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Questions tagged [monorepo]

A monorepo is a single repository containing more than one project (in contrast to the single-repository-per-project approach).

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Deploying express api from monorepo failing on render

I am trying to deploy my express backend on render as a web service from a mono repo (github link of repo : GitHub - kartik-chausali/code-arena-turbo) this backend uses different modules which i ...
Kartik Chausali's user avatar
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Trouble setting up a shared component (in a different package) for 1 or more React Native Apps

I am running into trouble with a React Native app. Right now I have this file structure: Outer Folder Packages ----ReactNativeApp1 --------All standard files for React Native App ----shared (Folder ...
Justin Hughes's user avatar
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How can I keep standalone lockfiles working in a mono-repo managed by Yarn?

I'm using a monorepo with Yarn workspaces as a means to manage a dozen or so WordPress plugins. Each plugin needs to be able to build (webpack) and deploy independently. The issue happens occasionally ...
m_i_rite's user avatar
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nx monopero + react native error Metro Cannot resolve fs

I use NX monorepo with Next.js and React Ntive. And using shared-lib. I am getting an error from metro when trying to use something from shared-lib im my application. For example import SVG or ...
IncognitoUser's user avatar
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Vitest fails when testing a typescript file

So I have a monorepo with a package called "types". In this package I have installed vitest and I want to test this file: src/marketplaces.ts import { z } from 'zod'; export const ...
Christian's user avatar
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How to know function call came from which application in angular monorepo nx?

In monorepo nx angular application I have 2 application A & B and a common shared component C. I've inserted C in both application using components app selector. I want to know apart from URL is ...
Alok Agase's user avatar
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How to Resolve Tailwind CSS Specificity Issues in a Turborepo with Module Federation?

I have a project setup using Turborepo with the following structure: apps/ ├── layout ├── app1 ├── app2 ├── app3 packages/ ├── ui ├── tailwind-config ├── eslint-config ├── other-configs The apps/ ...
incmak's user avatar
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Is there a way to configure Nx to always run tasks from the project root rather than workspace root?

I have a mixed repo with some non-JS projects that use make for running tasks. I am integrating these into an Nx monorepo by simply defining the tasks in each project.json using the generic nx:run-...
amnesia's user avatar
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NX - Monorepo - migrating outside NX for purpose of open-sourcing non-application projects, while retaining dev experience

I've been using NX monorepo at work and for personal projects for about 2 years and I am still very happy with it. I would soon like to release a few libraries like testing tools, templating library, ...
Jarek's user avatar
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pnpm align dependency versions across packages in monorepo

I'm building an extension for Prisma, and I've put two workspaces into a monorepo, one for the package itself, and one for development testing: /package.json /pnpm-workspace.yaml /package/package.json ...
philolegein's user avatar
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How to handle global monorepo dependencies when publishing to npm?

Imagine the following monorepo structure: - package.json // Root level package.json with global `lodash` dependency - packages - packageA - package.json // Uses global `lodash` but it is not ...
CMTV's user avatar
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Migrate Express Backend and React Native Frontend to Monorepo for TRPC

I have a node.js Express (Typescript) backend. I also have a React Native frontend. These exist in separate repos. I want to use TRPC: to achieve end to end type safety. To my ...
713sean's user avatar
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TS unable to locate module when entry is in a higher-level directory than module's package.json

I'm setting up a TS monorepo, the structure looks like this: /apps /web /libs /hello /dist What I'm trying to accomplish is have all of the libraries build their output to the root-level dist ...
amnesia's user avatar
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"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" error when using TypeScript project references

I'm trying to implement TypeScript's project references to be able import code from a common package between my application's services. This is how the tsconfig.json of the shared package (...
Viriato's user avatar
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avoiding barrel files in a typescript monorepo bundled with vite

Popular wisdom and guidance advise avoiding barrel files, but I am struggling to do so without using wild cards in tsconfig paths and package.json exports. I have a monorepo that has a tsconfig-base....
dagda1's user avatar
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Error: Cannot find module 'metro/src/lib/TerminalReporter' when building Expo app in a monorepo

I am encountering an issue when trying to build my Expo app using npx expo run:ios in a Turborepo monorepo setup. The error message I receive is: Error: Cannot find module 'metro/src/lib/...
Adam Sucharda's user avatar
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How to set up an nx workspace with angular 14

I am trying to migrate to an nx workspace. I have 2 apps and 2 libraries all using angular version 14. I am currently locked into this angular version as I am using ionic 5. I've tried multiple ways ...
kdrtibor's user avatar
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Monorepo architecture is not working for react@18 version. Showing blank page

I am working on monorepo architecture (using turborepo) where in monorepo folder there is react-student folder and angular-trainer folder. In react-student folder there is dockerfile to run react on ...
NRA 1's user avatar
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`RollupError: [commonjs--resolver] Expression expected` when building the project in Vite

I have a project that includes a React Native project and a Vite (React Native Web) project in a monorepo using pnpm. When I build the Vite project, I am getting the error: error during build: ...
Bruce Z's user avatar
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Turborepo / Lamda / Dockerfile - Error Not Finding Internal Package

I have a monorepo using Turborepo that has a Lambda function that depends on an internal package. Basically, something like the following structure... The service is "resize" and it depends ...
Kevin's user avatar
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how to import apps in packages - turbo monorepo

I'm trying to import some backend methods apps/backend/... into my packages/graphql because my graphql resolvers actualy calls backend routes, but I can't seem to see how in turbo monorepo ...
hugo_HDSF's user avatar
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How to debug a yarn workspaces webpack based TypeScript monorepo in WebStorm

Given a yarn workspaces with an app and multiple libraries all built with webpack 5, how do I debug with WebStorm or IntelliJ so that I can hit a breakpoint in a library? I'm hosting with webpack-dev-...
Novaterata's user avatar
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Can I enforce pull requests on a repo subtree?

I have a monorepo on github where I would like to enforce pull requests just in a few subtrees (corresponding to a subset of the modules contained in the monorepo). I tried to create a ruleset on ...
vaudeville's user avatar
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Nodejs Monorepo with Azure Functions fails at runtime for func start

I have a nodejs typescript monorepo set up in the below structure libraries/ lib1/ lib2/ package.json tsconfig.json web-api/ function1/ function.json index.ts function2/ ...
Norrec's user avatar
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Error on app launching using eas build in monorepo

I'm struggling a lot to figure out why do my application fails on iOS. I have a monorepo with the following architecture: - apps/ - app1/ - package.json - eas.json - src/ - ... - ...
Aniketos's user avatar
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Maintain different Angular Versions in one pnpm Workspace

Currently, I am working on a demo, setting up a Micro Frontend Environment with Angular 16 and Angular 17 apps. I am trying to set these apps up in one workspace:
Gregor Woiwode's user avatar
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Issue where Rollup is running against imported dependencies which are projects in a monorepo

I am trying to implement Rollup and Typescript for a monorepo. I am running into a problem where I am getting Typescript issues from dependancies which they themselves are projects within the monorepo....
CodeMedic42's user avatar
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Nest JS in a monorepo can't find main module

I have a monorepo setup with turborepo that includes a commons library with shared code, a react web app and and NestJS app. My NestJS app use some code from the library and I added paths in the ...
FabienCH's user avatar
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When using Rush.js, How do you get a published package to update when a non-published dependency has changed?

I'm using rush with npm and have monorepo with Package A which is published (privately) and Package B which is not. Package B is a dependency of Package A but I compile them into a single file using ...
Tom Benyon's user avatar
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Is there a way to show nature change only via `nx show projects --affected`

I am using nx to manage a monorepo and one of the feature offered from nx is nx show projects --affected which gives me the affected apps based on the change I made in a PR. For example, if there are ...
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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Correctly construct a monorepo library including typescript

I've written a library for connecting to a third-party API and providing convenience wrappers around it's functions:
Queenvictoria's user avatar
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How to start using the debugger in IntelliJ IDEA

I'm in the process of switching over from VS Code and I am having issue starting the debugger. I'm clicking on the green play button next to my npm script and pressed on the debugger option. The ...
Chun Chan 's user avatar
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How to do an incremental migration from a multirepo to a monorepo with yarn workspaces?

I have a multirepo project. It has an "app" repository that has multiple dependencies. These other dependencies have dependencies themselves. I would like to migrate from a multirepo to a ...
Prinny's user avatar
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nx mono repo Daemon process terminated and closed the connection

while the running the nx test it show this error "Daemon process terminated and closed the connection Please rerun the command, which will restart the daemon. If you get this error again, check ...
user25270637's user avatar
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Nx monorepo build pulling in packages from other folders

I have a typescript monorepo using nx. I have a /frontends folder and a /services folder each with a couple of project folders, and the build all works correctly. I use TypeScript and node 20. I use ...
Kris White's user avatar
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How to solve cache problems with npm workspaces and Vite in a monorepo

I'm using npm workspaces with Vite in a svelte project (using SvelteKit). The architecture of my project looks like this : - apps/ - project-a/ - package.json - vite.config.ts - ...
Pandorque's user avatar
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error: src/main.tsx: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes') Nx monorepo ios/ android app runtime error

I am creating an nx monorepo for react and react native app. Monorepo is setup successfully and building successfully on react/ios/android. On running, it is giving error. src/main.tsx: Cannot read ...
Gypsa's user avatar
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How to add shared components into React NX Monorepo?

I've created React NX monorepo using npx create-nx-workspace@latest, also added 2 simple projects inside. npx nx g @nrwl/react:app todo-list npx nx g @nrwl/react:app admin It's generated 2 apps ...
SnailCode's user avatar
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Injectable in monorepo. Bad state: GetIt: Object/factory with type Class is not registered inside GetIt. Only for certain package

I have monorepo. lib/ main.dart packages/ dashboard/ navigator/ lib/src/domain/ i_navigator.dart -> abstract class INavigator{...} nav.dart -> ...
Chris's user avatar
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PNPM Workspaces - how to activate some "hot reload" when changing packages?

I'm facing a bit of a challenge to configure a monorepo with pnpm workspaces. Saying I have the following structure: apps - application1 - application2 packages - @my-project/package1 - @my-...
napfernandes's user avatar
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Monorepo: cannot find module that is in root tsconfig paths + in current module's dependencies

My project structure is like this project/ packages/ common/ src/ *.ts package.json tsconfig.json main/ src/ main.ts package.json tsconfig....
Fayeure's user avatar
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Dripsy <> Expo 50

Dripsy is failing to compile on NextJS using Solito and Dripsy after upgrading to Expo 50 SDK This is the error: enter image description here Using external babel configuration from /Users/monafang/...
Mona Fang's user avatar
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Reactjs monorepo or what

In my react application, after the person logs in, we redirect to different subdomains according to the user type and these different subdomains contain different content. the part where the ...
Kerem Esen's user avatar
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Build monorepo with pnpm

I created a Typescript monorepo with pnpm. The source code available is available here to reproduce the problem . The monorepo contains a "shared" library and a "job" application. ...
jootl's user avatar
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Committing without passing Ruff checks

How can I commit to my branch while ignoring ruff errors. I am unable to commit with import errors for experimental code and it prevents me from checkpointing my code as I develop Tried to run git ...
Francis McCann's user avatar
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NX ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir ''

I use an NX monorepo, and I would like to build my frontend app. I get the following error: NX ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir ''. I found some similar questions, but mine differs, as ...
nabsabt's user avatar
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How to integrate AdonisJS + Angular in Nx Monorepo

everyone! I'd like to make a boilerplate ( front + back ), with Angular on the front and AdonisJS on the back, I've created my WorkSpace and added an Angular application (@nx/angular) , I'd like to ...
AzPogoDev's user avatar
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TypeScript: Exported types incomplete when using Prisma methods in TurboRepo

I'm encountering a TypeScript type inference issue in my TurboRepo setup, specifically when using Prisma methods within NestJS services. In the server package, I have an export.d.ts file that exports ...
KAVYA SHARMA's user avatar
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SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export' in typescript monorepo project

I am working on a microservice application with Nest.js in a pnpm monorepo workspace. I have a type package where I defined all the types of my project. When I try to use a type in my services, an ...
eliotfgn's user avatar
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Multiple distributions from single Python repository

I'm looking for a way to create multiple distribution package configurations from a single repository. For example, given my source layout: project/ |__src/ | |__a/ | | | | | b/ | | |__b....
jjkparker's user avatar
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