Firebase SDK Version: Unity 12.1.0 Xcode Version: 15.4 Installation Method: CocoaPods Firebase Product: Remote Config Targeted Platform: iOS

Issue: I got an error: Module 'FirebaseRemoteConfigInterop' not found. I build the game in Unity and open it in Xcode. I ran pod install --repo-update in the game build folder.


•   [This is Podfile in my project](https://i.sstatic.net/gGyj70Iz.png)
•   [This is my problem](https://i.sstatic.net/fTFp1Z6t.png)
•   [This is pods folder in my project](https://i.sstatic.net/2fPLebFM.png)

Attempts to Fix: I tried cleaning the build folder, reinstalling pods, and reimporting the Remote Config in the Unity project, but I still got this error.

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