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Questions tagged [monorepo]

A monorepo is a single repository containing more than one project (in contrast to the single-repository-per-project approach).

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1 answer

React apollo hooks fails after adding react-native to monorepo

I am trying to create a React web app and React-native app with monorepo by using yarn workspaces. So I created web and controllers and it works fine. I was able to make graphql queries to my apollo-...
Elif's user avatar
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1 answer

Using yarn workspace from monorepo as git module

Let's say I have a repo configured like repoX |_ pkgA |_ pkgB |_ pkgC is it possible to use pkgC from repoX as a git submodule in repoY? repoY |_ pkgX |_ pkgC (-> repoX) Constraints: repoX and ...
FacundoGFlores's user avatar
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1 answer

How do NPM Package imports resolve?

I have a monorepo with lerna, yarn workspaces, and the following structure: - packages - a_webpack - src - index.ts - dist - main.js - main.css - b_tsc - src - ...
Jan Benda's user avatar
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Inherit and declare amplify generated types from an external file in Typescript project

I'm implementing a typescript project with aws-amplify in a monorepo. The monorepo has a web project under: packages/web and models project which includes graphql operations and types under: packages/...
onurelibol's user avatar
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What's a good (and simple) way to push files to our production website?

Our website is under git for source control, and we used to be able to publish to our production website via a git push. The server was a read-only remote. Recently, we merged the website into a ...
Brian Leach's user avatar
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TypeScript Lerna/MonoRepo Webpack development speed/optimization

When using lerna for a TypeScript project with webpack, I'm trying to optimize the webpack speed when a development change occurs in the library. Right now, it's taking 1m+ to recompile when code in ...
Mike Crowe's user avatar
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Is is possible to deploy different monorepos packages to different domains

I'm trying to deploy a monorepo of 2 react packages (repos) where each package is deployed to different aws s3 bucket , is it possible ? package A to be deployed to package B to be ...
Omar Hamed's user avatar
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NPM release module not detecting git repository

When I am running "release pre beta" on root project. existing project support mono repo structure. It gives me below error. But actually I have the .git folder on my root. [before-after-...
Ritesh Singh Rajput's user avatar
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Create react app can't use local module with flow types

I created a monorepo which will contain 2 apps created with create-react-app and 1 module with shared components. Right now I have 1 create-react-app and the shared component module. For my project ...
Deutro's user avatar
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2 answers

How to avoid error while type-checking in packages which has no tsconfig in lerna monorepo?

I have a lerna monorepo with two different types of packages: js and css. I need to type check on only those packages which have tsconfig.json. When I try to run lerna exec tsc, it fails with error ...
Vadim's user avatar
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Helm point repository to monorepo package?

I'm attempting to setup a helm chart, but I am a programmer and have no idea what I'm doing. It seems by default the helm chart points to a repository, which I'm guessing is the GIT repo for the ...
James L's user avatar
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1 answer

Adding a monorepo as dependency

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding this monorepo thing. Let's say I'm interested in this monorepo. How do I add it as a dependency to my project? It doesn't have a package name. To provide ...
Zubzob's user avatar
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Collect and aggregate jacoco results from multiple Gradle build steps in TeamCity 10

I have the following setup: I have a monorepo with multiple, independent Gradle based builds inside. I added one build step for each project in the repo, using each subdirectory as working directory ...
Mario Mueller's user avatar
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Amplify build fails due to '"appRoot" key needs to be a string'

After merging a new pull request in my GitHub repository, the automatic build of my Amplify App fails due to 'Invalid Monorepo spec provided. The "appRoot" key needs to be a string'. I have ...
Stéfan Martin's user avatar
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React Native Monorepo project doesn't work on release build

I am experimenting Monorepo using yarn workspaces method containing a sample react-native project which is configured and it works fine in debug build. When I created a release build and run the app, ...
Joshua's user avatar
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How to share code across python docker services inside monorepo

I have common python code I want to share across services. I currently have a modular monolith but I would like to break it out into a few independent containers. Ideally the layout would look like ...
dendog's user avatar
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2 answers

Why `git add . ` command sometimes doesn't adds lockfile to staging area?

When I do git add . in a monorepo with pnpm, sometimes it doesn't include lockfile to staging area.
Nightvision's user avatar
-1 votes
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Yarn does not see workspaces

I have the following configuration in a root workspace. The strange thing is that for backend it works, but for frontend - doesn't, no matter how I rename this { "private": true, &...
Kirill Zlobin's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is it possible to dis-allow import of module (mono-repo), having multiple independent modules?

What I essentially have is a mono-repo, which doesn't have a go.mod at the root level. There are multiple directories inside this mono-repo, with each of them having their own go.mod files. I'll refer ...
rahulkhairwar's user avatar
-1 votes
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@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument error in monorepo

I am having trouble with the "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument" rule and don't really understand what is causing the error. It's so frustrating that I am not able to fix it. It shows up ...
suchcodemuchwow's user avatar
-1 votes
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Playwright typescript cannot find module

I'm trying to implement playwright in my project and somehow playwright is not able to a) resolve path aliases and b) it's not able to resolve some installed npm package. The project structure: . ├── ...
Nils Haberkamp's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to manage axios in monorepo

I have monorepo with multiple clients and I try figure out how to manage axios in this project. Assumptions: Multiple clients may or may not have the same interceptors, clients have shared API ...
Jacek Kaczmarek's user avatar
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avoiding barrel files in a typescript monorepo bundled with vite

Popular wisdom and guidance advise avoiding barrel files, but I am struggling to do so without using wild cards in tsconfig paths and package.json exports. I have a monorepo that has a tsconfig-base....
dagda1's user avatar
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Monorepo architecture is not working for react@18 version. Showing blank page

I am working on monorepo architecture (using turborepo) where in monorepo folder there is react-student folder and angular-trainer folder. In react-student folder there is dockerfile to run react on ...
NRA 1's user avatar
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How to start using the debugger in IntelliJ IDEA

I'm in the process of switching over from VS Code and I am having issue starting the debugger. I'm clicking on the green play button next to my npm script and pressed on the debugger option. The ...
Chun Chan 's user avatar
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Custom NPM packages : useLocation() may be used only in the context of a <Router> component

I'm creating this post because after hours of searching I couldn't find the solution anywhere online so I'll be answering my own question with the solution in case somebody has the same issue as me. ...
souyahia's user avatar
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Prevent Lerna from making breaking version updates

I am looking for a way to restrict Lerna from major version updates during CI, as they will likely create dependency issues. My intuition is to write an npm lifecycle script that executes upon version ...
Maxim Kirilov's user avatar
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How do I allow separate env variables on a Monorepo for each project in Vercel?

I have a Gatsby Theme monorepo structured like this: @username/gatsby-theme-supertheme website-1-using-theme website-2-using-theme ... Each of these websites are very similar but each use different ....
Mattia Rasulo's user avatar
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Nest Js not building monorepo on generate app command nothing is chaning in my code directory

i used command nest new newstack it created a project directory for me but according to monorepo documentation if we use execute nest generate app app-name inside the project created by the initial ...
Ajay Sharma's user avatar
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How to deploy a microfrontend monorepo on Azure app service

I have setup a monorepo for my microfrontends application. I am new to devops and so I read this article and figured out how to create separate pipelines for each mfe. The final step is where I am a ...
getnot's user avatar
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Error after deploy app with amplify and monorepo

I'm getting a 403 error in my application whenever I implement a new version in the amplifier and it only works again if I clear the site cache. path that returns 403 status: /vendor.js I'm using ...
Alessandro Prudencio's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why would you place dependency in peer and dev?

I was wondering why one would put react and react-dom inside peerDependencies but also under devDependencies? Is a peerDependency not enough for development? Like seen here:
ViktorMS's user avatar
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What situations should should I use lerna or yarn workspace for monorepo? [closed]

Question 1: Sould I use monorepo in my situation? I now have several react projects that developing in separate repos, they don't share codes each other but they all share a Components lib which is ...
Yoki Yu's user avatar
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Set working directory of a project in mono repo in Azure Devops

My project is using microservices and in one repos we have multiple applications in Azure DevOps. For Example, we have Repos named Microservice, where we have .NetProject, AngularUI Project, and Java ...
Asterix's user avatar
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