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Questions tagged [monorepo]

A monorepo is a single repository containing more than one project (in contrast to the single-repository-per-project approach).

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2 answers

How to specify path to build a package for azure-pipelines.yml in a Mono-Repo?

I have a monorepo with a folder structure like this: root ->packageA ->packageB ->packageC How can I alter the azure-pipelines.yml to build packageA I have tried altering the azure-pipelines.yml by ...
Kalahari's user avatar
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2 answers

TypeScript: Watch & compile multiple directories at the same time (monorepo)

I've been scouring the web for a solution, but haven't found anything worthwhile. Basically, I'm looking for a tool or some way to initiate TypeScript file Watching/Compiling in multiple directories ...
Fabis's user avatar
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How to setup turborepo with sveltekit and pnpm

I am trying to add Turborepo to my Svelte apps but looks like the npx create-turbo@latest command and also the examples currently only support NextJs. How can I configure it to work Svelte and ...
francis's user avatar
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How to set up Lerna monorepo with TypeScript

I have a core library with the following in package.json: "main": "dist/cjs/index.js", "module": "dist/esm/index.js", "es2015": "dist/es2015/index.js", "types": "dist/es2015/index.d.ts", "typings": "...
Kai Sellgren's user avatar
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What is the status of npm "isolated mode" for monorepos?

As it currently stands (March 2023), there is not very much information available when you search "npm isolated mode". The initial discussion began in this github PR, which evolved into the ...
Ryan Wheale's user avatar
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Google cloud build, referencing parent folder in a monorepo

We have a monorepo setup in which each folder has a typescript / node service. There is also a shared /types folder which we pull into each project using typescript project references. Since you ...
dendog's user avatar
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Force yarn to install certain modules to given workspace, rather than moving them to shared node_modules of monorepo?

I have a monorepo (via yarn workspaces). One of the workspaces is a React app created via Create React App (I think this is important, because CRA puts Webpack/Babel in its own node_modules). Another ...
jayarjo's user avatar
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VSCode - Turborepo - Automatic import suggestion for local packages misses the main entry point

We recently regrouped several repositories into a single monorepo using turborepo for better code reusability using local packages. Our folder structure looks like this: /apps | /app1 | /app2 /...
Pierre Burton's user avatar
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Vscode extension code inside npm workspaces monorepo vsce package error

Im writing a vs code extension inside npm workspaces monorepo, when I try to package it using vsce package, I get this error: This extension consists of <files_count> files, out of which <...
Sergei's user avatar
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1 answer

Monorepo with Lerna and TypeScript fails to import package by path alias

I am trying to setup a TypeScript based monorepo using Lerna where I have two packages, bar and foo. foo imports bar by path alias and fails doing so. tree . ├── lerna.json ├── package.json ├── ...
pzaenger's user avatar
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Prepare standalone directory to deploy package in a monorepo using npm workspaces

I have a monorepo that uses npm workspaces. root/ app/ package.json server/ package.json store/ package.json utils/ package.json The app/package.json file references private non-...
Jacob's user avatar
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How to add an ionic project to an nx workspace?

I have an Nx v15.9.2 workspace, to which I added a nestjs server using nx g @nrwl/nest:app my-nest-app. I want to add an ionic project to my nx workspace, but I haven't found a good way to do this. I ...
Lorraine Ram-El's user avatar
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How to build Nx monorepo apps in Gitlab CI Runner

I am trying to have a gitlab CI that performs the following actions: Install yarn dependencies and cache them in order to don't have to yarn install in every jobs Test all of my modified apps with ...
antonyftp's user avatar
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Publish NPM package that uses a workspaces as dependencies

so I have a project that I'm working on that is a Monorepo. So I have a packages directory in the root directory that contains all my npm packages. Some of these packages rely on eachother e.g. in a ...
Artrix's user avatar
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3 answers

Nx shared asset library

I want my React app in my Nx monorepo to retrieve all the assets in my asset library called common-assets. I managed to do it with my NextJS app like so : project.json of my NextJS app { "$...
Louis Lecouturier's user avatar
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How can I deploy to Google App Engine an app that depends on a yarn workspaces without publishing the packages to a npm registry?

I am currently migrating our monorepo to yarn workspaces. It contains multiple packages and services. Services depends on packages in their respective package.json. I would like to deploy my services ...
Gabriel Colson's user avatar
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How to use Typescript's references and build mode to compile a mono repo to a serverless bundle?

Typescript recently introduced a new feature to work with monorepos: references. By specifying references you can build all interdependent packages using tsc -b (see also this blog post) This seems ...
Tom's user avatar
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Unique .env file in monorepo

I am trying to get to an understanding of what the best approach is to handling environment variables in a monorepo. I am using turborepo and the project structure is organised into a /apps and /...
Martin Lupa's user avatar
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How do I use the tsconfig.json "types" field when in a monorepo?

Part 1 - An example of using the "types" field TypeScript library A provides type definitions in addition to its "normal" exports, like this: declare global { function ...
James's user avatar
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Dependencies in Monorepo

In a monorepo, if you have a dependency in one package can you use that dependency in another package without adding it to that package? For more clarity, check the below layout. Project |-packages ...
falcon's user avatar
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Why vscode doesn't intellisense function inside packages in typescript monorepo?

I created a monorepo with lerna (the code in github). Inside I have two packages each package export sum function. In app1 folder I want to import this function but vscode doesn't find the function. ...
Shlomi Levi's user avatar
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How to I get hot module reloading to work in a typescript monorepo

So I've been trying for the last few days completely in vain to get hot module reloading working in my Typescript/React/Koa/Mongo based monorepo; I feel like I've been banging my head against a brick ...
Ben Wainwright's user avatar
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Jest Testing with Bazel Throws "Module ts-jest in the transform option was not found"

I have a working Bazel BUILD file that looks like this: package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//nodejs:image.bzl", "nodejs_image") load("@...
Florian Ludewig's user avatar
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yarn: install local package from monorepo and use it inside docker image with offline cache

My folder structure looks like this (monorepo): project | +--- /api | | | +--- /.offline-cache | +--- /src | | +--- index.js | | +--- ... | | | +--- Dockerfile | +--- ...
Philipp Kyeck's user avatar
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Codecov doesn't recognize flags from codecov.yml config

Recently I migrate from 3 different repos to one monorepo and setup folowing .codecov.yml adding flags option. However, Codecov seems to ignore it and keeps reporting that no flags where provided. ...
daniula's user avatar
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How to use eslint plugin modules located in parent directory?

I have some services organized into a monorepo in such a fashion: repo_root/ ├── services/ │ ├── service_one/ │ ├── service_two/ │ └── service_three/ ├── package.json ├── node_modules ├── ....
Brian Dennis's user avatar
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What is a sensible structure for multiple-language project in source control?

At work we're developing a large-scale application with quite a few front-end, back-end and support components. Typically the front-end is developed in C# and the back-end is developed in Java, ...
5 votes
1 answer

Ambiguous aliases in Vite monorepo

The problem occurs for Vite monorepo, @ aliases are respected by TypeScript because of separate tsconfig files (can be visible in IDE) but aren't distinguished among the workspaces by Vite on build. ...
Estus Flask's user avatar
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Monorepo with multiple '@/' path aliases - works in TypeScript but not Webpack compiler

I think this isn't possible, but worth an ask as I'm no webpack expert! We have a monorepo with lots of different workspace packages, using typescript, built using webpack. Each workspace has its own ...
Matt Bryson's user avatar
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Nx monorepo: elsint can not resolve paths with @ specified in tsconfig.base.json (import/no-unresolved

I'm working on an NX monorepo project. I have linting configured. I have: .elsintrc.json "settings": { "import/parsers": { "@typescript-eslint/parser": [ ...
Chai's user avatar
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How to fix the error: "No Next.js version could be detected in your project." when deploying to Vercel with Turborepo and pnpm

I am trying to deploy the Turborepo example app to Vercel using instructions from here, and getting the error: Error: No Next.js version could be detected in your project. Make sure `"next"` ...
francis's user avatar
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2 answers

tailwindcss directives not working with style file outside of project

I'd like to use tailwindcss for my styles in a nx monorepo. I made a global style lib with a global-styles.scss file to keep the global styles that should be added to every app. @tailwind base; @...
sjbuysse's user avatar
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Monorepo – Yarn workspaces Typescript Node.JS project – cannot find module when running nodemon

I've set up a monorepo using yarn workspaces for a typescript Node.JS project. Building the project works fine, however, I'm running into issues during local development. I need to manually run yarn ...
bhr's user avatar
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1 answer

How to manage multiple monorepos

In our projects we have multiple monorepos used across whole company. The problem is, that we have for example monorepo-A and monorepo-B and monorepo-B uses components from monorepo-A (this is ...
MarTic's user avatar
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2 answers

jest coverageDirectory configuration for project inside monorepo

I have a typescript monorepo with jest. Their jest.config.js is module.exports = { clearMocks: true, projects: ['<rootDir>/packages/**/jest.config.js'], collectCoverage: true, ...
Rafael Arantes's user avatar
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npm publish only if changed in angular monorepo

I have an angular monorepo with an "app" and a library, which is published as it's own npm package. This is done automatically on a CI environment. Until now, the library and the app have been ...
Christof's user avatar
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How to manage databases in a NX workspace

What is the best practice for managing databases in NX? I am using Knex migrations to manage the schema of a database and would like to add this to the NX monorepo to simplify development, deployment, ...
Jonah's user avatar
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Bundle Prisma Client in a module

I'm having questions, on prisma generated clients, maybe I'm doing things wrong. I Have a monorepo with the following modules dependency tree: Module A - |- Module C Module B - Module A ...
Quadear's user avatar
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How to use two different React versions in a monorepo with Turborepo and avoid conflicts?

I'm creating a monorepo using Turborepo and have two applications in my apps folder: app-x, which uses "react": "17.0.2", and app-y, which uses "react": "18.0.2"...
Nightcrawler's user avatar
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Error: Cannot find module '@nrwl/workspace/src/utilities/perf-logging'

I have try run Angular project of nxMonrepo and I have already install all node_modules and it didnot show any error when I try to run PS C:\Users\Dell\Desktop\MEANAPP\EAAPP> nx migrate --run-...
Abdul Haseeb's user avatar
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How to share node_modules between multiple docker containers in a monorepo, built with docker compose?

I have a monorepo project like this: root --package.json --node_modules --packages ----packageA (frontend) ------node_modules ------package.json ------Dockerfile ----packageB (backend) ------...
Bence Mányoki's user avatar
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lerna publish push to npm, but not updating dependencies

My Monorepo is currently managed by Lerna.js. It all works fine except for the GitHub actions workflow I use to automate the npm publishing. The situation is as follows: I update packages/types-lib, ...
Cod3n0d3's user avatar
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Correct turborepo filter to get "affected" workspaces on push to main

Whenever a pull request is merged to main branch, i want to run turborepo run build command only on the affected workspaces. With, i just use the ${{ github.event.before }} SHA to set as base ...
jebbie's user avatar
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Tell Rollup to also transpile imported typescript packages

I have an npm-workspaces based monorepo with two packages. workspace-a and workspace-b. / - package.json - workspace-a/ - package.json - index.ts - workspace-b/ - package.json - index.ts ...
Loris Sigrist's user avatar
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How to bypass index.ts files in dependency-cruiser in monorepo to show real dependencies?

We have a monorepo project with this structure: - libs - library1 - src - index.ts (exports lib/*.ts) - lib - service1.ts - controller1.ts ( imports {...
mike35x95x1's user avatar
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How to let Webpack HMR work with Typescript monorepo on a npm workspace

I'm trying to determine how to switch our projects and libraries in a typescript monorepo using npm workspace. After some coding on a test structure I've been able to obtain an unsustifying working ...
Massimo's user avatar
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Creating a basic monorepo setup that can get incremental updates to packages

I would like to create a monorepo that uses very basic components (prefereably no Nx, Rush, Turborepo, etc) I want to have an "app" e.g. created by create-react-app in the repo, and then ...
Colin D's user avatar
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Cannot find module 'postcss-preset-env' error using create-react-app inside an npm workspace

I'm trying to add a create-react-app app inside a Turborepo monorepo. Problem is that if I run npm install from the root of the monorepo and then try to start the CRA app by running npm run dev, I get ...
Camilo's user avatar
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How to shield the internals of a Lerna package, so other packages cannot import them?

I am working with a Lerna monorepo. I often see one package make imports from deep inside another package, for example: import { SomeType } from "@schema/folder/folder/file.ts" This is ...
Michal Kurz's user avatar
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Next.js multi zones with i18n and shared components

I am using Next.js' multi zone feature with a blog and web app so I can develop and deploy both apps independently. It was easy to set up by following their with zones example and I have set up a blog ...
Amos's user avatar
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