menu with Electron

I'm building an app which should be integrated through an option in the context menu of Windows explorer and Mac finder. I couldn't find a relevant option in Electron's documentation. For example, ...
Mouli's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

What happens to mmaped file if process crashes?

This may have a different answer between OSX, Windows and Linux. If the process crashes, will dirtied pages from the mmap be discarded or written out eventually by the OS, assuming it does not crash? ...
Eloff's user avatar
  • 21.4k
18 votes
1 answer

Is an entire static program loaded into memory when launched?

On typical computers like Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, etc., when a user launches a program/binary/app, is the static portion of the program always loaded entirely into memory before execution starts? ...
Synthetix's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

installing libicu-dev on mac

how do i install libicu-dev on mac. This is the instruction recommended on the documentation sudo apt-get install python-numpy libicu-dev ...
aceminer's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

How to obtain case-exact path of a file in Node.js on Windows?

I have a path, let's say C:\temp\something.js and I want to get case-exact version of the path on Windows - so if there is C:\Temp\someThing.js stored on disk, I would like to get this value (path). ...
MartyIX's user avatar
  • 28.4k
17 votes
3 answers

Swift coding in visual studio code

Is there any possibility to write swift code and preview in Visual Studio Code (windows coding app)? I see in the guide for swift coding that requires ios system but i have just windows for the moment....
P. Alexandru's user avatar
17 votes
7 answers

iOS development on Windows [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine? I've read a lot of questions and answers about developing iOS apps on Windows: iPhone development on Windows ...
Jose Adrian's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Running a .NET Core Console Application on Mac or Windows

I've created a .NET Core console application. I want to build the app so that I can execute it on Windows or MacOS without dotnet core being installed on the machine. So I need e.g. for windows an exe....
dknaack's user avatar
  • 60.1k
17 votes
2 answers

License Generation for Electron-based apps [closed]

OK, so I'm experimenting a bit with Electron (formerly Atom Shell) and trying to see how this could work in a real app. Now, given that the app is going to be commercial, I'll also have to think of ...
Dr.Kameleon's user avatar
  • 22.8k

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