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Questions tagged [monorepo]

A monorepo is a single repository containing more than one project (in contrast to the single-repository-per-project approach).

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14 votes
2 answers

Cannot find "lint" target for the specified project OR Data path "" must have required property 'lintFilePatterns'

After changing my project structure to a monorepo structure in Angular according to this tutorial, I encountered numerous config bugs that I managed to squash after lots of troubleshooting. The full ...
BingeCode's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Go to Typescript Source Definition instead of Compiled Definition in Visual Studio Code

I am working on a typescript project with Visual Studio Code including multiple npm packages structured like this: Source code: /src/index.ts Compiled code: /dist/... When I right click on imported ...
Florian Ludewig's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Issues building a TypeScript monorepo project

I have a fairly simple mono repo. It is available on GitLab here. This uses yarn workspaces, TypeScript, Jest, ts-jest and ESLint with eslint-plugin-import. I am trying to properly build the project ...
Remco Haszing's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

lerna link vs. lerna bootstrap

I have a Lerna project which until recently was using lerna bootstrap --hoist. This worked well but I found the devDependencies in the many sub folders were mostly identical. Upgrading to Lerna v3 I ...
user2965155's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Styled-jsx typescript error after migrating to monorepo structure. Property 'jsx' does not exist on type 'DetailedHTMLProps'

I am using styled-jsx in my project and I just migrated it to a monorepo structure, and since then I have been having the following problem: Type '{ children: string; jsx: true; }' is not ...
André Guimarães Aragon's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How to refresh monorepo TypeScript types in VS Code without reloading the window

I have an open source project called react-querybuilder that is maintained as a monorepo. Most of the TypeScript type definitions live in the ts package. When I have a file open in VS Code for one of ...
Jake Boone's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

Building library with imports from another library using NX Monorepo

Here is the case. I am using Nrwl NX Monorepo. I have 2 libraries: lib-a and lib-b; both are publishable libraries created via NX. Now I create a MyClass.ts in lib-a. Naturally under paths in ...
Hivaga's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How to share a global.d.ts from several packages in monorepo

I have my interface definitions of the result of several database queries in a global.d.ts file. As I moved the various project folders using those interfaces into a single monorepo, I am still using ...
Devasatyam's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Babel: root programmatic options

I seem to not grasp where to put root programmatic options for the babel. If I have a monorepo and need to tell the different sub packages that they shall look upwards for my babel.config.js then I ...
hurrtz's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Sharing config variables across projects in a monorepo using yarn workspaces?

Is it possible to share config variables / env variables across subfolders of a monorepo that is set up using yarn workspaces? We've got a monorepo for a project, and several of the subfolders are ...
hmlee's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

migrating to yarn 3 + workspaces + nohoist

I'm migrating from yarn 1.xx to yarn 3 and I'm currently having a workspaces definition with nohoist configuration in my package.json: "workspaces": { "packages": [ &...
Ziv Levy's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Import shared code in Next.js app in a monorepo

I want to leverage monorepo by reusing types, DTOs, and other isomorphic app stuff from the backend (Nest.js) services within the same mono repo. In my case the next.js app and the nest.js app (which ...
DK3Z's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Using Peer Dependencies With Local (file:../some-lib) Dependencies

I have a monorepo that has many micro-services in it. There are some library-type functions / classes that I want to make available to any micro-service that needs it. However, if that library package ...
Jeremy Thomerson's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

@nrwl/nx angular Run all test for coverage in a single test run to get all covered code in my mono repo

I'm running tests in multiple projects of my nx angular monorepo and would like to get a single code coverage report of all projects with all code files covert from the tests. The test-runs seems to ...
Richard Liebmann's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How can i Deploy a single npm workspace which depends on packages and other workspaces?

I created a project using npm workspaces and Typescript Project References pretty much exactly like this example repo: This setup keeps all ...
Jeremias Nater's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How to use Turborepo for an existing react app created with Create React App in order to make it a monorepo?

I have a fun project made with create react app. I want to convert the same application to a browser extension. This idea forces me to make the project a mono repo. Because in both applications, I ...
cooskun's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

"Lerna List" and "Lerna Changed" Returns 0 Packages

Gist I have a monorepo and I am using yarn workspaces and lerna to manage it. I had no issues with it until now. I need to know all the changed packages since the last release. Issue So I run lerna ...
Florian Ludewig's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Typescript eslint tsconfig resolution error in monorepo

I have the following project structure: /root /serviceA /serviceB /serviceC /serviceD Not all of the services are typescript / node based, so I want to avoid adding tsconfig into the root. ...
dendog's user avatar
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11 votes
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pnpm in monorepo - how to run a command only in a specific package?

Let's say I want to install a package in a specific package in my monorepo, how do I do this from root? in npm, you can do this with something like this: npm install react --workspace=a I searched ...
Jonathan Lightbringer's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

pnpm -- sync versions of dependencies

Let's say I have the following stricture for a Javascript monorepo -- module a package.json -- module b package.json package.json Module A and Module B both depend on lodash. With pnpm, is ...
Nick's user avatar
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1 answer

monorepo Yarn workspaces - shared esLint and Prettier configs

How someone could share esLint/prettier config across Yarn workspaces(no NPM, Lerna and etc). I try to keep things pretty high level but I have tried to create a separate package for esLint config and ...
Jamie Jamier's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Enforcing shared dependencies in a monorepo

We have a monorepo using lerna and yarn workspaces. Multiple teams contribute packages to it and there are some common dependencies where we want to force people to use the same version. What are the ...
adanilev's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I get live-reload on a local npm package in a monorepo?

I'm setting up a monorepo workspace for a Vue 3 (vite + ts), cloud functions, & shared-lib (shared functions and ts interfaces etc.). I can get the import of my local shared-lib folder to work. I ...
CVE's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Managing a Python Monorepo in PyCharm

I'm experimenting with monorepos & python. The idea is having multiple projects in the same repo, each project should have its own virtualenv. I find it kinda cumbersome managing all of that in ...
orlevii's user avatar
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11 votes
0 answers

How to generate per-package package-lock.json for existing Lerna mono-repo

We have an existing Lerna mono-repo that has a structure like: / /packages /package1 /package2 /package3 ... We currently use Yarn for our project, and actually only have a top-...
Matthew Herbst's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Typescript: resolve relative import path when using symlinks

This seems like a dumb question, but I struggle to find the answer. The situation Here is my folder structure: myProject/ ├── module1/ │ ├── config.ts │ └── init.ts #symlink ├── module2/ │ ├── ...
TOPKAT's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Npm workspaces - call workspace script from root package

I'm struggling with multiple npm packages in a root git repository with custom dev scripts to handle launch, compile, build and so on. Now I came across npm workspaces and wanted to use this stunning ...
Alex Pab's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Lerna always lists all packages ready to publish when running workflow of Github actions

Lerna does not correctly detect packages change during running workflow of Github actions. If I make none packages related changes, commit and runlerna updatedlocally. it tells me No changed packages ...
eded's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use 'import.meta' outside a module - Nx Monorepo

I created an angular nx monorepo and created two applications. When I start either of them I get the following error: I already saw some stackoverflow posts were the answers suggested to just add &...
Stefan's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to Share Build Scripts In Lerna Packages

I have a lerna repo that contains multiple packages organised in the usual structure: package.json /packages - alpha package.json - bravo package.json - charlie package.json I need ...
Undistraction's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How to migrate multiple repositories into a mono-repo while maintaining commit history?

I'm trying to migrate a few Git repositories into one monorepo. I have two project repositories, let's call them project1 and project2. In my monorepo, I want to have a projects directory with two ...
Joe Attardi's user avatar
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create-react-app + gatsby packages in monorepo won't both run

I'm trying to create a monorepo with these packages: a web app created using create-react-app a gatsby site a library of components etc. that the web app and gatsby app will share (which is my main ...
toranpetto's user avatar
10 votes
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Deploying yarn workspace monorepo app with internal dependencies to Google App Engine

I want to deploy my app from my monorepo to GAE. The app depends on local packages that I pre-publish to github packages. To make life easy, I just tell my app to always get latest: "...
FrozenKiwi's user avatar
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10 votes
0 answers

How do you share uncompiled typescript between React Native and Next.js in a monorepo?

I have settled a monorepo with Lerna and Yarn Workspaces with this structure: project | - packages | - ReactNativeApp | - NextJsApp | - FirebaseCloudFunctions | - Common | - ...
Xiiryo's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

how to delete all node_modules from all packages in npm 7 workspace monorepo

how can I delete all node_modules folders from all packages in an npm 7 workspace? With Lerna we could just execute lerna clean -y but when migrating to native NPM 7+ workspaces, is there some ...
mesqueeb's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

GitOps - Config in same repo or seperate repo?

Firstly this is in the context of a mono-repo application that runs inside Kubernetes. In GitOps my understanding is everything is declarative and written in configuration files such as YAML. This ...
AndrewMcLagan's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Lerna / Nx / Turborepo or other monorepo systems for non-js apps (php)

I have repository with /frontend (JS/Vue) and /backend (PHP) and docker-compose.yml for development. But now I need to add another JS frontend that will be sharing some components, libs etc. I do not ...
norr's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Yarn Link All Packages/Workspaces

Yarn's link allows you to register a local package for symlinking into another local package. To use link you cd into the package directory and run yarn link. This works fine on individual packages, ...
Undistraction's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Nrwl / Nx - how to build single js file consumable by browser with dependencies bundled

I need to build a single js that can be used as Service Worker. I have a nrwl workspace with two @nrwl/web:lib packages, one is common and the other is worker. The worker package uses common through ...
František Žiačik's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Bazel - Build, Push, Deploy Docker Containers to Kubernetes within Monorepo

I have a monorepo with some backend (Node.js) and frontend (Angular) services. Currently my deployment process looks like this: Check if tests pass Build docker images for my services Push docker ...
Florian Ludewig's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Turborepo Eslint config not applying

I created a Turborepo testing project and I wanted to try if ESlint config that it's set in the root of the Turborepo applies to all of the projects inside my /apps folder, turns out it does not work ...
Floky99's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What does a `workspace:` prefix in a package.json 'dependencies' value mean?

Where can I learn more about what is workspace: prefix in version number? For example, in Babel: "dependencies": { "@babel/helper-plugin-utils": "workspace:^7.13.0",...
Anton Dozortsev's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Flow: resolving modules in a monorepo that uses Yarn workspaces

We have a monorepo that uses Yarn’s ‘workspaces’ feature, meaning that whenever possible, Yarn will hoist dependencies to the monorepo's root node_modules directory rather than keep them in the ...
EranM's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Monorepo - Multiple .vscode settings

Project structure I have the following project structure: / | - .vscode/ | - - - - settings.json | | - packages/ | - - - - app/ | - - - - - - index.js | - - - - - - package.json | - - - - website/ | - ...
Raul's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to set Docker Compose `env_file` relative to `.yml` file when multiple `--file` option is used?

I am trying to set my env_file configuration to be relative to each of the multiple docker-compose.yml file locations instead of relative to the first docker-compose.yml. The documentation (https://...
Zhao Li's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Conditional Cloud Builds with Many Packages in a Monorepo

Motive I want to fully automate the deployment of many services with the help of Google Cloud Build and Google Kubernetes Engine. Those services are located inside a monorepo, which has a folder ...
Florian Ludewig's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Type definitions for peer packages in TypeScript monorepos: development vs production

I have a monorepo project that uses yarn workspaces and lerna; all its parts are written in TypeScript. The modules are located in subfolders like packages/module-n and each module has its own package....
Alexander Kachkaev's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Running ESLint in project subdir yields "heap out of memory"

If I run eslint . from my project-root, it prints all errors and warnings to the console, as I would expect it to. However, when I cd into a subdirectory of the project, eslint . yields the following ...
Tim Hilt's user avatar
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Importing files in subdirectories when using Yarn Workspaces and Typescript

I'm having trouble porting a Yarn Workspaces monorepo to TypeScript. In the previous working version of the monorepo, moduleA could import something from a subdirectory of moduleB. The new ported code ...
shennan's user avatar
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9 votes
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Monorepo + Pipelines: Can't specify buildpacks for review apps, and app.json can't be in the project root

I'm trying to set up a pipeline for my Monorepo structure similar to this: > yarn.lock > package.json > packages > my-heroku-app > app.json > Procfile ...
Nazaire's user avatar
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