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57 votes
4 answers

How to build a docker image from a nodejs project in a monorepo with yarn workspaces

We are currently looking into CI/CD with our team for our website. We recently also adapted to a monorepo structure as this keeps our dependencies and overview a lot easier. Currently testing etc is ...
33Fraise33's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Should a developer be able to create a docker artifact from a lerna monorepo in their development environment?

I've recently started using lerna to manage a monorepo, and in development it works fine. Lerna creates symlinks between my various packages, and so tools like 'tsc --watch' or nodemon work fine for ...
dwjohnston's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Bazel - Build, Push, Deploy Docker Containers to Kubernetes within Monorepo

I have a monorepo with some backend (Node.js) and frontend (Angular) services. Currently my deployment process looks like this: Check if tests pass Build docker images for my services Push docker ...
Florian Ludewig's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How to set Docker Compose `env_file` relative to `.yml` file when multiple `--file` option is used?

I am trying to set my env_file configuration to be relative to each of the multiple docker-compose.yml file locations instead of relative to the first docker-compose.yml. The documentation (https://...
Zhao Li's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to run NestJs app in Docker using nx/monorepo

I have this Nrwl monorepo with a couple of apps. One of it is a NestJs app, which runs fine as long as I do everything inside my Monorepo. However, I need to run my NestJS app inside a Docker ...
Jeanluca Scaljeri's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Bazel Monorepo - How Rebuild and Publish only Changed Docker Images?

Objective I have a monorepo setup with a growing number of services services. When I deploy the application I run a command and every service will be rebuilt and the final Docker images will be ...
Florian Ludewig's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

ddev mount additional folders for shared composer packages

Having a monorepo with multiple ddev projects and a shared composer packages folder, I would like to mount additional folders into the webcontainers. I am trying to develop a set of TYPO3 extensions ...
ksjogo's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Dealing with Docker images in a Javascript/Typescript monorepo with unpublished packages

I've been trying to find a clear answer to this problem, but unfortunately I haven't been able to. There are two similar SO questions that touch on this subject, Should a developer be able to create a ...
McFlurriez's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Google cloud build, referencing parent folder in a monorepo

We have a monorepo setup in which each folder has a typescript / node service. There is also a shared /types folder which we pull into each project using typescript project references. Since you ...
dendog's user avatar
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1 answer

How to build Nx monorepo apps in Gitlab CI Runner

I am trying to have a gitlab CI that performs the following actions: Install yarn dependencies and cache them in order to don't have to yarn install in every jobs Test all of my modified apps with ...
antonyftp's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

yarn: install local package from monorepo and use it inside docker image with offline cache

My folder structure looks like this (monorepo): project | +--- /api | | | +--- /.offline-cache | +--- /src | | +--- index.js | | +--- ... | | | +--- Dockerfile | +--- ...
Philipp Kyeck's user avatar
5 votes
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How to share node_modules between multiple docker containers in a monorepo, built with docker compose?

I have a monorepo project like this: root --package.json --node_modules --packages ----packageA (frontend) ------node_modules ------package.json ------Dockerfile ----packageB (backend) ------...
Bence Mányoki's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Docker builds for a monorepo environment

Basically, both services foo and bar depend on a common library. Let's assume that the common package has already been published to the npm registry. | ├── packages | ├── common | | ├── src | ...
JeffMinsungKim's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

PNPM monorepo deployment with docker compose

I currently have a monorepo which has the following structure: . ├── services/ │ └── api/ │ ├── src/ │ │ └── ... │ └── Dockerfile ├── apps/ │ └── frontend ├── packages/ │ └── ...
Sebastiaan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to dockerize nx monorepo which has a shared package.json on root?

I have an Nx Monorepo project which includes one frontend-next project, one gateway microservice and four microservices. They are sharing the same package.json. I am struggling with dockerizing them. ...
ögeday öztoprak's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to build a NestJs api from a mono repository

I am working on a project where we are storing our code in a monorepo that is "managed" by nrwl. The repo contains a couple angular apps and a couple nestjs apis. Now we want to dockerize the apis to ...
Woozar's user avatar
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3 answers

Getting Error : NX Failed to create directory: /app/node_modules/.cache/nx while creating Docker Image

I was trying to dockerize the monorepo with NX, NEXTJS and "NESTJS app, Tried the below Dockerfile.frontend - # Install deps and build the source code only when needed FROM node:lts-alpine AS ...
CandleCoder's user avatar
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Dockerize a Typescript MERN monorepo that uses pnpm workspaces

I have a project with the following folder structure, it's a typescript monorepo that has two apps (client and api) and a shared library (shared), both the backend and the frontend depend on the ...
Ismail_Aj's user avatar
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Dockerize a monorepo - node, react, nestjs and workspaces

I'm just starting to get into docker and I want to setup a monorepo with workspaces which I can use as a base for new development ideas of mine. So I already setup a working monorepo with node, react, ...
septimus's user avatar
2 votes
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Best practice for building Docker image in Go multi-module workspace?

I have a Go multi-module workspace, following the official guide. It's really nice since it allows different apps or services to share common libraries/utils without having to publish it. The current ...
hskris's user avatar
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Does Docker Compose Conflict with Turborepo Pipelines?

I have a turbo monorepo that I want to perform end-to-end tests on in a CI environment. All of my applications are containerized and some external services are hosted by container during development ...
minnow's user avatar
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how to build only a docker image with code changes in Codebuild to send to ecr

I am working with a bitbucket monorepository that sends the code to codebuild and there I create the docker images and then send them to the ECR, what I want is that only the images that have modified ...
Aldo Matus's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Lerna monorepo publish docker images instead of npm packages

I'm currently moving my backend from polyrepo or multirepo to a monorepo. I've successfully moved the shared packages into the Lerna monorepo, now it's time for microservices. My project structure is ...
Yurgen's user avatar
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Monorepo Shared Package not Found when Running Docker-Compose

I have a monorepo set up with lerna and yarn workspaces. Everything is written in typescript and compiled into javascript. But there is an issue with sharing packages when running the monorepo via ...
Florian Ludewig's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to install python package into a docker service inside of a monorepo

I have a monorepo setup such as the following: /serviceA /serviceB /packageA /packageB I would like to install packageA inside of serviceA, which is docker container with a python service inside. ...
dendog's user avatar
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How to set up docker compose with monorepo structure

Looking for some help setting up docker-compose for my monorepo project. I have a monorepo that has all of the code for my project, I'd like to set up two containers, one for the db and another for ...
coops22's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use "Add Dockerfile" for a solution which uses ProjectReferences?

I have a mono repo with some common library projects and some WebApi projects. Monorepo/ ├── WebApiSolution/ │ ├── WebApiSolution.sln │ └── WebApiProject/ │ ├── WebApiProject.csproj │ └...
koalabruder's user avatar
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1 answer

Dockerfile - get contents of the root directory

I'm building images of multiple services from docker-compose.yml. For eg if there are 3 services a,b & c and there are changes in service a folder, the image would be built using the command ...
boomchickawawa's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a way to share Dockerfile operations across a monorepo

So I've got a application that consists of lets say 4 APIs and a Frontend, all saved on a monorepo. Everything is setup with docker, every Service has its own Dockerfile. The file structure would look ...
Alan's user avatar
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Back-end typescript in monorepo: how to get dependencies for docker?

I have a project in a yarn-workspaces monorepo, containing front-end, back-end, and common packages. All in typescript. Building and running the front end is fine; it uses webpack to create a dist/ ...
GaryO's user avatar
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Why does npm not run prepublishOnly in docker?

When developing a monorepo tool (yamrt) designed to publish npm packages in a ci/cd environment, prepublishOnly scripts were not being run in some runners. All tests are passing in circleci image ...
Gudlaugur Egilsson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

GitLab CI build multiple dockers + test end-to-end

I want to build and test multiple dockers from one repo in GitLab. This monorepo holds a few microservices that work together. We have have a working docker compose up to aid local dev, so thats a ...
Barry Staes's user avatar
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i want to create one docker file for next.js monorepo

this is my project structure in monorepo and i have dist folder after build project-3. i created docker file for project-3 , but it is too large so what is solution for decrease size of docker file in ...
Parth Solanki's user avatar
1 vote
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Internal Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/nonexistent'

I have to dockerize a turborepo which has apps that include api and web I have followed the below example Dockerfile web FROM node:18 AS ...
chaso's user avatar
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0 answers

Can I use lambda with monorepo and use the internal packages with pnpm?

I have a monorepo that looks like so: monorepo ├── Dockerfile ├── ├── apps │ ├── lambda-app-1 │ ├── index.js ├── node_modules ├── package.json ├── packages │ ├── package-1 ├── pnpm-...
eliezra236's user avatar
1 vote
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Nginx, Docker and Nx Monorepo with one port - 502 Gateway

i have problem with setup my nginx. I was able to start all "apps/" modules inside docker. But reverse proxy still doesn't work as expected. Story: Nx directories: / apps / test-1 (Nuxt) ...
Nienormalny_'s user avatar
1 vote
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Deploying a go service from a monorepo of shared modules

I recently merged multiple go services into a monorepo with shared libraries which looks like this: root ├── services │ ├── svc1 │ │ ├── main.go │ │ ├── go.mod │ │ └── Dockerfile │ ...
abh1sheke's user avatar
1 vote
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How to build docker image for monorepo with nextjs?

I use npm to build in Jenkins and in Skaffold : build: artifacts: - image: docker : dockerFile kaniko: buildContext: ...
Smart Coder's user avatar
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Why my Dockerfile for NextJS app very slow when building image and has huge size

I've NX monorepo with a NextJS web-app. It's s very simple, just one page with "hello world", with no assets and images. I've made a Dockerfile for my webapp, below is my Dockerfile, and ...
Sergo's user avatar
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Docker microservice monorepo CI/CD in Azure Pipelines

How to architect Azure Pipelines for CI/CD for a MonoRepo consisting of separate micro-services (.NET Core back-end APIs) each with their own Dockerfile, that all use a common library? The current ...
user210757's user avatar
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Docker /dist output not mounted into host directory

I have recently added Docker to my javascript monorepo to build and serve a particular package. Everything is working great, however I did not succeed to make the contents under ./packages/common/dist ...
Albrow's user avatar
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How can I Use Arguments in a Dockerfile with Yarn Workspaces (with CMD)?

I'm trying to configure a Dockerfile that will: Use arguments in the CMD block Work with yarn workspaces for a monorepo Use that argument to specify a folder in the monorepo to 'start' Currently, ...
hjfitz's user avatar
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Docker container slow to start monorepo apps

When I run docker-compose to build a monorepo of Angular and Nest applications through NX, the build is fast but the containers run really slowly. But if I run those applications straight on my mac, ...
Amar's user avatar
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3 answers

CloudRun cold start issue and 429 Rate exceeded error

We have a nodejs monorepo project with >179 packages where each package may have >30 files. It also contains proxy with routing and several forked processes (as usual). So, when we packed all of ...
Anton Komarov's user avatar
0 votes
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Docker port mapping not working for a react mono-repo

I am trying to run a mono repo application with following Docker FROM node:16-alpine3.15 # Creating destination workspace folder to copy into WORKDIR /app # Copy all files from src to dest inside /...
Ankit Tanna's user avatar
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Docker buildx - Select specific nodes for build monorepo support

We are using a K8s development tool called Tilt ( which builds dev images of a stack with a ton of microservices and allows live reloading, etc. I have deployed remote builder pods ...
Zfalen's user avatar
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Turborepo / Lamda / Dockerfile - Error Not Finding Internal Package

I have a monorepo using Turborepo that has a Lambda function that depends on an internal package. Basically, something like the following structure... The service is "resize" and it depends ...
Kevin's user avatar
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No module named 'dotenv' inside Docker container when building monorepo project with Turborepo

I am encountering an issue while building a monorepo project using "Turborepo." The specific problem arises when attempting to build a Docker container for a Python app named "sync-...
Roni Jack Vituli's user avatar
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How to bundle my monorepo poetry subproject into an executable?

I have a monorepo with multiple poetry projects. They may depend on each other with the usual path dependencies of poetry (i.e {path='../some-lib',develop=true}). During development everything works ...
caeus's user avatar
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How to run Docker using shared packages?

Firstly, the development environment is as follows: Using Yarn Berry for zero-installation Managing a monorepo with Nx The folder structure looks like this. Given such interdependent monorepos, how ...
Lee Doyu's user avatar