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Questions tagged [ms-access]

Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is an application development and database development tool from Microsoft. It combines the Microsoft Jet/ACE Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. Other database engines, such as SQL Server, can also be used as a database server for Access applications.

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189 votes
9 answers

How to do INSERT into a table records extracted from another table

I'm trying to write a query that extracts and transforms data from a table and then insert those data into another table. Yes, this is a data warehousing query and I'm doing it in MS Access. So ...
Martin08's user avatar
  • 21.3k
176 votes
22 answers

How do you use version control with Access development?

I'm involved with updating an Access solution. It has a good amount of VBA, a number of queries, a small amount of tables, and a few forms for data entry & report generation. It's an ideal ...
Nathan DeWitt's user avatar
151 votes
9 answers

How to SUM two fields within an SQL query

I need to get the total of two fields which are within the same row and input that number in a field at the end of that same row. This is my code. Sum(tbl1.fld1 + tbl1.fld2) AS [Total] Is this ...
Anton Hughes's user avatar
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126 votes
1 answer

Manipulating an Access database from Java without ODBC

I want to manipulate a Microsoft Access database (.accdb or .mdb file) from my Java project. I don't want to use the JDBC-ODBC Bridge and the Access ODBC driver from Microsoft because: the JDBC-ODBC ...
Gord Thompson's user avatar
122 votes
6 answers

delete all from table

what's faster? DELETE FROM table_name; or DELETE FROM table_name where 1=1; why? does truncate table work in access?
Alex Gordon's user avatar
  • 59.3k
106 votes
3 answers

VBA check if object is set

I have a global variable that is an instance of my custom class. How do I check if the object is set or if I need to initialize it?
Icode4food's user avatar
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105 votes
28 answers

Good Free Alternative To MS Access [closed]

Consider the need to develop a lightweight desktop DB application on the Microsoft platforms. It could be done fairly easily with MS Access but I'd like to be able to distribute it to others and I ...
89 votes
15 answers

How to find longest string in the table column data

I've a table contains the columns like Prefix | CR ---------------------------------------- g | ;#WR_1;#WR_2;#WR_3;#WR_4;# v | ;#WR_3;#WR_4;# j | WR_2 m ...
vuyy1182's user avatar
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89 votes
4 answers

How can I convert an MDB (Access) file to MySQL (or plain SQL file)?

Is it possible to create a Dump of SQL commands from a Microsoft Access database? I hope to convert this MDB file into a MySQL database for importing so I don't have to go through the CSV step. I ...
700 Software's user avatar
  • 86.9k
87 votes
16 answers

SQL Query - Using Order By in UNION

How can one programmatically sort a union query when pulling data from two tables? For example, SELECT table1.field1 FROM table1 ORDER BY table1.field1 UNION SELECT table2.field1 FROM table2 ORDER BY ...
Curtis Inderwiesche's user avatar
87 votes
7 answers

Get length of array?

I'm trying to get the length of an array, yet I keep getting this error: Object required Am I doing something wrong? Dim columns As Variant columns = Array( _ "A", "ID", _ "D", "Name") Debug....
lisovaccaro's user avatar
  • 33.6k
86 votes
3 answers

SQL multiple join statement

When I had only one inner join in my SQL statement, it worked perfectly. I tried joining a second table, and now I am getting an error that says there is a syntax error (missing operator). What is ...
Sara's user avatar
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85 votes
10 answers

Getting Error 3340 Query ' ' is corrupt while executing queries DoCmd.RunSQL

Since installing the windows update for Office 2010 resolving KB 4484127 I get an error while executing queries which contain a WHERE clause. For example executing this query: DoCmd.RunSQL "update ...
Zvi Redler's user avatar
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84 votes
11 answers

How to see the real SQL query in Python cursor.execute using pyodbc and MS-Access

I use the following code in Python (with pyodbc for a MS-Access base). cursor.execute("select a from tbl where b=? and c=?", (x, y)) It's Ok but, for maintenance purposes, I need to know the ...
philnext's user avatar
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77 votes
16 answers

Determining whether an object is a member of a collection in VBA

How do I determine whether an object is a member of a collection in VBA? Specifically, I need to find out whether a table definition is a member of the TableDefs collection.
inglesp's user avatar
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73 votes
2 answers

Persist Security Info Property=true and Persist Security Info Property=false

For the properties: Persist Security Info=true and Persist Security Info=false Can you tell me what is the difference between them, and if I don't put it in my connection what will happen? ...
Nourah's user avatar
  • 761
68 votes
9 answers

Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered

I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution with two projects (a Word-Template project and a VB.Net console application for testing). Both projects reference a database project which opens a connection to ...
Azim J's user avatar
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62 votes
2 answers

VBA shorthand for x=x+1?

Sub btn1_Click() Static value As Integer value = value + 1 MsgBox value End Sub I swear when I was taking a course in college there was a shorter way to tell a variable to add '' to itself. ...
gregg's user avatar
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60 votes
7 answers

how to deal with .mdb access files with python

Can someone point me in the right direction on how to open a .mdb file in python? I normally like including some code to start off a discussion, but I don't know where to start. I work with mysql a ...
Richard's user avatar
  • 15.7k
58 votes
2 answers

How can I get this 8 year old VBA 64-bit compiler bug fixed?

So here's the bug: In a 64-Bit VBA host (for example Access 365 64-bit or Excel 2016 64-bit) create a class module SomeClass: ' this needs to be here to trigger the bug: Private Sub Class_Terminate() ...
Nordic Mainframe's user avatar
57 votes
12 answers

How to open a folder in Windows Explorer from VBA?

I want to click a button on my access form that opens a folder in Windows Explorer. Is there any way to do this in VBA?
VBwhatnow's user avatar
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57 votes
3 answers

What is the equivalent of Select Case in Access SQL?

I have a query which includes fields named openingbalance and commissions. I would like to compute values for commissions based on openingbalance, similar to this Select Case block in Access VBA: ...
Kelly K.'s user avatar
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57 votes
2 answers

Difference between Microsoft.Jet.OleDb and Microsoft.Ace.OleDb

It has been a good number of years since I did some programming with Classic ASP and Microsoft Access where we used "Microsoft.Jet.Oledb" driver to access and display the data. I have been asked to ...
RT88's user avatar
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57 votes
8 answers

How to connect R with Access database in 64-bit Window?

When I tried to connect R with Access database I get an error odbcConnectAccess is only usable with 32-bit Windows Does anyone has an idea how to solve this? library(RODBC) mdbConnect<-...
Chris's user avatar
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56 votes
2 answers


Syntax Error (missing Operator) in query expression 'tbl_employee.emp_id = tbl_netpay.emp_id INNER JOIN tbl_gross ON tbl_employee.emp_id = tbl_gross.emp_ID INNER JOIN tbl_tax ON tbl_employee.emp_id - ...
emerjohn12's user avatar
55 votes
8 answers

Writing large number of records (bulk insert) to Access in .NET/C#

What is the best way to perform bulk inserts into an MS Access database from .NET? Using ADO.NET, it is taking way over an hour to write out a large dataset. Note that my original post, before I "...
Marc Meketon's user avatar
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53 votes
15 answers

How to add default signature in Outlook

I am writing a VBA script in Access that creates and auto-populates a few dozen emails. It's been smooth coding so far, but I'm new to Outlook. After creating the mailitem object, how do I add the ...
PowerUser's user avatar
  • 11.7k
52 votes
12 answers

SQL: Using NULL values vs. default values

What are the pros and cons of using NULL values in SQL as opposed to default values? PS. Many similar questions has been asked on here but none answer my question.
Registered User's user avatar
50 votes
6 answers

Date Difference between consecutive rows

I have a table with following structure ID Account Number Date 1 1001 10/9/2011 (dd/mm/yyyy) 2 2001 1/9/2011 (dd/mm/yyyy) 3 2001 3/9/...
Mohammed Rishal's user avatar
49 votes
2 answers

How to pass an array to a function in VBA?

I am trying to write a function that accepts an array as an argument. The array can have any number of elements. Function processArr(Arr() As Variant) As String Dim N As Variant dim ...
user2395238's user avatar
48 votes
2 answers

Why is "Yes" a value of -1 in MS Access database?

I'm looking at linked data in MS Access. The "Yes/No" fields contain the value -1 for YES and 0 for NO. Can someone explain why such a counter-intuitive value is used for "Yes"? (Obviously, it should ...
supermitch's user avatar
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47 votes
3 answers

Code to loop through all records in MS Access

I need a code to loop through all the records in a table so I can extract some data. In addition to this, is it also possible to loop through filtered records and, again, extract data? Thanks!
Ali's user avatar
  • 613
47 votes
10 answers

Is there an equivalent to Thread.Sleep() in VBA

Is there an equivalent to Thread.Sleep() in Access VBA?
Johnno Nolan's user avatar
  • 29.5k
47 votes
12 answers

Best way to test a MS Access application?

With the code, forms and data inside the same database I am wondering what are the best practices to design a suite of tests for a Microsoft Access application (say for Access 2007). One of the main ...
Renaud Bompuis's user avatar
47 votes
3 answers

Why is 1899-12-30 the zero date in Access / SQL Server instead of 12/31?

More out of curiosity than any real problem; the question came up today and I know I've seen 1899-12-30 used as a "default" date and a zero date in Access and older SQL Server apps. Just wondered why ...
Peter Tirrell's user avatar
46 votes
7 answers

Using left join and inner join in the same query

Below is my query using a left join that works as expected. What I want to do is add another table filter this query ever further but having trouble doing so. I will call this new table table_3 and ...
Will's user avatar
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46 votes
4 answers

How to create a new column in a select query

In MS Access, I want to insert a new column into the returned result of a select query. The new column has the same value for every row. For example, my select returns columns A, B and I want C to be ...
Martin08's user avatar
  • 21.3k
46 votes
17 answers

Editing Record issues in Access / SQL (Write Conflict)

a problem has come up after a SQL DB I used was migrated to a new server. Now when trying to edit a record in Access (form or table), it says: WRITE CONFLICT: This record has been changed by another ...
aSystemOverload's user avatar
45 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to pass parameters programmatically in a Microsoft Access update query?

I have a query that's rather large, joining over a dozen tables, and I want to pull back records based on an id field (e.g.: between nStartID and nEndID). I created two parameters and tested them as ...
Jav's user avatar
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45 votes
10 answers

How can I modify a saved Microsoft Access 2007 or 2010 Import Specification?

Does anyone know how to modify an existing import specification in Microsoft Access 2007 or 2010? In older versions there used to be an Advanced button presented during the import wizard that allowed ...
user avatar
44 votes
8 answers

What are the rules governing usage of parenthesis in VBA function calls?

I've just had an irritating 30 minutes on a "compiler error" in VBA (Access 2003) caused by my use of parenthesis around the arguments I'm passing to a Sub I defined. I've been searching to ...
HorusKol's user avatar
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43 votes
9 answers

Find the directory part (minus the filename) of a full path in access 97

For various reasons, I'm stuck in Access 97 and need to get only the path part of a full pathname. For example, the name c:\whatever dir\another dir\stuff.mdb should become c:\whatever dir\another ...
apenwarr's user avatar
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43 votes
4 answers

Access VBA | How to replace parts of a string with another string

I am trying to create a piece of code that replaces one word with another. Example: Replace Avenue with Ave and North with N. I am using MS Access, I could use SQL REPLACE Function but I want to do ...
Asynchronous's user avatar
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42 votes
8 answers

Error: "Could Not Find Installable ISAM"

I've written some VBA code in an Excel workbook to retrieve data from an Access database in the same directory on a desktop. It works fine on my machine and several other machines running Windows XP, ...
cLFlaVA's user avatar
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42 votes
7 answers

How to copy to clipboard using Access/VBA?

Using VBA inside Access2003/2007. How to copy the contents of a string variable to the clipboard? This site recommends a creating a zero length TextBox, copying the string to the TextBox, then ...
hawbsl's user avatar
  • 15.8k
41 votes
5 answers

Autonumber value of last inserted row - MS Access / VBA

I have a JET table with an auto-number as the primary key, and I would like to know how I can retrieve this number after inserting a row. I have thought of using MAX() to retrieve the row with the ...
a_m0d's user avatar
  • 12.1k
40 votes
6 answers

How does one decompile and recompile a database application?

I have an Access database application and I would like to know the proper way of decompiling and recompiling it.
Alex Gordon's user avatar
  • 59.3k
40 votes
3 answers

Does VBA contain a comment block syntax? [duplicate]

In VBA is there a short way to comment out a block of code the same way java uses /*...*/?
Tim.DeVries's user avatar
40 votes
12 answers

Get Name of Current VBA Function

For error handling code, I would like to get the name of the current VBA function (or sub) that the error occurred in. Does anyone know how this could be done? [EDIT] Thanks all, I had hoped that an ...
maxhugen's user avatar
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39 votes
13 answers

"Operation must use an updateable query" error in MS Access

I am getting an error message: "Operation must use an updateable query" when I try to run my SQL. From my understanding, this happens when joins are used in update/delete queries in MS Access. However,...
Andrew Martin's user avatar

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